Slave For You

By charmingstylinson

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AU where slavery is legal for those who can afford it and general isn’t looked down upon. Most slaves are bor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15

707 18 0
By charmingstylinson

The trial that followed a couple weeks after was just like his attorney said, quick and painless. The court obviously found Zayn guilty and was sent to prison to serve a life term. He held onto Harry’s hand while they sat and listened to the hearing and gave his hand a small squeeze whenever Harry looked uncomfortable. After the hearing, his attorney came up to them and told Louis that they had to go meet with Zayn’s lawyer to discuss the distributing of his assets.

Louis didn’t want anything Zayn could have. He had his Harry and Harry’s peace of mind. That’s all he ever needed. He agreed and led Harry out of the courtroom and into a small conference room. Harry sat at Louis’ feet and rested his head in his master’s lap, enjoying the way Louis’ fingers would brush through his hair.

They wait all of five minutes when the Malik’s family attorney came into the room. “Sorry, had to wrap up a few things,” he said as he took a seat at the opposite side of the table. “So Mr. Malik’s assets——“

Louis interrupted him. “I don’t want any of his things,” he said firmly. “I don’t need anything from him. Any money that the Malik’s are offering I will have donated to charity. Now if that’s all, I think I’d like to take my slave home.”

The attorney looked stunned as he looked at Louis, really unsure of how to respond. The older man fixed his glasses and set the papers he had brought aside. “There is one more thing that might be of interest of you,” he said. “Right before the arrest, Mr. Malik’s purchased a slave for him.”

“I don’t need another slave,” he said. He made sure to keep his hand going through his boy’s curls to reassure him that no one could take his place.

The man cleared his throat before speaking. “If you don’t take him, he will be turned over to the government. If you take a look at him, you may change your mind.”

Before Louis even had a chance to respond, the door opened and a young boy was brought through by a man in a suit. The man didn’t linger around and left right after. Louis examined the boy, naked except for a pair of briefs. He was beautiful, Louis wouldn’t deny that, but he still couldn’t imagine sharing Harry or making the boy feel like he was unloved. Not after everything that has happened.

Suddenly, Louis felt Harry jump up from his spot on the ground which was entirely out of character for him. For whatever reason, a wide smile was on the boy’s face and then he yelled, “Liam!” The other boy, whose head was turned down in a submissive pose finally looked up and saw Harry running towards him and encircling him with his arms.

“Harry?” the boy said, obviously unsure of what to do. He looked up to Louis who was looking on at the scene before him. He knew who Liam was, he heard Harry talking about him many times before. He was his boy’s best friend, the only one Harry had before Louis had purchased him.

“I missed you so much, Li!” he said, burying his face into his friend’s neck. Liam still stood stiffly, unsure how to act in front of a master that wasn’t his own. Not that Liam even had a master, not really. He hadn’t even seen who was supposed to be his master since he was arrested. After a few moments, Liam wrapped his arms tightly around Harry and murmured that he had missed him, too.

Louis sighed at the scene in front of him. Harry looked so genuinely happy to have his friend back. He couldn’t imagine trying to take that away from him. Still, Liam was a bed slave and he couldn’t imagine being with anyone other than Harry. He supposed he would do it if it meant that he could see his Harry happy like this every day. He turned to the attorney and ran his fingers through his hair. “What happens if the government takes him?”

Harry gasped and buried his face into his friend’s neck. How could his master take Liam away? Right after he just found his friend again?

“He gets sent to agency for used slaves,” he said. “While as far as we know, Mr. Malik was never intimate with his slave, but to some, he is still seen as defiled and it’s uncertain to what would happen from there. Some get purchased, since the price is much lower, but not treated as well as someone who has a bed slave for tradition. It’s a flawed system, but it’s what will happen.”

Louis looked over at Harry who had tears in his eyes and his bottom lip was quivering. He couldn’t let that happen to Liam. He’s not sure how this will work out, but he couldn’t do anything like this. It would break Harry’s heart and the guilt would eat away at him. “We’ll take him,” he said.

