Spacechase 1: Rise of The Cho...

By Richurian

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In the aftermath of the Battle of Washington DC, the governments of the earth had collapsed, making the earth... More

Prologue: The Beginning Of The Multiverse
Chapter One: New Earth
Chapter Two: The Quest Request
Chapter Three: Welcome To Spacechase
Chapter Four: Preparing For The Mission
Chapter Five: Battle Against The Cult
Chapter Six: Back To School
Chapter Seven: Mrs. Zar
Chapter Eight: Dinner Of Sacrifice
Chapter Nine: Mr. Shriek
Chapter Ten: The Library
Chapter Eleven: Grandma Zar
Chapter Twelve: The Richurian Theorem
Chapter Thirteen: Preparing For Gladiatorial Combat
Chapter Fourteen: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter Fifteen: Jack Vs Shawn Vs Waldo
Chapter Sixteen: The Battle Begins
Chapter Seventeen: Shawn Vs Moloch
Chapter Eighteen: Waldo Vs Waldo?!
Chapter Nineteen: The Space-chase For The Book
Chapter Twenty: Allied Forces Assemble!
Chapter Twenty One: The Realm Of The Abyss
Chapter Twenty Two: The Dark Prophecy
Chapter Twenty Three: Shawn's History
Chapter Twenty Four: Waldo's History
Chapter Twenty Six: No Name
Chapter Twenty Seven: Death And Rebirth
Chapter Twenty Eight: Hybrid Theory
Chapt Twenty Nine: Preparing For Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty: Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire
Chapter Thirty One: Battle Of Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty Two: Chosen One Vs Surtr
Chapter Thirty Three: A Tad Too Late!
Chapter Thirty Four: There And Back Again

Chapter Twenty Five: The Chase Begins

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By Richurian

It was about morning. Everyone woke up. Everyone was lucky that an enemy didn't attack yet, despite that they were everywhere.

The Zar Voyager was running low on fuel.

"Holy crap, why must our ship run low on fuel?! And why must it be here and now, of all times and places?!", said Waldo.

"Oh great, a perfect way to start off the morning!", sighed Jack.

"Witchdoctor, do you know anywhere we can purchase fuel?", said Waldo.

"Yes, but it'll be hard, really hard! In this society, everything is owned by the Cult. Nothing belongs to anyone. So that mean's that if you want to get something, you must: be a devoted Cultist of Nousaurong, ask permission for it, own a ship, must be a Freedman, you must have an ID, and you must have heaps and heaps of money," said Witchdoctor.

"Lucky for you, I am a renowned hero! I have over 900 billion Units! I also have a bit of Adamantium, which is pretty valuable! I do own a ship! I am Freedman! And although I am not a devoted Cultist nor do I have a good ID, I am pretty good at faking it!", said Waldo.

"So what's your plan?", said Witchdoctor.

"I made a bunch of these," said Waldo.

Waldo pulled out a bunch of rings.

"Are those the Elven Rings of Power from Lord of the Rings?!", said Jack.

"No, they're holographic generators! These basically utilize the same technology as the Zar Voyager's masking technology, but they're used on people. These rings allow someone to take on the holographic image of someone else. However, the person you're disguised as has to be the same height as you. Otherwise, the holographic image will get all glitchy and weird. These can be quite useful for infiltration missions and/or blending in with other people if you're a fugitive," said Waldo.

"Well, we are fugitives," said Jack.

"In this case, I will use these rings to disguise us as Dark Elves. There's no way the Cult will say no to a Dark Elf. Leave the talking to me, for I understand Elvish, for some strange reason," said Waldo.

Everyone put on the rings, causing their skin to change to a dark blue. They all had tattoos all over their faces. They were Dark Elves.

Waldo called the Olympian Six and the Ultramen Trio.

"Guys, we're going to be shopping for fuel. While we do that, can you make sure we're not being watched from behind? Great, thanks!", said Waldo.

