Absolute ZERO [A Darling in t...

By 6_Doom_6_Marine_6

322K 4.6K 5.8K

Code: 0000 or Absolute ZERO is an Elite pararasite, having the 0000 rank he was overall the best FranXX pilot... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Psycho
Chapter 2: Friend or Foe.......Probably Friend
Oh my poor heart.....
Chapter 3: Going back to Civilization
Hey, look what I found 🙂🙂
Chapter 4: Arriving at the Plantation
Chapter 5: Getting to know Squad 13 and having a proper name
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: A Surprising Return
Just saw Episode 16
Chapter 8: A Fallen One's Wrath
Chapter 9: Staying for Good this Time
I actually Drew something....
Chapter 10: First Day in The Plantation
let's talk about Episode 17
Chapter 11: Secret Revealed to Save a Friend
Chapter 12: Not a Burden
Happy Klaxosaur Princess
Chapter 13: Training
Episode 18 Ehh?.....FUCK YOU WORLD!!
Chapter 15: Vacation Break
What do you think?
Chapter 16: New Partners
Chapter 17: A Little Minor Setback
A sneak peak in Future chapters
Chapter 18: Misunderstanding
Episode 20 Review
Special Chapter 1 [Finding Happiness]
Special Chapter 2 [Separation]
Special Chapter 3 [Finale]
Chapter 19: Repairing of Bonds
Chapter 20: Awakening
Episode 21.....
Teaser Trailer
Special Chapter One-Shot
Chapter 21: Monster
You will be missed.....

Chapter 14: Life's Value

6.4K 95 168
By 6_Doom_6_Marine_6

Y/n and Squad 13 were currently fighting some Klaxosaur's not far from the Plantation.

Abbadon was holding a Horned Type Mohorovic by the neck while looking towards Squad 13.

"They have improved indeed" Y/n thought as Abbadon's tail pierced the Klaxosaur's chest breaking the core inside it.

Abbadon threw the lifeless body of the Klaxosaur towards a group of Mohorovics agitating the said Klaxosaur's.

Abbadon made a shrugging gesture with his hands on the side.

"You mad bro? Come Get Some!" Y/n shouted as Abbadon dashed towards the group and started fighting the Klaxosaur's.


Strelizia stepped back and fired an explosive energy shell at a group of Klaxosaur's killing a good number of them.

"Lets go Partner!" Zero Two said to Hiro.

"Right!" Hiro replied.

Strelizia charged at the remaining Klaxosaur's impaling the first one through the chest.

Strelizia then jumped and spun around in the air then brutally smashed the Klaxosaur below her with the Blunt part of her Queen Pike instantly killing the Klaxosaur.

Strelizia then looked at the last Klaxosaur near her then lunged at the Klaxosaur that was off guard and impaled it with her weapon through the ground.

The Klaxosaur struggled due to Strelizia missing the core.

"Aww we missed the shot" Zero Complained.

"Oh Well, let's kill it anyway" Zero Two said as Strelizia's weapon glowed neon orange then shot another explosive energy shell at the impaled Klaxosaur on the ground.

Blue blood splattered on Strelizia's heels as the Klaxosaur exploded into a splash of blood.

"All Klaxosaur's cleared here" Zero Two said in the Coms.

"Yep, we're cleared here" Hiro said in the Coms.


Delphinium kicked a Klaxosaur sending it flying in the air. Delphinium then threw on of her Bladed Batons on the Klaxusaru emdmbending the weapon in the Klaxosaur.

Delphinium leaped in the air and Stabbed the Klaxosaur with her weapon in hand then grabbed the other one that struck the Klaxosaur.

In a flash Delphinium tore the Klaxosaur in half in mid air.

Delphinium looked below and saw another Klaxosaur. She then once again threw her weapon towards the Klaxosaur. As the weapon struck the Klaxosaur it instantly fell lifeless.

Delphinium lands on the ground gently and moved towards the Klaxosaur.

"Our training has paid off, don't you think Goro?" Ichigo asked her partner.

As Delphinium was about to grab her weapon a Klaxosaur tried to get them from behind.

But before that Delphinium ducked down.

The Klaxosaur turned towards Delphinium but was met with two blades in its face.

Delphinium kicked the Klaxosaur off her weapons.

"It sure did, thanks to Y/n" Goro said as Delphinium looked at the others seeing the improvements that they had.


Argentea tackled a Mohorovic to the ground then started continuously jabbing the Klaxosaur with her Claw Gauntlets.

"Come on! Come on! Come on! Is that all you got?!" Zorome said confidently and arrogantly seeing how much their skills have improved during Y/n's training.

