A Wolf and A Lion || Jaime La...

Galing kay burningballoon

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When the King commands Aurelia Stark and Jaime Lannister to wed, Aurelia reluctantly becomes Lady Lannister o... Higit pa

Chapter 2 - Direwolves, white walkers, and what not
Chapter 3 - A simple conversation
Chapter 4 - The King's Arrival
Chapter 5 - A possible betrothal
Chapter 6 - First Encounter
Chapter 7 - The Feast
Chapter 8 - A Bastard and an Imp
Chapter 9 - One Step to Forever
Chapter 10 - A Lannister Perspective
Chapter 11 - Two Choices
Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn
Chapter 13 - Banters and Arguments
Chapter 14 - An Encounter with the Prince
Chapter 15 - A small present
Chapter 16 - A White Summer Wedding
Chapter 17 - Tragedy
Chapter 18 - A quiet morning
Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes
Chapter 20 - Kingsroad
Chapter 21 - Nymeria
Chapter 22 - Kings Landing
Chapter 23 - Breakfast for two
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure
Chapter 26 - Morning after
Chapter 27 - Meeting with a Stag
Chapter 28 - Iron Throne and Wolves
Chapter 29 - An unlikely conversation
Chapter 30 - The Hand's Tournament
Chapter 31 - Confronting a Lion
Chapter 32 - Flowers vs. Mountains
Chapter 33 - A piece of threat
Chapter 34 - One Lion and a pack of Wolves
Chapter 35 . Everything Has Changed
Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister
Chapter 37 . Oathbreaker
Chapter 38 . News from Kings Landing
Chapter 39 . War and Prison
Chapter 40 . Battle of the Whispering Wood
Chapter 41 . A captured Lion
Chapter 42 . Growing Pains
Chapter 43 . Eddard Stark
Chapter 44 . King in the North
Chapter 45 . Between Worlds

Chapter 1 . Aurelia Stark

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Galing kay burningballoon

     Being the eldest daughter of Lord and Lady Stark has its perks. In fact, just being a highborn was a blessing already. At least it was towards the common folk. But being a noble comes with a set of duties and attitudes one must follow. Acting in a way deemed as inappropriate would bring dishonor and embarrassment to not only themselves, but to their family as well. Aurelia's mother and her Septa made sure she understood that. Aurelia would never want to bring dishonor to her family. All she ever wanted to was to make her parents proud, and even doing that is not as simple as she wished it could be.

Aurelia Stark grew up being taught the typical acts any highborn lady must do, such as knitting, embroidering, etiquette, and poetry. It wasn't that she resents such things, it's just that she does not thoroughly enjoys it like her younger sister Sansa do. What she doesn't understand is why a lady is constrained to do only such things, while men are allowed to do as they please. She didn't know where she got it from at first, but Aurelia enjoyed other pursuits that weren't perceived as 'ladylike'. For instance, she favors horse-riding more than anything in this world, and she's very skilled with the bow and arrow, something her mother scolded her for.

She supposed it was the North in her, or perhaps she was never meant to become a proper lady. But one day her father came into her room and told her about her Aunt Lyanna. He didn't say much, just the fact that she inherited her un-ladylike interests from her Aunt. That was the first and last thing that Ned ever talked about Lyanna to Aurelia. The Starks never discussed it either knowing that it was a sensitive subject, and it always saddened Ned.

Ned never forbade her to stop practicing her archery, and he'd always encouraged her to become better than she already is. For all she knows, she wasn't breaking any rule because it didn't seem wrong in front of her father's eyes. Catelyn Stark was a different story. The unbreakable bond between Catelyn and Aurelia always brought a smile to Ned. However despite their bond, it was hard for Catelyn to accept her unladylike interests. But seeing the look in Aurelia's face during target practice with her brother's, Catelyn could not deny what makes her daughter happy. She made sure that her daughter still has the proper ladylike behaviour.

As for siblings, Aurelia's always been closest to Robb and Jon. For the reason because they basically grew up together, with Jon being only a couple of months younger than her, and of course, Robb was her twin. Sometimes it even feels as if both of them knows Aurelia more than she knows herself. Besides, the they were always good sparring partners for Aurelia.

Just like Robb is being groomed to become Lord of Winterfell, Aurelia's groomed to become not only a proper lady, but a mother as well; being one is part of the duty. She was basically a second mother to her youngest siblings. Whenever she has new brother or sister, she would always help her mother by taking care of the others. For instance when Arya was born, she looked after Sansa. However, As much as she's close to the rest of her siblings, she would always be closer to Robb and Jon.

There was a tall hill not far from the castle walls of Winterfell, just by the Wolfswood. Aurelia would always come there to take her mind off things, and it Ned who introduced her to the place. It was the only place she could get peace and quiet. Living in a large family can cause someone to want to be alone here and then. But of course being highborn, one can never be alone. Especially when you are still 18 years old. Aurelia told her parents numerous times that she can defend herself, and although Ned and Catelyn believed her, it didn't ease their worries. They felt better knowing that there's someone else who's protecting her when they can't. Which is why today, her parents ordered Jory Cassel to escort her outside, but she must return back to Winterfell in an hour, and of course Aurelia agreed.

