ChocoMalt's Archive

By ChocoMalt

279 18 41

An archive of my old works from the beginning of time. Deleted, unpublished and unfinished works included. :) More

The Matchmaker ver. 1.0
The Matchmaker ver. 2.0
The Matchmaker ver. 3.0
The Matchmaker ver. 3.0 (unpublished chapter)
My Personal Pet ver. 1.0
Emotionless Being
Magic Society
Survival Strategy
The Land Of Deception
The Fate Of A Spy
The Fate Of A Spy CookyeLord ver.
Musical Sensibility (plan)

My Personal Pet ver. 2.0

11 1 0
By ChocoMalt

From Wordpress. I totally forgot about the exisitence of this edited version of the ver. 1.0. But since there's only a few minor edits and changes, it shouldn't matter~

I posted this to my wordpress which was made last, last year when I was just barely 15. I will not share it. Haha.

First Published: Oct 26, 2012

Last Updated: Nov 8, 2012

Words: 5,174

Chapters: 3

My Personal Pet – Chapter 1: First Step

October 26, 2012

I watched as models with their 36-24-36 measurements strutted down the catwalk in their ravishingly exquisite clothing, wondering how they managed to do so as gracefully as they did. I didn't really know what I was doing here, I don't have any interest in this area and honestly, I just preferred my signature style of a simple t-shirt and jeans. Sure, working for the rich and financially privileged meant listening to them brag about their wealthy lifestyles in their posh chatter, but the only reason I would waste my time satisfying them is because the pay I would receive from them is higher than any job you could get. Even if I was just a backstage person, it does get a bit tiring having to listen to them be so picky. I mean, seriously, some people can't even afford the beads and fabric they use for these dresses!

My brother, Jake always tells me not to work too hard, but then he's the one going off performing impossible tasks for just a tiny bit of spare change. I truly despise those spoiled brats and princesses, they don't have to work a day in their lives if they pleased and would still get everything they want, but then again, what would I know? I'm not rich.


"Yuki! Yuki! Could you come here for a sec?" Alli yelled from the dressing room.

I made my way backstage to find her. Today, this was my job. A backstage helper in this particular fashion show in which my best friend just happened to be a model participant.

"You shouldn't work too hard. It's bad for your health you know," Will said as he walked over after returning from the runway. "Alli, you shouldn't bother her too much either. You could get others to help you." I turned red.

The Evergreen twins, also known as my best friends were coincidentally models for this fashion show. Actually, it wasn't such a coincidence, more like inevitability. Alli asked me to come help backstage both to earn money and to keep her company, there was another reason for me to be here, but I won't mention it yet.

These two weren't normal twins. They were one of those high-classed people who's father was the ex-mayor of town. Neither of them turned out spoiled or bratty like you'd expected. The three of us, plus Jake, have been inseparable. And if you haven't realized, my third reason for being here was because I'd get to see Will dressed up all handsome, which you probably realized that I sort-of have a crush on him...Alli sort-of crush on my brother, but that was different because they're already sort-of going out.

When our father passed away almost 16 years ago, Jake and I were not yet born. Although I wasn't able to attend the funeral, there have been rumors around our neighborhood that the reason my father died was still a mystery. Jake said it was cancer, but others claimed in was suicide and that someone either made it look like it or drove him to that point. I, honestly, don't know what to believe.

I came to learn that the person who I thought was my mother, was actually not my real mother. She was Jake's mother, but not mine. Step-mother was my father's mistress, and I was told that he was in love with my mother but was not allowed to marry her as he was forced to marry step-mother. It's also why Jake and I are both sixteen. My father had an affair with the lady he truly loved while his wife was at home pregnant and although that sounds bad, I'm glad to have a brother like Jake.

Ever since I was little, this pale-skinned lady kept appearing in my dreams and calling out my name, I thought she was my mother so I tried asking step-mother where my real mother was, but she only glared at me and said that she was dead. Those dreams made it feel like she was still out there somewhere.

Mother, I'll work hard. I'll keep earning money to keep my family alive and when I have enough money, I'll find you myself...

