Broken ~ Bucky Barnes

By Lonely_Alien_

1.2K 47 1

Calypso was just a child. A child that was born in pure evil, and that was taken in by good people. More

~ The Story pt.1 ~
~ The Story pt2 ~
~ The Story pt3 ~
~ The Story pt4 ~
~Chapter 1 - Welcome~
~Chapter 2 - Holy shit~
~Chapter 4 - Monster~
~Chapter 5 - Touch~
~ Chapter6 - Loud Neighbours~
~Chapter 7 - Asgard~
~Chapter 8 - Infinity Stone~
~Chapter 9 - Please Heal~
~Chapter 10 - Control~
~ Chapter 11 - Love ~
~Chapter 12 - Who the hell is this?~
~Chapter 13 - Back Again~

~Chapter3 - Guess who's back~

95 4 0
By Lonely_Alien_

"L-Loki..?" Calypso asks in disbelief. Maybe she was just having a nightmare. A nightmare where she actually remembers everything from her past. Where she would wake up and find herself in tears and all alone on her bed.

" you real..? Is it really you..?" Loki asks in disbelief. A single tear sheds his left eye. He embraces her tightly against his chest. Calypso wraps her arms around his waist and cries. She finally remembers. She remembers how much she loved him, how much they loved each other. Loki did not want to let go. He never wanted to let go. "I told you, i would always be there.." he whispers to her. She laughs through her tears. They just stood there, in each other's arms. What Calypso did not know was that Loki now was a fugitive, a man who had done horrible things and was wanted by everyone really. Loki heard people going up the stairs and getting close to Calypso's room door. "I'll come back for you, I promise. It won't be as long as last time." Loki says, kissing her forehead softly. Another strike of thunder and he was gone.
The door of her room opened and Wanda walked in, which was a surprise to Calypso, considering they didn't talk much.

"Hey! I heard you were invited to the winter ball?" She says sweetly. Calypso blushes, trying to hide the fact that she was just crying seconds ago.

"Uh..yeah, yeah Bucky invited me." She smiles at the thought of the chocolate haired man. Wanda smiles brightly.

"Ok great! Get dressed, I'm taking you with Nat to buy a dress." She says while walking out and shutting her door. Calypso lets a small chuckle escape her lips. And with that she quickly dresses herself.

~ ~ ~

"So you're telling me, that you're almost 20 years old and you're still a virgin?!" Nat says shocked. Calypso laughs.

"Could you say it any louder?" Calypso giggles kind of embarrassed. Wanda also laughs.

"It's ok, Calypso. You do it whenever you're ready." She smiles sweetly. Calypso laughs while looking through some of the dresses on display at the store they were at. She spots a black, simple dress.

"Hey how about this one?" She says pulling it out and showing the girls. Both of the girl's mouth drops.

"Go try that on. Now!" They say almost in perfect synchronization. She puts her hands up in surrender.

"Alright need for such hostility." She laughs. She makes her way over to the dressing room. She quickly strips herself from her clothing and slips on the black dress. It hugged her curves perfectly. It was short, just above her knees, was formed as a turtle neck with lace sleeves. It accentuated her body very well. "You guys ready to see this?" She calls out to the girls.

"Shut up and show us." Nat said causing Calypso to laugh. She opens the curtains and slips herself out, showing the girls. They stared.

"Hello? Am I showing a wall or my friends?" Calypso giggled.

"Barnes is gonna drool all over you.
You're wearing that. It's decided." Natasha said standing up. Wanda nods.

"You look stunning, Calypso. Barnes is lucky to have you." Calypso looked at her with a confused expression.

"Oh you think..-Barnes he-..oh god..Barnes and I aren't together, he just asked me to go to the ball with him." Calypso said. The two girls exchange glances and giggle. Calypso shakes her head and changes back to her original clothing. She pays for the dress and walks outside with the girls. "Hey guys, I think I'm gonna go back to the tower, I have this weird feeling in my stomach.." she lied. Calypso just kept thinking of Bucky. How handsome he was, how his muscles would clench when he would train with her in the gym. She shakes her head. "I think I'm getting sick." She lied, once again.