Harry wiped away his tears and detached himself from Liam to come to Louis, his eyes shining with unshed tears as he looked at Louis in disbelief. “Really, master? We’re keeping him?” his voice was hopeful but still unsure. Louis nodded his head and Harry dropped to his knees, hugging Louis’ legs tightly. “Thank you so much, sir. Thank you, thank you.” He was crying again and Louis squatted down and brushed the tears from Harry’s eyes.

“Of course, love,” he said. “I would have a hard time doing that even if Liam wasn’t your friend. We’ll make this work, alright?” Harry nodded happily and let his master kiss his lips softly.

Louis turned to Liam as he stood up. The boy put his head down in respect as Louis approached him. “You’re coming with us,” he said as he let his fingers graze the hair on the back of the boy’s neck.

“Thank you, sir,” Liam said as he dropped to his knees just like Harry did moments before and nuzzled his cheek against Louis’ leg. It felt weird, knowing it wasn’t Harry, but he supposed he would have to get used to it, even though he felt a knot form in the pit of his stomach at the idea of being with someone other than Harry.

Louis signed the many forms that the Malik’s attorney had for him to give legal rights of Liam over to him and making sure that the rest of Zayn’s things were donated and given to charity. He looked down to see Harry and Liam whispering together and he could tell that the love and friendship and Harry felt for Liam was returned equally by Liam. Once he was done, both of his slaves were on their knees but Harry had moved closer to Liam and was holding his hand. Louis smiled and told the boys to follow him.

When they got home, they all went straight to Louis’ bedroom. The older boy really didn’t want to have to go over the entire hearing and who this practically naked boy  was. Louis watched as Liam looked around the room, taking everything in. Harry still had a big smile stretching across his face as he held onto Liam’s hand and showed him around, making sure to point out his things he has required over the past couple of months, especially the collar hanging from his neck. Liam stayed quiet the whole time and let his friend speak enough for the both of them. As soon as Harry had nothing left to show, he walked Liam pack towards Louis and dropped to his knees and the other boy followed behind him.

Louis stroked Harry’s cheek and smiled down at him. He loved this boy so much and was glad he could make him happy. He felt guilty that he was jealous of Liam who sat nervously on his knees next to Harry. He just hoped he wouldn’t let that show in front of them. It wasn’t Liam’s fault that he was brought into a situation where his new master was already wrapped up completely in another.  “Alright boys,” he said. “I don’t see a reason to try and beat around the bush. Since we are all here, we might as well get acquainted with each other.” He turned to Harry before saying, “Kitten, remove my clothes please and Liam,” he turned his attention to the other boy. “Go wait on the bed.” They said ‘yes, sir’ in unison and Harry began to undo the buttons of Louis’ shirt. When some of his skin was revealed, the younger boy placed a kiss to it but before he could continue, Louis stopped him. “Not now, love,” he said. “We must wait for Liam, okay?”

Harry’s heart drop as he nodded his head. He wasn’t used to being denied touching his master. In all the things they have experienced with each other, never has Louis actually denied him. Maybe he was being a bit dramatic, but he ignored his overactive brain and continued to undress his master. The younger of the three boys looked over to see Liam sitting on the bed, looking nervous and he made sure to give him an encouraging smile. They could do this.

When he was finished, Louis pushed him towards the bed and watching Harry crawl next to Liam. Louis looked at the two boys and decided to move in front of Liam and placed his hand against the boy’s cheek, fully examining him. Although he couldn’t be much older than Harry, there were so many differences between them. Liam had some chest hair lightly scattered across his chest while Harry was silky, white skin. He could even make out a bit of stubble along his jaw, obviously still in the early stages of getting his facial hair. Louis didn’t think he had ever caught a glimpse of hair anywhere on Harry’s clean face.

