Kiss The Sky

By StanDestiel

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385 11 24
By StanDestiel

The night was relatively quiet, other than when Colson, Trev, and Dub had come back to the hotel. It had sounded like someone brought a friend home.

The next morning was slow. I woke up at 8:30 am with morning sickness. Rook got up hearing me sick and helped me into a shower. Everyone else was awake by 9:30. I eventually got out of the shower and dress into a yellow shirt with hell on the collar of it, and some of my maternity pants. Honestly anything comfortable did it for me, matching or not. We all had connecting rooms, basically taking up a whole floor.

"Morning." I sat next to Trev, having said good morning to everyone, receiving one from everyone in the room. Except Trevor who was spacing off, looking as if she was staring at Colson. "Hey, hunny." I place my hand on hers.

"Oh right." Trev smiled at me. "Morning, Mama." She kissed my cheek.

"You okay?" I ask worried. She seemed like something was bothering her. I wasn't just going to let her to her thoughts, I've seen how dangerous those are.

"Yeah. Just thinkin'." She shrugged it off as if it weren't important.

"Trev, you know I'm your best friend and your sister, right? I know you better than that. C'mon talk to me." I watched as she sighed, sitting there in her pyjamas, having looked like she just woke up.

"Do you think they can hear us?" She whispered.

"I don't know." I shrug. "Hold on." I turn from her to the guys. "Hey guys could you take it down a notch?" I wait for the hyped, hollering guys to respond. "Nope, okay." I turned back to Trev. "Yeah. They can't hear us." We both giggle a little.

"Okay." Trevor nervously played with her hands. "You know your's and Rook's first date?"

"The same night you had sex with Kelly? Yeah. I remember that night." I grinned knowing she was finally going to talk about how she really felt about Colson.

"I mean it was great. It was short. And before that in Paris it was uh an irritating time. Now even more confusing to me than before with 'Evie.'" She looked at me for help.

"What do you mean short?" I gasp, covering my mouth with one hand the other already on my bump. "Oh my god! Trevor did he not let you finish?" I look at her surprised.

"Yeah. But he's a really good kisser and he seemed genuine and passionate. So I just shrugged it off as usual." Trev looked over at Kells.

"Baby you don't need that." I look at the guys then at her. "You deserve better. You can get any guy you want. Trevor you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met." I hyped as she sat up more.

"Yeah." Trev started to get up. "You're right, Mama." The guys started to quiet down, now paying us more attention.

"I am right. You slay these bitches Mamí." I called to her.

"Fuck yeah!" Dub shouted, not knowing he was helping hype her to move on from one of his best friends.

"That's right!" She looked at Colson. "I don't need a 30 second hoe." She flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Especially one that doesn't let her finish." I mumble to myself.

"Damn. Trev who've you been with that last only 30 seconds?" Ace inquired, he and the other guys showing up. Group including Dre, Jay, AJ, Andre, and Irv.

"Not naming any names, buuuuuut....." Trev paused. "Colson." She coughed. "It's good to see you guys." Trev walked over and kissed their cheeks after hugging them. "I gotta go get dressed." She walked back to her room.

"Really, Aaron?" Colson scoffed.

"Don't be a dick to her. It's been a rough morning." Rook jumped to my defence.

"Yeah just 'cause you only lasted 30 seconds with the beautiful woman that Aaron calls her family." Jay teased him.

"You know what guys I got this. I appreciate your help though." I smiled in appreciation, loving every single man standing in front of me like my own family. Even Colson. "He's just mad because he doesn't know how to let a woman. That he claims he's in love with. That's bullshit by the way. Because you don't hurt someone you're in love with as many times as you've hurt my sister. He doesn't know how to let her finish even though his 30 second fucking ass already did." I complete my thought. "Help me up. I want to go sit next to Trev." I try to get up.

"I gotcha." Irv helps me to my feet.

"Why're you always so bitchy towards me?" Colson blurts.

"I'm sorry?" I give him the hardest resting bitch face anyone's ever seen. "Are you carrying a baby?"

"N-" Kells starts.

"Do you get morning sickness? Or sick to anything the baby doesn't like?" I glare at him.

"No." He looks down.