"Yuki, why didn't you accept Bella's offer?" Alli asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Huh? You think I can model?" I looked at her. "You're joking right?"

"Girl, you have to stop looking down on yourself." Alli replied looking towards Will to back her up. "You have the most amazing eyes. What color was it again?"

"Violet-blue," Will replied for me. "I'm sure that's exactly what their looking for. Bella was trying to get you to dress up once in a while."

Easy for you to say...Not everyone can be as pretty and proportional as Bella, your girlfriend. =_=

Yes, my crush already has a girlfriend. Heartbreaking, isn't it? Now the five of us have become inseparable, and I'm the awkward fifth wheel. -_-

"Nah, I wouldn't look good in a dress." I countered.

"How would you know? For all the 15 years I've known you, I've never seen you even try one on!" Alli exclaimed.

"Because I know I wouldn't look good in one. Duh." I said, quietly.

"I'm sure you'd look beautiful in one." Will added.

There you go. Saying such sweet comments and expecting me not to like you? You're just evil. Plain evil. That's what makes you so popular! You're so nice and well, nice. And not only are you nice, but you're a genius, skipping a grade just to be in the same grade as Bella. I don't know if that's smart or romantic. –"


"Alright, you're all dismissed!" The manager yelled while I silently celebrated. I can finally get out of this glamorous setting. \>o</

Will and Alli waited for me at the front since the models were allowed to leave after the show was over, but the backstage people had to tidy up. Bella was there with them.

"Yuki, thank you so much for helping out today," She smiled at me. "Here's you pay."

I took the envelope with just a thank you and remained silent.

"Well, I'm going to meet up with Jake for a date," Alli started looking towards me with apologetic eyes, inching away further every word. "So I guess I'll see you later!" She yells then runs away.

Great, ditched by my best friend and left to stand here with my crush and his girlfriend, just great. =o=

"I've got some work to do for a bit of money, so I guess I'll see you guys later too." I took the initiative to say before walking in the same direction that Alli had left. I didn't really have work to do so I guess I'd go to the Uptown mall to do some window shopping of desserts. Anything in Uptown was way over my budget anyways.



"Leon! I LOVE YOU!"

"Can I have your autograph?"


"Marry Me!"

"He's so hot!"

"Would you like me to turn on the radio, Young Master?" the driver asked, the tall, dark and handsome young man in the back seat of the limousine.

"No, it's fine. You can't help it if my fans are too noisy." the handsome modern-day-prince, known as Leon Phantomhive, replied.

My Personal Pet – Chapter 2: Unexpected Encounters

October 26, 2012

I wandered into the streets of the Uptown, alone. It seemed a lot more lively and posh than shabby little Downtown where our house was. I sighed, wondering if I had always been this lonely without my friends, but I would rather be lonely than be the fifth wheel,again.

I didn't want to return home because I was positive my step-mother would start nagging me about where I was and then demand from me the money I shed blood and tears for. Either that or she'd be out drinking and gambling as usual since Jake wasn't home.

I walked into the Uptown mall and already people were giving me weird glances as if I were from another planet. Well, I can't help it if my clothes are so plain compared to yours!! =.=

I headed over to the patisserie across the road that I couldn't possibly afford, still I did love window shopping cakes. That and the fact I really wanted to be a patissiere. By the way, that's French for a pastry chef and a patisserie is where they sell those delicious, heavenly sweets and pastries. Ever since I was little, I loved cakes but with what we had, I couldn't afford them. Not even for birthdays. The only time I could eat cake was when Alli and Will had their birthday.


I must have spent a good half-hour looking at cakes but it still didn't kill enough time. I continued to daydream as I crossed the road, looking up for a brief moment, I glanced to the side and saw a bright red sports car speeding right towards me.

What the hell? The light is red! -_-!!

It was too late to do anything, my body froze in shock.

"Shit, GET OUT OF THE WAY!! MOVE!!" the handsome young man wearing sunglasses cursed.

The headlights flashed into my eyes and the impact of the car flew me a few foot forwards, the last thing I heard was a car door slamming shut before I blacked out. "Hey! Are you alright?"


