ChocoMalt's Archive

By ChocoMalt

279 18 41

An archive of my old works from the beginning of time. Deleted, unpublished and unfinished works included. :) More

The Matchmaker ver. 2.0
The Matchmaker ver. 3.0
The Matchmaker ver. 3.0 (unpublished chapter)
My Personal Pet ver. 1.0
My Personal Pet ver. 2.0
Emotionless Being
Magic Society
Survival Strategy
The Land Of Deception
The Fate Of A Spy
The Fate Of A Spy CookyeLord ver.
Musical Sensibility (plan)

The Matchmaker ver. 1.0

46 2 36
By ChocoMalt

From FP

First Published: Dec 21, 2010

Last Updated: Oct 10, 2011 (Update Notice: May 8, 2013)

Words: 10,092

Chapters: 9


A famous matchmaker know as 'Malt' is famous for helping people through her blog; everyone wants to find out her true identity, everyone except a talented high school girl, Malisa...AKA Malt.

Title: The Matchmaker -OLD Version-

Category: Fiction » Romance

Author: ChocoMalt

Language: English, Rating: Rated: T

Genre: Romance/Humor

Published: 12-21-10, Updated: 05-08-13

Chapters: 9, Words: 10,092

Chapter 1: ichi

The Matchmaker – ichi


A/N: The old version will be up as a oneshot...I changed the name of all the characters :P Anyways, this story is dedicated to my awesome friends, Irene and Karen! Those two characters are real people. Some other characters represent other real people but I won't tell you who! ;)

I logged on to my computer for the sole purpose of checking my email. The first email I saw was from my classmate, Kim.

From: Kim

To: Malisa

Subject: Thank You!

U R awesome! The blog link u sent me was awesome! Matchmaker Malt gave me sum great advice. Now, I think I hav the courage 2 confess! 3 Thx so much! U should save the link, u may need it in the future ;) THX AGAIN!


"So, you've helped yet another love sick teen?" A voice from behind me asked.

I turned around surprised, only to find it was my best friend, Dominic.

"I didn't help them, Malt did..." I reply, turning back to face the screen.

"Yes, Malt did. But isn't Malisa and Malt the same person?" Dom asked, teasing me.

I remained silent; It was the truth after all. I, Malisa, may just be an ordinary high school girl to most eyes, but in fact I'm also the famous Matchmaker known as Malt. That is my biggest secret, and the only person who knows is Dom and my two other best friends.

"You are awesome?" Dom smirked. "Doesn't she mean 'Malt is awesome'?"

He was absolutely correct, again. Malt helps people via her blog which was created with the intention to express some of my so called 'feelings'. But you know what? My 'feelings' seem to be quite common in normal teenagers too, to the point they thought I was an expert after only a few blog entries. At first, it was only a few people asking for their opinion on what they should do with problems every teenager has, but after a while, more and more people came to ask for advice on various things. Some things I had no experience in, in which case I just said what I felt was right. Turns out, what I thought was the right thing seemed to really be the right thing, especially topics on love. Therefore, I became known as Matchmaker Malt and I have to deal with love struck teenagers with simple love problems.

"What are you doing here, anyways? What about your other friends?" I asked Dom, slightly annoyed at him teasing me.

"They're doing reckless stuff as usual. Oh and I'm here because Irene threatened to tell my friends that I used to play with dolls with you guys if I didn't come and get you." He shrugged.

"Irene is here? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I shouted as I bolted towards the door. Dom only chuckled and walked after me.

Irene, one of my best friends, knows that I'm Malt. I became friends with her right after I moved to the same school as her. It was during the same time I created the blog, for that reason, I told her about it. She's the kind of person that is always cheerful and fun to be around, that's why I always get so excited when I get to see her. Right now, it's summer so we don't meet often but I see her sometimes.

"Malisa! There you are! I thought we wouldn't get a chance to meet this summer!" Irene's loud voice rang loud and clear across the street. I could see now she was waiting there with Karen!

Karen, is my other best friend that knows about Malt. She's always nice and kind, but she can be really loud when needed. She always stands up for her friends and is nice to everyone, so everyone likes her. They all want to be her friend, but gets the image that she's quite so doesn't approach her. We share the same interest and feelings most of the time so we get along great. The first time we met was because of the one and only, Irene, though.

"Malisa! Dom! I was so excited!" Karen exclaimed, smiling as Dom and I crossed the road to meet them.

"Let's go get sushi! Then we can come to my house for an anime marathon!" Irene decided, happily.

We all agreed and followed her into the Japanese Restaurant. Did I forget to mention, we have a lot in common yet our personalities are so different? Karen and I always feel sorry for Dom since he is always forced to come with us by Irene.

"So, who's paying?" Dom asked suddenly.

"What are you talking about? We're all paying equal amounts! Don't think you'll get to pay less!" I scolded him.

After paying we took a taxi to Irene's house and watched anime for the rest of the day, as promised. We each picked out an anime, from Irene's collection of anime DVDs. By the time we had finished watching all the episodes, it was already dark out.

"Luckily, I forced Dom to come! If I didn't, who knows what dangers two girls alone at this time-" Irene started.

"Yeah, yeah. How do you know I won't do anything?" Dom interrupted.

"Because if you do anything to Malisa or Karen, I'll make sure you never walk again." Irene threatened.

"Alright, I got it! Sheesh, you're probably scarier the-" Dom started, before he was interrupted by Irene.

"Shut up!"

"OW! What was that for?" Dom yelled, after being hit by Irene.

"That was for interrupting me!" Irene replied.

Karen, Dom and I got a taxi and dropped Karen of first at her house.

"Malt, see you at school!" Karen waved as Dom and I left.

Dom lived exactly opposite me so he accompanied me all the way home. He probably didn't dare come into my house now since he seemed too remained silent after Irene's threats. I unenergetically dragged myself up to my room and fell asleep, almost immediately. Anime marathons with Karen and Irene always tire me out...