"Do you have to deal with some asshole not treating your sister correctly. Not just during sex but constantly?" I cross my arms, waiting for an answer.

"No." He shook his head, looking down.

"That's what I thought." I sigh, fixing my outfit. "Damn, hurt my feelings when all I did was be honest with you." I look away from Colson, having heard Trev walk into the room. "Oof, YASS baby! Slay!" I hype.

"I am!" Trev struts into the room in her outfit that made everyone turn their heads. Her black top, zipped down showing off her cleavage, waist high tight black pants, that nearly looked see-through. Black stiletto boots on her feet and a red half faux coat slung on her arms. Trev's hair in an extremely messy ponytail, rounded dark sunglasses on her face. For sure dropping Colson jaw.

"You look fine, baby." Slim wrapped his arm around Trev's shoulder.

"Thank you." Trev squished Slims face, like fish face kinda, kissing his cheek.

"That's right." I caught her attention. "Act like you own them." I laugh as Rook flung himself on me.

"You got one, I'll take the rest." She joked causing everyone to laugh.

"What's with you today?" I wrap my arms around Rook, kissing his head as he held onto me and sat on the bed.

"I'm tired." Rooks voice vibrated against my stomach as he looked up at me talking.

"I'm sorry." I fake pout, then immediately break into a smile. Sleepy Rook was a cute Rook.

"Sleep with me?" JP nearly whined.

"Uhm." Trev cleared her throat.

"Yeah?" Rook looked at her.

"Y'all know we're still in here?" Slim looked at us.

"Rook she's already pregnant, man. What else could you do?" Ace teased him.

"Oh leave him be, that's not what he meant." I run my fingers through his hair.

"Well not this time." He chuckled, voice deep and sleepy.

"We have stuff to do today." Trev checked her phone. "Meet and greet, go to my parents after. We will be meeting Aaron there." She looked at Rook, causing him to groan. "Too much stress isn't good for the baby. Then you all have the spotlight later tonight." Trev smiled, nodding to herself.

"You're such a good assistant, damn. I mean honestly I'd forget to wake you guys up. Honestly would y'all even eat?" I think to myself for a moment.

"Mama, this is why you're not the assistant." Dub informs, causing me to nod.

"True." I look down at Rook as he kisses my baby belly.

"Colson you good?" Ace chuckles.

"Yeah." Colson wiped his mouth. Not sure if it was to get the drool off or because he was stressed about Trev's outfit.

"You're just kinda quiet. Like did you already cum? Maybe, oh I don't know, 30 seconds after she walked in." Ace took the jokes to the next level.

"Shut up." Colson huffed, directing his attention to his phone.

"Aaron, go get Rook ready. The rest of you are all good." Trev looked around the room at all the men.

"I'm always good for you." Dub winked at Trev.

"I bet." I chuckle, helping JP to his feet so I can get him ready to go. "C'mon." I start guiding him by his hand. "Look guys I already have a kid." I joke as we exit the room, causing everyone to laugh.

"They're so cute." Trev smiles, taking a seat next to Andre on the bed.

"Trevor tie my shoes, please." Colson demands, not looking up from his phone.

"I'm sorry? Am I on your screen?" Trev slightly turns her head away.

"Ugh." Kelly scoffed, looking up at Trev. "Tie my shoes." He shoved his phone in his pocket.

"Damn. Okay." Trev crawls over to Colson, on her knees in front of him she tied his black chucks.

"Okay he's-" I stop, seeing Trev on her knees in front of Kells. "You know everyone is in the room right?" I tease, Trevor looking unamused and stands to her feet.

"What were you going to say, Mama?" She walks to me.

"He's ready. Still walking down the hall but ready." I state not knowing Rook was already behind me. "And might I add-" I start.

"Don't do it, A." Slim tries to warn me.

"Hush." I look at Slim. "He's looking really cute."

"Thank you." Rook kisses my cheek, placing his hands on my shoulders, causing me to jump a little.

"You guys together yet?" Colson asks, irritable.

"Uhm-" I look back at Rook.

"No." I could feel Rook, tightening his grip on my shoulders.

"Let's go." Trev pushes everyone out of the room. "Before Rook hits Kells." She whispers, having noticed him tense up.

"I'll drive Aaron to your parents." Rook says, putting his shades on as we walk outside.

