Changing the Past: A Karamel...

By linzh03

13K 392 121

Tyler and Hadley Danvers-Matthews are the future twin children of Kara and Mon-El. In the year of 2034 on the... More

Beginnings and Ends
Trouble With Time Travel
Back to the Past
Stay pt 1
Stay pt 2
Always and Forever pt 1
Always and Forever pt 2
Trouble at Noonan's
Girl Talk
Adreneline Rush
Battles Lost and Won

What Happens Next?

1K 31 6
By linzh03

Tyler POV

Dad. The only thing going through my head was his last words. 'I failed you two, I couldn't even protect your mother.' Why would he say that. I was so frusturated. He didn't fail us. He was the best father ever, I thought he knew that, but apparently not. I looked over at Hadley. I could tell she was holding back tears. It hurt me that I stayed back and hid while she fought those 3 gunmen, with kryptonite in the room. Im such a coward. I know we bickered with each other a ton, but by the end of the day we still loved each other.

Hadley was still looking out of the window of the car. She was crying, I could see that now. I moved closer to her and engulfed her in a hug, letting her break down. I tried to hold my tears in, but I couldn't. I broke down in tears, still holding onto my twin sister, and we stayed like that for the rest of the 30 minute car ride.

By the time we arrived to the DEO, we had no more tears left to cry out. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for us, with sympathy in our eyes.
"They," Hadley started to say as we were walking, "They were just here. An hour ago they were still here." She was in denial. I could tell that she didn't want to believe anything, she wanted it all to be a dream, "It's just a dream, they didn't really die. I'm gonna wake up in a little bit and everything's going to be fine."
"Hadley..." I say as I grab her arm, "Hadley, it's not a dream." She falls down in tears. I decide to kneel down next to her, trying to comfort her, ignoring any bypassers walking down and up the sidewalk. "Hadley you need to calm down. I know they're gone, I'm hurting too. But, we need to be strong, for mom and dad." She looks up at me, her face stained with tears, my mother's blood rubbed up on her cheeks, dry blood covering her hands. Now I could understand why people were looking, we were covered in blood. How had it just dawned on me that we never changed clothes.
"We should head inside," J'ohn said, "I don't want bystanders getting the wrong idea about you two." I stood up, soon helping Hads get up, too. She was broken. Super broken. I could see it in her eyes. The anger, the pain, the sorrow, I could see all of it. Not to lie, I felt the same. I want for whoever did this to pay. They need to pay for what they did to our parents.

We walked into the DEO. A few agents stopped in their tracks to look at us. Many had sympathetic looks on their faces. Others were confused, mainly confused about our crimpson stained clothing. Hadley just walked off, so I decided to follow her. She walked into the training room, the room where we would spend hours 'training' with our parents, but the sessions would always end up with us dying from laughter.

Hadley POV

I couldn't deal with the stares from everyone in the DEO. I couldn't cope with any of it. I didn't want to believe any of it. I wanted this all to be a dream, so I could wake up in the morning and my parents would be fine. We would get to celebrate mine and Tylers birthday- I forgot. Its our birthday. I couldn't hold it in. I had go get away from everyone. So I went to the most secluded room in the DEO, the training room.

I hoped no one followed me. When I got in the room, I backed into a corner and slid down, now sitting on the ground. I decided to pull out my phone. So may happy birthday texts poped up. I couldn't bring myself to open them, I just couldn't. There ws nothing to celebrate anymore. I decided to go through my camera roll to look at pictures of my family. Maybe those would cheer me up.

The first picture I found was one of my parents. They were standing together at the DEO circle table, looking at something on my mother's phone. They both had a smile on their faces. Tears started to fall down my face. That's when Ty walked in. He looked over and saw me in the corner and walked over. When he arrived, he sat down next to me. He just put his arm around my shoulders, and we sat there for a while, in comfortabe scilence.

About 15 minutes later, Aunt Alex walked in with some news.
"Hey kiddos," she said. I had a feeling I knew what she was about to say, "I don't know if this will help, but your parents are in the moruge. It's down the hall and to your right, just incase you wanna see them."
I sniffeled, "Thank you, Aunt Alex." I wanted to go see them really badly, but I just don't know what will happen if I do.

That's when I remembered what my mother told me. She said that Ty and I could fix everything. There was a second chance. We could save our parents.
"Ty," I say, "We need to do something about this. Mom told me we could do something about this." He just looks at me. "Mom says we need to fix the past. Tyler we need to go back in time, we can go back in time-"
    "HADLEY NO, "he shouted, "I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN HAVING A ROUGH TIME BUT NO... we cant screw up the past. It could create major consequences. Just look at Barry Allen. He changed his timeline and look what heppened. People suffered because of it"
    "Tyler," I whisper, "Mom told me that we could change the past. She told me that when she was dying." I start to cry. "She wants us to do this."
    "Hadley, even if I agreed to this, we dont have the resources to go back in time. Just forget about it" he said.
    "Mom and dad have friends. Friends who have the resources to go to the past. Tyler we just need to get their help."
    "I'll think about it," he startes to walk away. Maybe, just maybe, he'll say yes. After all, it was mom's dying wish.

To be continued...

Authors note:
Hello there. This chapter is significantly shorter than the last one but I might add onto it in the morning. New chapter will be out before the end of the week, but I do have finals going on right now so chapters may be short. Again, Im sorry for the sad story, but I promise: IT GETS BETTER!!!!
Best regards,

Edit: I did add some more on to this chapter so it would be longer, because long chapters mean more to read!!!!

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