A/N: How was it? Tell me if you want me to continue the other version, even though I probably won't anytime soon! I have a new story planned already -_- I always get new ideas before I even finish my old ones...hahahaha

Anyways, thanks again to my awesome friends...more of my friends may appear in later chapters ;) hehehehe so look out for your names, my friends :)


Chapter 2: ni

The Matchmaker – ni


My schedule was the same as every Monday morning: wake up, shower, breakfast, go to school, come home, blog...I hate Mondays and Sundays just because Mondays come after it...

Today, Monday, was maybe a little different; even I said it was the same. One thing was that we had a new girl in our class, who had just transferred from China, her self-introduction was normal. She said she was Asian, Indonesian to be exact and that she'd lived in Zenox before, but ages ago. The loudest and most popular girl in our class was her buddy; she didn't seem to talk much though. I kind of felt sorry for the new girl.

Walking home, with Karen and Irene was also pretty normal. There was talk about anime, music and other useless things. Irene brought up the topic of 'Malt'.

"So, how many visitors have you got this week, 'Malt'?" Irene asked, teasingly.

"142, and don't call me that" I replied.

"You're getting really popular online! That's so cool!" Karen exclaimed.

"Why don't you make us your sidekicks? We'll help find new targets around school to help." Irene, who had only said this for fun, came up with this brilliant plan.

Why not? Exams were coming up soon and the stress of revising only added to the stress of receiving these troublesome emails. Perfect, Irene and Karen will be the generals in my team.

"That's an absolutely brilliant idea, Irene! We'll have like an army of 'Malt' supporters to look for people in need! You two can be my generals and I'll be the emperor, I mean, empress."

"Then, tomorrow we'll secretly recruit a few more people to be in our team, Karen will lead half and I'll lead the other half! It'll be like you have your own fan club, well, 'Malt' anyways." Irene proposed, excitedly.

"Deal" Karen agreed.

"Fine with me" I replied.

The next day, school once again...same old, same old, except, we're looking for recruits.

During recess, Karen and I stood in the hallway observing the other students as they came up to their lockers and chatted.

"Isn't this like stalking?" Karen asked, jokingly.

"What? No! It's for a very serious purpose that will help the future of teenage girls and cats." I replied, completely serious.

"Cats? If it's cats, then..." Karen started. I knew she couldn't resist the power of cats being an excuse. Before she could finish her sentence, Irene joined us complaining.

"You guys didn't wait for me! Did you already start?"

"Well, break will be over soon, if we waited we would have missed this awesome chance to save cats." Karen replied.

"Cats?" Irene asked turning to face me.

"What? It's true!" I defended when I saw Irene turn to look at me.

"Right...Anyways, how about Aisha? She's pretty reliable." Irene suggested.

"Who?" Karen asked, confused.

"The new girl in Malisa's class, of course!" Irene replied.

"Yeah, that could be a good choice, she's new and doesn't know many people so she won't tell anyone and she's reliable, as you said. She's also easy to get along with and she's trustworthy, I've worked with her on this science project and we were able to complete it fine." I agreed.

"Alright, then lunch time we find Aisha!" Irene declared.

On the way back to class, we passed Karen's class room and dropped her off. Irene and I stood at the door observing her class to see if there was anyone worthy.

"Irene, there are quite a few allies in here." I pointed out.

"Yeah, Sarah is nice; she gave me cookies when we didn't even know each other very well. Miwako is also easy to talk to." Irene agreed.

"Miwako loves to draw, she's usually easy to get along with and she's reliable. She'll definitely be able to keep the secret." I suggested

"Yeah, lunch then. Sarah is nice, she'll be able to get on peoples good side and suggest them to 'Malt'. She's generous and dependable too and she's pretty smart and capable of many things." Irene observed.

"Those are useful qualities. Reliable and trustworthy...We'll find them at lunch time then." I said then I said good bye to Irene and we headed off to our different classes.

At lunch, Irene and I were waiting at the table closest to the window in the cafeteria. Karen walked over and sat down of the seat next to mine with Irene sitting opposite me.

"I just had PE, we played badminton. There's a new girl called Pang, she's half Thai, half Zenox. She was my partner for today. She's very entertaining and easy to get along with. She's nice and is trustworthy. Let's recruit her." Karen immediately suggested.

"I know her! She's in the same club as me! On Thursdays, afterschool we study the 'Science – Universe' course together! She's very easy to talk to and definitely reliable." I agreed.

"Yay! I also think Kuromi is reliable. She's quite loud but she's definitely trustworthy! She always helps me in different areas. Her bravery is beyond that of anyone's I've ever met." Karen added.

"She's my friend from another class. She's in the same house group as me. We're both in the 'Green House'; I always talk to her when we have competitions against you guys who are in different houses." I agreed.

Great, so far we've got six people: Karen, Irene, Sarah, Miwako, Pang and Kuromi. We need at least two more...

I saw my friend walking into the Cafeteria so I called her name, out loud.

"Zeu! Over here!" I yelled.

She turned and saw me waving at her.

"Malisa. Okay, I'll sit here then..." Zeu said and sat down in the empty seat left.

Zeu was my lunch buddy, when I first came to this school; I always sat with her at lunch time. We didn't talk much until last year...

After school...

"Okay, we got a lot of people, but how are we going to tell them?" Irene asked.

"Let's leave a note telling them to come to the North-town Assembly Tower, tomorrow." I suggested.

"North-town? We don't have a pass, though." Karen replied.

North-town, otherwise known as the rich and wealthy people section, we'd not get into any of those building easily. After all, the three of us lived in the middle category section of South-town.

"Actually, I know a person who lives in North-town. My connections as 'Malt' will be really helpful at this point." I said.

"Wait, don't tell me you know Leon Phantomhive!" Irene exclaimed.

"Isn't he the richest guy in the country?" Karen asked.

"He is. Which ever girl who gets matched with him is definitely one lucky person." I reply, sarcastically.

"And no, the rich person I know is not Leon, it is Dom."

"WHAT?" Karen and Irene both exclaim at the same time.


Completely unedited. Wrote this a week before exams! I promised to get a chapter of something posted before and here it is...My Personal Pet Chapter 5 is halfway done.

