Slave For You

By charmingstylinson

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AU where slavery is legal for those who can afford it and general isn’t looked down upon. Most slaves are bor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

705 15 2
By charmingstylinson

The next day, Louis really wanted to opt out of school. Since Zayn was arrested at school, word was definitely going to go around about it and people were going to wonder why. No one would probably know it had anything to do with him, at least he hoped not, since the Malik’s would probably want to keep this hush-hush for as long as possible.

He also didn’t want to leave Harry alone. He knew that his boy was strong, but it still left a bad taste in his mouth. Not even just for Harry’s peace of mind, but his own. He never wanted to let his curly-haired boy out of his sight again.

Just like the morning before, Harry had woken him up like routine. Louis tried to tell him that it was fine, he didn’t have to, but after constant persistence on Harry’s part that he was fine, Louis caved. Besides, who was he to turn down a blowjob from his beautiful boy? He was only human.

When he was finished, Louis told Harry he wanted to stay, but the other boy insisted that he go. “This isn’t going to disappear, sir,” he said. “Avoiding it is only going to make things worse and besides, the attorney isn’t going to be here until after you get back. I’ll be fine. I promise.”

Even though Louis still didn’t want to, he knew Harry was right. He kissed the boy softly, making him smile, and they continued with their morning routine like normal.

On the ride to school, his stomach was in knots from the nerves. Even if it didn’t get out today, he knew eventually it would and he really didn’t want to deal with that. He already had to deal with it in general and he didn’t need any extra bullshit on top of it. When the driver pulled into the front of the school, he was instantly grabbed by Eleanor, demanding to know what was going on.

“Calm your tits, woman,” he said, rolling his eyes at her. “Let’s go get some privacy and I’ll tell you.”

Louis led Eleanor to the side of the school where most people went to smoke but luckily, no one was there. He filled her in on all of what was going on, how he found Harry puking his guts out and admitted to what happened with Zayn. He told her that they have a court order against Zayn and that they’re hoping he’ll end up in jail.

By the end, Eleanor’s eyes were wide with shock. “That fucker!” she scoffed. “Who just does that? I want to kill him. Let’s kill him together, Louis, I swear—-“

“Eleanor!” he said, laughing at her outburst. “While I appreciate it, I don’t think killing anyone will fix anything. Neither me or my parents are going to let him get away with this so he’ll get his time. Now, know one knows about this so I really need you to keep this to yourself. I assume it’ll get out eventually, but for now I just want this on a need-to-know basis.”

Eleanor rolled her eyes. “Obviously,” she said. “I’m not daft, Louis. I wouldn’t tell a soul.”

Louis nodded his head just as the warning bell rang out. They walked inside quickly and parted ways in the hallway, Eleanor making sure to press a quick kiss to his cheek before going off to her first class.

When Louis entered his class, he felt like everyone’s eyes were on him. He knew he was probably paranoid,how would they know?, but he still couldn’t shake the feeling. He peaked over his shoulder to see two girls looking right at him and talking quietly to each other. When they spotted him look back, they turned away blushing.

Louis tried to pay attention but it was hard. He still had some sort of itching feeling that people kept staring at him even if there was no way anyone could know. He managed to take down a few notes before the class ended and he rushed out of his seat to the next. As he walked through the hallway, again, he could have sworn everyone was staring at him. He caught a few people, but most turned as soon as they knew they were caught but a few stared on. He tried to ignore it, but it was hard to.

Before he could reach his next class, however, someone called out his name and he turned. It was Eleanor and she ran towards him, looking out of breath. “I’ve been looking for you,” she said, her breathing a bit labored. “People know. I don’t know how, but I heard Lucy Sparkman and Emma Thompson in class talking about it. I swear I didn’t tell anyone, Louis.”

Louis sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know you wouldn’t do that, Eleanor,” he said, shaking his head. “Thanks for telling me, though. Now at least I know I’m not going crazy and people actuallyare looking at me.”

Eleanor gave Louis a sad look before pulling him into a hug. “Just ignore them, babe,: she said. “You’re wonderful and it’s none of their business. I told Slutman and Humpson to bugger off and it was none of their business. I’m not afraid to fight someone.”

