ChocoMalt's Archive

By ChocoMalt

279 18 41

An archive of my old works from the beginning of time. Deleted, unpublished and unfinished works included. :) More

The Matchmaker ver. 1.0
The Matchmaker ver. 2.0
The Matchmaker ver. 3.0
My Personal Pet ver. 1.0
My Personal Pet ver. 2.0
Emotionless Being
Magic Society
Survival Strategy
The Land Of Deception
The Fate Of A Spy
The Fate Of A Spy CookyeLord ver.
Musical Sensibility (plan)

The Matchmaker ver. 3.0 (unpublished chapter)

10 2 1
By ChocoMalt

This chapter was incomplete and never published anywhere. I am now revealing this here. Probably the cheesiest chapter in Matchmaker history...

dix-sept (unpublished)

There were many kinds of restaurant-like places to grab food for to go at a rest area. I was finally back in Aragonia and missed the food terribly as it seemed like people did not eat rice often where I was in Ruenan. At least not the same way we did in Aragonia.

I got the simple fried rice as well as peppered chicken with plain rice. I debated on whether to eat at the store and take Dom's to go, that way he'd get more sleep or take both to go and eat it together. In the end, I felt that if I brought both back, we could share it so carried the boxes back to the car.

"You're back already?" Dom greeted me once I got in and sat.

"Weren't you sleeping?" I asked.

"By any chance, did you give my number to anyone?" He pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"No, why?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"It's just that I got a message from someone. Multiple actually." He turned his attention to his phone and began scrolling through something.

"Who?" I asked.

"I don't know, but it sounds like your friend Irene." He replied.

"She probably forced Leon or something to tell her." I opened the two boxes of food and split it to we both had half of each.

"Yeah," Dom spoke, seemingly engrossed with the messages in his phone.

"Why? What do they say?" I asked, handing him a box.

"Just a few death threats and some interestingly useful tips." He snickered.

"That just sounds disturbing." I wasn't bothered to question anymore and began eating.

"You want me to write you a letter?" Dom asked, out of the blue.

"Huh?" I was completely confused.

"Your type is tall, dark and handsome guys." He read. "And I don't get this but - chocolate?"

"What-?" I started coughing, choking on my food.

Dom patted me on the back. An evil smirk plastered in his face.

"Thank Irene." He said, slipping his phone back into his pocket.

"Dammit, I'm going to murder her the next time I see her." I dropped placed the food down and tried to grab Dom's phone. "What else does it say? Give me your phone."

"No way." He pulled away just in time. "You'll delete it."

"Fine, you've seen it anyways. Just read it to me." I sighed, giving up.

"Sure, lamb chop." Dom's smirk seemed even more evil.

"What?" I glared at him.

"Malisa likes letters. I bet if you write a letter to her, with all that cheesy shit you're so good at, she'll be really happy. Secretly, she likes giving hugs - actually, scratch that. She's the kind of person where the saying 'actions speak more than words' define perfectly. Unless it's in writing because talking doesn't seem to be something she's a fan of. I don't think her words reveal her true feelings either, because she's such a good story teller. Take her actions to be how she feels." He read.

"What the-?" I started to protest.

"Wait, I'm not done." Dom held his hand up to stop me. "You can bribe Malisa with sour gummy candies or sour candies in general and she's not a person who likes sweet food. In brackets, sweet and cheesy things are perfect though. She likes rap, a lot. She also likes Rey from Phantom Virus a lot. So never say bad things about those two things. Don't say bad things about me neither, she'll kill you then tell me and I won't let you go either."

"Isn't my wifey so cute?" I joked.

"But I thought you were over. You lied?" Dom faked hurt. I rolled my eyes at him and he kept reading. "She's got weird connections with people and animals. This explains why my dog likes her more than I do and why people believe in Malt. However, this is also means she's got a lot of guy friends too. 'Bros', which is a bad thing for you because you could have competition but lucky because they'll only ever be a 'bro' to her. So the only competition you have are what Malisa and I like to call 'fan girls' or people with that scary 'fan girl syndrome'. "

"Irene!" I wailed. "That's not true. Delete that now!"

"No, it's mine." Dom pouted. "How many 'bros' do you have anyway?"

"Is that a serious question?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Of course it is. I need to know so I can correctly establish whether that 'bro' of yours is an enemy of mine of not." He replied.

"Okay, that was cheesy but clichéd. I don't like clichéd cheesy. You got to be original." I smiled.