PS- Don't know who Leon Phantomhive is? Read 'My Personal Pet'. Don't know where Zenox is? Read chapter 1.

Chapter 3: san

The Matchmaker

The Matchmaker – san


'DING DONG' we rang the doorbell and stood there waiting.

"Is he even home?" Irene asked.

"He should be" I replied. "After all, he has nothing better to do except bother others."

"Don't you mean bother you?" Irene teased.

"What? No!" I hastily exclaim.

Our little conversation was interrupted when the door open and none other than Dominic Daniels, popped his head out.

"You ladies need something?" He asked us.

"Are you sure he's rich? He looks pretty normal to me..." Irene whispered to me.

I smiled and grabbed Dom's arm while knowingly, Irene grabbed his other arm. We pulled him out of his house and dragged him all the way to my room. Karen just smiled sweetly and followed us, but even Dom could see that beneath that sweet smile she was hiding something, in fact, we all were...

"Are you kidnapping me? What do you want?" Dom asked. He was sitting against the wall with the three of us surrounding him.

"Look, I know I'm attractive, but there's no need for you to do this..." Dom said, smirking.

I pinch his arm while Irene almost strangled him to death, if it weren't for Karen stopping her.

"Alright, I got it. Sorry, geez, you guys are like gangsters bullying an innocent little old granny."

"And you're the innocent little old granny?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"Of course! What else would I be?" He defended.

"Alright, cut the chit-chat! Remember why we went through all the trouble just to kidnap-I mean, convince him to come here." Irene reminded me.

"Right, Dom, I need your pass to North-town." I asked straight to the point.

"Why would you need it? Did one of those customers of yours request for Malt to help match them with Leon Phantomhive?" Dom asked suspicious.

"Hey, that's a pretty good guess." Irene pointed out.

"No, that's –"before I could finish, Dom spoke up once again.

"Look, just so you know, Leon hates it when people play Matchmaker for him. His parents do that all the time with arranged marriages meetings and all that."

"And you know this because?" Irene asked surprised.

"I'm his best friend, duh?" Dom replied, as if it wasn't a huge matter.

"WHAT?" Irene and I both exclaim at the same time. Even Karen, who was sitting at my desk and had started to draw another manga character, looked up.

"Don't tell me you didn't know..." Dom said nervously.

Irene and Karen both turned to look at me.

"I didn't know either! I mean, I knew he was rich but..." I immediately spoke.

"I'm Dominic Daniels. The second most eligible bachelor in all of Zenox, with Leon being the first..." Dom started explaining. "My family owns the North-town hospital and we've been working for the Phantom Company for who knows how long. My older brother is the Phantomhive's family doctor, as was my father before him."

Irene and I only stared at him, speechless at our new discovery. It was Karen who spoke up first.

"Perfect. It will be easy then, knowing that your childhood friend is the current best friend of the son of the richest family in the country." Karen said as if it was easily believable.

As I told Dominic exactly what my plan was, Karen and Irene started discussing the advantages of knowing a rich person or so I thought.

"Hey, Irene, have you heard of the matchmaker being matched?" Karen randomly asked.

"What do you mean?" Irene asked, wanting to know more.

"Never mind, do you think that we would ever meet Leon Phantomhive?" Karen asked changing the subject.

"Who knows, maybe we will now that we know that our best friend is childhood friends with Leon's best friend." Irene replied.

"Fine, I'll agree to help you guys. On one condition though."

"What?" I asked, eager for Dom to help us.

"You'll involve me in this plan of yours?" Dom suggested.

"Fine" I said.

"Sure." Karen accepted.

"Agreed." Irene replied.

The next day, at lunch, we immediately went around to the lockers of all the people we had picked the day before yesterday. There was: Aisha, Miwako, Sarah, Pang, Kuromi and Zeu. We slipped invitations inviting them to the North-town assembly point as well as a one day pass into North-town signed by my friend Dominic Daniels and the one and only Leon Phantomhive himself.

The plan proceeded smoothly, these people would become the members working under my two generals Karen and Irene in missions to try and help others in need. Not only in Matchmaking, but in academics, socialization and any other little detail we can be of services to.

After school, Karen, Irene and I immediately took a taxi to North-town. We had to rush since the meeting started at 4pm and school ended at 2:30pm. Don't forget the fact we had to go get Dominic from his private school in North-town, otherwise known as Moonlight Academy for the geniuses and elite.

Luckily we managed to meet up with Dom no later than 3:15pm and we got to the meeting point at exactly 3:45pm.

We snacked on cookies which Irene had brought while waiting for everyone to arrive, and when they did, Irene quickly handed out cookies to everyone. Sarah had also brought home-made cookies while Pang had brought brownies.

Karen handed out refreshments as Dom and I started explaining the plan.

"How many of you here have heard of Matchmaker Malt?" Dom started.

Almost everyone put their hands up.

"Then, how many of you here know who Matchmaker Malt is?" Dom continued.

Nobody put their hands up, just the answer we were suspecting. Proceeding with the next step, Dom, Karen, Irene and I raised our hands. There was now quiet chit-chat amongst our friends that have gathered here.

"You guys know who Matchmaker Malt is?" a voice from the crowd (well, not crowd, more like group) asked.

Karen, Irene and Dom all turned to look at me, waiting for me to proceed with the next step of the plan. I nodded at them and said.

"I'm Malt."


You guys rarely check my profile for the author's notes so I'll copy onto here!

UPDATE July 6 '11: Chapter 3 is up...a little more development in the story but not much. I dedicate this chapter to all my friends mentioned in the chapter, you know who you are...Special thanks to Kuromi AKA Kuromike for giving me motivation and to Irene AKA irit16 for reading it! This chapter is specially for you guys! I'm in the process of starting Chapter 4 with motivation from Irene and Kuromike...if I had a little more motivation then it would be done by now...Curse my laziness!


Chapter 4: yon

The Matchmaker

The Matchmaker – yon


After my confession, every single person standing in the crowd (group) went silent. It was Dom who spoke up first.

"How does it feel to know that Matchmaker Malt is one of your classmates?" Dom asked.

"Awesome!" Kuromi yelled.