Louis laughed and hugged Eleanor back. “Don’t go off and get yourself expelled,” he said. “Although I’d like to see you fight someone. I’ll be fine. It’s Friday so I’m sure this will mostly be blown over by Monday. I’ll see you at lunch.”

For the most part, it was easy to ignore the stares. It was annoying more than anything, but once people actually started approaching him, that was a different story. People obviously wanted to know if it was true or not, and when he gave no indication with his outward appearance, some had to try and find out.

First it was one person who sat behind him in class, then he had groups of two or three following him around and eventually, Louis snapped. “Fuck off!” he growled at them. “It’s none of your bloody business what happened so give up already.” People stayed away from him after that. The stares and whispers were still there, but he could manage. Thank god it’s Friday he thought to himself.

The end of the school day didn’t come soon enough. He was talk of the whole bloody school and for once, hehated it. He hated knowing that everyone knew what happened with his poor Harry. It wasn’t any of their business. He hugged Eleanor goodbye, promising her that he’d fill her in throughout the weekend, before climbing into his car with a heavy sigh. He couldn’t wait to see his beautiful boy after a day like this.

Thankfully, the ride home went by much quicker than the school day. He didn’t even wait for the driver to open his door like usual and hopped out as soon as the car came to a stop. He took the stairs two steps at a time to his room and when he opened his door, Harry was kneeling in position at the foot of his bed, like nothing had changed.

Even though Louis was still hesitant to do anything with the boy because of the damage he had done a couple nights previous, he loved that Harry had still stuck to his schedule. “Hello, kitten,” he said, kneeling down to Harry’s level and stealing a kiss from him. “As lovely as it is to see you like this, the lawyer will be here any minute and I’d like to savor your sweet mouth so for now, climb into bed and give me a cuddle, yeah? Been a shit day.” 

Harry nodded his head and stood up and let Louis lead him to the bed and pull him close. “What happened, sir?” Harry asked, nuzzling his face into Louis’ shirt, relaxing into his familiar embrace.

Louis sighed and his hold on Harry tightened. “Somehow, everyone at school found out about what happened. Louis could feel Harry stiffen in his arms so he quickly kissed away the wore lines that appeared on his forehead. “Don’t worry kitten, I put everyone in their place. It was more annoying than anything. It should die off in the next few days or so. I’m just so glad it’s the weekend and I can spend the next few days alone with you.”

The younger boy smiled, but didn’t say anything. He had spent most of the day worrying about his master and the events that were to come. Even with his master’s constant reassurances that everything would be okay, that he would stay here and that he would protect him, Harry couldn’t shake the feeling that something could still go wrong. Niall had told him all day how silly he was being. That didn’t stop him from worrying. While he knew the Tomlinson’s were much more influential, the Malik’s still had a lot of power and if they chose to fight it….Harry didn’t even want to think about it. Not when his master’s arms were wrapped securely around him.

About fifteen minutes later, a knock came from the door and Niall’s head popped in through the crack. “The lawyer just arrived,” he said. “I’m meant to fetch you.”

“Thanks, Niall,” Louis said, sitting up against the pillows. “Give us a few minutes and we’ll be down.”

Niall nodded his head and disappeared behind the door. Louis rolled his neck, making it pop and crack. “Alright,” he said, turning to Harry. “Why don’t we get you in a pair of briefs and we’ll head downstairs?”

Harry bit down on his lower lip and looked down. Louis noticed and arched his brow in curiosity. “What’s up, Haz?”

The younger boy blushed and looked up at his master. “I was….just wondering if I could maybe borrow your jumper? I…I’ve been wearing it all day. Smells like you and makes me feel safe. I…I hid it in one of my drawers. Thought you might get mad.”

Louis laughed loudly. “Oh, Haz, babe,” he said. “You don’t have to worry. I’m not going to be upset over you wearing clothes, even though I definitely like the sight of you out of them. You’re more than welcome to wear whatever jumper of mine you’d like, love. You don’t have to be embarrassed.”