"Fine, challenge accepted. Now tell me what I wanted to know."

"Well, there's Chadbro, Brodar, Pork bro, Sashimi bro, Hyungnim and that's all I can think of now." I counted my fingers while trying to name my 'bros'.

"Okay, I have no idea who they are." Dom laughed. "But you have too many."

"Yeah, yeah. Now continue reading the list." I demanded.

"Malisa likes getting nicknames and giving people nicknames that have meaning. I think secretly, she likes cute names. Give her a cute food name or animal name like cucumber or lamb chop!" Dom tried his hardest not to laugh.

"Lies! What cute names? Is she joking?" I facepalmed but it was kind of cute.

"I like it. Lamb chop is cute." Dom was clearly making fun of me.

"Yeah, sure. You're very cute." I said, sarcastically.

"I know right." Dom replied with a pose which probably was suppose to depict 'cute'. Well, it worked well. Way too well.

"Do not do that." I said firmly.

"Too cute for you?" He winked.

I refused to reply and look at his face.

"Continue reading." I tried to distract him.

"Tch." He poked slash jabbed me in the neck.

"Gah, don't do that." I clutched my neck, staring at him, flabbergasted.

"It's your fault for watching those scary crime shows." He wiggled his finger at me.

"That was your fault. I was fourteen! You were the one who said it was good and told me to watch!" I scolded him.

"Darn, why are you so cute when you panic." Dom smirked again. "You hide it well in front of others, but I know exactly how to tip you off."

"Stop it, with your clichéd lines. Once Malt comes out your going to be sorry for starting something you can't finish." I replied with a smirk of my own.

"I, um, shall continue reading." Dom turned back to his phone. "Surprises. It's hard to surprise her but if you can, you'll just have to try it and see what you get in return. However, never use spiders or scorpians or even anything creepy crawly and has eight legs. You probably know this but she's got arachnaphobia so make sure you terminate them all! If you do anything to scare her or hurt her, I shall personally storm the Earth to track you down and kill you after making sure you are unable to reproduce. Do you understand, Dominic Daniels?"

"Darn it, I miss her now." I murmured.

"I am officially afraid of you guys." Dom continued to scroll through what seemed to be the message. "She used my full name and everything. Oh, and I am still curious as to what this p.s. part means."

"What does it say?" I went back to eating.

"The part about your type. What does she mean by 'chocolate'?" He furrowed his eyebrows, thinking hard.

"It's code." I cracked up laughing. "We have special codes for a lot of things."

"And do I get to know what it means?" Dom asked, hopefully. "Because I am extremely curious as to what she means by your type is 'chocolate'."

"It's hard to explain. Um, it's you, I guess." I tried my best to explain, hesitating on whether I should reveal our code or not. "You know, brown hair and brown eyes. Cheesy and sweet like chocolate."

"You think I'm-?" He cut his sentence. "Thanks. I'm exactly your type then."

I hit him in the arm. "So is Rey from Phantom Virus and probably a large percentage of the other fishes in the sea."

"Are you seriously making me jealous of a gay pop singer?" He pouted.

"How dare you?" I scolded him. "He is my one true love and will forever and always be my soulmate."

"Where is he? I'm going to kill him. Then he won't be any longer."

I punched him in the arm again.

"Ow," Dom rubbed his arm. "Irene was right, in your case, actions do speak more than words. Your punches aren't something to joke about. Hey, but since you're touching me so much, I'll read your actions to be that you must like me a lot."

"You want another one?" I smiled, sweetly.

"Can I have a hug instead?" Dom smiled back, just as sweetly.

"Sure," I laughed, sarcastically. Dom leaned over, his arms out and his eyes closed.

I raised my hand to flick him on the forehead but changed my mind. Instead, I leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek. I immediately turned back and continued to shove food in my mouth like nothing happened.

"Did you just-?" Dom brought his palms to his cheeks slowly. "You completely caught me off guard."

We both remained silent afterwards, continuing to eat out food.

"Want some?" I asked, holding my spoon of fried rice to him.

"What are you trying to do?" He raised his eyebrow, suspiciously eyeing me. "You're actually more dangerous than I though. I should be careful."

"Here." I fed him and he chewed while continuing to look at me suspiciously.

"Why are you so cute?" Dom plopped his head onto the steering wheel.

"I didn't do anything." I turned back to my food. "I forgot how large the portions were in Aragonia."

"Well, I don't think you want to get there at night so we should get going." He closed his box of food.