"I feel so faster and more flexible right now! Weeee!" Miku said as Argentea ran pass some Conrad Klaxosaur's while slicing them up.

"I couldn't agree more! I feel like I can take on anything the world has to offer!" Zorome Stated.

Abbadon glanced at Argentea due to Y/n hearing Zorome's statement.

Abbadon then squashed a Conrad Klaxosaur by hand and continued to look at Argentea with his creepy and sadistic smile.

Argentea turned to her side then both Zorome and Miku noticed this.

Both felt terrified of Abbadon's smile and the fact that Y/n might have heard what Zorome said.

"You idiot! Don't say stuff like that if you can't even do it for real!" Miku said with a tint of panic from seeing Abbadon smiling at them.

"O-of course Y-Y/n would be an exception of that...ha ha...." Zorome said trying ease up Abbadon's stare.

Abbadon then quickly went back to his normal smile.

"Good to hear! It's my duty as teacher to show you your place, carry on" Y/n said with Abbadon jumping towards another group of Klaxosaur's.

'Pew! That was close...' Both pilots thought as they continued to fight.


Chlorophytum kept shooting burst shots at some Klaxosaur's. Chlorophytum his behind a large rock.

"Our accuracy had significantly improved hasn't it?" Ikuno asked her partner Mitsuru.

"Yeah" Mitsuru replied coldly as he was still in his focused side.

Chlorophytum got out of cover and shot another few burst shots at the Klaxosaur group.

A Klaxosaur managed to get near Chlorophytum but Chlorophytum held it down by stepping on it.

Chlorophytum then shredded the Klaxosaur with her hand cannons. The Klaxosaur was filled with bullet holes as is stopped moving.

Chlorophytum looked in front of her and saw a few Conrads. Chlorophytum tried to aim her weapons at the group but heard a growl behind them.

Chlorophytum front fliped and landed behind the Conrad Klaxosaur group. As she looked up she saw the Klaxosaur that tried to get them from behind.

Chlorophytum placed her arms on the side and her 'wings' turned to its mini-charge cannon mode. The cannons charged up.

"Disappear" Ikuno thought as The mini-charge cannons shot eight energy beams towards the Conrad group and the Mohorovic.

As the dust cleared all the Klaxosaur's were vaporized by the Shot only leaving blood stains on the ground.

Chlorophytum looked up and saw the others fighting.

"Come on, let's help out" Mitsuru said.

"Right" Ikuno replied as Chlorophytum moved towards the others.


Genista was currently giving artillery support fire to the rest of Squad 13.

Genista shot two Mohorovics that were trying to sneak up on Delphinium killing the two Klaxosaur's and making Delphinium look back.

Genista waved cheerfully at Delphinium, Delphinium too waved at Genista happy that Genista saved her. Delphinium soon enough went back on Fighting as Genista too looked around from her high position to see if there was someone in the Squad who needed help.

Genista spotted Argentea getting surrounded by dozens of Conrad classes.

"Zorome! Miku! Get out there!" Futoshi said as Genista placed her Gunlance on her shoulders. A holo sight then appeared on the side of the weapon.

Argentea looked at Genista and saw that she was charging up a shot.

"Okay!" Zorome and Miku said in unison.

Argentea leaped away from the Klaxosaurs that surrounded her.

Genista's weapon glowed green then a burst of a single explosive shell erupted from the barrel and hurdles towards the group of Klaxosaur's.

On impact the shell turned into a large explosion killing all the Klaxosaur's with the explosion.

"Thanks again for the save fatty!" Zorome said as Argentea went back in the fight.

Futoshi just smiled at this remembering Y/n's inspirational words.

"We're now able to time our shots more perfectly now don't we?" Kokoro asked Futoshi as he was snapped away from his thoughts.

"Y-yeah it's all thanks to Sir. Y/n.." Futoshi said.

"Come on let's continue fighting" Kokoro said smiling warmly.

'Kokoro-chan!!!' Futoshi thought.

"Alright!" Futoshi said with fill confidence in his face as Genista continued to help out the others.


Squad 13 and Y/n finally finishes up with the mission with everyone in Squad 13 all chatting with each other on how much they improved.

Abbadon turned to the rest of Squad 13.

"Did you guys see what we did back there?! We were like wush! Ha! Haya!" Zorome shouted in the Coms with Argentea doing some cute martial art actions.

"Yeah, we get it. We improved so much since the training, let's not forget to thank Sir. Y/n" Futoshi said as Genista turned to Abbadon and bowed.

"THANK YOU SIR!" Futoshi shouted in the Coms.