He knew he needed to make his move, so he turned his full attention back to Liam and told the boy to kiss him. Liam looked over at Harry for a split second before leaning forward and softly placing his lips against Louis’. The boy’s lips were slightly chapped, but still felt good against his own. It definitely was different from kissing Harry. While Liam was still open and willing, there wasn’t that electric buzz he felt through his entire body like he did when kissing Haz. He started to move his hand up Liam’s defined body, sliding across the boy’s chest, and down his abs. He looked down to see that Liam’s prick was getting hard against the fabric of his briefs. He supposed that was a good sign. “Harry?” he pulled away and looked at the other boy who was biting at his lower lip. “Show Liam how master likes to be sucked.”

Harry nodded his head and said “Yes, sir” before situating himself between his master’s legs. The younger boy wasted no time at moving his mouth down Louis’ prick. Louis sighed at the familiar warmth from his slaves mouth and moved his hand up to card his fingers through the boy’s hair. In the corner of his eye, he could see Liam watching Harry with a blush spreading across his cheeks. He let himself enjoy Harry’s mouth for a few minutes longer before stopping him.

“Very good, love,” he said as Harry nuzzled his cheek against his master’s thigh. I want Liam to finish now. You were wonderful.” Harry shuffled out of the way and moved to the side of the bed and Liam instantly took his place. As soon as the other boy was between his legs, he carefully lowered his head and started to mimic Harry’s previous movements. Just like with the kiss, it felt great to have Liam between his legs, he and Harry had the exact same training so of course it felt great, it still wasn’t the same. Something didn’t click in the way it did with Harry. Knowing this and still letting Harry sit off to the side while someone else’s mouth was working him made Louis feel almost guilty. He looked over to Harry and saw that the boy wasn’t even looking at him or Liam. He was looking down at his hands that were resting in his lap. Louis’ lips felt dry as he reached out and placed his hand on his slave’s knee. “Come here, kitten,” he said.

Harry moved over towards Louis’ head and the older boy moved his arm forward and stroked his slave’s cheek with his thumb. “Kiss me,” he ordered and Harry did just that. There was that spark as there was whenever they kissed, but still, something was off. Harry was hardly as enthusiastic as he usually is. Louis suddenly felt a wetness against his cheek and moved his hand down from Harry’s cheek to his own and wiped away a tear. He looked up and saw Harry crying silently above him and Louis’ heart shattered. Louis sat up quickly, earning Liam’s awareness. The boy quickly stopped when he noticed the state Harry was in.

“Harry?” the other boy asked slowly and carefully, unsure of how to approach this situation. The last time Liam had seen Harry cry was when he fell and scraped his knee when he was nine.  In fact, the agency looked down at tears. Tears were supposed to be a sign of weakness and no slave was supposed to show weakness to their masters. They were supposed to endure everything and Harry was the one out of their entire group that wanted nothing but to be the perfect slave. Seeing him cry was not something he was expecting.

The youngest of the three quickly wiped his tears with the back of his hand and sniffled softly. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I thought I could do this. I thought I could watch you with someone else, sir, but I-I can’t.” Harry gave a little hiccup before continuing. “I know…I know it’s common for someone to have multiple slaves and I was prepared for such a event coming into this but…but…” He gave out a shaky breath. “Maybe….maybe it won’t be so bad if I didn’t have to see it. Maybe you can rotate who you’re with or something but as much as I love Liam…it still breaks my heart to see you with him.”

Louis sighed and wiped Harry’s tears from his cheeks. “Harry, Harry, Harry,” he said softly, shaking his head.

“I’m so sorry for speaking out of line, sir,” he continued. “I know I am stepping out of line and I’m willing to take whatever punishment I get for doing so but I—-“

Louis quickly put his finger over his slave’s mouth to quiet him which of course, worked instantly. Louis looked from Harry to Liam, and sighed softly. “You don’t need to apologize, kitten,” Louis said. “It was rather naïve of me to think that this was going to work. Liam,” he turned to the other boy who hadn’t said anything yet, “You’re a lovely, lovely boy and under other circumstances, I’m sure you’d be a wonderful bed slave but….but somewhere along the way, I guess my heart did a silly thing and fell in love.”

