Changing the Past: A Karamel...

By linzh03

13K 392 121

Tyler and Hadley Danvers-Matthews are the future twin children of Kara and Mon-El. In the year of 2034 on the... More

What Happens Next?
Trouble With Time Travel
Back to the Past
Stay pt 1
Stay pt 2
Always and Forever pt 1
Always and Forever pt 2
Trouble at Noonan's
Girl Talk
Adreneline Rush
Battles Lost and Won

Beginnings and Ends

1.5K 39 17
By linzh03

Note: This chapter is kinda graphic, sooooo, yeah, i kinda wrote it like a script to sooo, have fun reading!

Hadley POV

November 19, 2034, the day it all started.

Hey, its Hadley, Hadley Danvers-Matthews. I mainly go by Hadley Danvers. Anyways, today is mine and Tylers 15th birthday, and I have a feeling its going to be a good one. Anyways, since today is Sunday, we don't have school. With my parents out superheroing, I get to sleep in. Im guessing Tyler is up because I can hear his tv on.

    "ITS 11:33 HADS, SO GET YOUR ASS UP," he yells back. Is it really 11:33? I look over at my clock as soon as it swiched to 11:34. Shit, I never sleep this long.

I decided to get out of bed and walk over to my window. I looked out at the ocean. Something about it was just so calming. I just sat there, looking out my open window, when my phone rang. I got up to go see who it was. My best friend, Nadia, was Facetiming me, so I picked up the phone.

    "And who might this be?" I joked around.
    "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH, NOW WE'RE THE SAME AGE," she happily yelled out.
    "I KNOW BITCH, GET ON MY LEVEL," I replied with a laugh.
    "So is anything new, does Ty have a girlfriend. Cuz if not then-" Nadia said. For as long as I've known her, Nadia has had a crush on Tyler. I always pretend that it disgusts me, but I honestly think it's cute.
    "Nadia Isabella Gleason, you can not go out with my brother. And to answer your question, no, he is single and forever will be," I said, letting a small laugh escape my lips.
    "Girl," she said, "He is too hot to be forever single. So don't screw around with me-" She paused, and I heard her front door slam shut. "Oh shit my moms home, gotta go. Bye bitch."
    "Alright. Talk to you later bitch, bye," I hung up.

I sort of feel bad that I didn't invite Nadia over. But I know her mom wouldnt like it. For some reason, even though her mother is barely ever home, she always wants Nadia home. I feel as if it would be better if Nadia just stayed over here, because she would have parental supervision. But, I cant say anything because those aren't my rules, and I need to respect her mother. But, she is always welcome to come over.

I remember the day I met her. I was alone in the bathroom on the first day of Kindergarden. I had gotten really mad at Ty for taking some of my snacks. Anyways, I was in the bathroom alone and as soon as Nadia walked in, I broke the sink. She stood there staring at the sink, then to me, then back to the sink. I stood there in absolute terror, just staring at her. We stood there in scilence for about a minute when she just broke down in laughter, and so did I. I begged her not to tell anyone about my powers, and she has kept that promise for 10 years. She is my only friend who knows that I am an alien and knows that my parents are Supergirl and Valor.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear my front door open and close.
"TYLER, HADLEY, WE'RE HOME," my mother calls out.
"COMING DOWN," I yell out.
"HEY STOP YELLING," Tyler calls out. I walk over to his room and open the door.
"Hey asshat," I say, "Mom and dad just got back. They want us downstairs. And put on a freaking shirt." He sneers at me as I walk out.
"THEN YOU NEED TO PUT ON SOME LONGER SHORTS," he calls out as I walk away.