I opened my eyes and found myself dressed in turquoise colored clothing in an extremely unfamiliar place – it looked like a suite in a very high-class hotel; not like I've been in one but still... O_O

My vision was a little blurred but I saw a figure approach me – it was the same a young man but this time, up close, he looked oddly familiar.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Better. Where am I? Who are you?" I asked with a hoarse voice, that seemed unlike my own.

"You don't know who I am?" he said, raising an eyebrow and looking genuinely surprised.

'Well it's not like you know who I am...' I almost said. ._.

My vision had returned to normal and I could now see he had raven-black hair, similar to mine, except his had a tint of brown to it. He had mysterious sky-blue eyes that were just, well, mesmerizing, and you just couldn't help but stare deep into them, it matched perfectly with the rest of his face – full lips and an aristocrat's nose. They were a work of art.

"It's hard to not stare at me, isn't it?" he asked, smirking and edging closer to me. "And yet, you don't know who I am." He stands up straight again and clears his voice.

"My name is Leon Phantomhive. I'm seventeen and the current CEO and heir of Phantom Group." he said, as if it was a line that he had rehearsed over and over.

Leon? Leon Phantomhive? Phantom Group? Hmm...Definitely familiar...!!! O[]O

He was the one that sponsored the fashion show I was working at today! So he's a rich brat... =A=

"Well, I'm a busy young man, so I'd like to excuse myself if you don't mind," he said, as he walked back towards the door. "But since you're up, I'll get the doctor on my way out."

He was well-mannered, I'll give him that, but he still annoyed me in a way only a spoiled, rich brat could. =3=


A man in his mid-twenties entered the room, he looked like a fresh graduate out of med school considering his young appearance. Although he had glasses on and his hair was long enough to almost cover his eyes, I could tell he look very handsome.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Daniels. But seeing that Leon brought you here personally, you can just call me Lucas." he said, smiling almost too brightly to consider it real. It was probably that salesman kind of smile to coerce their consumers into buying their products.

I had a multiple bruises on my arms and sides and I had sprained my wrist while landing on it, when I fell, but that was the extent of my injuries. Lucas said that Leon had paid for everything and that I could just leave when I'm ready, so I complied and left immediately after changing back into my own clothing.


I couldn't stay sane in a posh place for long, it made me want to scream at those who were more financially privileged, so I always left before I felt like doing so or I would have been arrested by now, otherwise. I convinced myself that I was sick of the sight of the rich people, but you could never get sick of all the luxuries they had. It all seemed so bright and shiny. *o*

I still didn't want to go home, although it was getting dark so I decided to take a detour to the beach.


"Driver, please take me to the beach. I need to kill some time before I go home." Leon ordered his driver.

"As you wish, Young Master." the driver immediately replied, without questioning.

Driver never asked a lot of questions or bothered Leon too much, and that was what Leon liked about Driver. Leon never found out his name and just referred to him as Driver but he always followed orders without questioning them.

There were always people who wanted to pry into his private life, for example, if he said what he ordered earlier to Driver, others would ask 'Why on earth you out of all people would need to kill time?' or 'Why don't you head home and relax?' or 'Why don't you fly to some exotic beach on whatever island?'. They never left him alone and Leon was sick of that. Just because he was Uptown's number one most eligible bachelor and a 17-year-old multi-billionaire, didn't mean he had no problems.

If he had time after work, he couldn't relax. His parents would send him to social parties in their stead or to meet candidates for arranged marriages, either that or they'd be there waiting and ready to lecture him about whatever kinds of things multi-billionaires tell their sons and daughters.

Honestly, Leon wanted a normal teenage life for once. A high-school life rather than work, a hang out with friends rather than social parties, heneeded a getaway. Someone or something to entertain him and be an excuse to not do any of these things. But what? Orwho?


West-town beach was not actually located in the West. It was more of a north-west direction, closer to the Uptown. The rich and privileged never really came here if they didn't have to though. That's why I like it here. I guess it's because they have the money to go to exotic tropical beaches or private islands around the world.