Louis looked back over to Harry, whose eyes were glimmering with fresh tears and seemed to be holding back a smile. Louis smiled back and turned to Liam. “I’m sure this is uh, disappointing considering you’ve trained for years for this but I just don’t think this will work out um, sexually.”

Liam still hadn’t said anything yet and Louis was a bit nervous but eventually, Liam let out a long sigh of….relief? “Thank god,” he said, making Louis’ eyebrows raise in surprise. “Not to sound rude, sir, you’re very attractive but when you were getting paperwork ready at the courthouse, Harry kept telling me how wonderful you’ve been and had the biggest love-struck face that I’ve ever seen and I felt guilty knowing that I’d be sharing something that made him so happy like that. He really, really, loves you, sir.”

Louis looked back to Harry who had a very prominent blush on his face and was looking at his lap again. Louis smiled and reached over to squeeze Harry’s hand. Harry smiled at him and they shared a look for a few moments, but Louis had to acknowledge Liam’s presence. “Now we must figure out what we can do,” Louis said, looking between Harry and Liam. “Even though I won’t be using you as a bed slave, Liam, I won’t let you go, either, in case that was a worry in your mind. You will stay here and we’ll…we’ll figure something out.”

“Thank you, sir,” Liam said and grinned at the older boy.

“Of course,” Louis said, reaching over and stroked Liam’s hair. “I think we have an extra room in the slave quarters. It would take maybe a week or so to get something to get set up so you’d have to bunk with Niall but, it’s yours.”

Liam thanked him again and scooted over towards Harry. The two shared a look and Louis could tell they were communicating without words, something they obviously formed from years of love and friendship which Louis couldn’t help but find endearing. Whatever the looks meant, Harry launched forward and hugged Liam tightly and whispering ‘I’m sorry’ softly into his friend’s neck. Louis let the two hug it out as he crawled out of the bed to dial Niall’s quarters. While Niall as incredibly interested in what happened at the trial, Louis didn’t feed his curiosity and told him to ‘just come up here’.

When he hung up, Liam and Harry seemed to be done apologizing to one another and both looking and Louis. He informed them that Niall was on his way up to show Liam where he could stay until he got his own room.  Almost as the words left his mouth, Niall appeared and looked as if he were about to speak until he noticed the naked boy on Louis’ bed. “And who might this bed?” he asked, his eyes shamefully raking up and down Liam’s exposed body, making the other boy blush.

“This is Liam,” Louis responded. “We need a room made up for him so until then, I’m putting him in your um,possibly capable hands.” Niall was still staring and Louis had to snap his fingers to get the boy’s attention away from Liam’s chest. “Please tell your mother we need a room put together and please try to do so without molesting poor Liam, here.”

Niall rolled his eyes at Louis. “You really underestimate my self-control,” he said and Louis give him a serious look of disbelief which Niall chose to ignore. He walked towards the bed and offered his hand to Liam. “I’m Niall,” he said and pulled the boy out of bed. “Looks like we’ll be rooming together for a bit. Promise I’ll keep me hands to myself unless asked otherwise.”

Liam blushed and nodded his head as the blond boy led him away, talking his ear off in typical Niall fashion. Perhaps the boy was just too polite to stop it, but Liam really didn’t seem to mind. ‘Perhaps I just did my friend a favor’ he thought to himself with a small chuckle.

When the door clicked shut behind them, Louis turned his attention back to Harry who was looking at him with a timid smile. Louis opened up his arms and the younger boy wasted no time in making himself at home between them. Louis kissed the top of the boy’s head before murmuring, “Talk to me, Haz.”