Now there was chit-chat going on amongst our friends. From where I was standing I could see Karen and Irene smiling at each other, probably from the positive results that were clearly shown.

"Well, we know who Karen, Irene and Malisa are, but who are you?" Kuromi asked.

"I'm just someone unimportant that will tag along with you guys." Dom replied with a sickeningly sincere smile.

"Alright, proceed with the next step!" Irene yelled from across the room.

I nodded at her. "We are holding a meeting here to ask for you help and support." I started. "Now that you all know I'm Malt," The projector screen lit up and you could now see my blog on the screen. "I would firstly like you to keep this a secret, in exchange for being my helpers."

"Do you know what Malt does?" Dom asked the crowd.

"Malt gives advice to people, mainly on topics that occur in school from academics to socializing." Kuromi explained.

"Exactly!" I agreed. "Therefore, you guys have been personally selected by my two trustworthy assistants, Irene and Karen" They both gave a little wave.

"Why have we been selected? What for?" Pang asked

"You guys are the most trustworthy." Irene replied.

"You've been stalking us?" Aisha asked, jokingly.

"Yes, she has." Dom replied. I elbowed him in the arm. "Hey, girls shouldn't hurt guys!"

"Don't you mean guys shouldn't hurt girls?" I asked, annoyed.

By now Karen and Irene had walked up to the front to help explain what was going on because Dom and I seem to keep arguing and not making any progress. It resulted in the group being split into three groups. Karen leading one, Irene leading one and me who was leading the other.

The groups were...

Irene: Pang and Sarah

Karen: Miwako and Kuromi

Malisa: Aisha and Zeu (with the addition of Dominic)

In our groups, we explained to our friends what exactly we wanted them to do.

Search for people who need help around school, talk to them, recommend them Malt, try to help them and report to your group leader.

Karen and Irene had also made this little plan into a competition to see who could help more people. Life will definitely be much busier from now on...

After we sent everybody off, Irene and Karen left as their house was in the same direction, I was left with only Dom who refused to let me walk home alone because of those dangerous perverts lurking around in North-town looking for a wealthy prey.

"Aren't you going to go see your friend, Leon Phantomhive?" I asked.

"No, he's found himself someone else to play with nowadays." Dom replied.

"Well, don't you have anything better to do?" I asked.

"Why are you asking so many questions? This is my 'something better to do'." Dom replied, smirking.

'Stalking, you mean?" I inquired plainly.

"I wouldn't call it stalking, because you KNOW I'm following you." Dom replied, annoyingly.

After walking past the North-town mall, there were a few small shops along the road and a restaurant. Then, we walked past the North-town hospital.

"Is this-" I started.

"Yup, my family owns this place." Dom replied, knowing what I was wondering about.

"Hmmm. You must be rich then?" I asked, sourly.

"Well, I guess you could say that."

"And famous" I added.

"Not so much but yeah, a few people know me."

"As Leon's best friend?" I asked.

"Yeah" He replied.

"Will I ever get to meet him?" I asked, sounding eager.

"Probably." He replied.

"What's he like?" I asked curious.

"Why do you keep asking questions? Why do you want to know? Why do you care? Do you like Leon?" He asked back, sounding slightly irritated.

"Just asking, geez."

The rest of the journey home was passed by in silence. I stopped asking Dom questions and he stopped replying. We just walked silently.

The next morning, I was more eager to go to school than any other day. I got ready 20 minutes earlier than usual and arrived at school before everyone else. I went to wait in front of Irene's locker and she arrived five minutes later.

"So, how was it?" Irene asked, grinning.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Your little 'talk' with Dom, of course!" Irene exclaimed.

"Same as any conversation we've always had..." I replied, plainly.

By this time, Sarah had arrived and we were walking to find Aisha at her locker.

"I still can't believe you're –" Sarah started.

"Don't say it." I cut her sentence.

"Oh, sorry."

"Sarah! I'm so glad you're in my group! That means we'll get free cookies, right?" Irene asked, enthusiastically.

Sarah chuckled and nodded, sending Irene into a leap of happiness. She was high for the whole day...

My two best friends, one of them loves cats and the other, addicted to cookies. What about me? Is it the fact that I'm Malt?

The day went by normally, except now I have a bigger friendship group, just the fact that they I was Malt, made them become my close friends? Haha. I would have told them ages ago then. I thought laughing to myself.

"Malisa, have you gone mad? You're randomly laughing." Irene pointed out, snapping my thoughts.

We walked home, Karen, Irene and I discussing anime and other Asian stuff, after dropping Karen off, we walked to Irene's house.

"Well, my path ends here! Have a safe trip home!" Irene said as she ran into her house.

It would probably take another fifteen minutes for me to reach home. I wonder were Dom went; it's kind of quiet without him around.

Before I could even finish that thought by thinking of places where Dom could be, I collapsed on the floor, with no energy left to even open my eyes.

The next thing I knew, someone was calling my name while I was drifting into a world of darkness; a quiet and lonely world.

-MALT-'s notes on my profile...


go down...

UPDATE July 7 '11: Chapter 4 up...I'm not satisfied with it though...It was too random and I didn't really know where it was going...hopefully Chapter 5 will be better! Please review! I'll definitely make it better...answer this question in your reviews if you see this: What do you want to see more of in the story? (eg. humor, romance, Leon, etc.) I hope to get chapter 5 out tomorrow...This chapter is dedicated to Irene for reviewing that one little review to give me the motivation!


Chapter 5: go

The Matchmaker

The Matchmaker – go


I opened my eyes but I couldn't see anything, it was so dark I began to question whether I was really awake or not. Was there a light switch somewhere? I tried to move my hand over to find a switch of some sort but I found that I couldn't move them. They seemed to be bound by some kind of rigid rope although I wasn't sure since I couldn't exactly see...

Ahhh, how did I get myself into this mess? I thought I didn't have any enemies but apparently I was wrong...who could have done this? Does this person know I'm Malt? Probably, but I can't be certain...

I tried moving around but as I couldn't see, there was absolutely no way I could free myself because I couldn't even see the thing that was keeping me tied up!