She never does much when she's out on the hill. She only looks at the scenery it has to offer, and she would take her time getting back home. And of course since there's Jory, she would always talk to him to make conversation so that it wouldn't be a silent trip.

Today was different though. Aurelia had no idea why, but she just felt different despite it being a normal day. Sansa and Arya were with Septa Mordane, and Bran and Rickon would be with Robb and Jon. These past few weeks, Bran had been practicing archery with them, and Rickon would always enjoy watching. If Aurelia could, she would have offered to teach Bran. But that would cause an outcry with her mother, and Aurelia was too exhausted to have another pointless argument with her mother.

It was colder than usual as well, but Aurelia had no problem with that. In fact, she preferred that it was colder because sometimes the hot weather can be unbearable. However, this cold weather is nothing compared to the oncoming winter. Aurelia wore a white tunic shirt, topped over a leather coat and a pair of riding pants, with her hair styled into a french braid.

"My Lady, we should head back. It is almost an hour." Jory informed her as he rode up atop his horse, and stopped a couple of feet away from where she sat atop her own horse. Every time she goes outside, Jory would leave her alone, but made sure that he isn't far away and that Aurelia would always be in line of his sight.

Aurelia heard what he said, and so she looked at the scenery in front of her for another couple of seconds, before turning her head around to face one of Ned's most trusted soldier.

"Right." Aurelia gave him a small smile, before riding her horse towards Jory and heading back to Winterfell side by side.


With only a couple of feet away from the gates of Winterfell, Jory and Aurelia sped their horses. The guard at the post noticed the two figures, and immediately ordered the men below to open the gates. The gates opened just in time as Aurelia and Jory reached the castle, and their horses didn't stop as they enter Winterfell. Both of their horses continued to gallop until they reached the courtyards, where Robb and Jon was of course teaching Bran how to properly shoot a bow and arrow.

Robb and Jon heard the sound of hooves, and turned their heads to the direction of the sound, along with Bran, as well as little Rickon. When Aurelia's horse stopped, she mounted off her horse and gave the reins to Jory so he can bring the horses back to the stables. Neither did she know her parents were looking down from a balcony, where they were watching Bran practice archery before Aurelia came in. Catelyn gave a long disapproving sigh upon seeing Aurelia enter riding atop her horse wearing her riding clothes. She was acting the complete opposite of what she was taught to behave. Whereas Ned only chuckled seeing their eldest daughter, knowing that he and Aurelia are very much alike.

"She reminds me more of you everyday." Catelyn told her husband, as they looked at her dismount her horse, and gave the reins to Jory

"She's just like my sister." Ned said, and Catelyn looked up to see Ned's face at the mention of his sister whom he never talks about.

Aurelia thanked Jory, and turned her head around to look at her brother's. Jon and Robb both had smiles on their faces upon seeing her sister return. He hadn't seen her ever since they broke their morning fast with the rest of the family.

"Did you enjoy the ride?" Robb asked her sister as she was walking towards them. Even though they are twins and only minutes apart, Robb would always see Aurelia as her baby sister.

"It was lovely." Aurelia replied with a smile, but her expression change as soon as she saw Bran with a disappointed look on his face. "What's with the face, Bran?" Aurelia asked, standing in between Robb and Jon.

"I can't hit the target." Bran said, as he looked down at the ground feeling embarrassed, even though he shouldn't be.

"You are only ten, Bran. It will take a lot of practice to hit the target perfectly. You just have to be patient. I know you can do it." Aurelia tried to make Bran feel better whilst ruffling his hair. Even though Bran let out a small smile, he still felt a bit of anger and sadness within him. "You can let me teach you, instead of these two over here." Aurelia pointed towards Robb and Jon who were standing behind her.

"Excuse me, who was the one who taught you first?" Jon remarked, crossing his arms across his chest as he took a step closer beside Aurelia.

"The two of you. However, I am better now, which means I'm more qualified to teach Bran." Aurelia said as she smiled innocently. She always love teasing her brother's.

"Ah, there will be no teaching Bran archery from you little lady." Catelyn said to her daughter, as she slightly bend down from the balcony, and all of the Stark children - including Jon - looked up to see her. "The only teaching you will be doing is teaching your sister proper etiquette, and helping them improve their needlework." Lady Stark continued,

"Mother, please. Just this once." Bran pleaded their mother with a puppy look on his eyes. As soon as Bran said that, the Stark's children turned their focus back to Catelyn as they wanted to know what her answer would be.

