The Robotic Heart (Astro boy...

Bởi Noonecame1212

24.8K 972 1.1K

(Currently being re-written) Waking up in a robot's body, you find yourself surrounded by rubble and you can'... Xem Thêm

A fateful meeting
Something Familiar
Atlas Joins The Fray
A Quick Realisation
Verbal Shackles
The Summer Festival
Y/n Jr.
An unknown danger
Y/N vs Y/N
Friend to foe
Alfonze and Y/N
Lost love
A world full of memories
Operation Y/N
A bad idea
A day of the life as a hero
An arising storm
The tale of two guardians
A world which is the same but different
Gears of the heart
Onto the next timeline!
Battle across timelines
Appear and disappear
The return of Tobio
The final battle
Saying goodbye
A tiresome day
Romeo and Juliet
The play of love
Y/N Jr's first love
Halloween special

The AU of the dead

342 17 13
Bởi Noonecame1212

AN: Hello my dear readers! No fanfiction was used in this. Just another random AU that I made up. Enjoy!

"Oh no....what should I do....?" You frowned and opened your eyes. You then groaned and held your head. You then heard someone gasp and turn towards you. "You're awake!" You looked up to see Pandemonium fiddling with his hands nervously. He then ran over to you and gripped you by the shoulders. "Tell me, do you have telepathic powers to speak to the other Y/Ns!?" You looked at Pandemonium as if he was crazy and smacked his hands away from you.

"No, I don't. What happened anyway?" You questioned. A look of distress crossed Pandemonium's face and he looked around. You stood up and stretched your back. You then looked around and saw that you were in a room with the windows boarded up. You raised your eyebrow and went to open the door when Pandemonium gasped and pulled you back.

"Wait! Don't go out there, it's not safe." You gave Pandemonium a confused look. You then crossed your arms.

"Mind telling me what happened?" Pandemonium nodded.

"I don't know exactly what happened, but Onyx had used her powers to send us to another dimension. When I came to, we were in the middle of a city that was in ruins. And there were these...things surrounding us. They left us alone, but they didn't look human. You were the only one around that I saw and I carried you in here." Pandemonium explained. You raised your eyebrow.

"So, we've been separated from the others?" Pandemonium nodded. Your eyes widened. "Oh no, why did I have to get stuck with YOU of all people!?" You cried. Pandemonium frowned and covered your mouth.

"Shhhh, noise attracts those things. We have to be quiet. And I'm not exactly thrilled to be stuck with you either. We have to find Pandora!" You nodded. You then raised your eyebrow at Astro.

"Um, what about the others?" Pandemonium nodded.

"Yeah, them too." You sighed and turned towards the door. You then opened it slightly and your eyes widened at the scene that you saw. You saw humans walking around except...they were all injured. In fact, they didn't even look alive. The city looked broken and the skies were dark. You closed the door and looked at Pandemonium who had a look of horror on his face.

"What happened to those humans?" You questioned. Pandemonium clenched his fists.

"I-I think we were taken to a timeline where there's...a zombie apocalypse." You raised your eye brow at him.

"What's a zombie apocalypse?" Pandemonium's eyes widened.

"You don't know what a zombie apocalypse is!?" Pandemonium then sighed. Why did he have to get stuck with the hot-headed idiot?


Scarlet peeked out the window as Pandora and Y/N sat down on some chairs. Pandora and Y/N were currently thinking up of a nickname for Y/N. Y/N hummed in thought. Her eyes then widened as an idea came to her.

"Ooh! How about heart?" Pandora hummed in thought.

"Hmm, that seems good. Heart it is." Heart smiled and turned towards Scarlet.

"How is it outside?" Scarlet frowned.

"They're still out there. We need to find the others." Scarlet informed. Pandora nodded.

"Yeah, it was good that you woke up before those things out there caught us."  Scarlet nodded and wiped the blood off her blade. Heart frowned.

"Say, the way you slew those things out there. It looked like you were quite experienced." Scarlet nodded.