"No you won't. It's on the way so we'll drop her off but she can sit next to you." Trev smiles, looking at a text she just received.

"Fine." Rook and Dub help me into the car. "Oh Trev." Rook stops Trev from getting into the van. "You do look nice today. And I really hope that you're holding up okay. I know we're a lot to handle." He pulls Trev into a hug. "Colson may not but I do really appreciate you." JP releases her from the hug, getting into the van.

"T-th-thanks." Trev stood there speechless before getting into the drivers seat. "Music." She plugs her aux cord in. "Mama, what're we listening to?"

"Posty and Cardi." I say from the back, squished between Rook and Ace.

"Okay." Trev shuffle plays on her playlist.

The drive to my parents consisted of everyone singing along to the music we had on, everyone except me smoking, and Trev and the guys discussing who's gonna be the baby's favourite person. Ten minutes into the drive they dropped me off at my parents and left for the meet and greet.

"So glad you decided to come over, sweetie." Nicole squeezes my shoulder, guiding me inside.

"Yeah. I know." I walk inside. "Where's Dad and Ariel?" I inquire, looking at sleeping Sandy on the couch.

"They went shopping." She walked into the kitchen.

"Okay." I enter the living room. "Hey Sandy." I smile as he sat up, waking from his sleep.

"Hey, A. I thought I heard my favourite sister." He jokes, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Where is your mystery gang?" Sandy smiles at me.

"They took the van to a meet and greet." I laughed softly.

"Fun." He swings his legs over the couch, sitting up.

"Okay. I brought my favourite when I was pregnant with you, babydoll." The thin short brunette enters the living room, her light tinted blue eyes sparkling with joy. "Grilled Pineapple, sweet rice and some spicy orange chicken." She smiles, setting the plate of food down. "Make that baby happy. Oh and here's a Fiji water for you." Mom sat down on the couch next to Sandy.

"Thank you." I smile. "Sandy, I've never seen your hair such a mess." I joke with him, taking a bite of my food. "Oooooh this is good." I coo.

"I didn't sleep last night. I had a nightmare." Sandy informs.

"What was it about?" I ask, checking my picture image from Rook. "Awe" I mumble to myself, sipping my water.

"I had a dream your baby was ugly." He mutters, his voice muffled from his shirt covering his mouth.

"W-wh-" I choke on my water. "My baby is not going to be ugly." I laugh softly. "Regardless of who the father might be."

"You and me both, sweetie." Mother teased, placing her hand on her stomach.

"Oh my god! You're pregnant too." I feel tears start to fill my eyes.

"N-no. Sweetheart, I'm not it was a joke." She chuckled softly.

"Oh.... oh great!" I scoff, letting the tears roll down my face. "Now you're trying to take all my glory." I wipe my face.

"Aaron, I didn't mean to upset you." She smiles, wiping my tears.

"It's okay." I huff. "I'm just a little emotional today." I look from her to Sandy.

A couple hours passed when I finally got a text from Trev saying she was picking up Ariel, then coming to the house with the guys. It was almost enjoyable spending time with just our Mother and Sandy. Except she kept trying to pry who the father was out of me and I really don't know.

"Oof, they're here." I stand to my feet, on my way to the door I tripped a little. Opening the door, I smile to everyone.

"Awe our welcome committee." AJ teases. "Thank you, Mama." He kisses my cheek on the way in, the rest of the guys following behind him.

"How was it?" I ask Trev, she walks in shaking her head.

"They're so annoying, sometimes." Trev looks at me. "Between them and Ariel, I'm beat." She leans her forehead on my shoulder.

"C'mon, Hun." I pat the back of her head then guide her inside.

"I was hoping we could barbecue." Nicole announced. "I mean Trev could take a nap or something while the food is being made." She looks at Trev with a smile.

"I'm just gonna smoke and call it good. I can't take a nap. These guys are mischievous geniuses." Trev spoke softly, fixing her outfit. "Besides they won't last without me." She winks.

"Alright let's get to it." Nicole laughs a little.

Trev invited Dub-O to go smoke with her. The guys took turns with the grill, smoking and drinking. We didn't have red cups but there were blue solo cups. Rook helped Mom and I in the kitchen because I didn't want Ariel next to him. It might be wrong because she's my youngest sister, but out of the three girls my mother had, she's the biggest whore. Sandy was online talking to his boyfriend and Ariel was doing his hair.

