
By megswriting

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[Tempest Series #5] In the aftermath of the Masked Battle, a storm is brewing on the horizon as both Camp Hal... More

Author's Note


80 8 1
By megswriting

[hortus in urbe]

Tessa felt her heart constrict within her chest, as if actual snakes were twisting around her vitals. She watched as the Oracle spread her hands, and the green smoke around her began to pillow. Her eyes began to shine, and a resonation like a hum in the earth began to vibrate at Tessa's feet.

"I am the spirit of Delphi, speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python. Approach seeker and ask." Came the Oracle's voice.

Tessa took a deep breath. "Show me the Great Prophecy."

A bright light began to shine from around the Oracle, as if a new dawn was forming behind her. Tessa held up a hand to shield her eyes but found herself entranced as the Oracle spoke. "Out of the depths, a half-blood shall rise and become the key to the ancient ones' demise. And see the turn of eras new and old, defeat the traitors of bronze and gold. Or witness the world in smoke and flame, accept thy darkness, accept thy name."

Tessa fell out of the memory with a start. She gripped the porcelain frame of the sink, holding on so tight that her knuckles turned white. Slowly, she let go, allowing the feeling to return to her fingers as she looked up at the mirror, as if expecting to find her memories displayed upon its glass surface.

But there was no sign of the Oracle, spewing green smoke that billowed around her like her floating chiton, or the Greek countryside beyond her. Rather, Tessa stared at a girl that seemed like herself, but just a little off. Her dark hair was twisted into a haphazardly assembled up-do, some strange combination of a bun, a braid, and a ponytail. Tempest gleamed from within the locks. Her sea-green eyes watched Tessa's every movement, their focus spurred by the slightest movement or change. Her face seemed sallow and sunken, a visage cut from a mountainside. The jacket on her frame had been cut, scorched, and torn in places, yet she wore it like armor.

It was Tessa, as if she'd walked out of a dream. Not entirely there, not entirely true, but corporeal enough to meander its way through its own semblance of life.

Tessa took a deep breath and exhaled, tearing her gaze from her haunting reflection. If she couldn't recognize herself now, she wondered how bad it would get in the days to come. How alien she would feel in her own skin.

These thoughts plagued Tessa as she marched out of her quarters and down the halls, until she emerged into the lobby of Dale's café-turned-military base. Thankfully, the number of wounded she had seen the day before had dwindled, and only a handful of demigods with more severe injuries were occupying the closed-off cots. Tessa caught a glimpse of Ms. Hale, but before she had a chance to speak with her, Reese and Flynn's mother returned to her healing.

"If it isn't our fearless leader," Mark said by way of greeting. Tessa turned to find him thrusting a mug of coffee towards her, which she gratefully obliged. "How'd you sleep?"

"There's no time for discussing the symbolism of our dreams, how few and far between they might be at the moment," Dale cut in from across the room, a remote control in her hands. Her golden eyes were locked on the TV screen hanging in the corner. "We have bigger problems, I'm afraid."

Tessa and Mark drifted over to where Dale was standing behind the counter, eventually assimilating into her worrisome stance. Dale had opened a news channel, and nothing being reported, however familiar, settled any of the nerves blossoming in Tessa's soul.

"This storm system is sweeping across the Midwest, with numbers EF4 and EF5 tornadoes being birthed in its wake. Destruction is reaching the millions, and despite it all, the storms do not appear to be slowing down or losing power." The weatherman was reporting, a sky so dark behind him he could have been standing in the middle of the night.

"Oh, dear gods," Tessa muttered under her breath as the camera panned to another angle. Ice spread across her veins, fear in tangible form.

Tessa had only seen Typhon once before, at the Masked Battle earlier that year, when she, Dale, and the rest of Camp Half-Blood's elementals had weakened him. Then, he'd been some cross between a storm-cloud and a moderately sized tornado. It hadn't been too shocking to fight. But this? Somehow, this was worse.

In his full strength and size, Typhon was a thunderstorm from Hell. Clouds so thick and so dark lurched across the sky, submitting the earth beneath it to a perpetual night. The mortals couldn't see it, but Tessa could see beneath the lightning and the rain, that this mighty storm was moving in a humanlike manner, with clouds materializing like smoke, forming arms, legs, and a face illumined by impossible arcs of lightning.

"It's getting worse," Mark whistled. "Hundreds are dead already."

Tessa resisted a shudder, turning her attention to Dale. The daughter of Demeter looked at her, their gazes meeting, and thankfully, she got the message. Dale changed the channel.

"He's getting closer," Tessa observed, glancing at Mark pointedly. "At this rate, he'll be here by the end of the week."