I took of my worn out shoes and walked across the soft, sandy beach bare-footed, the fine grains of sand getting into my toenails. The sun was setting into the ocean and created a magnificent, picture-worthy landscape. The silence and peacefulness put my mind at ease. I walked to the far end of the beach and back. The sun had set and there was only the light of the full moon illuminating the vast ocean. I sat down and stretched my legs out, closing my eyes so that I could only hear the sounds of the waves relaxing me. Opening my eyes again, I stared out into the sea and let my mind wander off somewhere.

I wasn't able to indulge in this peaceful moment for long though. Magnified by the silence, I heard the sound of footsteps squeaking in the sand, coming from behind me, closer and closer. Who came to the beach at this time of day or night? It was probably a stalker or a homeless person. It was so silent, I could tell how much closer the footsteps approached, the only other sound was the sound of my heart thumping inside my chest, the adrenaline rush made me ignore all the other sounds. I calmed myself, ready to attack whoever or whatever was behind me. When the sound was close enough I turned around and charged at whatever was there. I could now make out the figure of a man by this time, but it was still too dark to tell exactly. Unexpectedly, he moved forward and messed up my timing so instead of charging at him with a punch or a kick, I ended up crashing into him and both of us fell to the ground, with me on top.

"What the-?" he yelled. The moment made me shut my eyes and the moment I open them I realize I had run into none other than, Leon Phantomhive. A feeling of relief that it wasn't a scary person flooded through me. "You're the girl that made a dent in my car!"

"Yeah? You're the guy that gave me bruises and almost KILLED ME!" I yelled back.

"I didn't sprain your wrist, you did that yourself."

"What are you doing here anyways?" I said, getting off him. "I thought the rich never come to beaches like this."

"So you do acknowledge that I'm rich," he said, doing that signature smirk thing of his "And that's exactly why I'm here. Nobody I know would come here. What about you?"

"I have nothing better to do..." I replied, mentally slapping myself at how stupid that answer was.

"By the way, do you just attack whoever comes near you?" he asked, staring at me seemingly amused as if he were a scientist who had just discovered a new species. "Should I be afraid?"

"Well, only if you were a stalker or something." I replied, calmly crossing my arms.

"You'd attack anyone who'd try to do something to you?" His expression looked completely surprised. "A small girl like you?"

"Of course, it's self defense." I replied. "And I'm not small."

"Oh yeah, and what makes your think I would want to do anything to someone like you?" he asked looking more amused by the minute.

"Really. I should have just punched you." I replied, glaring at him. He only laughed.

"Are you free now or something, then?" he asked after a moments of silence on my part.

"What do you care?" I asked still glaring.

"Geez, I was just going to ask you out on a date?" he made a pouting face. "Maybe not then."


"Are you free though?" he continued to ask, looking more serious now.

"Yeah, everyday until school starts." I answered, half-heartedly.

"Oh, really?" he grinned and had a completely crazy look on his face, it matched his features well too though. "How would you like to work for Leon Phantomhive?" he asked.

"What? Are you serious?" I turned to him, certainly my face looked surprised."

"Well, you don't have to do much. Just keep me entertained when I'm bored." he replied, smirking to himself, looking extremely suspicious "That's all."

"Why me?" I asked, curious as to why out of all the professionals her could have hired, he picked me.

"Because you amuse me." he replied, smirking once again. "I'll pay you, of course. You look like you're in need of money anyways."

True. I do need money. And he's a multi-billionaire's son, just working for him might set me up for life. Mom. My real mother. I might finally...

"Fine" I replied without further hesitation.

My Personal Pet – Chapter 3: The Contract

November 8, 2012

A dream. That's what this all was. Yes, it was all just a dream. Except for the fact that no matter how many times I try to pinch myself or whatever form of pain you would use to wake oneself up from a dream, I just wouldn't wake up.

Who would have thought I out of all people would get to rid in a limo? And this wasn't just any limo. It was Leon's. Leon Phantomhive's limo. The sight of the wealthy still disgusted me, although it may have been one percent better looking at it from the window of a limousine.