Harry’s body relaxed and his face lit up as he climbed out of the bed and to the dresser, pulling out a green jumper. Louis smiled as he watched the other boy lift his arms over his head and slipped the garment on. It was Louis’ side which meant it was a bit snug in places on Harry, but the boy looked so content in it that Louis refused to even mention it. He got off the bed and changed out of his school clothes before offering his hand to the other boy. Harry took is, squeezing it tightly as they left the comfort of their room to face their unfortunate reality.

The family lawyer was sitting in a chair across from his father’s desk and he turned around when he heard the door opening. “Mr. Tomlinson,” the man greeted as he stood and offered his hand. “Pleasure as always, even under the circumstance. Please sit down. We have much to discuss.”

Louis shook the man’s hand before guiding Harry over to his father’s empty chair at the desk and settled him down on his lap. “So what do you have for us?” Louis asked. Harry was hiding his face into Louis’ neck, occasionally sneaking a glance at the lawyer because he was obviously anxious for what he was going to tell him. Louis made sure to stroke his back as the older man began to speak.

“I actually come baring only good news,” he said, making both boy’s eyebrows raise. “I’ve spoken to the Malik’s lawyer and they aren’t going to fight it. They’re embarrassed with their son’s actions and know they wouldn’t win so they’re rolling over on their backs, so to speak.”

Louis was at a lost of words. They weren’t going to fight? Without the support of his parents, there was no way that Zayn would get out of going to jail. He was completely fucked. In a way, Louis almost felt bad for him until he was forced to remember what the boy did to his Harry and he takes it back. He let out a slow breath and looked up at his lawyer. “Now what?”

“Now….nothing,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “There will be a small trial, but that will be quick and painless. The jury will decide what will happen from there, but trust me, you’ll never have to worry about Zayn Malik getting away from this.”

Louis tried to keep his emotions in check in front of the other man, so he simply nodded his head and thanked him so much for his time before leading Harry away. He knew Harry wasn’t going to say anything in front of a stranger, and Louis didn’t want him to. He wanted Harry to confine in him and only him. Perhaps he was selfish, but Louis could hardly give a damn. They passed Niall on the way up to their room and Louis quickly shot him a look that read ‘not now but I’ll tell you later’ that Niall had learned to understand after years of being around Louis. 

When they got back, Louis brought them straight to the bed but stayed sitting up in favor of laying down. “What’s on your mind, kitten?” he asked as he reached out to stroke his fingers across his boy’s cheeks.

Harry leaned into his master’s touch and sighed. “Honestly, sir,” he said, looking over at Louis. “Nothing. I-I know that…..he isn’t going to get away with it and that I’m not going to be taken away and I’m just….happy.”

Louis smiled the biggest smile he had been able to muster over the past couple of days, a genuine smile that stretched across his entire face. He knew Harry had been worried and although he would never admit it aloud, so was he. Now that everything seemed to be going in a firmly positive direction, he could let himself relax. Instead of speaking, however, Louis decided to let his lips do the talking.

 He pressed his lips against Harry’s and the boy instantly melted against him. They kissed slowly at first with small open mouth kisses with just a bit of teasing tongue, and then the kisses grew deeper and more urgent. The past few days had been emotionally draining on the both of them but they both tried to keep their emotions at bay in fear of worrying the other.

 That didn’t matter right now. What mattered was the two of them being wrapped up in each other against after days of only light intimacy. He rolled them over so that he was putting part of his weight on Harry. He kissed the boy’s neck and made his way down his body, only taking a break to lift the jumper Harry was wearing over his head and tossing it somewhere across the room. Harry was squirming a bit against the sheets as he watched his master kiss all the right spots. 

When Louis made it all the way down his body, pulling down and discarding his tight briefs, and kissed the tip of Harry’s prick and it throbbed in response. Louis wasn’t interested in that, not now. He left it there, hot and hard against the younger boy’s belly. Louis lifted up Harry’s sack to find the prize he wanted. He tentatively ran his finger on the outer rim and Harry winced slightly. 

“Are you still sore from the other day?” Louis asked as he kissed the boy’s inner thigh.

“I’m fine,” Harry said, pushing his hips towards his master’s finger. “Keep going.”