"Yeah, thanks for the raining Y/n" Hiro said smiling happily.

"It really made us better now" Goro said.

Abbadon looked at all of them.

"Your all Welcome, and For God sake! No formalities! You Already graduated in my training class! Dont make me feel much older than I am!" Y/n shouted as Abbadon crossed his arms.

"S-sorry...it's Just...what you said to me....I really appreciate it si-I mean Y/n" Futoshi said.

"Oh well, good to hear it did motivate You, come on let's head back" Y/n said as Abbadon patted Strelizia and Delphinium's head.

Abbadon walked ahead but then suddenly felt something heavy on his back.

Abbadon then face planted.

"Ow...." Y/n groaned as the shaking from Abbadon falling shook his entire body.

Abbadon looked back and saw Strelizia on his back like the first time they met.

"Really?" Y/n said to Zero Two baring his eyes.

"Yup~!" Zero Two said as she was smiling and Strelizia also putting her head on Abbadon's shoulder.

"Fine..." Y/n said as Abbadon got up.

Abbadon looked at Delphinium.

"Wanna be carried too?" Y/n asked Ichigo.

"Y-yeah..." Ichigo said with Delphinium poking her fingers together.

Abbadon smirked at this.

"Come on! Let's get going" Y/n said as Abbadon swept Delphinium off her feet and carried her in his arms.

Abbadon then gently pressed his two horns on Delphinium's head making Delphinium's face have a bit tint of red.

"Still embarressed much? Hehe" Y/n said chuckling.

Delphinium hid her face then gently smacked Abbadon's head.

"I'll take that as a Yes" Y/n said smiling.

"Hey Zero Two" Y/n called out.

"Mmm?" Zero Two replied with a humm as Strelizia turned her gaze on the Gigantic Purple Franxx's face.

"Surprise" Y/n said as Abbadon affectionately rubbed his 'cheeks' with Strelizia's. Strelizia smiled at this action as she rested her head on Abbadon's shoulder once again.

Abbadon continued to walk back towards the Plantation.

Y/n spoke up.

"Hey Hiro, Goro sorry for making you two feel a bit awkward, with you piloting with Zero Two and Ichigo in all" Y/n said a laughing a bit.

"Nah, it's Okay, besides it just shows how much you care for them" Goro said.

"Yep, what Goro said" Hiro said agreeing on Goro's statement.

'Hehe Thanks you guys' thought as he smiled at them.

Hachi then suddenly spoke through the Coms.

"Squad 13 and Y/n hurry back at the plantation, we're going to have a meeting" Hachi said in his emotionless tone.

"Okay, be back there in a few" Y/n tried as the rest Walked faster towards the Plantation.

"Hmm...what could the meeting be about?" Y/n thought as They all hurried up.


Hachi and Nana were currently talking with the commander of Plantation 26.

"We request that you lend us some of your fuel, we are currently running out of our reserves" The Commmander of Plantation 26 said to Hachi and Nana.

"Of course, We're the only close Plantation nearby anyway" Nana replied.

"We'll meet up in a day or So, Good Talking with you again, Hachi out" Hachi said as the message feed was cut.


Squad 13 and Y/n finally arrived back at the Hangar.

Argentea, Genista, Chlorophytum, Delphinium, Strelizia and Abbadon positioned themselves on their respective platforms. All the said Franxx system started to shut down as it was turned off the the pilots.

As Abbadon's systems shut down Y/n got up the seat at and stretched his arms. Y/n's arms then made popping sounds.

"Damn that feels good, I still can't get over the fact on how much they improved though....oh well" Y/n thought as he got out the cockpit of his Franxx.


Everyone of Squad 13 were already out of their Franxx and were currently gathered near Y/n's platform waiting for him while they all chatted on how much they've improved.

"Y/n's Training sure did pay off didn't it?" Kokoro said with her smiling.

"You bet it did!" Zorome shouted very much full of confidence.

"Keep that up and Y/n's gonna end up beating you into a pulp" Miku said remembering Abbadon smiling at them in a very disturbing way.

"But still, we all have improved though, thanks to Y/n" Goro said to everyone.

"Yeah!" Ichigo said happily.

"Yup! Darling's training was all worth it! Now we wouldn't need to be protected like before!" Zero Two said putting an arm around Ichigo.


From the Ramp that was attached to Abbadon's cockpit Y/n saw Squad 13 talking with each other happily.

Y/n smiled a bit then walked towards them. After waking for a short while Y/n arrived near them.

"Hey" Y/n said waving at them.

Everyone turned around and saw Y/n.

"Y/n" Ichigo moved beside Y/n.