"What happens if he does?" Dale asked as she surfed the channels.

"Let's hope we won't find out," Came Kaden's bold voice as he emerged from the elevator, Reese at his side. Both were brooding, as if they'd just lost a fight.

"What's up with you two?" Mark furrowed his brow together. "Someone lose the cover of Pretty Boys Monthly to the other?"

"Hardy-har-har," Reese mused as he sauntered forward, purpose in his stride. He grabbed the remote from Dale's hands, typed in a string of numbers, and watched. "But I'm afraid we have bigger problems."

"Besides," Kaden chimed as he leant against the counter. Even with a hard-set expression, his gladius glinting at his side, and his arms folded across his chest, Tessa could still discern the impish glint in his eyes. "I won."

Before anyone could laugh, all attention was diverted to the local news station Reese had put on. Suddenly, the image of a well-dressed news anchor filled the screen.

"We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you breaking news. With tensions regarding Alderman Grant Rainier's sudden defection and alliance with extremist groups growing, riots have been blossoming throughout the city. Those in favor of Rainier's decisions and those against have been clashing for nearly forty-eight hours throughout Manhattan. We bring you live to Madison Square Park..."

Tessa whirled around. "This isn't news."

"No, but that is," Reese pointed up at the TV, a grim expression on his face. Tessa followed his line of sight and felt her stomach turn.

Milling about the perimeter of the growing right were Menoetious' soldiers, donning their twisted garb. They stood at the ready like the mortal policemen, trying to cleave the mob in half. There was something so chilling in how they stood, waiting for action, that reminded Tessa of Aether's Masks, brainwashed to fight a battle they knew not who they were fighting against.

Tessa was about to observe as such when the camera panned, and her eyes widened at what she saw. Standing atop a nearby garden wall, watching the riot unfold before them like gods, were Matthew Baines and Vinny Maxwell.

"Guys," Tessa exclaimed. "They have company."

Silence fell upon the five as they watched, in equal parts shock and rage, as the two traitors surveyed their makeshift battlefield. It was then that Tessa saw what Vinny was tossing back and forth between his hands, glinting in the sunlight. A vial of foggy liquid, so saturated it nearly glowed.

"He has a bomb," Kaden said, alarm in his voice.

Tessa spun around, finding that the five were no longer alone. At least a dozen other half-bloods, armed and ready, stood beyond them, waiting.

"All of you, to Madison Square Park, now!" Tessa commanded.

The demigods scattered, barking commands to one another as they rushed out the door.

Tessa spun back around, facing her friends as they prepared for battle. They looked up at her and halted.

"Mark, disable as many of Menoetious' men as possible. Reese, you too. Priority here is ridding the fight of mortal lives. Dale, get the mortals to safety. Kaden—"

Kaden quirked a brow, his gladius unsheathed. "Vinny and Matthew are mine."

Tessa smirked. "Read my mind." She averted her attention back to the rest of the group. "Do what you have to do and get rid of that bomb!"

Her friends stormed out around her, until it was just Tessa staring up at the TV screen. Without knowing it, the mortal news cameras had centered on Vinny's smug face, the glow of the bomb illuminating his features like the glow of the Oracle in Tessa's memories.

There, his plans had been trifled. And today would be no different.


When Tessa arrived at Madison Square Park, she assumed she had about one minute until hell broke loose. The rioters were beginning to seethe, and the mortal police couldn't do much to stop them. Fueled with Menoetious' influence, it was only moments until punches were thrown and the soldiers on the sidelines would interfere.

Her friends were already up to their assignments. Kaden was weaving his way through the crowd towards Matthew and Vinny, a predator hunting his prey. Reese was perched nearby, firing noxious arrows towards as many of Menoetious' soldiers as he could while Mark ran around them, a streak of light. Dale stood at the end of the riot, getting people away from the fight before it could begin.

Tessa took a deep breath, removing Tempest from her hair. It grew in her hand until she was met with the familiar weight of her sword. She needed to be a distraction, she needed to buy her friends and her forces enough time to see their plans through.

She spotted a pipe running alongside the sidewalk, a water line that hadn't been buried yet. She followed until she was opposite the center of the riot, which was growing in volume and size.

Tessa gripped Tempest in both hands, its tip pointed down at the pipe. In one swift movement, she stabbed downward and cleaved the pipe in two, sending a geyser of pressurized water three stories into the air.

The initial screams of shock and gasps of surprise were enough for Tessa's friends to start their plan and for her enemies to begin theirs. With the police distracted, the rioters began to fight, and Menoetious' soldiers began to filter through the crowd. However, Tessa's forces intervened, enthralling them in battle while Dale, Mark, and Reese did their best to rid the battle of civilians.