I walk downstairs to see my mom sitting on the kitchen counter, making out with my dad, still in their superhero suits.
"Jesus christ," I speak up, "Get a room," I say with a smile. My mother just breaks out in laughter.
"Hey I own this house, I can do what I want," she replies, "And watch your language when talking to your brother."
"I don't know what you mean," I sarcastically say, with a smirk on my face.
"Yeah, she cusses me out all the time. Can you ground her for that?" Tyler says, walking down the stairs.
"Oh so do you, so don't act so innocent Mr. Perfect," I reply. Honestly, Ty and I are as thick as theives. We are inseprateable, but we always seem to bicker at each other.
"I think you both need to listen to your mother," my dad speaks up, "Because she is always right." My mom looks over at my dad with a look of approval.
"Anyways," mom says as she looks at Ty and I, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LITTLE BABIES! YOU TWO ARE SO GROWN UP!" She runs over and pulls us in for a group hug.
"Ah mom," Ty says, "I'm a man, not a baby."
"Yes, but, you'll always be my baby," she replies, not letting go of us. My dad runs over to squeeze us into the hug, and neither would let go for about a minute or so.
"Mom, dad, I think that we need to breathe," I speak up. They let go of Ty and I, in which we both let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you. So whats the plan for today?"
"You two can choose," My mom replies. Almost immediately I respond.
"Can dad make his famous "Superhero Brunch?" I ask. In case your wondering, a Superhero Brunch is 8 eggs, 4 pancakes each, 2 dozen doughnuts, a pound of bacon, and just anything else we want to add on.
"Of course you want that," Ty replies, "I hope you get fat."
"We both know that can't happen," I reply, "So dad? Can you make it?"
"Anything for the coolest daughter ever," he replies.
"Thanks dad, I love you so much," I run up and hugged him, almost knocking him over, "I'm gonna go get changed real quick. BRB."

I run upstairs to my room, contemplating what I should wear for my 15th birthday. I decide to go with a pair of black leggings and my favorite pastel pink cropped hoodie with black converse hightops. Simple and comfy. After brushing my hair, I hear a knock at my door. I look over and see Ty standing in my doorway.

"Well, I'll be damned," he says sarcastically, "You put on a pair of non revealing pants. I'm so proud." I sneer at him.
"And you put on a shirt," I reply, walking over to him. He was reasonably taller than me, for I am pretty short compared to the rest of my family.
He suddenly hugs me and I hug back, "Hey happy birthday," he says kindly.
I pull away, "Happy birthday to you, too." Thats when I heard it. Gun shots. We both turn around and look towards the stairs.
"That came from downstairs," I pause, "Son of a bi-" Thats when I heard it. My mothers screams. Another shot. My dads screams. Scilence. I couldnt hear them. Nothing.
"T- t- ty-" I start to say when he shushes me.
"Hadley," he whispers, "I hear footsteps coming up the stairs."
"Holy shit," I say under my breath, "Come on, we have to hide in my closet." We start to run to my room, when we hear another gunshot, and a grunt. Mom. I can hear her. I stop in my tracks.
Tyler turns around, "Hads, come on, hurry," he whisper shouts.
"No, I can hear mom, I have to get downstairs." I say, insistantly.
"Hadley, no," I can hear him say, as I walk twards the stairs.

As I'm walking, I see a shadowy figure walking into my parents room. Luckily, they didn't notice me. I hovered over the ground, so I wouldn't make any creaks in the ground by walking. I hovered over to the door and used my x-ray vision to see through the walls. I saw at least 3 figures, all watching out for their surroundings. They were probably looking for me and Tyler. I hovered there and looked through the floor to see my parents in the kitchen. I could see them lying on the ground, very still. Shot. They were shot. That set me off. Even if the intruders had a substance that could harm me, I didn't care. I was so engulfed in rage.