"Oh..hey take care of yourself, ok? We are always here for you. Go home and eat something." Wanda says softly, while placing a comforting hand on Calypso's shoulder. She nods smiling softly and waving before walking towards the Avengers tower. She got in and went directly to her room, trying to avoid as many people as possible.
She got upstairs and put her dress on a hanger and proceeded to sit on her bed. She grabs the piece of paper on which she drew Bucky's arm and stares at it. She shakes her head and hides it in her drawer.

It was the day of the ball, and Calypso has never felt this nervous in her entire life. She was taking a shower, rinsing her body from all the dirt of the previous day. She let the warm water soak her body and rinse away all of her troubles, she tries to forget all of her insecurities and focus on the ball night.

She stepped out of the shower in her towel. She glimpses at the matching underwear that Nat had bought her specifically for tonight. She laughs to herself and just slips on the designated lingerie. She quickly dries her hair with the towel and slips on the dress. She blowdries and straitened her hair. Her make up was really simple, just some eyeliner and mascara. She looked at the clock, ten minutes until Bucky was supposed to meet her outside her door. Right as she was about to slip on her shoes there was a knock on the door. She slowly makes her way to the door, bare feet and opened it. Bucky stood there, starring at his feet. He wore a suit that perfectly suited his body. His hair in a small man bun. She blushes at the sight.

"Can I help you, Barnes." She smiles trying to hide her emotions away. He looks up and his eyes go wide slightly. He stares at Calypso, up and down and then looks at her in her eyes.

" look..amazing." He says to her. Calypso looks at him and blushes. "I'm a little early I hope that doesn't bother you much.." he mumbles chuckling slightly and scratching the back of his neck. Calypso smiles.

"I could say the same for you, Barnes." She smiles. "Let me just grab my shoes and I'll be there in a second." She says quickly turning around and slipping on her black heels near her bed and walking back to Bucky. "Ok, I'm ready." She smiles. Bucky extends his hand for her to grab and she does so. They walk down and some soft music was playing as a few couples were dancing.

"Could I have this dance?" Bucky asks. Calypso always loved how much of a gentlemen he was. She nods smiling at him. They walk towards the center of the dance floor. Bucky puts his flesh arm on her waist, not wanting to touch her with his metal one out of fear of being able to hurt her. Calypso notices.

"It's ok, cant hurt me." She says wrapping her arms around his neck. They danced closely, while looking at each other's eyes. Bucky slowly leaned in, ready to attached his lips to Calypso's soft ones, when a gun shot was heard.
Instantly, Bucky pushed Calypso behind him and had his metal arm raised for whatever was to come. Calypso stood there for a second, trying to process what had just happen. Emotions from Bucky being so close to her mixed with the adrenaline that had hit her because of the gunshot, ran through her veins.
Suddenly, alien-like creatures, only five, run in through the broken window. Bucky was fighting one as Calypso fought another one. She felt someone grab her shoulder pulling her back. She instantly grabbed the arm, broke it, threw a few punches and broke the silhouette's neck. She was under the effect of what hydra had put into her from four years ago. She couldn't control her actions. As she killed the last alien creature she turns around to check on the one she snapped the neck of. She stood there, shocked, scared, she felt like a monster; she had killed the new intern in the Avengers tower. Steve, Tony, Natasha and Bucky stared at her in shock. Tears burned Calypso's eyes.

"I'm..I'm so sorry..I..i didn't see him..I couldn't control myself..I'm so..-" she runs to her room, pushing past Wanda, Sam and Vision. She quickly shuts and locks the door as she lets herself slip down the door.

This ball had turned horribly wrong.
Heyyyyy updateee!!!! Hope you enjoyed my new chapter!
Love youzzzzz

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