Kiss The Sky

By StanDestiel

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By StanDestiel

It's the day of the date. I decided to ask Rook to make it a double date, that way Trev could come with us too because I was so nervous I needed her. Being pregnant, and surrounded by gorgeous men all day, everyday, and just getting a date came as a surprise. How do people even date when they're pregnant?

"AARON! Wake up, Mama." Trev rushes in my room, jumping on my bed.

"What!?!" I jolt up, when seeing she's okay I lay back down and groan. "What is it Trevor?" I cover my face with the blanket.

"It's the day of your date." She smiled widely, pulling the blanket off me.

"You realise it's a double date, right? You're going too. With, whomever, Rook chooses to bring." I sit up, wearing a sports bra and some black sweats.

"Yeah. Hopefully he doesn't bring Colson though." She scoffed, settling onto my bed.

"He said he was trying to bring Slim or Dub for you." I rub my face, not ready to wake up.

"Ooooo, my boys." She giggled, looking at my messy blonde hair. "You need some tea, Mama?" I nod and get off my bed. Trev leaves the room getting me some tea.

I pick up my phone seeing texts from all the guys saying good morning, I responded to everyone. Resulting in a text from Rook.


Hey, change of plans. Can we please meet a little earlier? Say like 4:30?

I shrug walking downstairs to find Trev pulling an outfit out of the dryer.

"Hey Rook wants to know if we can meet earlier? 4:30 okay?" I tilt my head, looking at her outfit still in her hands. "Oof that's cute."

"Right." She nodded. "And as for meeting earlier, sure. Why not?" Trev smirked. "If it means you can spend more time with Rook." She shrugged, grinning from ear to ear.

"Trev!" I smack her shoulder softly. "Alright I'll text him back now." I look down at my phone.

"Oh and now you guys are talking nonstop." She laughs, causing me to glare at her and shake my head.

"Oh shut up." I walk back to my room and message Rook back.


Yeah. 4:30 is fine. See you then. XX

I walk to my closet, looking through my clothes. Panic starts to set in from not knowing what I'm going to wear. Flipping through the clothes, I pull out a white blouse, some jeans I can barely still fit into, and some cute flats. I shrug looking at myself in the mirror. Why would he want to take a pregnant woman on a date? He can have any woman he wants. He's a drummer. And a cute, sweet, kind gentle guy. Oh my god! Why are you thinking about Rook this way? You guys are friends.

"Did you hear me?" I hadn't notice Trev walk into my room.

"Uhm-" I shake my head and look at her through the mirror.

"I asked if you were alright. Sweetie, this is a good thing. You're going to have fun." She stands behind me, putting my hair into a half ponytail and tying a pink floral scarf around it.

"You're right. I guess I'm just nervous." My hand rests on my stomach. I sigh and look at Trev in the mirror. She was wearing a black strappy cropped top, with some black jeans ripped at the knees, a black jean jacket and some cute black high heel boots. "You lookin like a snack, hunny."

"Oof, yeah I do." She strikes a pose. Her makeup done, her black hair slightly curled. Trevor looks all dolled up.

I walk to my dresser and sit in the stool, putting on some makeup, I put on the little rose necklace from France that Rook bought me the day Colson kissed Trev.

"Why do you think he wants to take me on a date?" I look down at my phone then turn to face her.

"Because he obviously likes you. When I see him all I hear is 'How's A doing?' Or 'When's the next appointment for the baby?'" She smiles at me. "I know you like him too. Even if you don't realise it yourself." Trev cupped my cheek.

"Come on, we have to go." I stand up grabbing my keys and phone. "We should get going. I really want to see who he brought as your date."

We both go leave the house locking up and getting into my '67 black Chevy Impala. The car was given as a gift to me from an old family friend we met when we arrived in Cleveland. Starting the car Nirvana's album Bleach started blaring through the speakers, startling the both of us. Trev turned the radio down and we both laughed. We were singing along to the music as I drove us to the little pub we were meeting at. Rook wanted to take me because I had previously told him I haven't been to one in months. Pulling up to the pub I had parked the car. We both rolled up our windows and I decided to turn my phone off and leave it in the car.