They noticed a floating island, although this one wasn't a slave camp, a monument construction site, or a gathering area for Cultists. This island housed a big city. It was futuristic, and looked pretty advanced. It looked like a luxury city, but nevertheless, very run down. The city was swarming with Dark Elf guards.

"Whoa, what city is that?", said Jack.

"That city is known as Ezgarlos, a city that was once a Freedland. Now, this city is a luxury place where Freedmen live. However, despite living in luxury, the Freedmen are still oppressed by the Cultists. It's hard to live here, for it's very expensive. In the Realm Of The Abyss, all money and property is owned by the Cult. You'd have to be very lucky to live here. Besides, due to the intense darkness, all the beauty and life of even a place like this fading away," said Witchdoctor.

"What are Freedlands?", said Jack.

"The lands that aren't occupied by the Cult, basically all the places outside the Realm Of The Abyss. The Oridian Empire, SAFE Academy, and the other lively places in this universe are Freedlands," said Witchdoctor.

"The Dark Abyss kinda reminds me of a more deranged version of the Dark Legion," said Waldo.

"I heard about the Dark Legion, but the Cult is still more inhumane! At least the Dark Legion worshipped a genocidal maniac who wanted to save humanity, in his own creepy way! These people worship a genocidal maniac who wants to destroy humanity!" said Witchdoctor.

"True, at least the Dark Legion didn't eat their own people!", said Waldo.

There was an empty landing platform at Ezgarlos. It was highly guarded by Dark Elves.

Waldo pushed turned on the loudspeakers and spoke to the Dark Elves on a microphone.

"This is Commander Commander of 19965780YourButtIsNousaurong, we are here to pick up some fuel for our ship! Mæäüpør! (Please, let us park our ship here!)", lied Waldo.

The Dark Elf guards looked at Waldo.

"Bæräkör æœ ärcür! (Commander Zækiüs told us you were bringing sacrifices for Nousaurong! Reveal them to us immediately!)", said one of the Dark Elves.

"Pörærcødër mënäcer mënëcoræ æ Ezgarlos! Bënārcœ æ Murguol! (There's no need to show you! Ezgarlos isn't my intended location! I wish to send my sacrifices somewhere else! I'm going to Murguol, for these are for the Grimoires' sacrifices!)", lied Waldo.

"Łæärïëæ Murguol! (I hope you know that Murguol is an ever-moving island! I can ask them to come to you, if you like!)", said the Dark Elf.

"Mörër mörër bêæñacëê! (No no, I'm sure the Grimoires are busy at the moment! I ain't gonna waste their time with pointless sacrifices! I'm sure they're busy dealing with the Chosen One and Godslayer I've heard so much about!)", lied Waldo.
"Mædørärkër vëköræ æ Ezgarlos! (Very well, you may land! The fuel shop of Ezgarlos is right around the corner!)", said the Dark Elf.

The Dark Elves directed the Zar Voyager to land properly. The Zar Voyager landed, but the Dark Elves still stayed on guard.

Before everyone left the ship, Waldo informed everyone what they were going to do as soon as they left for Ezgarlos.

"Alright, now I know you think that shopping for fuel here is gonna be easy, but we're fugitives in these parts. I highly believe that the Dark Elves guarding our ship will try to search the ship while we're gone, trying to find any information about our mission. So that's why I'm gonna leave Shawn in guard of the ship," said Waldo.

"WHAT?!!!! Why do I have to do the boring job?!", said Shawn.

"Boring?! You actually get the risky fun job! Did I mention you get to most likely beat up any Dark Elves that try to search the ship?! And by any, I mean ALL of them! Not to mention, your life may be severely endangered!", said Waldo.

"I'm glad I get the hard job, but I can't guard it!", said Shawn.

"Yes you can, you must! Besides me, you're the only one who understands the Elvish language! You can use this as a way to make them not see us as an enemy! Can we count on you?", said Waldo.

"Yes, I wanna beat up people!", said Shawn.

"But, only beat people up as a last resort! We can't draw any attention if they don't see us as a threat!", said Waldo.

"Ugh! You're a fun guy, but at the same time, you're a cotton-headed killjoy!", signed Shawn.