"Darling~" Zero Two said moving beside Y/n as well.

"Hello my adorable Darling and Strawberry~" Y/n said to both girls in a teasing manner.

Both girls then held Y/n's hand. Ichigo on the right while Zero Two on the left.

"So, what I miss?" Y/n asked looking at the others.

"Nothing much, just us talking about our improvements due to the training you gave us" Hiro said.

"Yeah!" Zorome said still pumped up.

"We all have improved so much indeed" Ikuno said smiling a bit.

"Okay then, come on, let's not Hachi wait any longer" Y/n said walking ahead.

"Right, come on guys" Goro said following Y/n.


Hachi and Nana were currently waiting for Squad 13 and Y/n to arrive at the briefing room.

"What's taking those kids so long?" Nana asked a bit impatient.

"Give them time, they just got out of a battle besides it's just a small meeting"

Nana looked at Hachi and tried to protest but decided not to. Nana went back to her seat and just waited.

Hachi too went back to what he was doing and waited for Squad 13 and Y/n to come.

A few minutes of waiting the doors of the briefing room slid open and Squad 13 and Y/n entered the room. Hachi and Nana noticed this.

"Ah, finally you've arrived" Hachi said as He moved in front of them.

Everyone proceeded to sit down and looked at Hachi.

"What's the meeting about commander?" Ichigo asked.

"Yes, about that, We're going to meet up with another Plantation, they requested for help to us, and since we're the only Plantations nearby, we agreed to it" Hachi stated in his ever blank look.

"Is that all?" Zorome asked puzzled.

"You'll also be meeting a senior Squad, so be on your best behavior" Nana said.

"Really!?" Zorome and Futoshi said excited to meet a senior Squad for the first time.

"Yes a-" Nana was cut off as they heard Y/n laughing softly.

"What is so humorous Y/n?" Nana asked.

Y/n looked at Nana.

"Its nothing..." Y/n said as he held his laughs.

'Seniors? Ha! That's so funny seeing those guys probably won't even survive even a day on the outside world' Y/n thought as he was still laughing softly.

"Very well then" Nana said as Both Hachi and Her continued to discuss about meeting up with Plantation 26. Halfway the discussion Y/n spoke.

____Y/n POV_____

"We'll be meeting them in about a day or so" Hachi said to us.

I was getting a bit tired of the discussion so I decided to speak up.

"Is that all? If it is I'm gonna take a nap, I'm beat" I said as I got up and exited the room.

I looked back at them once more.

"If you'll be looking for me I'll be in my room sleeping" I said as I walked off towards back at the Manor.


"Have a nice nap Y/n! We'll be back in the Manor after this"

I heard both Zero Two and Ichigo said.

"You guys take care too!" I said not looking back.

On my way back walking I bumped into someone.

"Ops my apologies" the person said.

I looked at the person and saw it was a blond guy.

"Just by looking at him I can tell that I'm not gonna get along with this one'' I thought as he spoke.

"I'm Nines Alpha, 9s A for short" 9s A spoke with that look on his face that very much annoyes the shit out of me.

"I'm Y/n" I replied coldly as I kept glaring at the blond bastard.

"You have a name?" 9s A asked.

"Yeah, I have, got problem with that?" I said trying my hardest to hold back the annoyance I'm getting from the guy.

"No, no..It's just having names seemes irrelevant don't you think? Also are you part of Squad 13 by any chance?" 9s A asked.

"Yeah, I am" I replied.

"I see, who's your partner?" Nine A asked.

"Don't have one" I replied coldly as ever.

"Ah, I take it you're code 0000 the rogue pilot who now recently joined Squad 13? It's an honor to meet the legend himself" 9s A stated and emphasised legend with a very much mocking tone.

''You are really getting on my nerves'' I thought as I started clenching my fist. The guy seemed to notice this and just simply laughed at my face.

''Fuck it, a little fight might not be that bad'' I thought as I forcefully grabbed 9s A by the collar of his uniform.

"Listen here you Narcissistic Blond Bastard, I have a very short temper towards people like You, so I think it's best that we avoided each other, or else someone's gonna end up cleaning your blood off the floor" I said as my eyes started to change.

____Nines Alpha POV____

'He's not human too....just like Iota' I thought as 0000 was holding me by the collar of my uniform.

___Y/n POV___

As I was holding up the blond bastard by the collar until a very familiar voice spoke.

"9s A whe-" the voice was cut off as the owner of the voice eyes landed on Y/n.

"Old man...." I muttered in my breath as I threw the blond bastard on the side.

I stomped towards Dr. Franxx as he continued to stare at me.