"Take a nap if you're tired. Driver, please wake me up when we arrive." Leon suggested before he dozed off in the seat beside me. Although there was another seat between us in this spacious limo, I could hear his even breath as he slept.

After watching the unfamiliar buildings pass by from the limousine window, one after the other, my own eyelids felt heavy. I nap wouldn't hurt, right? ^-^//

I wonder if that lady will appear in my dreams again... o_o

"Hey! Wake up! We're here!" A soft whisper came from beside me. I opened my eyes to find it belonged to Leon, who's face was only inches away from mine with my head on his shoulder. Startled, I immediately repelled as furthest away from him as possible, my heart racing. I could feel the blood rush up to my face as I felt light-headed, either from the nap or from embarrassment. Leon only smirked as he opened the door on his side and got out, leaving me still frozen, my mind lazy from the nap I had taken.

Leon made his way over to my side of the limo and tapped on the window. I sat there blinking at him, not sure of what to do.

"Coming out?" He mouthed to me, smirking like always. It was dark but the lights from outside were bright enough for me to catch a glimpse of his eyes, which in this light were a much darker blue.

I shook my head furiously, refusing to come out and backing away from the door slowly. Seeing my reaction, he pulled the car door open and grabbed my hand. If there wasn't limited space, I would have sent him flying by now, but before I could even react, he jerked me off my seat and flung me on his shoulder.

I kicked and screamed but it had no affect on Leon, he just held onto my waist even tighter. It made me squeamish due to the fact I was quite ticklish.

"If you move so much, you're going to fall." he talked, and I could feel his breath on my arm which was around his shoulder. "I'm not that strong." I could feel he was smirking again.


Leon carried me to the living room and dropped me onto the sofa with ease. I immediately got up and stood in a defensive position, wondering if there was anything else he was up to.

"Hey, I won't touch someone like you." he looked at me with that smirk of his. "I have standards, you know." With a chuckle, he left the room, leaving me to see how unbelievably spacious and classy the living room looked. On the wall opposite to the door, was a huge window that overlooked the beautiful scenery that was outside. I couldn't imagine having so much space outside the house when we barely had enough inside. On another wall, was a gigantic flat-screen television that was probably about the size of me. The sofa was a velvety blue color, while the walls were a pearly cream color. Opposite to the TV were two large glass doors that briefly I could see led to the dining room. I decided to just sit and wait, afraid to touch anything in case I damaged it. I continued to look uncomfortably look around from where I was sitting.

The sound of the door handle clicking made me jump. I sighed, the sight of this whole place was making me...jumpy.

I could hear conversation going on but it seemed as if only one person was talking. It wasn't Leon.

Two strangers walked into the room, one had cropped chocolate brown hair and was wearing a navy blue blazer with a white t-shirt and black trouser. The other one had gelled back, reddish colored hair and was wearing a full on black tuxedo, but no tie. Their conversation stopped when they laid eyes on me.

"Holy mother of-! Leon brought a girl home?!" the one with the brown hair yelled out, looking utterly flabbergasted.

"Leon?" the guy in the tux responded and shrugged.

The brown-haired guy walked up to me and knelt down in front of me so my face was at eye level to his. He looked handsome, sort of like an actor I've seen when I passed by the movie store. He looked like a younger version, but was equally as handsome. Maybe it was a thing with rich people. The other guy had sharp features and was quite pale, he was also good-looking but in a more mature way. Puberty must be really kind to all of these rich people... =o=;

He was still examining my face, his mysterious dark brown eyes trailed from my forehead to my chin. I sat there blinking, feeling awkward that someone was staring at my face for so long.

"Hmm, so this was Leon's type?" he puts one hand on his chin, looking like he was observing a rare species. "She's cute, but a little plain don't you think? I like her eyes though."

Again, the other guy just shrugged. When I turn back to face the guy that was staring at me, his face was now only inches away from mine. I was about to send him flying when Leon walked in looking completely annoyed and out of breath. The guy who was staring at my face got up and rushed over to swing an arm around Leon's shoulder.

"Hey, bro." he grinned. "I see you have a guest."