"Hey, at least you.......ummmm.........never mind! Bögül! (You're the poser of a cool guy, but at the same time, you're a hotheaded turd!)", said Waldo.

"I agree, Waldo..........with whatever you just said," said Jack.

"Hey, I ain't a hotheaded turd!", said Shawn.

"Bye bye! Remember, guard the ship, but don't attack the Dark Elves guarding it! Only attack as a last resort!", said Waldo.

"Yeah yeah, I understand what to do, Space Boy!", sighed Shawn.

Everyone left the Zar Voyager, while Shawn stayed inside the ship, keeping watch over it.

As they walked, Jack looked past the supposed 'luxury' of Ezgarlos. People were drinking lots of whisky, and getting drunk. Lots of people were fighting each other to the death. People, not Cultists, were eating other people! The city was crowded with people, he felt like was gonna lose Waldo any second.

Jack accidentally bumped into someone. The guy was big and muscular. He had a big raggedy beard, and looked as though he drunk 9000 bottles of bear. He looked very insane.
"Watch where you're going, Drow! Check out the new meat! Looks like daddy's having dinner tonight! Mama never told me to eat the flesh of a Drow, but I think I can eat a lil' baby one!", said the man, with an insane smile on his face,

He grabbed a knife and held Jack by the collar. Jack knew this guy wasn't one of the Cultists, just very drunk and crazy! Whatever was going on, this guy was gonna blow off his mission!

So, like a moron, Jack screamed like a baby.

"POLICE, POLICE!!!!!!! THIS GUY IS GONNA EAT ME!!!!!!!!!", screamed Jack.

There were Dark Elves standing by, but they did nothing! They just stood there as though it were quiet, which it wasn't!

"Fight em yourself, you're a Dark Elf, the Master Race!", said one of the Dark Elves.

"Police?! There ain't no police here, son! There ain't no law in Ezgarlos! We have the right to commit cannibalism, murder, and crime of any kind! Them Drow ain't gonna care about a boy getting eaten alive by me! I'm gonna eat you, Drow! HAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! HE HEHEHEHHE!!!!!", laughed the drunkard.

"What is a Drow?", said Jack.

"Hehe! Them Drow are them Dark Elves! Them considered the Master Race around here, much like them Crankies are in Arzom Divinitism!", said the drunkard.

"I get it, you're drunk! I can literally smell the whisky, bear, and liquor all over your body! Let me go!", said Jack.

"I'm gonna eat you! The only place you're gonna be going to is my belly!", said the crazy drunk.

The guy was about to bite into Jack's arm, but Waldo came to Jack's rescue.

Waldo kicked the guy in the groin. The guy dropped Jack.

"Pick on someone your own size, drunk!", snapped Waldo.

The guy got up, and was very dizzy.

"Who are you! Whoa, I'm seeing crazy things, y'all! There's six of you! I'm gonna eat you!", said the drunk.

"Shut up!", sighed Waldo.

Waldo froze the guy in ice. The Dark Elves still didn't move, as if they were carefree of everything.

"Don't let your guard down. Remember, you're a Dark Elf. These drunks should be afraid of you!", said Waldo.

"Eheh!", said Jack.

They continued walking. Suddenly, they came across a shop that was called: ÆØËÏÆ (BURNER'S FUEL SHOP)
They went into the shop. Waldo grabbed the fake IDs. The person running the store was a Dark Elf.

"Hello, sir! Mørärtë! (I have come to buy some of your fuel! The Cult has given me authorization to do so!)", said Waldo.

He placed the fake IDs.

"Commander Commander of 19965780YourButtIsNousaurong, that's quite an interesting name! How much fuel do you need?", said the Dark Elf.

"About 90 tons, sir," said Waldo.

The Dark Elf pulled out a large hover-board and placed 90 barrels of rocket fuel on it.

"There you are," said the Dark Elf.

Waldo pushed the hover-board containing all the fuel back to the Zar Voyager. As they walked, Jack was scared stiff by all the crazies in Ezgarlos. People were just mentally insane here. It was a party here, but a violent one. This was what luxury was like in the Realm Of The Abyss. Jack hardly considered this to be luxury.