"Tessa Brennan," Someone said, and Tessa spun around to find herself facing one of Menoetious' men. "Surrender, and your life shall be spared."

"Tempting, but I'll take a rain check," Tessa feigned a smile. She flexed her hand, and a jet stream of water flew at the soldier, knocking him backwards.

The soldier removed his gun from the holster at his thigh, aiming it at Tessa. "Then you shall perish like your sister."

Tessa's eyes widened in fury. "Don't you talk about her!"

The soldier fired, and Tessa raised Tempest in defense. The bullet flew off it, shooting back at the soldier, who grunted and collapsed upon impact.

"That's what I thought," Tessa spat, and stalked towards the fight. The battle was mostly clear of civilians—her friends worked fast—which meant she had one fight left to wage.

But as Tessa stormed towards the glint of Kaden's sword in the distance, she felt a sharp pain erupt across her thigh. She cried out, and before she could turn around, she was shoved to the ground.

Tessa rolled onto her back, fumbling for Tempest which had clattered beyond her reach. She cursed and looked up, and felt fury brewing in her stomach. "Matthew Baines, as I live and breathe."

The traitorous son of Ares smirked down at Tessa, his sword glinting wickedly in the sunlight. "Miss me?"

"Can't say I did," Tessa tilted her head, looking up at him. "I'd say you look good, but that'd be a lie."

Matthew chuckled. "Still relying on your wit?"

"It's working, isn't it?"


Tessa seized Matthew's momentary lapse to spring back to her feet. Using the momentum, she spun around and aimed a well-rounded kick to his chest, sending the son of Ares stumbling backwards.

"That's what," Tessa said, hands on her hips. "Now do you really want to try and fight me, or should you surrender?"

Matthew spat, swinging his sword in practice. "I've dreamt of killing you for years, Brennan. I'll be sure to savor this."

Tessa arched an eyebrow, inching her finger towards him as if coaxing him forward. Matthew stalked towards her, and as he raised his sword, a flash of green like a snake coiled up Matthew's body. His sword clattered to the ground as one of Dale's vines took him captive.

"See ya, Baines," Tessa said, walking over to where Tempest had fallen.

Matthew didn't have time to scream before somewhere in the distance, Dale willed the vine to move and it did, ripping him out of Tessa's sight.

Tessa sighed, surveying the battle. It was dying down, which was good, and there hadn't been an explosion yet, which was also good, but still. Something didn't feel right.

Then she heard it. The scream that sent fear like a blade cleaving down her heart and soul.

"Kaden!" Tessa shrieked and sprinted towards the sound of his scream. She ran through the crowd, uncertain of where she was going. All she knew was that she had to run, had to find him—

"Tessa Brennan," Vinny's arrogant voice crooned above the sounds of the melee. "So glad you could join us."

Tessa whipped around, Tempest at the ready, to find Vinny standing atop Kaden, who was groaning and gripping his side.

"I'm afraid our lovely friend Kaden had a run in with the newest addition to my arsenal," Vinny displayed his sword, seemingly glowing with a sickly green aura, as if it were a trophy. In his other hand, he held the glowing bomb. "Drakon poison. Ironic way for him to go, isn't it?"

Tessa tried to get rid of fear's vices, fixing her attention on Vinny. "Let Kaden go."

Vinny gave Tessa a look. "Pass." He raised his sword the way Tessa had earlier, as if his only intention was cleaving Kaden in half.

"No!" Tessa's feet acted before the rest of her did, and the next thing she knew, she was tackling Vinny to the grass beyond.

Vinny rolled with her, grunting and spitting out dirt. It became a grapple against time. Whenever Tessa had a fraction of a second, she searched for the bomb before Vinny rolled back on top of her and the cycle continued. She dodged punch after punch, landed blow after blow, until she spotted the glowing sphere laying harmlessly in a patch of weeds a few feet away.

Tessa reached for it, flipping onto her stomach and crawling towards it. Vinny grabbed her hair and yanked her back. She resisted a yelp, kicking upwards until Vinny's own screech was a few octaves higher than hers. When Vinny collapsed, his hands gripping his groin in pain, Tessa staggered to her feet and ran for the bomb.

With trembling fingers, Tessa looked around, the battlefield suddenly endless. She spotted Mark zipping around the distance. "MARK!"

The son of Iris stopped. His eyes landed on the bomb in her hands and widened.

"CATCH!" Tessa bellowed before launching the bomb towards Mark. Thankfully, Mark was fast, and caught it.