Catelyn had a skeptical look as she looked towards Ned, but there was only a glint of glimmer in his eyes. He wasn't protesting against the idea. Catelyn then turned her head to face her children once again, her eyes landing on the familiar dark brown ones that belongs to Aurelia.

"Just this once, Aurelia, and no more afterwards." Catelyn told her eldest daughter, and Bran let out a loud "Yes!", causing Ned, Robb, and Jon to chuckle. Rickon then went to give Aurelia a spare bow and arrow. She made her way towards where Bran was standing, whereas he moved to stand in front of Jon. All eyes were on her now.

"You're making a huge mistake, Bran, letting Aurelia to show you how it's done." Robb teased his youngest brother and his own twin, causing Aurelia to roll her eyes.

"Unlike you, I actually know what I'm doing." Aurelia told him back, which made Jon chuckle at Aurelia's feistiness. She would always show that around her siblings but never with anyone else. Jon thought that it was as if she put on this facade in front of the rest so that they wouldn't know who she truly is inside.

Aurelia aimed her arrow at the target, relaxed her bow arm, and let out a deep breathe before releasing the arrow. It hit the target straight in the middle, causing Aurelia to let out a satisfied grin. Her father shared the same grin as her, and although her mother disapproves, she can't help but be impressed at her daughter's skills. Rickon and Bran started clapping, and Robb and Jon had huge smiles on their faces as well.

"Now it's your turn." Aurelia placed her bow and arrow on the ground against a couple of haystacks, and stood beside Robb with her arms crossed across her chest. Bran then went to stand in his previous position, a couple of meters away from the target. "Keep your arms steady, Bran. Look at your target carefully, and just follow your instincts." Aurelia gave Bran her advice.

"Show-off." Robb whispered at her ear so that only she could hear it.

"Jealous." Aurelia whispered back with their usual tone that they would always used whenever they have their cheeky banter.

Bran aimed his arrow at the target, and repeated the advice Aurelia just gave him. However, before he could make the shot, another arrow pierced through the target perfectly. It landed right next to Aurelia's arrow. This took everyone by the surprise, since they all know that it didn't come from either Bran or Aurelia. They all turned around to the direction of where the arrow came from, and saw Arya standing under the balcony, with a grin similar to the one Aurelia wore only moments ago. She bowed teasingly at her elder siblings, while Robb's mouth was agape open, and Aurelia and Jon had smirks on their faces.

Bran immediately started chasing Arya, whilst the rest of the Stark siblings started laughing at their younger siblings behavior.

"Quick, Bran. Faster!" Robb urged Bran, who kept on coming after Arya as she began to ran away. Catelyn and Ned were laughing as well at their children's antics, but that all came to a s top when Ser Rodrick Cassel walked up towards the Lord and Lady of Winterfell.

"Lord Stark. My Lady." Ser Rodrik greeted them both, and Catelyn nodded her head. Ser Rodrik is the only knight in Winterfell, and he was the master-at-arms there. He's been serving House Stark for as long as Aurelia could remember, even before she was born. He had trained her father, and her uncle Benjen when they were boys. "A guardsman just rode in from the hills. They've captured a deserter from the Night's Watch." He informed them, and Ned grimaced in response. He knew what has to be done next. Everyone did.

"Tell the lads to saddle their horses." Ned ordered his ward, Theon and he departed. Theon's full name is Theon Greyjoy, the son and heir of Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands. Theon had been with the Starks since his father rebelled against the iron throne nine years ago. He grew up along with Robb, Jon, and Aurelia as they were the same age. But as Aurelia grew older, she kept her distance from Theon since she's always felt uncomfortable whenever she's left alone with him. As a consequence for his father's actions, Ned had Theon become his ward, and he never left the North ever since.

"Do you have to?" Catelyn asked her husband, since the prospect of killing someone only because he was a deserter, was too much for her.

"He swore an oath, Cat." Ned reminded his wife,

"The law is the law, my lady." Ser Rodrick told Catelyn, and she looked away in disapproval.

"Tell Bran he's coming too. As well as Aurelia." Ned ordered Ser Rodrik, and he nodded before he departed. Catelyn's eyes immediately widened as soon as he heard what Ned had said.

"Ned, ten is too young and no Lady should see such things." Catelyn protested against Ned's choice of letting Bran and Aurelia come to the beheading. All her life, Catelyn wanted to shield her children from such things until the time is right.

"He won't be a boy forever, and Aurelia needs to learn as well." Ned explained his actions to her wife before adding, "Winter is coming."

Ned then walked away from his wife to walk down from the balcony and get ready for the journey out. If Catelyn could, she would have protested further. But it was her husband's choice, and that decision is final.


Hey guys! So basically this story follows an original character (OC) through the events of the Game of Thrones TV series. My OC is name Aurelia Stark, and she's the eldest daughter of Ned and Catelyn and the twin sister of Robb. This will be a Jaime Lannister love story, and I hope you guys are enjoying this chapter and the story so far. Thank you!

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