At school...

"Is Malisa absent today?"

"Oh, Irene. Yeah, her seat was empty today."

"Okay, thanks. That's weird"

"Hey, Karen! Let's stop by Malisa's house."

"Sure. I didn't see her at lunch."

Forget the fact that I'm stuck, how long have I been here? Irene and Karen are probably worried sick...Dom will probably be wondering where I have gone too. I kept telling myself not to panic and just wait...for something that may or may not happen...

"Hey, Karen! Irene! Wait up! Are you going to find Malisa?"

"Ah, Miwako! Kuromi too, yeah, we're going to go find Malisa..."

"Can we come?"


Owww! I think I hit my head on something. My attempt trying to stand up failed miserably; I ended hitting my head on a surface of some sort. Was it the ceiling? That's impossible, right? Considering my height, the ceiling would be less than 160cm if that was the ceiling...

"Irene, Karen...and friends..."

"Oh, Dom! We were just-"

"Wait, hold it! Have you girls seen Malisa?"

"No...we were just going to see her..."

"She's not home."

"What? Where could she be then?"

"How would I know?"

"Shut up! It couldn't be...she wandered to North-town alone and got..."

"There's no way...if she went to North-town I would have followed her..."

Miwako and Kuromi stood in silence listening to the conversation between Irene, Karen and Dom.

"What do we do?"

"I've asked around the neighborhood. She hasn't come home since yesterday, well, nobody's seen her."

"If something happens..."

"Nothing will."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because it's's Malisa (AKA Malt) we're talking about here! There's no way something could happen to her! I-"


"Let's split up, we'll search for her..."


"I'll go look around North-town. I know that place better than you guys."

"Okay. Karen and Kuromi, go look around school. Miwako and I will look around South-town again..."

"It's 3pm. We meet back here in 2 hours."

"Got it...Dom...she'll be fine."

"Yeah, I know."

Is that light? Or am I hallucinating because I've been in the dark for so long? The brightness came closer and closer. Hey, it really was light! I should be happy that I'm still sane, right? The brightness of the light shone right into my eyes, as it got closer, I could see it was from a flashlight. That definitely meant that there was a person there.

"Who are you?" I asked into the darkness.

"No one you need to know." The person replied.

"Well then, why am I here?" I asked again.

"Why would we tell you?" The voice replied.

We? That means there's more than one person. That would make my chance of escaping even slimmer...

"Where the hell could she be?"

"Excuse me."


"I'm absolutely concerned that you don't remember-"


"Oh, so you do remember your best friend."

"What are you-?"

"Doing here?" Leon finished his friend's sentence.

"I'm too busy looking for someone, don't bother me. I'll only get caught by the paparazzi being around you."

"Looking for someone? I can help."

"No need. You'll only attract unwanted attention."

"Are you sure? I can find any single person on this planet with just a single phone call, you know?"

"Yeah, sure."

"I can. I'll prove it. Who are you looking for?"




"Okay, here goes."

Leon made a phone call which lasted no longer than five minutes.

"She's in North-town but her exact location is...unknown."

"Where...could she be?"

"Oh, shut up! She'll hear you."

"What are you talking about, she's asleep."

"Exactly, you'll wake her up."

There are two voices? What is going on...I want to go home...

"Excuse me..."

"See? You woke her up."

"If you can't tell me where I am could you at least tell me why I'm here?"

"Fine. You couldn't do anything even if you knew anyways."

"And why is that?"

"'Cause you're bait."

'Ring, ring'. Dom reached into his pocket and grabbed his cell phone. It was Karen.

"What's up?"

"Dom, have you found her?"

"No, but I have a feeling she's in North-town."

"Should I go there? How about Irene?"

"You don't have passes....Irene hasn't called."

"Wait, DOM!"

Dom had already hung up.

Who? Who are they trying to-? Who am I being bait-? Dom? Karen? Irene? Why me? I wanted to ask all these questions, but something told me I shouldn't say anymore because if I did the person who came to get me would be in even more trouble.

"Excuse me."

"What is it now?"

"I need the toilet..."

"Just go here."

"How can I go here?"

"You're so fussy for someone who probably going to die."


As the man walked closer, although I couldn't see, I kicked him as hard as I could in his most vital place. Maybe I should say that, if I kicked him hard enough, he wouldn't be able to reproduce in the future...

I heard him scream in agony, I kicked him once again this time in the stomach...I think. He fell unconscious. I took his flashlight and found that he had a knife attached to his belt; I used it to cut the rope that tied my hands together. I made sure to also smash his walkie-talkie before I left. I ran out into the light, free...or so I thought.


PS-Author's notes can be found on my profile as well as updates of when the next chapter will be out...

UPDATE July 10 '11: Chapter 5 is up! The best and longest chapter so far in my POV...Hopefully, it's not confusing...I expect the most reviews on this chapter telling me whether the dialogue was confusing or not...also, this chapter is dedicated to Miwako and Pang...Miwako, sorry I couldn't give you much speech chapter I'll put more and Pang, Happy Birthday! Does this count as a present? You're not in the chapter though...I'll finish chapter 6 quickly with lot's of Pang and Miwako in it...but firstly let's see what happens to Malt...










Chapter 6: roku

The Matchmaker

The Matchmaker – roku


I'm armed at least. First, let's see if I can get to an exit. I was still in my school uniform; luckily I wore trousers that day. Oh yeah, our uniform is weird. Girls can wear trousers, skorts or skirts and our school shirt was available in three colors, plain white, navy blue or maroon red. If girls could wear trousers, does that mean boys can also wear skirts? No boy had ever tried though, as far as I know.

Anyways, back to where I was. I think I've found a possible exit but there were quite a few guards standing there. In fact, all the possible exits had guards patrolling around.

I slipped the flashlight into my pocket and finally realized that I still had my cell phone. That was come the people that kidnapped me didn't take it away?

26 new messages and 54 missed calls, the screen lit up. I look through the names; most of the calls were from Dom and Irene and almost all the messages were from Karen and Dom there was only one from my mom saying:

"I'll b home l8 2nite, go 2 bed 1st, 2moro i hav 2 leave early, wake up and go 2 school."