As I was a few feet away from the old bastard, his eyes had a surprised look as he saw my eyes.

"I see you've found out already about your gift" Dr. Franxx said as he continued to stare at me.

"Y-you knew all along?!" I shouted remembering all the times that the old bastard over worked me to the point that I'd faint when I was a child.

"Of course, why did you think I put you all through those simulations and training?" The old bastard said confidently.

I felt anger build up inside me.

I quickly lunged at him and pinned him to the wall. I stared him down with my eyes filled with hate.

"You- screw that, the hell are you doing here?" I said as I griped his collar still feeling pissed but was slowly calming down.

"I'm only here to check on Squad 13 and You, nothing more" Dr. Franxx said still unphased even with the fact that I transformed in front of him.

I loosened up my grip. I looked away and let got of him then walked away.

"You better not do anything that will get them hurt, if you do, you'll gonna regret raising this monster cause I made an oath that I'll protect my family....no matter what the cost" I said turning to another hallway.


Dr. Franxx adjusted his collar on his shirt.

9s A then got up.

"I didn't know there were more parasites like Iota Dr." 9s A said a bit intrigued.

"0000 is far from the same as Zero Two, they're something else" Dr. Franxx said making 9s A more interested in the topic.

"they?" 9s A asked the Doctor confused .

"0000 is not the only one of his kind...." Dr. Franxx said as he proceeded towards the briefing room leaving a 9s A in thoughts.

'There's more like him?' 9s A thought.

Dr. Franxx then spoke up.

"An advice for you, you may think that you nines are superior to other parasites but you are far from 0000's level, it would be wise that you don't trample with him." Dr. Franxx said as he continued to walk off.


Y/n finally arrived at the Manor. As he opened the door he was somewhat breathing heavily.

"I haven't been pissed so much in a short time" Y/n thought.

"Never mind that, I'm going to sleep to ease up my boiling blood" Y/n thought as he went to his room and proceeded to sleep.


It was the day that Squad 13 and Y/n finally meet up with Plantation 26 and its resident Squad.

Everyone was on the Hagar waiting for Squad 26 to arrive.

"I can't wait to meet our senior's!" Zorome said excitedly.

"Yeah, it's so exciting! I can't wait to meet them too!" Futoshi said agreeing with Zorome's statement.

Everyone started talking to each other while Y/n was absent mindedly staring at a wall. Y/n seemed like he was in very deep in thought.

Hiro noticed this and went beside him. Hiro tapped Y/n's shoulder.

"Hey Y/n, you okay?" Hiro asked Y/n who was staring at the wall.

Y/n finally noticed Hiro who was beside him.

"Huh? Oh....It's Nothing..." Y/n said to Hiro.

"You sure?" Hiro asked once again as he looked a bit worried now.

"Yeah, I'm fine don't worry, just thinking of some unimportant things that's all" Y/n replied smiling a bit at his friend.

"Okay then" Hiro said as he hesitantly went back to the rest of Squad 13.

Y/n then noticed that Zero Two wasn't there.

"Hiro! Where's Zero Two? Have you seen her?" Y/n said as Hiro looked back.

"She's with Nana, she'll be missing in greeting Squad 26. I think she'll be at the briefing room after this" Hiro said as Y/n felt relief.

"For a second there I thought that old man took her...." Y/n thought as he stared back at the wall.


Ichigo noticed Y/n talking to Hiro and also saw Y/n didn't wore his uniform. Ichigo panicked a bit after seeing that Y/n didn't wear a uniform.

"Y/n!" Ichigo shouted at Y/n who was staring at the wall.

Y/n looked back.

"Strawberry? What is it?" Y/n looked at Ichigo and saw she was clearly panicking.

"Why aren't you wearing a proper uniform?! We're suppose to greet our sen-" Ichigo was cut off as Y/n spoke.

"Let me stop you There Cute Strawberry, I am the senior of every parasite who is currently active, and that's a fact. So don't worry, I don't need a uniform, I'll be fine and you'll be fine too" Y/n said as he patted Ichigo's head.

"O-okay....if you say so.." Ichigo said looking down seeming a bit embarrassed.

Ichigo went back to the others while occasionally glancing at Y/n.

A few minutes of waiting a dropship finally arrives. As the dropship opened its doors, uniformed teenagers who were presumably Squad 26 exited the aircraft.

"Ooohh they look so cool!" Zorome said trying not to be loud.

A formally combed haired boy came up to them.

"Greetings, all of you must be Squad 13, I'm code 090 the leader of the Squad of Plantation 26.