The boy sighed against Louis’ chest. “It’s just,” he started, trying to gather his words. “This past two months almost since the incident happened have just been so exhausting.” He pulled away slightly so he could look up into Louis’ curious and searching blue eyes. “You’ve been so patient with me, sir and I’ve become stronger since meeting you, but every time we come together, it’s clouded by everything else that’s been going on. I feel your ownership over me every time my collar moves but I need…I need more. I need you. Please, sir. Please.”

Louis listened closely to his boy speak and he really couldn’t believe how much this boy seemed to have grown since he purchased him back in December. Physically, his body had filled out and his voice dropped but Louis could tell that mentally, the boy had grown as well. It was actually kind of beautiful. Louis agreed, as well. Since the incident with Zayn, Louis had been so wrapped up in protecting Harry from everything, reminding the boy that nothing was going to be alright that their master and slave dynamic did get pushed to the side at times. That wasn’t fair to either of them. Louis knew that Harry craved his structure and if need be, discipline and Louis was more than willing to give it.

“Lay on your stomach,” Louis ordered. “No more talking.” Louis was surprised how easy it was for him to go from his soothing, caring voice to a tone that was full of authority and left no room for arguing. Harry obviously could tell the difference as well and did exactly what his master had told him to without question.

As soon as the boy was in position, Louis climbed off the bed and went to the drawer where they kept most of their toys. Louis looked at each of them, trying to decide which to use. They hadn’t used everything yet since they purchased them when Harry first arrived so he figured this was just as good of a time to try something new as ever. Louis grabbed some special restraints from the drawer and pushed it shut with his foot before returning to Harry. “You look so beautiful like this, Haz,” Louis said as he let his hand run up the curve of Harry’s bum. “You’re going to look even better when I’m done with you.”

Louis took Harry’s legs and folded them back and strapped his ankles into a pair of cuffs. As soon as those were settled, Louis leaned his body into Harry’s and whispered, “Now your hands.” The younger boy obeyed instantly, keeping his mouth shut apart from a soft whimper that escaped his lips. Louis took the boy’s arms and secured them behind his back and examined his work. Harry was hogtied in the middle of his bed and Louis couldn’t believe just how beautifully submissive his boy looked right now for him. Only for him. “Just look at you,” he beamed, letting his eyes and his hands roam across the boy’s stretched out body. “So good for me, kitten. Do you like being tied up like a cute little piggy, baby? You may answer me.”

The younger boy let out a soft moan and nodded his head quickly. “Yes, sir,” he said, his voice strained already and they hadn’t even started yet. “I love being tied up. Love being good for you.”

“You’re always good for me, kitten,” Louis cooed and ran his hand over Harry’s pale bum, letting a finger dip within the crack. “Always so willing to please me while I’ve been neglecting your submissive nature. But no longer. You will never be able to forget who owns you now.” Harry only made a small whimper beneath Louis which caused a grin to stretch across the older boy’s face. “Now what to do with you,” he said with a hint of a chuckle in his tone. “You haven’t broken any rules but your pretty arse looks a little too bare for me, don’t you my sweet little kitten?”

Harry let out a small whimper before Louis added, “You may speak.”

“Please, master,” the boy said, nodding his head. “Please make my arse red. I-I want it.”

Louis smiled and leaned forward to kiss the curve of the boy’s bum. “Such a good boy,” he murmured. “You know the rules. Count after each one and thank me for them. I will tell you when I am finished.” He situated between Harry’s restrained legs and readied himself for the first strike. He brought his hand down, letting the clap echo in the otherwise quiet room.

“One, sir. Thank you sir!” Harry breathed out almost like it was his own personal prayer. Maybe it was. Maybe after all of the stress these past couple of months have brought to them and how it forced their master and slave bond to be put on hold, maybe Harry had been praying for this. With that thought, Louis brought his hand down to the boy’s other cheek, watching as the skin turned red beneath him. . “Two, sir. Thank you sir!”