Great! That means my mom didn't know I was kidnapped. So much for hoping she'd report it to the police...

The messages from Karen were mostly like: "Where ru?" or "We're looking 4 u, dun worry."

Dom's POV:

Where could she be? Where could she be? I thought to myself silently hoping an answer would pop up.

'Ring, ring' It was my phone. Who the hell could be calling me now? I took a look at the screen and saw a very familiar name indeed.

"MALISA? Where the hell are you? Don't you know how worried I- we all are?" I yelled into the phone.

"I'm sorry, geez, I have no idea where I am. It looks like a warehouse, maybe a storage place of some sort?"

"Warehouse? Storage?"

"Yeah, I can't talk for long. There are guards everywhere. It smells like fish here, too."

"Like fish? Wait-"

It was too late the phone was cut; there was probably very low signal wherever she was.

Fish? Could she be near the sea? I'd better call Irene and Karen first.

"Hello? Dom, what's wrong?"

"Karen, Malisa called me."

"She did? What did she say?"

"She said she was in a warehouse of some sort and it smelled like fish..."


"Yeah, fish, I'm thinking it's one of those warehouses by the sea where the exported and imported goods are kept before and after they're shipped."

"Really? And Irene?"

"Haven't told her yet, I'll leave it to you, can't really handle...yeah, you know."

"Yeah, I got it. So we'll meet you at the entrance of the beach?"


Maybe I'd just realized this now, but this whole place smells like fish. There's a possibility I was at the West-town port. Hopefully, Dom would have figured that out from what I told him, right?

Should I just wait, for them? Will they even come?


"Woah, Irene..."

"I'm gonna kill you!"

"Hey, what?"



"Ow! You didn't need to kick me so hard!"

"You deserve it."

"What will you do if I can't sit down for the rest of my life? My butt is sore now!" Dom whined.

"Stop whining. It won't be my fault if you can't reproduce in the future."

"Shut up! I think I know where she is..."

Once again, Miwako and Kuromi just stood and watch while Irene and Dom argued with Karen trying to stop them.

"Hey, Miwako, why do you think Dom is so close to Malisa and those two?"

"I don't know, I think they were childhood friends..."

"Dom is rich though, we are all in the normal class people, so how did they become childhood friends?"

"Shouldn't you ask why Dom is living in South-town and not North-town?"

"True, that is suspicious."

Thirty, that's the number of minutes since the phone call with Dom. I really do hope that they're all right...If something had happened to them because of me, I'd never be able to forgive myself. There was a loud rumbling sound coming from outside and you could smell the moist air mixed in with the saltiness of the sea water. It had started to rain...

"Dammit! If the kidnapper left any tracks, they would have been washed away by this storm." Dom cursed.

"I do wonder though, did they plan all this? I mean, knowing that this rain would cover their tracks?" Irene asked.

"Probably. Now what?"

"Karen, you take Miwako and Kuromi home."

"Yeah, Irene's right, we shouldn't involve them any further, if something happened we can't also be responsible for them and they wouldn't be much help here..."

"Alright, I got it." Karen replied as she led Miwako and Kuromi home.


"They're gone; now, do you think you could tell me your secret?" Irene asked after Karen, Miwako and Kuromi had left.

"Fine, I trust you, but you must absolutely not tell Malisa. I'll tell her myself..."

Another half hour passed. They couldn't have gotten very far in this storm, after all, to get to West-town beach, you had to pass into North-town, the traffic would definitely be terrible at this moment.

My stomach was grumbling, I hadn't eaten yet...The smell of fish was starting to smell appetizing too, that was how hungry I was. I hope they brought food...

"I think it's about to stop..."

"Ready? We'll run!"

We ran out into the open space between the town and the port. There were no others there besides us as it was still pouring, well, dripping. By the time we found shelter behind one of the warehouses we were both already soaked.

"Damn, it's freezing." Irene cursed.

It was getting dark and if we didn't find Malisa by sunset, we'd have no chance of getting to her today. Who knows what else she'll have to go through.

"Dude, let's spread and search." Irene suggested.

"Are you crazy? What if you get lost too?"

"I can take care of myself pretty well, thanks."


"Excuse me!" I yelled out to the guard standing in front.

"What? Hey! She escaped!" The guard shouted upon seeing my face.

"No, the nice guard let me out to find the toilet."

"He did?"

"Would you mine telling me which way?"

"Right, left then just go straight."


"Hey! Irene! Wait! Dammit! Where'd she go?"

I left to look around for a minute but she had disappeared.


I heard voices coming from the dark alleyway in between the row of warehouses; I decided to slip into a random door to hide. It was pitch black and smelled extremely bad, the voices got closer and closer.

"Gahh! Where is it? I really need to go!"

"Hey! You! Stop there!"

"Wahh! I'm sorry I really need the toilet. It was left, right...huh?" I kept on running but somehow ended up in a pitch black room..again...

"Where's the light switch? Is this the toilet? Agh! It smells like fish!" I complained. The sound of something moved in front of me. Before I could see what it was, something covered over my face disallowing me to make noises. A dark figure loomed over me, their hand still covering my mouth. I tried to scream but if I did, the guards outside would hear me. I remained silent, until my eyes adjusted. I could now see who it was, my eyes widened.


Chapter 7: shichi

The Matchmaker

The Matchmaker – shichi


Kuromi's POV

"Dammit!" Irene yelled.

"What's wrong?" Karen asked as she ran over to join us.

"I leave him for a minute and he disappears! Now there are two missing people!"

"Dom?" I asked.

Nobody replied.

Irene had explained that it would be much easier to search for Malisa if there were more of us, so she decided to call all the people that may have something to do with Malt. The Group had grown in population after a few days, it was incredible.

I stood there listening to Karen and Irene's conversation as more familiar faces passed by. I saw Francesca and Hamleys – two girls from Karen's and Sarah's class. The sun was due to set in approximately two hours, we were wasting daylight, but with more people, it'd definitely be easier.


"Dude, we have to get out of here!"