Everyone in Squad 13 gathered near Squad 26 and greeted each other. Shaking hands. And talking about stuff.

Of course Squad 26 thought that their 'names' are weird and irrelevant but didn't pay any mind to it.

Zorome then said something.

"Hey, has there been a member of your Squad who became an adult?" Zorome asked 090.

As 090 heard this he somewhat flinched.

A member of Suqad 26 then whispered to 090.

"They don't know?" The member said.

"Yeah, I think so..." 090 replied.

Their conversation was not that loud but Zorome could still hear it.

"What? What do you mean I don't know?" Zorome asked confused.

"Its be-" 090 as cut off as Hachi spoke.

"That's enough introductions, let's head to the briefing room" Hachi said.

"Right, come on Y/n!" Ichigo motioned Y/n to come as he didn't introduced himself.

Squad 26 looked at Y/n's direction.

"Who could that be?" Everyone in Squad 26 thought.


Everyone arrived at the briefing room. Squad 13 sat next to Squad 26 while Y/n was standing behind them.

090 looked at Goro.

"Hey 056, who is that person standing behind your Squad? Is he a parasite too?" 090 asked Goro.

"Call me Goro, and yes he is a parasite" Goro replied to 090.

"Who's his partner?" 090 asked another question.

"We'll...Hey Ichigo mind explaining 90 about Y/n?" Goro asked Ichigo.

"Huh? Oh sure thing" Ichigo replied as she moved beside 090.

"Hmm...where should I start....Okay I got it, Y/n's code is 0000, he-" Ichigo was cut off as Squad 26 looked baffled on what she said.

"0000!?" Squad 26 said out loud and looked at Y/n.

Y/n smirked at them.

"Yep, the one and only" Y/n said crossing his arms and had a smug look.

"Y-you're the rogue pilot that survived the destruction of Plantation 5?!" 090 said in very much shocked.

"Yep" Y/n replied.

"H-how?! How are you still alive?! You've been gone for two years!" 090's partner said confused.

"Living in the outside world isn't easy, but I managed somehow" Y/n said.

Squad 26 sat back down and stayed quiet.

"Shocked much?" Y/n thought.

Hachi then started discussing what will be happening later that night.

"In order to resupply Plantation 26 with our extra fuel both Plantation will perform Kissing a-" Hachi was cut off as Y/n raised a hand.

"Excuse me what?" Y/n asked confused in the term of two Plantations kissing.

"I'm sure you already know the real meaning of that word so please do not defile their minds" Hachi said to Y/n.

"....Nevermind then, carry on" Y/n said as he put his hand down.

" as I was saying, the kissing procedure will attrac large numbers of Klaxosaur's, so Squad 13 and 26 will have to work together to fend off the Klaxosaur's until Kissing is done" Hachi said.

Hachi continued to discuss about the strategy. The door suddenly slid open revealing Zero Two and Nana.

"Sorry I'm late Darling~" Zero Two said as she moved toY/n and gave him a hug.

Zero Two then sat down next to everyone. Unaware that a certain someone was furious with her presence.

"002! What are you doing here?!" 090 suddenly brusted all of a sudden. This got Y/n's attention.

Zero Two looked at 090.

"I'm part of Squad 13 of course, who might you be?" Zero Two said to 090

"I'm that pilot who you you costed his partners life two years ago!" 090 shouted at Zero Two.

"Huh? I don't remember you though, but sorry for your loss anyway" Zero Two said coldly.

"Why you!" 090 now very agitated on Zero Two's antics moved toward her and grabbed her by the
shoulder forcefully.

Y/n seeing this finally had enough. Y/n moved towards the two and grabbed 090's arm.

"Hands off...NOW" Y/n said as he squeezed 090's arm.

090 looked at Y/n and as he laid eyes on Y/n he felt like an ant. Y/n seemed like a giant as his eyes locked with his. 090 saw the seriousness in Y/n's face.

090 decided to let go.

Zero Two looked at Y/n who was facing 090.

"Aww thanks Darli-" Zero Two didn't finish her sentence as Y/n looked at her with an angry look.

"Is it true?" Y/n asked Zero Two very much looking angry.

"What do you mean Darling?" Zero Two asked.

"Did his partner die because of you?!" Y/n shouted at Zero Two.

Everyone flinched at this even Nana flinched.

"Wh-what does it matter anyway? His partner was weak that's why she died, s-" Zero Two was cut of with the sounds of metal bending.

Zero Two looked in front of her and saw Y/n punched the wall. Denting the wall.

This shocked everyone in the room.

As Y/n withdrew his fist I
From the dent his knuckles were bleeding, the skin on his knuckles were torn off.