"Shut up, didn't I tell you to wait in the study?" Leon snapped.

"Hey-" the brown-haired guy replied putting up his hands as defense.

"My apologies, Young Master,Young Master Dominic wanted a snack so I was about to-" the guy in the tux interrupted, bowing to Leon.

"Cedi! How many times must I tell you?" the brown-haired guy, that was called 'Young Master Dominic' interrupted the guy in the tux. "Just call us by our names. We're friends!"

"Well, introduce yourselves to her." Leon urged, looking completely bored.

"Alright then. I'm Dominic Daniels, but you can just call me Dom. My family owns and runs the Uptown Hospital." the brown-haired guy winks at me. I just ignore it.

"Wait, Daniels? Hospital? Then Dr Lucas Daniels is-" I started.

"He's my older brother." Dom interrupted.

"Cedi?" Leon turned to the guy in the tux.

"I'm Cedric. The Phantomhive family butler." he said shortly.

"Butler? That's true, but you're also our friend!" Dom added. "By the way, isn't she a little plain-looking for you Leon? She's cute though."

Leon remained silent, refusing to look at neither me or Dom, his eyes trained on Cedric.

"Also, why didn't you tell me you got a girlfriend, although she's plain-looking and-"

Before Dom could finish, I yelled. "Well, I'm sorry for being normal and plain-looking!" I glared at Dom, my eyes turned to daggers. Leon continued to look away, rolling his eyes, while Cedric remained silent.

After a moment's silence, Leon walks over to stand beside me. A thought ran through my head. Dom referred to me as Leon's girlfriend, I didn't say otherwise- he couldn't possibly this that I and this basta-

"This is my girlfriend." Leon put his arm around my waist and look at me, smiling. "Introduce yourself."

I looked at him awestruck, deadpanned, flabbergasted or whatever word you'd use in this situation. He didn't know my name. He just claimed I was his girlfriend. He was Leon Phantomhive.


After that dramatic exit of his, Leon, with his hand still around my waist, dragged me out of the room. My heart was racing far too fast for me to take note of where he was taking me. I remembered stairs, and a diamond chandelier before ending up in a bedroom that was literally the size of my house.

My senses returned to normal and I shot backwards to the door, but before I could turn the handle, Leon put both his hands on the door, preventing me from leaving. I could feel his breath tickling the back of my neck. Everything became mute except for my heartbeat.

"You're not backing out now, princess." he said.

Before I could scream of react, he had both my hands held behind me above my head. I proceeded to scream but before I could even try, his lips crashed down on to mine. I was frozen, stiff.

I could feel my face getting hot, automatically, I kneed him in an area that I though would have hurt most. He ended up on the ground, against the wall. I was speechless.

"Hey, you agreed to work for me." he urged, panting.

"I did," I replied, finding that I, too, was out of breath. "But I didn't agree to be your girlfriend."

"Shit," he cursed. "I must have forgotten to tell you."

He reached for his vest pocket and holds out a piece of paper for me. I snatched it from him, glaring.

"Contract?" I stared at the paper. "By signing this contract I agree to be Leon Phantomhive's girlfriend until I am dismissed by Leon Phantomhive himself?"

I continued to glare at him, only to find I was faced back with a smirk. Oh no, not this again...

"I'll pay you," he pulled out a checkbook from the same pocket. "How far are you willing to go as my girlfriend for 2 million a week?"

Girlfriend? The instructions were to attend parties as his girlfriend, to be by his side at all times and to move in?

I swallowed. Was I being offered money for my body? No way. No way. There was no way Leon would pick me as his personal prostitute, he could have any girl he wanted.

"I'm not being your personal prostitute." I yelled.

"You're not." he replied, still smirking.


"Be my girlfriend." He said, smiling, looking almost too genuine. "My fake girlfriend."

He stood up and walked towards me, grabbing my hand.

"Be my personal pet." he slowly lifted up my hand and kissed it, gently.

What am I getting myself into?

All I had to do was attend parties as his fake girlfriend, guard him at all times and I get to live in a huge mansion and still earn two million a week.

I signed the paper.

What did I get myself into?

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