"Wait; did you just call me dude?" Dom questioned.

"Whatever, just go, it stinks here."

"Okay, alright. Chillax, bro!" Dom joked.

I glared at him, and pinched my nose to keep the smell out. I could hear the sound of waves, and the rain seemed to have stopped. The floor outside was probably wet so it would be hard to run if we were chased. My black leather flats that our school made us wear were soaked and if you ever worn leather, you'd know that it smells pretty bad after getting wet. I kicked of my shoes and decided to go barefoot.

"Woah, what girl doesn't care about her shoes? Are you even a girl?" Dom chuckled.

"Shut up, or I'll shove this into your mouth." I hissed at him, pointing at my flats.

"Calm down, bro." Dom smirked.

"Okay! We'll split up! Mission is to search for Malisa! Everyone ready?" Irene yelled.

"Yup!" a chorus of voices replied.

"We'll split into teams, follow your leader's orders and spread and search!" Irene ordered.

"Roger!" Kuromi yelled.

"Okay! Sarah and Zeu, come with me! Hamleys and Miwako go with Karen! Pang and Kuromi, pick your teams!" Irene decided.

With Malt gone, it made her second-in-command. Karen's team headed towards the beach to ask people around there while Pang and Kuromi chose their team mates.

"Umm, Aisha and Francesca, come with me?" Pang decided, uncertain.

"Of course!" Francesca smiled and nodded.

"Alright, so that leaves Jolie and Janice with me!" Kuromi exclaimed, excitedly.

"Karen's team is gone. My team will go directly to the warehouses where Dom disappeared. Kuromike, do what you do best and go around the pier asking people. Pang, you guys can guard around waiting for further instructions. We all ready? Head out!" Irene yelled.

-Team Karen-

"This is awesome! I get an excuse to go to the beach!" Hamleys ran towards the shallow water and screamed, enthusiastically.

"Yeah, but we've got a mission. Let's start." Karen agreed but remained focused.

"I think we should all split up." Miwako suggested. "That way we'd cover more ground in a short period of time. The sun is gonna set in about two hours."

"That would be good, but what if we get lost?" Karen, careful as usual, reminded.

"Well, Miwako and I brought our phones. How about Miwako and Karen take the left side of the beach and I'll do the right? If we get anything we'll call and regroup here." Ham suggested.

"Sure." Miwako agreed.

"Fine with me." Karen confirmed.

-Team Kuromi-

"Who's this Dom guy?" Jolie curiously asked.

"This dude who stalks Malisa and Irene." Kuromi replied, chuckling.

"And why are we looking for them?" Janice asked, further.

"Malisa was kidnapped and Dom got lost searching for her. He's confusing like that." Kuromi smiled.

"So, we talk to random people?" Janice asked, unsure.

"I guess so...ask them if anything suspicious happened around here lately. Try not to be suspicious yourselves though."

"We know, Kuromi." Jolie replied and they spread out.

-Team Irene-

"Argh, I could really use some of your cookies now, Sarah! I'm starving..." Irene complained.

"Lol, she gets cranky when she's hungry" Zeu laughed.

"Well, lucky you because I actually brought some this time, here ya go!" Sarah offered.

They snacked on cookies while heading towards the row of warehouses.

-Team Pang-

"This is so cool. Malisa is Malt. I still can't believe it! It's just OMFG cool!" Francesca ranted on.

"Yeah, I wonder who would kidnap her. I thought she had only friends and followers, not enemies." Pang agreed.

"We both don't talk much in class, but I don't think anyone in class hates her that much." Aisha added.

"So all we do is guard? Okay...guard what?" Francesca asked.

"I'm not sure myself." Pang replied, chuckling.

"I think we're supposed to just be on alert in case something out of the ordinary happens." Aisha explained.

"Something out-of-the ordinary that involves kidnappers and us being international super spies." Pang joked.

"Yeah! That'd be cool. We could be like in a movie! We'd be so cool." Francesca agreed.


We moved to a different location from the way Dom had come in. He said that the alleyway in which he came from wasn't far from our current location, although I wouldn't really trust him with directions. His sense of direction was a bad as an inanimate object, I would never trust him, but in this life or death situation, I didn't really have a choice but to do so.

"I think we go this way." Dom navigated.

"You think?" I asked, my eyes squinted.

"Yeah, I think."

"Sure, and I trust you with directions because-?" I started.

"Because you know you like me." Dom smirked.

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"Ha, I was joking, but for a second there you agreed, didn't you?" Dom teased.

"Yeah, sure." I replied.

"Just because I'm that awesome." Dom turned and gave his signature smile.

"I'm glad you can still make jokes, but in this situation, I'd rather just get out and then listen to your lame 'I'm so full of myself' jokes." I scolded.

"Ouch, meanie" Dom said, making a pouting face.

"Immature. You look like a fish like that, by the way." I replied then decided to talk the lead.

We heard voices and footsteps of those guards so I decided to run. Grabbing Dom's hand, I dashed to the nearest exit only to find it was locked.

"Keep going, Irene's probably waiting outside. I'll hold them back and you run." Dom suggested.

"What?" I was still surprised.

"Run!" Dom yelled, pushing me backwards.

I could hear the footsteps getting closer so I ran, without turning my head around, thinking that Dom would follow closely behind afterwards. I found an exit but it was blocked off by a thick rope, clutching the knife I had taken, I cut through and ran out the door, running right into Irene. She was surprised, and I jumped up and hugged everyone, I couldn't contain my happiness until Irene asked. "Where's Dom?"

Chapter 8: hachi

A/N: I think this will end at chapter 10 At first I wasn't even sure if I'd finished this...for this one, I got help from Micchin so it's not really in my style XD it's a little more in hers! But she's like my idol, so I'm happy :D

I'm sorry this one is shorter, but I have some bad (or good, depending on you) news.