From a distance we could see Rook leaning against the car he arrived in and talking to someone in the passenger seat. Trev got out waving at Rook. It took me a moment to get out. I had taken a deep breath to shake off the nerves and get the negative thoughts out of my brain before getting out.

"C'mon, Mama. He's looking concerned like you didn't show up." Trev mumbled through her smile.

I got out of the car and looked over at Rook flashing him my best smile. Trev breathed out in relief, locking her arm with mine as we walked over to the two men now standing outside the pub. To my surprise Rook had brought Colson as Trev's date.

"Hey." Rook smiles as we finally get up to them. He leans down and kisses my cheek.

"Hey." I smile back, returning a kiss on his cheek as it happened. We both felt Colson and Trev's eyes on us.

"Uh-" Colson cleared his throat. "I got you this." He grabbed a small box out of his pocket and handed it to Trevor.

"I wasn't expecting gifts but thank you." Trev smiled, opening the box to a gold machine gun necklace. "It's beautiful." She went to put it in her purse.

"Yeah. Why don't you put it on." I elbow her in the side.

"Ow." She groaned quietly, "fine, Colson do you mind?" She handed him the necklace, turning around and lifting her hair, as he put the necklace on her.

"Looks even better on you." He smiled.

"Hey, Mama, you guys head in. I'm going to talk to Colson for a moment, okay?" She looked at Rook and I.

"Sure." Rook nodded, taking my hand in his and guiding me inside. "You look beautiful, tonight." His comment getting a reaction from me. You could tell he didn't know if it was a positive or negative look. "Not that-- not that you don't already look beautiful on a daily basis." He stutters out.

"Thank you." I giggle. He's so adorable when he's nervous. "You're not so bad yourself." I smile at him and he wraps his arm around my shoulder, getting us a booth for the four of us.

It felt like forever since Colson and Trev had been outside talking. When really it was just a few minutes later that they had come in.

"Hey, sorry about that. I had to ask Colson a work related question." Trev sat next to Kells as they took their seats.

"On a date?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Technically before a date." She stated.

"Starting to think she doesn't know when to stop with the work questions." Colson coughed.

"Kells." Rook looked at him. "It was before you got inside."

The waiter had come over and taken the orders for our food. Rook and I previously ordered everyone drinks. Josh, our waiter, seemed to have flirted with the guys a little causing Trev and I to grin at each other.

"He's had way too many energy drinks." Colson laughed.

"Or too much to drink." Rook laughed with him.

Trev and I looked at each other then at the guys.

"Should we tell them?" She questioned me. I nodded.

"Tell us what?" They both asked at the same time.

"Well here's another scenario of why he seemed so energetic." Trev laughed. "You tell them."

"Okay, maybe he was just being really nice to you two because he finds you extremely attractive." I look at them as they look at each other confused.

"Yeah I don't get it, Aaron." Colson states, looking at me.

"Me either." Rook looks from me to Trev.

"Oh my god. Do you guys live under a rock? Josh is gay. He thinks you guys are attractive." Trev laughs.

"Ooooooh. Yeah no that's not going to happen." Colson places his arm on the back of the chair, almost around Trev.

"Be hot if it did." I twirl my napkins between my fingers, catching more of Rooks attention. Everyone looks at me surprised. "Or not." I laugh nervously.

Josh returns to the table with our food. "Here it is. And careful you don't burn your mouth. It's really hot." He manages to say in a lustful tone. The guys look at each other awkwardly.

"Thank you, Josh." I smile to him.

"You're welcome, Mama." He smiles back at me then Trev, then walks away.

"Maybe he's bi." Trev smirks, watching his ass as he walks away. "I'd tap that." She bites her lip, Colson clears his throat getting her attention.

"Aren't we on a date?" He scoffs.

"Yeah but you look at other girls when it's just you and I out, so it's going to be a two way street, baby." She shrugged, drawing her attention back to the table.

Looking at an angry Colson. His jaw was tightened, shoulders back. He was trying not to look at her.

"You're not seriously mad about that, are you?" Trev looked at him.

"No. Its just every time I try to get close to you. You either push me away or you look at other people." He looks at her disappointed.

"Wow, Colson. Really?" She shook her head.

"Yeah, really." He said aggressively. His voice sounded hurt.