"Yeah, I used to be an assassin. So, I'm pretty well versed when it comes to killing people." Heart's eyes widened while Pandora sweat dropped. Scarlet then took out another sword and turned towards Pandora. "Can you fight?" Pandora's eyes widened. Her eyes then turned blue and she stood up and smirked.

"Y/N may not be able to control her powers yet, but I think I'll be able to handle taking out a few dead people." Scarlet and Heart looked at Pandora with wide eyes. Pandora grinned and pointed to herself. "Hi, the name's Pandora. The real one. I'll be borrowing Y/N's body until we're safely out of this timeline. We'll need to find the others, they too have been taken to this timeline." Scarlet nodded.

"I see, then you'd better get ready because we leave soon." Pandora and Heart nodded. Heart then looked at her hands and frowned. She's never killed anybody before. Scarlet noticed her uneasiness and rested her hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, those things aren't human. Not anymore. All we have to focus on is staying alive." Heart smiled at Scarlet and nodded.


Assassin frowned as he flew over the town while carrying Big sis. Big sis frowned at the site of the city.

"Hopefully everyone is safe." Assassin nodded. He then landed on top of a building and opened his chest to see his energy levels. He then frowned when he saw that his energy levels were just below being half full.

"I need to recharge soon." Big sis frowned as Assassin closed his chest.

"Well I doubt that there are any power sources here. We'll need to go to return back to the timeline where we saw Onyx and Dark." Big sis told. Assassin nodded. He then looked down at the horde of un-dead and shivered.

"Yeah, when we get back we're taking a break and having a shower." Big sis nodded. She then crossed her arms.

"Hopefully we'll find the others soon. In the meantime, you try not to fly." Assassin nodded and sat on the ground. Big sis then took something out of her pocket and turned it on. Assassin looked at her with curiosity.

"What's that?" Assassin questioned. Big sis smiled and showed Assassin a phone like device.

"This is something that Science created. He gave it to me so that I could contact him." Assassin's eyes widened. He then watched as Big sis fiddled around with the device and smiled.

"Woah, that's so cool Big sis!" Assassin exclaimed. He then covered his mouth. Now that he thought about it, calling her Big sis was kind of embarrassing. Big sis's eyes widened and she squealed. She then hugged Assassin.

"Aw, you're so cute!" Assassin blushed out of embarrassment. Big sis was so different to his Y/N. His Y/N would always hide her emotions. Big sis then let go of Assassin and made the connection with Science. Science's voice was then heard through the device.

"Y/N!? Where are you, are you okay?" Science questioned. Big sis chuckled.

"I'm alright. Assassin is here with me, but he's getting low on energy. Where are you? And who's with you?" Science stayed silent for a moment.

"Um, well, I'm with Gears. We're on top one of the other buildings." Science told. Big sis raised her eyebrow.

"Gears?" Science hummed in confirmation.

"Yeah! That's what we decided to call him." Big sis shrugged and looked over the buildings. She then saw two figures.

"Oh, I see you both. Look to your left- no, your other left. Yeah, here." Big sis then started waving. Assassin then looked up to see Science and Gears flying towards the two of them and smiled. Science and Gears landed on the ground and smiled at the two of them.

"Thank goodness you're okay." Science sighed in relief as he hugged Big sis. Big sis smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Yeah, we're okay. We're not quite sure about the others though." Gears frowned.

"Well, I'm not too worried about my Y/N. I mean, she can defend herself quite well." Science nodded.

"Yeah." Science then started chuckling. "If we want to find Star fire, then all we have to do is look for a pillar of fire and some yelling." Science joked. Everyone laughed.


You smirked as you roasted the un-dead with pillars of flame. Pandemonium covered his nose in disgust at the smell. He then watched as you ran through the horde while killing them. You then flew up and fired two beams of fire at them. Pandemonium sighed while shaking his head.

"Star fire, aren't you going just a little over board?" You grinned at Pandemonium and roasted another group of monsters.