Louis sat up a bit and looked up at the other boy. “Harry,” he said. “What have I said about lying? You flinched when I touched the rim and you expect me to believe you’d be fine?” He placed his hand on Harry’s thigh and rubbed his thumb against the warm skin. “While I might have to think of a punishment for that later, for now, if you’re up for it, I have something I’d like to try that would give both of us pleasure.”

 Harry nodded his head, eager to please his master especially since he just earned himself a punishment. “Yes, sir,” he said. “I would do anything to please you.”

The older boy’s lips twisted up into a devious smirk and turned Harry onto his side, earning a raised eyebrow from the other boy. “Do you know what sixty-nineing is, kitten?”

The slave shook his head. Never in his training did he ever come across the term and he internally started to panic. Wasn’t it their job to prepare him for anything that his master could want? Now here he was, unable to please his master for his lack of knowledge which left him frustrated. “No, sir,” he replied. “I-I don’t think they taught us that. I’m sorry—-“

 Louis silenced him with a kiss. There was no need to try and explain. He really wasn’t surprised that Harry didn’t learn about things that involved mutual pleasure since that wasn’t what his role was. Slaves were supposed to give pleasure and not focus on receiving it as well. Obviously, his feelings for Harry didn’t fall into the normal master-slave relationship archetype. He wanted Harry to enjoy himself as well. “Don’t apologize, Harry,” he said. “I didn’t expect them to teach this kind of thing to you. Sixty-nineing is when two people give their partner oral pleasure at the same time.”

 It was obvious that Harry was still confused. The concept probably wasn’t easy for a slave to swallow, no pun intended. “But how?” he asked.

Louis didn’t respond. He rid himself of his own clothes and told Harry to lay on his side. I’m going to lay down by your feet, love, and I want you to suck my cock for me. We’ll start there.”

Harry thought this was a weird request but did as his master said. He placed his hand on Louis’ thigh and moved his mouth down his master’s hard shaft. The older boy let out a satisfied groan and let Harry work his prick for a few moments before reaching out to wrap his fingers around Harry’s own prick, making the younger boy moan around Louis’ dick. “Now here comes the fun party, kitten,” he says, his voice dripping in arousal. He quickly licks his lips and let his own mouth sink down his boy’s length. Harry bucks into his mouth and lets out another series of moans around Louis. Harry’s fingers gripped the other boy’s thigh and worked up his pace on his master.

 They continued like that for while with one of them occasionally stopping when the feeling became more intense but quickly found their way back to their fast and steady rhythm. Louis couldn’t imagine living the life of a normal master. He loved seeing Harry like this, enjoying himself and receiving pleasure from his movements. His heart went out to other slaves that had to live their lives only giving pleasure and not receiving.

After a while, Harry actually pulls his head back and bites his lip. “Master,” he says. His voice sounds raw from working on Louis prick for so long. “Can I….can I please cum, sir?” Louis groaned as he pulled off of Harry only long enough to say ‘yes’ and went back, Harry following close behind.

 They both were able to last just a bit longer before Harry’s hips started jerking more and he came hard into Louis’ mouth. When he finished, Louis pulled off for just a moment to say, “Don’t swallow right away.” He bucked his hips a few more times, sliding the head of his prick across Harry’s tongue before cumming hard into the boy’s mouth. Louis let out a long groan as his body went lax against the bed. He looked up at Harry and moved up towards him. “Open your mouth, kitten,” he said. “Let me see the cum, Haz.”

 Louis did as he told and Louis had to bite his lip to keep in a groan as he saw his own cum sitting on Harry’s tongue. “Fuck,” he muttered as he moved closer. “So beautiful with my cum on your tongue, kitten. Such a good boy.” Louis leaned in and kissed his boy, wasting no time in slipping his tongue into his mouth, tasting his own cum in Harry’s mouth. Harry whimpered into his mouth as he shared a kiss with his master. When they pulled away, Harry’s cheeks were pink as he smiled at his master. “Love you, baby boy,” he said as he pulled Harry into his chest.

 “Love you, too, master,” he said, his voice slow and soothing to Louis. The older boy kissed him on top of his head before they both slipped into sleep.

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