    I stormed in there. Immediately, the men pointed their guns at me. I easily took out the two guns, that were filled with lead bullets, using my heat vision. Wait. Lead. They shot my father with lead. So what did the other gun have? Kryptonite. The only thing that could hurt my mother and I. I didn't care if the man could kill me right now. I sped up to him, punching him square in the face. He dropped the gun, and I grabbed it. I could feel the searing pain, but I didn't care. I had knocked him out, leaving the other two with burned hands, passed out from pain. I scanned my house for anyone else, but no one else was there.
"TYLER," I yelled out, on the verge of tears, "ALL CLEAR, GET DOWN STAIRS NOW." I saw him run out of my room and down the hall. We met up and ran down the stairs. That's when I saw them. My parents. They had both been shot. I stood there in shock.
    "Oh my-" I couldn't say anything. I just stood there. Thats when I yelled out
"MOM, OHMYGOD MOM, dad... DAD OH GOD, NO NO NO," I ran over to them, but Ty was alread holding my dad, trying to keep him awake. So, I ran over to my mom and kneeled down, "Mom, mom stay with me... mom." No answer, "MOM," I yelled out, and her eyes barely opened, "OHMYGOD MOM MOM STAY WITH ME, PLEASE MOM, I CAN'T LOOSE YOU, OR DAD, DON'T DIE ON ME. YOU CANT LEAVE ME HERE."
"Hadley...," she struggled to speak. I was holding her head in my lap, crying, "Hadley... tell your father that I... that I love him... tell Tyler I love him... I love you, my sweet baby girl. I need you to do something for me," she pulled me down so she could tell me something. Once she finished, I lifted my head back up, I had tears in my eyes.
    "You're so beautiful. Don't ever change. I love you." That was the last thing she said to me. She turned stiff, one single tear escaping from her eyes. Dead. She was dead.

    I broke down in tears, still holding my mother. Thats when the front door opened, and a couple dozen DEO agents came into the house. Some stopped and looked at us, crying over our dead parents, others just continued searching the house. I felt someone starting to pry me away from my mother. Aunt Alex. I struggled so hard, but I felt so weak. That's when I realised that I droped the gun containing kryptonite right beside the steps, but an agent picked it up and walked right by me. Aunt Alex succeeded pulling me away from my mother and J'ohn pulled Ty away from dad.
"Hadley look at me," said Aunt Alex, looking me in my tear filled eyes, "This is not your fault, ok? Calm down. Just breathe."

    I could tell she was holding her tears back, but she let a few escape. I couldn't help it. I just broke down in tears. Aunt Alex pulled me into a tight hug, which made me break down even more. After a while, she loosned her grip on me, and pulled away. She looked me up and down. I looked down at myself, my pants and shirt covered in my mothers blood. I was trying to hold back tears, but it was very obvious.
    "We need to get you two back to the DEO," Aunt Alex stated, "J'ohn, we need to get them out of here."

I looked over at the staircase and could see agents leading the gunmen out. One of them looked at me and smiled. Thats when it clicked. He was one of the two that passed out from pain. I started to walk over when Tyler grabbed my arm. I looked back at him, my tear-stained face had an angry epression on it. He let go, I assumed he had knowledge of what I was about to do. I walked over to the agents leading the man out of my house, stopping them.
I looked straight into the tall mans hateful eyes, and I yelled out, "YOU EVIL SON OF A BITCH," and I punched him smack dab in them middle of his face, hard enough to break his nose and jaw, but not hard enough to knock him out. I wanted him to feel the pain. I could hear the 'Oohs" from some of the agents, knowing fully well that it must've been painful.

The agents took the men into the armed black van, mostlikely taking them back to the DEO. I stood there watching them drive away. I must've been holding the front door too tight, because I crushed the wood on the frame. With no remorse, I decided to walk back over to my parents. I never got to say goodbye to my dad. I kneeled right next to him. I looked into my mothers still eyes, then I looked at my fathers face. He looked so peaceful. I couldn't help but cry. I held his hand.
"I'm so sorry I didn't say goodbye," I wispered to him, fully knowing that he couldn't hear me, "Mom told me to tell you she loves you. I'm gonna really miss you. I love you so much dad."

I felt Tylers hand on my shoulder. I got up off the floor, and he pulled me in for a hug. He just let me cry into his shoulder. We stood there for a while, until Aunt Alex and J'ohn told us to grab some belongings that we wanted. I imediately grabed my mothers necklace from Krypton, my phone, my parents phones, my phone charger, my headphones, and a blanket. J'ohn and Aunt Alex escorted us out of the house. As we were walking out of the front door, I looked back at my parents for one last time. We were led to a black DEO car. I jumped in with Ty, Aunt Alex, and J'ohn, and the driver led us away from our house.

To be continued...

Authors note:
Im sorry if you cried. Honesty I cried while writing it. Hope you like the story. Comment below what you think will happen next. Thanks for the love and support.
Best wishes,

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