Tessa sighed. She spotted Kaden and flung herself to his side. "Kaden, Kaden, come on, look at me." She cupped his cheek.

Kaden groaned, blinking up at her. "It hurts, Tess."

Tessa resisted tears. "I know, Kade, but you have to fight it. You can't leave me too."

Kaden met her gaze, as misty as it was, and nodded. "Never."

Tessa released a shaky laugh, and Kaden smiled through his pain. However, his eyes locked on a point behind Tessa. "Look out!"

Before Tessa could act, she felt hands at her throat, swinging her backwards. Her eyes widened as she kicked, trying to be let down, but the pain was blinding. She met Vinny's furious gaze as he lifted her up, despite her scratching attempts to drop her.

"You think you're so powerful," Vinny's voice seemed thunderous, ten times louder than normal. "Your so-called strength and your forsaken powers have failed you before and they will fail you again, Tessa, mark my words. You think you can defeat Menoetious? His plans will unfold whether you fight them or not. And you, Tessa? You're his final power play."

Tessa's vision was going dark, her movements becoming weaker. The sky seemed to be white, a piercing, blinding light. No, she couldn't go now, certainly not like this. She needed to fight—

An arc of gold cleaved through the white, and Tessa collapsed to the ground, coughing and choking. She took a ragged inhale and rolled over only to find a severed hand inches from her face.

The scream sounded strangled when she realized it was Vinny's hand. She scrambled backwards and looked up, finding Kaden on his feet, one hand gripping his side and the other wrapped around his sword, now bloody.

"If you even look at her again," Kaden said, his voice grave from the pain and the fury, "I will rip your heart out."

Vinny was gripping his stump of an arm, trying to stop the bleeding. He glared up at Kaden. "I'll have your head someday, Gray. But that day is not today."

Kaden made another move to swing at Vinny, but with another flash of light, the traitor was gone.

Kaden lowered his arm and collapsed next to Tessa. Despite the pain etched into his face, he surveyed Tessa. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Tessa swallowed, shaking her head and wiping the tears from her eyes. "Kaden, I'm fine. You need help."

Kaden shook his head, but Tessa could see the impact from Vinny's poisoned sword. His wound was beginning to turn strange colors, and Kaden's skin was losing its typical pallor.

"Come on," Tessa insisted, wrapping an arm around Kaden and helping him to his feet. Together, they staggered towards the street, where the battle had died. Thankfully, none of their forces had been wounded.

"We need a medic," Tessa demanded. "Where are our medics?"

"They're not here," Mark stammered. "The Hunters are managing other mobs, and everyone else is at camp or home base—"

"Mark, run him to the base," Tessa insisted. "Now."

Mark looked down at the sphere in his hands, now beginning to glow eerily. "Is it supposed to be doing that?"


"Okay!" Mark tossed the bomb to Reese, who yelped as he caught it like a hot potato. Before the son of Apollo could protest, Mark raced off, Kaden in his arms.

"This thing's made of Greek fire," Reese noted, still fumbling with the bomb as if touching it would set it off. "How do we get rid of it?"

Tessa opened her mouth to speak, but the bomb began to emit a nuclear glow. Her stomach dropped and she reached for it, launching it somewhere, anywhere, away from them—

But someone caught it.

Matthew Baines caught it. The glow turned his face into a sharp plane of edges, a grotesque mask as if revealing the demon beneath the son of Ares' skin. Somehow, the bomb hadn't entirely gone off yet, because as Matthew held it, it emitted noises like the glass was cracking, a warning to them all.

"Matthew," Tessa started, outstretching a hand. "Don't."

Matthew didn't respond. He looked up to meet Tessa's gaze as the bomb's noises became more erratic. And yet, the world seemed to go silent as Matthew looked at Tessa without malice, without a vendetta, and said, "Wall Street."

Tessa knit her eyebrows together, but the world seemed to speed up to its normal pace at that.

"You all will burn," Matthew was saying, tearing his gaze from Tessa to look to Reese and Dale, who had come running towards them. "All of you. All of your camps. All of your gods!"

The crackling got louder. Matthew looked down and held the bomb up above his head, now glowing like a second sun.

"Finally!" Matthew bellowed, laughing hysterically. "You all will burn!"

"Matthew, no--!" Dale shrieked, but as the bomb exploded, she, Reese, and Tessa were forced to hunker down and look away as an impossible light erupted into existence.

When the light dimmed and the sound like a piercing whine died down, Tessa got to her feet to look to Matthew, but there was no one and nothing left to look at. Just a scorched piece of pavement, a blast radius of smoke and shrapnel, and a bronze sword, now shattered where a son of Ares had once stood.

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