I'm not gonna be continuing any of my stories anymore. I've currently been busy and I've not updated in ages, (I know, I'm sorry). The good thing is, for those of you who read My Personal Pet or any other stories, I would like you to vote for your favorite...either email me or Rey or send us a PM. The story with the most votes, you'll definitely get to read again! Why? No, I'm not going to continue it in the future or anything...but...Micchin will do a rewrite of it! So you'll eventually get to the ending...just not from me

I'm planning to let her do My Personal Pet since that seems like the best option, but it's up to you!

Now enjoy! Only 2 more chapters to go! (This was my first piece, I kinda rushed through it, I know...Micchin's version will be better...I got loads of plots but not time or skills to write them all! Micchin will help me ^^)

The Matchmaker – hachi


I gazed up looking at the striking colors of sun setting from my bedroom window.

"What are you looking at?" That familiar voice echoed in my head. I turned around to see if he was really there even thought I knew the answer.

Normally, I would kick him out of my room when he usually came in just to bother me, but today, I felt like I needed his company. .. Only, he wasn't there.

I turned my attention back to the sky; hushed, until the sound of my phone broke the silence. Without having to look at the screen, I knew exactly who it was.

"Irene?" I picked up the phone, knowing exactly why she had called. "Have you found Dom?"

"No. I'm sorry. We've tried everything but no luck so far." And it was true; we had tried all the possibilities I could think of – where he often went, the police, all his friends but all lead to nothing. "There's one thing we haven't tried." That immediately brought my attention back to Irene.

"What? What haven't we done?" I asked her, frantically.

"Remember Leon?" was all she had to say before I knew precisely what she was thinking.


The plan was perfect, all we had to do was ask for Leon's help and we'd easily track Dom. I'm sure that since they were best friends, Leon had kept some sort of radar on him; after all, he was that kind of person. Coming and going as he pleases, never staying long. The only problem was getting Leon to co-operate with us and another thing...getting into North-town.

"Karen? Do you think you could get us passes to North-town?" I asked, as we sat down on the fake grass, in a student area which everyone (everyone meaning 'most of the student body') seemed to call 'the Lounge', those not within the majority had their own names for it.

Apparently, Karen had some connections with people around school which I don't know how (or why?) since she was always so quite. "Well, I'm sure I've got some connections, but wouldn't it be easier to use Malt?" and I had to explain all the reasons that Irene and I came up with for why using 'Malt' would be an extremely bad idea since just a few days ago I was held captive by some really dangerous people who apparently now have got hold of Dom and also apparently have kidnapped us BECAUSE I was Malt. Of course, that's just Irene's theory, we didn't know for sure.

Amazingly, by the end of the week, Karen had managed to obtain two North-town passes. The only problem was we needed three for all of us to go. "We could stuff one of us in a suitcase!" Irene's crazy ideas never failed to amuse me. It was decided that Karen and Irene would go because they both thought that it was too dangerous for me to go anywhere.

So for the rest of the week, I sat there replying Matchmaker emails while Karen and Irene and the rest of the so-called 'Malt' followers devised a brilliant plan in order to try and rescue Dom. (For who's sake, I would never know. It was kind of lonely without his constant appearance everywhere we went.)


Boring, boring emails...they were so clichéd, y'know? A little like those really sappy clichéd romance novels, usually it goes something along the lines of: "I like this guy in my class, but he's really popular and I want him to notice me and all but I could never just go up and talk to him because I'm not one of those popular people." They were just typical problems that you probably all knew the possible answers to. Like for that one, either he's not the right guy for you or you end up talking to him and share some interests (Anything that goes beyond this, I wouldn't know, because they only reply saying that I helped but not exactly how it ended...).

Who wouldn't get bored? Well, not unless you read twenty of these everyday of course and it's not like they email you once. When 'Malt' replies, girls tend to do as 'Malt' says and then reply asking what 'Malt' thinks they should do next. I end up copying and pasting the same answer over and over again about fifty times a day.

Luckily, I only had to do this for one more week. "You should be Malisa rather than Malt after this." Seemed to be what everyone wanted me to do, and to be honest, I was getting tired of being 'Malt' the whole time. If I told the world who I really was, I wonder how they'd react? Probably flabbergasted, is it not?

"Malisa, I think we got it!" I could hear Irene call out from downstairs. I'll have to remember to thank her in the future for saving me from dying of boredom. I ran down to meet them; eager to listen to this so called 'foolproof plan to rescue Dom' they had come up with.

The stories will be posted on Micchin's blog and page...I'll post the links to them later For now, stay tuned for the next 2 chapters...

Please tell me what you think of this new style XD Maybe one day I'll do a collab with Micchin or KuroMike...No worries, if you're fans of them, they'll continue to write! It's just me being the lazy one...

Byebye for now!


Chapter 9: UpdateRewrite


Remember me? I haven't uploaded anything in ages and I'm sorry if this update got your hopes up... no, it's not a new chapter ... Just something that may actually get some of your hopes up :)

I'm rewriting 'The Matchmaker' as a completely different story. Well, of course Malt will remain but it is up as a new story called 'Matchmaker Malt' so please do check it out.

The story has pretty much the same concept and characters except since I wrote that based on my life almost 3 years ago...most of it was fiction though... still I can't really continue it so this new story will be based of my life now ... I wonder if there are changes in the characters and my writing. Anyways, its set in the future of the last story which would be the present now. Again, based of real people and this time the events that actually happen with Malt are only half fiction. I won't say which parts are true. And because of this, I have changed the names of all the characters! I won't tell you who they represent either, just think of it as moving schools. You're the same but everyone around you is different. That's what it will be like, I guess.

For the second good news (or bad) I'm rewriting 'My Personal Pet' for the 3rd time. I just like the story but the longer I put it off, the more I feel the need to rewrite because the me now isn't satisfied with the writing of the me then. LOL. The thing is that I will be replacing the chapters so say goodbye to the Leon and Yuki of 2010 (I think) when I first wrote it and please welcome the Yuki and Leon of 2013, the present! I promise you, the writing of that 13-year-old no longer exists and therefore, hopefully, it will be much more entertaining. If not and you preferred the old versions...I apologize, I must have left my writing for too long.

As for the other stories, never again will you see them. Ideas will remain but I will change them completely so please stay tuned to my newer works and I hope that you will continue to support me :)



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