"We're not here as a couple, or for each other. We're here for Aaron and Rook. I'm not sure about you but I want them to be together. They deserve happiness." She says lowly, in a demanding voice.

"Whatever." Kells scoffs.

"You know what? I'm going home." Trev rolled her eyes. "I don't know why you're upset I was joking about wanting to be with Josh. He's not really my type." She stood up.

"Well if you're leaving, you can drive me home too." He stood up next to her.

"Aaron, can I have the keys?" She pleaded.

"Uhm...... yeah. Sure." I got the keys out of my purse, and handed them to her.

"Bye, sweetie." She kissed my forehead. "Rook, take care of my babies." She smiled at him before starting to walk away.

"I will." He looked at me, smiling his biggest smile.

Colson kissed my cheek, "Bye, Mama. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, bye." Rook and I waved to them.

"So, that just made for an awkward moment." Rook chuckled.

"It really did." I laughed softly. "But we're still here." I smiled at him.

"Yes we are." He smiled back at me, placing his hand on mine and slightly squeezing it, tracing his thumb lightly over my knuckles.

We ate our food and talked. I thought his food was better than mine so he traded me plates. He thought he was a funny guy during the date. Which made me laugh at his corny jokes. We got togo boxes for Colson and Trev's food, then left.

On the drive home he turned on the radio, Perfect by Ed Sheehan coming on. I sang along to it, him smiling placing one hand on my thigh while the other's on the steering wheel. We finally arrived at my house and he helped me out of the car. He's such a gentleman tonight. Actually I think he's kind of always been this way with me. I adore him. I wish all men would act this way. But maybe they're all just nice to me because I'm pregnant. Or maybe he really likes me. He seems genuine. My inner monologue kicked in as he walked me to the door.

"I had an amazing time." He took my hand in his, smiling at me.

"Me too. Maybe we can do it again." I stood in front of him. I must of looked awkward or nervous because he kept his beautiful eyes on me, his smile growing bigger.

"Yeah. I hope so." He lifted my hand to his face, kissing it softly. His lips were warm against my cold hands.

"Hmmm." I smiled watching him.

He pulled my arm around him. One of his hands on my hip the other in my hair as he kissed me. The kiss was gentle and passionate, causing a smile from me as it continued, one hand resting on his chest the other making it's way around his shoulder. All of my senses were heightened. We stopped for a moment catching our breath, our eyes still closed.

"Uhm." I cleared my throat. "Do you want to come inside?" I look up at him. I felt like I was begging but I hoped I wasn't.

"Yeah. But just for a moment. I have a show to get to in 20 minutes." Rook smiled.

I turned around unlocking and opening the door, trying to make the process quick. He made it hard for me, moving my hair away from my neck. I could feel his warm breath as his lips pressed against my skin. Kissing from my neck to my shoulder. I finally got the door open, almost whining as I did so. We both walked inside, he cupped my face kissing me deeply.

How is he this irresistible? I hated myself for a moment then gave up fighting in my head. Letting my heart win instead of my brain. I don't know if it was my heart or just hormones. That I'd have to figure out another time.

Rook eventually wrapped his arms around my waist, one hand staying on my back the other on my ass. I put everything into trying not to undress him. Wrapping my arms around his neck as the kiss got deeper, hotter, just more passionate than anything I've ever experienced. He started kissing my neck softly, and nibbling.

"R-Rook." I felt my breath hitch, running my fingers through his hair.

"Yes?" He asked quietly, parting his lips from my neck. His breath heavy.

"M-Maybe we shouldn't..." I felt a knot in my stomach, mentally kicking myself for actually saying that.

"I know." He sighed. "It's only our first date and you're pregnant." We backed away from each other.

"I want to. I really want to." I looked at him with a longing look in my eyes. "But not yet. I want it to be right."

"Yeah." Rook nodded. "Thank you for the date and everything, though. I really enjoyed myself." I felt a smile creep on my face.

"I did too."

"I have to go now, or I'm going to be late." He looked at me.

"Alright." I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. "Good luck." I smiled.

"Thanks." He nodded before walking away.

I watched him drive away before walking back inside and going to my room. Not thinking about anything else but him. I had laid on my bed for hours with a big smile on my face, finally falling asleep.

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