"You're done? Aren't you going to sleep more?" I asked, deciding it was too much for me to finish eating.

"No, I'm good." He started the engine.

"Here, I'll bin it before we leave." I took his box and put it in the bin nearby.

"All set?" He asked.

We continued to drive towards Aragonia's capital city of Aragona and it was difficult to contain my excitement being back in Aragonia.

"Look at all the farms! Strawberries and everything! I missed it so much!" I was getting more excited as we drove pass the ranches in the countryside.

"I haven't seen them in ages either, but I'm not nearly as excited as you are." Dom chuckled.

My energy during the ride didn't last though. I ended up fall asleep again. I think it was something about cars and how it helped people sleep. I woke up with the sun glaring in my face, tall buildings scattered the landscape.

"What time is it?" I asked, sitting up.

"About noon." Dom replied.

"Wait, we're in Aragona already?" I looked around.

"About to pass it, yes." He replied, calmly.

"Pass it? Wait, why? Aren't you taking me to Irene's? She lives in Mid-Aragona remember?"

"We just passed North Aragona. We're heading to Meyeon. It's about fifteen minutes or so." Dom continued to drive.

"Why?" I asked, calming down.

"You'll see." He smirked.

Moments later, we arrive at a tall building which clearly portrayed modern Aragonian architecture. It was a contrast to the traditional look of Aragona's historic city of Meyeon.

"Follow me." Dom said simply as he got out of the car.

"But the car."

"Valet." He replied tossing the keys to a middle-age man in a suit, standing by us.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just follow me."

We walked into a lobby area and waited for the elevator.

"You're not thinking of something like that? Are you?" I asked, as the elevator doors opened and Dom got in.

"What are you suggesting? Is your imagination running wild now?" He winked.

I raised my fist, threatening to punch him and got into the elevator. Luckily, it was empty besides us but I'm sure the security man watching the CCTV footage wouldn't have been very happy. Dom leaned over, cornering me between the elevator wall.

"The security guy will think you're doing something weird." I whispered.

Dom closed his eyes, and bit his lip. "Okay, I can't win against you." He sighed as he turned back.

"Well, that was easy." I shrugged.

The elevator reached the 17th floor and we got out.

"I'm taking into consideration that you're only sixteen." Dom walked ahead. "If you weren't, considering all the tricks you pulled only today, I wouldn't have just let you go."

He came to stop at room 1705 and pulled out a key.

"You said you weren't going to do anything weird." I warned.

"Relax, this is Luke's apartment or what I like to call my hideout." Dom opened the door.

"So this is where you stayed at rather than at that huge mansion of yours." I walked in since Dom held the door open for me.

"You've seen it?" He asked.

"Your mansion? Yeah, just drove by it. Irene was the one that actually pointed it out for me. I thought she was rich but then I see Leon's house and your house." I stood at the door.

"Why are you just standing there?" Dom asked as he walked into the kitchen area.

"It's just us, right?" I asked.

"Are you worried? We slept together before though." He came out smirking as well as with a bottle of water.

"If you say it like that, people will take it wrongly." I caught the bottle as he threw it to me.

"Should I say we spent the night together then?" He smiled, mischeviously.

"That's also incorrect, actually." I sighed.

"Oh right, we spent many nights together." He laughed.

I threw the bottle of water at him.

"Woah, hey! Don't play so roughly." He was still grinning.

"Don't say such misleading things then! Why do people keep teasing me this way? And when I say anything, they can't finish what they started." I complained.

"What?" Dom frowned. "Who else says these things to you?"

"It's a secret." I winked, faking a mischevious expression.

"I will kill this guy, seriously." Dom walked towards a door on the left. He pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the ground.

"W-what the hell are you doing?" I widened my eyes.

"Um, changing." He replied, coolly.

"What the hell? Go do it somewhere else." I yelled.

It was a bad idea to react to that. Dom must have gotten used to just changing, either that or he really was teasing me but him seeing my reaction just made it worse for me.

"Aw, but I wanted to show you everything. We have no secrets between us, do we?" He began walking towards me.

I pulled out my phone. "Dominic Daniels, if you take another step closer, I am taking a photo of you and call Irene and Jayden if I have to."

July 5, 2014 - I never got around to finishing's because I kinda rushed the last few chapters and wrote chapters 4 - 16 while I was on a road trip around the US last summer! xD

I got back and had like a paragraph of this I decided to write more...but then...I never finished...and so you will have to wait for the rewrite. MWAHAHA.

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