"No way, this is great! You should try it, it's like a video game!" Pandemonium frowned and shook his head. He then turned felt a chomp on his shoulder and cried out in surprise. He then punched the zombie in the face, causing it's head to fly off and blood to gush out. Pandemonium jumped back away from the blood and held his hand in disgust.

"Ew! Oh god, it touched me!" Pandemonium cried. You laughed.

"Stop acting like a girl, it's not like you're going to get infected." Pandemonium frowned at you.

"I know that! It's just the fact that it touched me!" You continued to laugh at Pandemonium. You then continued on your killing spree.


Scarlet ran along the road while slicing the heads of many zombies as Pandora and Heart followed closely behind while taking out a few Zombies themselves. Scarlet pierced her sword in the head on one zombie and used the other to slice it off. She then saw that she was surrounded and frowned. She turned to see a nearby car and ran over to it. She then jumped on top of it and did a back flip over the hoard. She made sure to decapitate a few zombies and jumped on top of a building. Heart and Pandora watched her with wide eyes. Holy hell, she was good! Pandora then summoned some chains and pierced the zombies in the chest. She then teleported to the top of another building as Heart readied her attack. She then fired a purple beam at the horde of zombies, taking out a great deal of them. Pandora smirked, impressed with her skills. Heart then flew up to the sky and fired another beam. She then saw a giant pillar of fire and her eyes widened. Pandora and Scarlet too saw the pillar of fire.

"That must be Star fire!" Heart exclaimed. She then flew towards the pillar of fire while Pandora teleported and Scarlet ran across the roof tops.


Toby walked through the bloody halls that had drag marks on the floors and grimaced. Why did he have to wake up in the ministry of science of all places!? Toby sighed. So far, he hadn't seen anyone. He hoped that everyone was alright. Toby then heard some footsteps and frowned. He then used his ears to listen for the source of the noise. He then followed the noises and ended up at a door. Toby eyed the door. It wasn't as if he would die from opening it. He just had to be careful. Toby opened the door slowly and peeked in. He then heard whispers and his eyes widened. Was someone still alive!? Toby quietly tiptoed inside and peeked around the corner.

"Everything will be alright, I'll make you all better." Toby frowned and peeked around some more. His eyes then widened. It was another Astro! Toby took a closer look and saw Dr Elephan sitting on a chair, strapped. He then covered his mouth in shock when he saw that Dr Elephan was infected and had already turned into one of those...things. Toby took another step forward but his footstep was louder than he had bargained for and he froze when Astro stopped. He then saw Astro turn towards him and covered his mouth in horror. Bits of Astro's face was missing, revealing his eye socket with sparks flying out. One of his horns were bent and he had scratches all over his body. Astro smiled at Toby and turned towards him. "Look professor, we have a guest. Are you going to greet him?" Astro questioned. Toby frowned. Astro was malfunctioning. Dr Elephan only moaned. Toby turned away from the site. He had to get out of here and find the others. He was then about to leave when he heard rushed footsteps. He then turned around and cried out when Astro tackled him to the ground. "Don't leave yet, it's been a while since we've had a guest. Won't you stay a little longer?" Astro questioned. Toby's eyes widened.

"U-uh, I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I have somewhere that I need to be." Astro frowned. He then looked up and his eyes widened when he saw that the doors were wide open. He then pushed himself off of Toby and closed the doors. He then sighed in relief and turned towards Toby.

"You almost let them in, those people out there. They were so mean, so I got rid of them." Toby's eyes widened. Astro had gotten rid of all the un-dead in the hallways? Toby shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but I really do have to go." Astro frowned.