"Listen here and YOU listen good! all life is precious, strong or weak. Why the hell do you think I try and protect all of you?! Because You guys are precious to me! But if you don't know how to value life, then you don't deserve to be valued by me" Y/n said looking down very much angry.

"D-darling...I-I...-" Before Zero Two could even fully speak Y/n already walked pass her.

Ichigo got up and tried to reach out to Y/n.

"Y/n wa-" Ichigo was cut off as Y/n looked back with a very grimm expression.

"Hachi if you need me I'll be outside with Abbadon" Y/n said as he exited the room with his fist still dripping blood.

Zero Two was stunned and speechless seeing her Darling getting angry at her.

Zero Two then slumped down with her back against the wall. She buried her face in her knees trying to silence her sobbing.

Ichigo saw this and felt sorry for her bestie. Ichigo moved beside her and tried to comfort her.

"Hey.... it's alright Zero Two....I'm sure Y/n didn't mean it..." Ichigo said as she wrapped an arm around Zero Two. But Zero Two just continued to sob softly.

Squad 13 were shocked to see Y/n's outburst and the fact that the outburst was because of Zero Two.

Squad 26 however was shocked to see Zero Two crying.

'What have I done....' 090 thought feeling somewhat guilty.


The time came when the kissing operation started. Abbadon was currently sitting atop Plantation 13 and looked on the horizon.

Soon enough the Franxx of Squad 13 and 26 were now on the ground deployed and ready.

Abbadon looked down and saw everybody on the ground readying for the onslaught.

Y/n looked closer and saw Strelizia wasn't her usual self.

"I screwed up big time didn't I?" Y/n thought as Abbadon jumped off the Plantation landing near Squad 13 and 26.


Delphinium tried to reach out to Abbadon but decided not to as she saw Abbadon with a sad frown and was looking down.

Delphinium moved beside Strelizia and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey Zero Two, look..." Ichigo said as Delphinium pointed at Abbadon.

Strelizia looked up and saw Abbadon up front looking down.

"Darling....what happened to him?" Zero Two asked.

"I don't know...I'm getting wirried though" Ichigo said concerned about Y/n.

"He's probably hurting inside cause of what he said that you don't deserve to be valued by him..." Goro said.

"Yeah, I agree...he probably regretted saying it...you should talk to him" Hiro said to Zero Two.

"I.....maybe I will..." Zero Two said.

Strelizia moved towards Abbadon but was interrupted by Hachi speaking in the Coms.

"Get ready, were detecting large numbers of Klaxosaur's" Hachi said in the Coms.

"Commander what are the Kalxosaur classes that have been identified?" Ichigo asked Hachi.

"They're-" Hachi was cut off by Y/n.

"Two Gutenberg Spawners, a few Mohorovics, and Dozens of Conrads" Y/n said in the Coms.

"Genista, Chlorophytum Cover Fire. Argentea you guard both of them. Strelizia and Delphinium frontline with me" Y/n said as Abbadon charged towards the Klaxosaur's.

"R-right!" Everyone just agreed on Y/n due to him taking action first.

"Squad 26, initiate attack pattern Alpha!" 090 said as the rest of Squad 26's Franxx also started attacking.

Abbadon rolled on the back of a Mohorovic and sliced the neck portion of the Klaxosaur revealing the core. As Abbadon's feet touched the ground Abbadon straightened his fingers and jabbed the core piercing it and killing the Klaxosaur.

Abbadon retracted his Devil Guillotines and slashed in the side killing some Klaxosurs in the process.

A horned Mohorovic tried to tackle Abbadon but was hit by a punch from Abbadon disorienting the Klaxosaur. Abbadon grabbed each end of the Klaxosaur and forcefully pulled tearing the Klaxosaur in half.

Abbadon picked up the core and crushed it with his bare hands.

Abbadon looked back at the others and saw they were doing good so far.

Abbadon then ran at full speed at one of the Gutenberg's with his arms on the side killing anything that got caught by the blades.

Abbadon jumped atop the Gutenberg and started pounding the head of the Klaxosaur making craters on its head.

As the craters deepened Abbadon raised an arm. The blades on the arm then glowed red. Abbadon slashed the miďdle of the crater and made a huge cut deep enough to be able to see the core.

Abbadon opened up the wound and aimed his tail inside.

An energy beam was released from the tail instantly killing the Klaxosaur.

Abbadon got off the dead Klaxosaur and saw Delphinium and Strelizia fighting on.

Strelizia then suddenly was pinned down by a Mohorovic.

Strelizia used her spear to distance herself from the Biting Klaxosaur.