The vibes from the music and the people were pretty chill. I mean everyone was getting along. Trev and Dub were taking a little longer to smoke than expected, so Colson went to check on them. Mother talked Rook's ear off. Every and any question in her head, she asked him.

"I'm gonna go check on Ariel and Sandy they got a little quiet." I smile to Rook and Mom.

"Okay." Nicole coos. "Oh. Uhm, ask Trevor to come here please, I need her advice on something." She nearly begged.

"Alright." I look to Rook. "Anything you want me to tell someone?" I inquire.

"Nope, I'm good. Thanks, A." Rook kisses my cheek before I leave the kitchen.

"Hey Sandy, have you seen Tr-" I stop as soon as I look up from my phone. "Rrrrr-" I look at them confused, noticing a familiar red head sitting on the couch, her hair in Ariel's hands. "Evelyn?" I walk to the couch.

"Hey Lil' Miss Preggers." Evelyn smiles at me. "Miss me, didn't you?"

"Uhm-" I sputter, staring at the girl in the  cream coloured coat, a soft pink tight dress and pink heels. "H-h-how are you here?" I ask, more confused this time.

"Oh, you goofball, I took a plane." She giggles, the high pitch sound filling my ears.

"No. I know that's how you got to Australia." I pause, laughing slightly. "How did you get here?" I point to the ground. "Like my Parent's house, here."

"Oh, Colson gave me the address, said I could come. Looks like I came at a great time too. A barbecue is so fun, and I love your siblings." The redhead finished talking.

"Give me a moment." I demanded as I walked away. "Trev." I called through the house.

"Yeah, Mama?" She came out of the bathroom.

"Mum wants to see you in the kitchen." I look at her then at the two men behind her.

"What for?" Trev asks, noticing I'm glaring at Kells. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Uhm she wants advice on something. I don't know." I shrug walking away.

"Oh. Okay." She follows me back into the kitchen. "Wait-" Trev spun around. "What is Evelyn doing here?" Trevor nearly growls.

"Oh apparently, your boss, Colson, without asking if it's okay, gave our Parent's address out." I sass, crossing my arms.

"Colson." Trev hollers to him in a stern voice.

"Yeah?" He comes out from the back in the house. "Oh hey Evie." He nods.

"Hey, babe." Evelyn blows him a kiss.

"C'mere." Trev grabs Colson wrist pulling him into the kitchen, where Mum and Rook are, me following close behind. "What the hell?" She smacks the back of his head.

"Oof, beefy." I joke, standing next to Rook and picking at the food he's preparing.

"W-wha-what?" Colson moves back. "What was that for?" He huffs.

"Inviting HER to my parents house without asking. Colson, that's not okay." Trev rolls her eyes.

"I don't see your problem with her. Your siblings seem to like her." Kells crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the wall.

"My problem isn't with Evelyn. It's with you. She's fine. You don't even have the decency to ask me if you could invite her." Trev walks into the living room to avoid any more confrontation with Colson.

"Shoulda asked." I muffle out shoving an olive into my mouth.

"Well that was awkward." Nicole chokes out.

"Would you stop eating all the olives." Rook huffs. "Have a piece of cheese." He manages, moving the olives and shoving the cheese in my mouth.

I fake pout looking at my mother who is laughing. Colson groans from behind us. Watching JP I finish chewing my food, trying to ignore Kelly.

I lean into Rook, caressing his shoulder. "You know, I like it when you feed me. Daddy." I whisper, smiling hearing him gulp, and nibble his ear before walking over to Colson. "C'mon let's go hang with everyone."

"Okay." He chuckles, having seen what I did to Rook. Colson follows me out into the living room. "You're evil you know."

"I know." I smirk sitting next to Slim. "How you doing boo?"

We all get lost in talking for a good 45 minutes until the doorbell rang.

"Oh. oH. OH! I'll get it." I struggle to get up, walking to the door, massaging my belly. "I'm finna have a babeh." I giggle, opening the door. "Oh. Hi Uhm Chad. Come in." I move letting him in.