"You're one of them, aren't you? You want to hurt Dr Elephan, don't you? Well, I won't let you!" Astro then charged at Toby. Toby gasped and dodged Astro. He then ran out of the room  and through the hallways. Astro followed behind but not without closing the door. Astro flew through the hallways, looking for Toby. Toby gritted his teeth when he saw Astro looking for him. He then flew down another hallway. Astro heard him and followed the noise. Toby flew passed a hallway and gasped when he saw that it was crawling with zombies. Astro too saw the zombies and frowned. He then stopped and fired lasers at them. Toby decided to take this chance escape the ministry of science and find the others.


Verse and Robot stared at the ground in shock. You all had disappeared in that black portal. Verse then glared at Onyx and Dark.

"Where did you send them, Y/N!?" Verse questioned. Onyx frowned. She then turned around.

"I sent them to a place in which they wouldn't be a hindrance to our plans. Verse, join us. We can secure our timeline, we can make our timeline into an Alpha timeline!" Onyx told. Dark nodded and flew down to Verse. He then leaned towards him.

"Y/N is right, aren't you sick of those Alpha timelines being prioritized? If we can make our timeline perfect, then we'll be the dominant timeline. Come, join us." Dark told as he held out his hand. Verse stared at Dark's hand. He then reached forwards. Robot gasped and ran forwards. He then punched Verse, causing him to go flying into a tree. Robot then growled at Verse and picked him up by the scarf.

"What is WRONG with you!? Here we are, trying to help you and this is how you repay us!? Listen, they're lying to you. What they are doing is wrong, you should understand that!" Robot cried. Verse's eyes widened. He then shook his head and nodded.

"Y-yeah, you're right." Verse then stood up. "Thanks for knocking me back into my senses." Verse then glared at Dark. "I'll never join you! I WILL stop you and take Y/N back!" Dark sighed.

"You really are a pain. Fine, then I guess we have no choice. Y/N, hurry up with it." Onyx nodded and her pendant glowed a dark colour. Verse's eyes widened. Oh no, she was taking the data of this world! Verse growled and ran forwards along with Robot.


Science carried Big sis while Gears carried Assassin since he was low on energy. They all flew towards the big pillar of fire, knowing that it was you. You growled and continued to fire into the air while Pandemonium defended you. You had decided to make a beacon to call the others. You then grinned when you saw the two Astros flying towards you with Big sis and Assassin in their arms. Pandemonium smiled. He then saw Scarlet, Heart and Pandora running towards them and beamed.

"Y/N!" Pandemonium exclaimed as he ran towards her and hugged her. Pandora's eyes turned from their neon blue back to their blood red and she smiled. She then hugged Pandemonium. Pandemonium then looked over Pandora's body. "Are you okay? You weren't bitten were you?" Pandora chuckled and shook her head. Heart smiled when she saw Gears and ran towards him. Gears smiled and hugged her. Assassin smiled at the sight. He then turned towards Scarlet and his eyes widened. She was covered in blood! Assassin then sighed and smiled at her, glad that she was okay. Big sis smiled at everyone.

"Great! We're all back together." Science nodded.

"Yeah, it was because of Star fire's pillar of flames that brought us together." You smiled smugly and rested your hands on your hips. Your eyes then widened.

"Hold on, aren't we missing an Astro?" You questioned. Everyone looked around and saw that you were right. Where was Toby?

"EVERYONE!" Toby cried as he landed in front of you all. You all turned towards him and smiled.

"Toby!" Everyone exclaimed. Toby grabbed Pandora and pushed her to the middle.

"We have to get out of here NOW!" Toby shouted. Gears raised his eyebrow at him.

"But why?" Toby shook his head.

"No time to explain, we have to go before the Astro of this world comes!" You frowned. You then looked up to see an Astro covered in blood flying towards you all. Your eyes widened. Pandora gasped. She then looked at everyone.

"Surround me, and make sure to touch me." Everyone nodded and rested their hands on Pandora. (Not in an inappropriate way of course, get your minds out of the gutter! XD) You frowned.

"But what about Robot and Verse?" You questioned. Pandora shook her head.

"They're not here in this timeline. I didn't see them fall through the black portals. Now hurry!" You nodded and touched Pandora's gem, since it was the only free spot left. Pandemonium frowned. Astro flew towards you and reached out to you.