"Get off!" Zero Two shouted.

"This one's very persistent" Hiro said.

Delphinium looked at Strelizia and saw Strelizia was pinned down by a Klaxosaur.

"Hold on we're coming!" Ichigo said.

Delphinium tried to get to Strelizia but was blocked by a bunch of Conrads.

Y/n noticed this and quickly blinked to Strelizia.

As Strelizia was struggling a shadow suddenly covered them. The Klaxosaur pinning them down was then suddenly ripped away from them.

Strelizia looked up and saw Abbadon holding the Klaxosaur by the neck.

"Darling..." Zero Two thought.

"Y/n!" Hiro shouted happily.

Abbadon glared at the Klaxosaur then his tail impaled the Klaxosaur suddenly. The Klaxosaur was then vaporized by the Shot Abbadon's tail made.

Abbadon then looked at Strelizia.

Abbadon then held both Strelizia's shoulder.

"Zero Two! Get yourself together! Or your going to end up dying here!......I'm Sorry about earlier Okay?! I-I....I screwed up! I'm sorry I was just soo stressed out that I took it out on you.....I-I....I'm Sorry....just please get yourself together....I only wanted you to see how important life is......I don't want you or anyone else to end up like my squad....so please get yourself together...." Y/n said sobbing a bit while Abbadon hugged Strelizia for dear life.

"D-darling....I'm Sorry too....I was being cold and cruel.....I'm sorry...Darling..." Zero Two said crying with Strelizia too having visible tears.

"All is forgiven......it was all my fault anyway...." Y/n said wipping off his tears.

Abbadon looked back on the battlefield.

"Come on, we gotta get back in the fight" Y/n said as Abbadon helped Strelizia get up.

"Right!" Zero Two said back to her cheerful self.

"Hiro, take care of her, I gotta help the others" Y/n said as Abbadon blinked towards Squad 26.

"I Will! You can count on me!" Hiro said as Strelizia charged towards the Klaxosaur group near Delphinium.

"Hey bestie!" Zero Two shouted in the Coms as Strelizia suddenly appeared in Delphiniums rescue.

"Zero Two!" Ichigo said relived to see her bestie was back.

"You two finally made up?" Goro asked while Delphinium kicked away a Klaxosaur.

"Yup!" Zero Two said as Strelizia shot an explosive shell killing the Klaxosaur's in from of her.


090's Franxx was getting mauled by a few conrads. Suddenly the Klaxosaur's were one by one getting ripped off from their Franxx.

26 Alpha Franxx looked up and saw Abbadon squishing a Conrad Klaxosaur by hand.

Abbadon then moved in front of 26 Alpha and offered a hand.

"Hey, we both got off the wrong foot earlier, I want to make up for it. So what do you say? Friends?" Y/n said as Abbadon was offering 26 Alpha a hand.

".....friends" 090 replied as 26 Alpha took Abbadon's hand.

"Forgive me for my rudeness earlier, it was immature of me..." 090 said.

"No need for apologies, we were all at fault, come on let's get back in the fight" Y/n said as Abbadon continued to fight off the Klaxosaur's.


As the numbers of Klaxosaur's diminished only a few were left with the Gutenberg.

Strelizia looked at Abbadon then to the Gutenberg.

"Darling!" Zero Two shouted in the Coms trying to get Y/n's attention.

Everyone looked at Strelizia.

"Lets do this partner!" Zero Two said to Hiro.

"Yeah!" Hiro replied.

Strelizia charged towards the Gutenberg with her Queen Pike glowing and her some part of her body glowing as well.

"This is for you Darling!" Zero Two shouted as Strelizia struck her weapon into the Gutenberg then her thrusters bringing them high up in the sky.

The Gutenberg then exploded in a blue splash of blood.

For a moment Strelizia sprouted a pair of energy wings somewhat similar o Abbadon's but smaller.

Abbadon looked on with Delphinium beside him as Y/n was mesmerized by the wings.

"That's my girl" Y/n thought as a smile creept on his face.

Strelizia had a bright smile as she was on the air up high.

Zero Two also smiled that starting that moment with Y/n's little talk with her, she'll value life more. Smiling that her Darling values her very much and she too values her Darling and her friends.

End Chapter
Brought to you by this.

A/n: Holy F*CK 6000+words

6000+ worded chapter Achieved

A/n: That moment when you realize that school is almost back.

Also I rewatched Neon Genesis Evangelion
And After watching episode 19
I can safely say that I am very much disturbed
Eva-01's howl was so disturbing AF

I feel like my writing skills are getting worse tbh

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