Louis didn’t have a number in mind of when he was going to stop. As long as Harry replied in eagerness, Louis wasn’t even sure he wanted to. It got to the point, however, where a certain situation between his own legs needed to be addressed. His cock was hard and pulsing beneath him. He never got a chance to reach an orgasm earlier when both boys had worked their mouths along his prick and now watching as Harry’s ass was bright red and had very visible hand prints on each cheek and a few bruises forming, it was almost impossible to ignore now. Harry let out a small whimper when Louis’ hand didn’t return to him, but once he knew what was next, Louis knew the boy would all have forgotten.

Louis got up and moved towards his nightstand to grab one of the many bottles of lube they had collected in the past few months. He opted out on prepping Harry, he knew the boy would object to it anyway, so he quickly covered his length and lifted the other boy’s legs slightly to get a better angle. Louis could hear the boy wince in pain but he knew this was what both of them needed.

He slid inside of Harry, the boy making a collection of different sounds as he did. He pushed past the first ring of muscles with a bit of restraint from Harry’s body but once he got past, he was able to get himself fully inside. Louis took a few moments for his slave’s body to adjust. He watched as the boy’s sweat-slicked muscles flexed and relaxed as he tried to prepare himself for what was to come. It was truly a beautiful sight. As soon as he deemed the younger boy ready, Louis pulled himself out until only his teasing head was left nestled inside. He pushed back in almost violently. Harry let out a hoarse moan, only slightly laced with pain and Louis was in no kind of state to tell him to be quiet. He wanted to hear what he was doing to the boy’s body. He wanted to know what he did to him on every level of intimacy. He continued to thrust, his rhythm quick and uneven, and his hands never left their spot gripping Harry’s legs, lifting them up occasionally to gain better leverage. Louis let out a groan, his fingers dug deeper into Harry’s legs and let out, “Oh, kitten.” He licked his lips and wiped the back of his hand on his brow to collect the sweat collecting there. “You look so good like this, kitten. Tell me how you feel.”

“Oh, master,” Harry cried out. “Feels so good. I’ve needed to cum for so long. Please tell me I can.” The boy let out a tiny whimper and Louis’ heart went out for the boy.

Louis continued to thrust into Harry’s tired and abused body and nodded his head. “As soon as I come, you may as well.”

He knew it wasn’t going to take much longer for him to get his own release. From both Liam and Harry blowing him earlier to the fifteen minutes of watching Harry eagerly take Louis’ spankings, Louis was already at wits end and he knew he couldn’t hold out much longer even if he tried. He thrusted his hips less than a dozen more times before he let out a long, tired groan and released himself into the boy beneath him. “Go,” he managed to grit out as his own orgasm subsided to allow Harry his own release.

Even though Harry had no touch, the boy came hard beneath his master, his hands grabbing at the restraints to try and ground himself. Louis looked beneath him, tired in his own right and watched as Harry came apart beneath him. As soon as Harry’s body slouched in exhaustion, Louis moved to undo the restraints on his hands and feet. The boy’s limbs fell to his side as he tried to catch up on his breathing. Louis tossed the restraints to the floor and crawled over to the other boy’s side and pulled him close.

They were quiet for a while, just letting their breathing to calm down and become in sync again and basking in the soft touches Louis was giving to Harry. Eventually, Harry moved his head and looked into Louis’ eyes, a lazy smile on his face and whispered, “Thank you.”

“What for, Haz?” Louis asked, stroking the boy’s curls.

“For everything,” he replied. “For protecting me. For knowing exactly what I need even if I don’t know myself. For loving me.” The boy let out a happy sigh and nuzzled his face into Louis’ neck. “For being you, basically.” 

Louis smiled and lifted Harry’s face up with his fingers so he could kiss his lips softly. “I promise to always be those things for you, Harry,” he promised, placing another kiss to his lips. “Always.”

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