"I won't let you get away!" Astro shouted. You all then disappeared in a flash just as Astro grabbed onto you.


Verse growled and fought a battle of strength with Dark while Robot attempted to get close to Onyx. He then tsked when Onyx continued to swing her scythe at him. He then caught the scythe in his hands and pulled it away from Onyx. Onyx clicked her fingers and the scythe returned to her. Robot's eyes widened. He then frowned. 

"Are you serious!?" Robot cried. Verse was thrown back by Dark and he growled.

"It's no use trying to separate the scythe from her, she'll just summon it again!" Verse told. He then held his hands out in front of him. "Guess I have no choice, I'll have to use MY weapon." Robot's eyes widened as Verse summoned a giant blade. He then pointed it at Dark. "I won't let you get away with this." Dark smirked.

"Oh yeah? Well I already have." Dark then held his arm out and charged up a black beam. Verse held his sword out in front of him ready to block the beam. A bright light was then seen as soon as Dark fired and you used an attack of your own to cancel out Dark's. Dark tsked as you changed your form. You then smirked and cracked your knuckles as you used 75% of your power. Robot gasped and smiled at you.

"Y/N! Everyone! You're here!" You grinned at Robot. You then looked at Dark.

"Oh boy have I been waiting for this." You told as you took a step towards Dark. Dark frowned. He then charged at you as you charged at Dark. You both then hit each other head on. Everyone cheered. Verse too was about to cheer when he saw Astro standing behind Pandora with his arm poised and ready and his eyes widened.

"PANDORA LOOK OUT!" Verse cried. Pandora gasped and turned around. Pandemonium then grabbed Astro's arm and turned it up. The laser beam then fired into the sky. Everyone stared at him in shock. He followed them!? You glanced back with wide eyes. Crap, he had grabbed onto you just before you left! Dark smirked.

"Big mistake." You gasped when Dark fired his laser beam at you and you cried out in pain. You then fell to the ground and gritted your teeth. Robot gasped.

"Y/N!" He then growled at Dark and fired at him. Dark growled and dodged the attack. Robot then ran over to you and crouched down to you. Dark frowned and flew up to Onyx.

"We're leaving." Onyx nodded and opened a portal. Verse's eyes widened. Dark looked at him. "This isn't the end." He and Onyx then disappeared. Pandemonium frowned. He then turned around and gasped.

"Guys, the other Astro is gone!" Verse's eyes widened and he turned towards where Astro was last seen. He then growled and punched a nearby tree.

"Dammit! They must have taken him with them. They're gone now. Dammit dammit dammit! We were so close! We have to go after them!" Verse cried out in frustration. You held your arm and looked at Verse. You then winced when electricity flew out of your cut circuit. Robot gave you a look of worry. He then glanced at Verse.

"We will, but not until we fix Star fire up." Verse's eyes widened.

"B-but she was right there! We can still go after he-"

"NO! We need to get prepared first. I will NOT put my Y/N in any more danger until I know that she is alright." Robot told. You huffed.

"Oh please, I'm fine! It's just a little scratch." You then tried to stand up and winced when more electricity flew out of your arm. You then fell to your knees as your vision turned to static. Robot gasped.

"Y/N! Hold on, we'll fix you right up." You nodded. Verse frowned at the state you were in. Assassin then walked forwards.

"I agree with Robot. We need to charge up. I'm almost out of energy." Everyone nodded in agreement. Verse sighed and nodded.

"Alright. We'll spend the night here in this timeline." Gears and Heart smiled. Gears then took a step forward.

"You all can stay at my place. It'll be like a sleepover!" You all nodded. Robot then picked you up as your vision started to give out and all you could see was lines. Big sis sighed.

"I need a bath." Scarlet nodded in agreement and looked down at her blood soaked clothes. Everyone laughed and grimaced at the same time. They then headed back to the city.

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