It was either: you're a slave who has to work day and night, or be a wealthy drunk who kills people.

Halfway on their walk back to the Zar Voyager, Jack saw a bunch of people gathering in one spot. There was a chained man in the center, who must've been a slave. There were hooded Cultists there as well. People were cheering Nousaurong's name.

One of the Cultists had a ceremonial blade in their hands.


The drunken citizens screamed and cheered.

"NOUSAURONG!!!!!!! NOUSAURONG!!!!!! NOUSAURONG!!!!! NOUSAURONG!!!!!!!", screamed the citizens.

The citizens were so excited that they were literally beating each other senseless because of it.

Jack remembered what Witchdoctor told him, about the Meals of Sacrifice. This was the Breakfast of Sacrifice! The Cult was gonna behead this poor man, and offer his flesh to the citizens.

Jack was sick of this! No one deserves this! No one deserves to be food, or a sacrifice to a satanic entity. Jack didn't know what to do! He was flustered! Unknowingly, he found himself walking towards the center of the gathering.

Waldo stopped. He tried to keep Jack away from the Cultists, but Jack resisted.
"What are you doing?", whispered Waldo.

"I'm sorry, Waldo. I can't walk away from what I know is right," said Jack.

Jack pulled out his Sword of Exzar.

"STOP THIS MADNESS AT ONCE!!!!!!!!", screamed Jack.

The crowd stared at Jack as if HE were the one who was mentally insane!


The Cultists stopped chanting and stared at Jack.

"INNOCENCE MEANS NOTHING IN NOUSAURONG'S WORLD!!!!!!!!", yelled one of the drunk citizens.


"Jack, don't be a Shawn!", said Waldo.

"You can't stop me! I'm not here just to save my father, but all that are oppressed!", said Jack.

Jack charged towards the Cultists. He stabbed one in the heart with the Sword of Exzar. The Cultists was incinerated into bright light.


The Dark Elves lurking throughout the city came to where the fight was going on.

Waldo placed his hand on his head and sighed.

"I can't stop you, Jack! But I CAN join you! I would've done the same! Just like the old days!", said Waldo.

"Must've learned it from you, Waldypoo!", said Resizagirl.

Then, all of the crew members of the Zar Voyager began fighting off the army of Dark Elves. Meanwhile, Jack freed the man who almost became a sacrifice.

Jack unchained the man and took him to safety, but was stopped by an army of Dark Elves.

The Dark Elves began firing away. Jack created a shield of light using the power of the Sword of Exzar. Waldo threw Zalkanon at a group of Dark Elves. The sword pierced 50 Dark Elves in one throw. The sword came back to Waldo.

Resizagirl and Resizaboy shrunk really small, and attacked a group of Dark Elves from the shadows. Resizagirl and Resizaboy were like living bullets. Firestar was like a living grenade launcher. Firestar blew away fifty Dark Elves in one explosive hit. Shadow turned into a werewolf and knocked down a row of Dark Elves. Hunter summoned planted a ton of seeds that quickly grew into a knuckle-plant. The plants strangled another group of Dark Elves. Leo and Neo unleashed a unison attack of water and wind, blowing and soaking away 100 Dark Elves.

Adam rammed down a group of Dark Elves with his Breaker Hammer. Zoldan shot down a group of Dark Elves with a bow and arrow, acting like a sniper.

Witchdoctor blasted down Dark Elves while enhancing the stamina of her allies. Lia and Nya did the same attack as Leo and Neo. Rainbow turned into a werebear, a hybrid of a Care Bear and a Werewolf. She sliced at Dark Elves, causing them to bleed rainbow blood. Abigail and Zalda unleashed a team attack.

Meanwhile, Jack's siblings supported everyone. The Zar siblings weren't as strong as the others, so they distracted the Dark Elves. Curly unleashed a big, stinky fart that caused great amounts of disgust upon the Dark Elves.

The Battle of Ezgarlos had begun!

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