"Thanks Aaron. Good to see you." Chad winked. "Congrats too. Looks like you got a lil bun in the oven." He points at my stomach.

"Yes I am. Trev's this way." I walk away, Chad following me. "He guys where's Trev? Chad's here to see her." I mumble looking down at my phone.

"Who the fuck is Chad?" Colson scrunches his face, looking around the room.

"What kind of name is Chad?" Dub asks, wrapping his arm around me and looking at my phone.

"A bitch ass white boy name." Slim chuckles, kicking his feet up.

"Oh Chad you're here." Ariel screeches, and runs to hug him.

"Yeah. Thanks for calling me kid. Glad to be here." Chad chuckles, hugging her back then letting go.

"Okay non-barbecue food is done." Nicole smiles to herself, then immediately drops her smile seeing Chad in her house. "I've never liked that boy." She whispers to Dub.

"Good profit, though." Sandy mumbles out, closing his laptop.

"Dub, right?" Nicole smiles sweetly.

"Yeah." Dub looks at her.

"I noticed you have chocolate and I was wondering if-"

"Oh yeah." Dub broke off a large piece of chocolate, handing it to Nicole.

"Oh thank you very much." She put it into her mouth. "This is so good."

"Oh, N-no. Don't eat that all now." I rub my head. "Fucks sake."

"Good god, babydoll." Nicole chuffs. "It's just chocolate." She walks away.

"What's the problem with me giving her some?" Dub inquires, rubbing my back. "You need to relax, Mama."

"No, Dub. She's never had marijuana in her life. And did you see how big that piece was?" I place my hands on my hips.

"Oh. My bad. Sorry, Mama." He kissed my temple walking away.

I sit next to Colson, leaning on his shoulder. "Whatcha lookin' at?" I mumble, my hand resting on his shoulder and my chin on my hand.

"Stuff." He looks at me. "Why're you so curious?"

"Because your girlfriend is here and you should be spending time with her." I speak softly.


"Obviously Chad found Trev." Nicole giggles, already shitfaced stoned.

"Obviously." Sandy watches mum, laughing softly.

Rook came out of the kitchen and sat next to me, expecting me to lean against him. He nudged me softly, Colson and I listening to the loud argument between Trev and Chad.

"Hey, Aaron." Rook whispers, me ignoring him just for fun.

"Aaron, I think someone is trying to talk to you." Colson laughs.

"I know." I sit back into my seat, not leaning on either guy.

Trev walked into the living room, sitting next to Slim. We were all waiting for dad to get home before eating. Sandy went to shower.

"I'm home." Dad walks in, kissing the top of Ariel's head. "I see my three beautiful daughters, where's my son?" He smiles at us.

"Actually, darling, you only have two daughters. I was already pregnant with Aaron when we made our relationship official." Mother sits down.

"What?" Hugh widens his eyes, crossing his arms.

"Yeah. She's Jared's biological daughter. Couldn't tell by the blonde hair? I mean we're both brunettes." She grunts pulling a cat toy from under her butt.

We finally sat down all dumbfounded by the news Nicole sprung upon us. Hours had gone by, everyone relaxing and eating. And same as always Chad trying to flirt with me. Colson ended up sitting on the floor, Evelyn joining him. A movie had been put on. Tension between Rook and Chad, and Chad and Trev.

"I didn't know we were staying here all day." Basil whispered to Trev.

"I didn't either, but we haven't seen the family much." Trev whispered back. "Look at them." She nodded over to Rook and I.

Rook's hand was on my thigh, his head turned towards Chad, talking to him. Me leaning against his back, my head nuzzled in his neck.

"Ooooo, look at you." I giggle to myself, rubbing his back, my hand resting on his bicep. "You are so handsome." I kiss his from his shoulder up to his neck.

"A-And you a-are very beautiful and very horny, Mama." JP sputters out, him leaning into my touch and kiss.

"Nothing gets passed you." I kiss along his jawline, stopping before I get to his lips. "Mmmm. I love this." I grab his face in my hand, and lick the side of it before resting back in my seat.

"Oh, she's getting you good." Jay laughs, watching us.

This chapter isn't very good. I knew what I was doing at first then lost my train of thought. Comment and send ideas. Would love some. I do have a funny chapter coming up.

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