Spacechase 1: Rise of The Cho...

By Richurian

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In the aftermath of the Battle of Washington DC, the governments of the earth had collapsed, making the earth... More

Prologue: The Beginning Of The Multiverse
Chapter One: New Earth
Chapter Two: The Quest Request
Chapter Three: Welcome To Spacechase
Chapter Four: Preparing For The Mission
Chapter Five: Battle Against The Cult
Chapter Six: Back To School
Chapter Seven: Mrs. Zar
Chapter Eight: Dinner Of Sacrifice
Chapter Nine: Mr. Shriek
Chapter Ten: The Library
Chapter Eleven: Grandma Zar
Chapter Twelve: The Richurian Theorem
Chapter Thirteen: Preparing For Gladiatorial Combat
Chapter Fourteen: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter Fifteen: Jack Vs Shawn Vs Waldo
Chapter Seventeen: Shawn Vs Moloch
Chapter Eighteen: Waldo Vs Waldo?!
Chapter Nineteen: The Space-chase For The Book
Chapter Twenty: Allied Forces Assemble!
Chapter Twenty One: The Realm Of The Abyss
Chapter Twenty Two: The Dark Prophecy
Chapter Twenty Three: Shawn's History
Chapter Twenty Four: Waldo's History
Chapter Twenty Five: The Chase Begins
Chapter Twenty Six: No Name
Chapter Twenty Seven: Death And Rebirth
Chapter Twenty Eight: Hybrid Theory
Chapt Twenty Nine: Preparing For Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty: Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire
Chapter Thirty One: Battle Of Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty Two: Chosen One Vs Surtr
Chapter Thirty Three: A Tad Too Late!
Chapter Thirty Four: There And Back Again

Chapter Sixteen: The Battle Begins

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By Richurian

The first day of school had ended. Jack was so overjoyed that he triumphed over both Shawn and even Waldo!

"NO FAIR!!!!!! I WANT A REMATCH!!!!!!!", yelled Shawn.

"Nope! I won, brother! I HAVE FINALLY BEATEN MY BIG BROTHER!!!!!!!! Now this is my sweet revenge! After every punch, kick, and butt hat I've received from you........I finally have beaten you! As for you, Waldo! This is my payback for freezing me in a block of ice with Shawn!", said Jack.

"Honestly, you earned that victory! Well done!", said Waldo.

"So what do we do now?", said Jack.

"We continue our search for the Book of the Dead," said Waldo.

"That won't be necessary!", said a voice.

Everyone turned around. There was a cloaked young girl wearing a hood over her face.

"Who are you?", said Waldo.

"I am you, Waldo Zar!", said the girl.

The girl revealed herself. She threw her cloak to the side, revealing a white gi. She had short blonde hair and looked like the female version of Waldo. She also carried an Ultramantium disk-blade.

Witchdoctor scowled at the girl with all her hatred.

"You! Waldo Nightshade! HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!!!!", said Witchdoctor.

Waldo Nightshade smirked.

"It's called an infiltration mission! After all, I am an elite assassin of the Cult of Nousaurong! You're wondering where the Book of the Dead is?! There's good news and bad news! The good news is that the book is close by! The bad news, is that it's mine now!", said Waldo Nightshade.

"So you're the other me?! In the name of justice, I will take you down with my own two hands!", said Waldo Zar.

"Is that so, Zar?!", said Waldo Nightshade.

"It appears so, Nightshade!", said Waldo Zar.

Waldo Zar charged towards Waldo Nightshade. He summoned Zalkanon and threw it at her. But Waldo Nightshade grabbed her Ultramantium disk-blade and threw it at Zalkanon. The two weapons collided.

"So it's true, you do possess Zalkanon! I possess the weapon Argreatus! Safe to say we're evenly matched! Only two things can determine the victor when using the same abilities: their strength and the experience!", said Waldo Nightshade.

"There's one other thing: their heart! That's something you don't have!", said Waldo Zar.

"Heart?! Blehhhhhhhh! There's heart, but then there's hatred! Nothing is stronger than hatred! I seek blood and death! Blood and death! Blood and death! BLOOD AND DEATH!!!!!", said Waldo Nightshade.

The two Waldos charged towards each other. They created really powerful snowstorms.

Everything froze around them.

"We have to lend him a hand! Those two are evenly matched! This fight will go on forever!", said Jack.

"Then let us end this! This girl may have spunk, but she ain't nothing like Waldo Zar!", said Shawn.

"Not so fast!", said a voice.

Moloch had arrived.

"Not this guy again!", said Jack.

Moloch flew really fast and grabbed Shawn, taking him to the other side of SAFE Academy.

"I leave the Chosen One to you, Dark One! This one is mine!", said Moloch.


"He's going home, dear child. Hello, Chosen One," said a voice.

A figure emerged from the darkness. It was an old man wearing tattered black robes. He was very pale, bald, had white demonic eyes, and had creepy tattoos all over his body (including his on his face). He had a very calm tone, but nevertheless a creepy tone. He looked very ghoulish.

"Who are you, baldy?", said Jack.

"I am Lord Shadowking, leader of the Dark Abyss. I have mastered in various Lost Magics, remaining unchallenged in my powers. It seems I have finally found someone who might just give me a challenge," said the creepy old man.

"Wait a minute! You're that creepy voice I heard back at my fight with Moloch! Why would you spare me?", said Jack.

"The resurrection of Nousaurong is inevitable, there's no denying that. Not even you can stop him. But, all this time, my powers have remained unchallenged. Though it's good to win, it's good to have a little challenge here and there. May the light of the Chosen One be extinguished," said Shadowking.

Shadowking placed his hand in front of him.

"Dark Pillar: Nëkønvär!", said Shadowking.

A big beam of darkness rained from the sky. It fell to where Jack was standing. KABOOM!!!!!!!! Jack was knocked back 29 feet in the air.

Shadowking smiled.

"Fun isn't one considers when balancing the Multiverse. But this, does put a smile on my face. Entertain me some more, Chosen One," said Shadowking.

Shadowking created an orb of darkness. He threw it at Jack. Jack ran away and screamed like a baby. KABOOM!!!!!! A tremendous explosion of darkness bursted out of the orb.

Jack grabbed his Sword of Exzar. It glowed brightly.

"The Sword of Exzar, the same weapon that killed my father," said Shadowking.

Jack ran towards Shadowking. His sword produced a powerful beam of light. However, Shadowking teleported away before he could be hit by the light.

"Is that the best you can do? I expected more from you, Chosen One," said Shadowking.

Shadowking reappeared behind Jack. He struck Jack down.

"Whoa!", said Jack.

"'Whoa!' That's it? No clever comment? I was looking forwards to that," said Shadowking.

Jack swiped the Sword of Exzar at Shadowking, but Shadowking dodged his every move. Shadowking smiled.

"Puny strength, puny endurance, and puny power. I was expecting you to give me more of a challenge. How can you save the Multiverse when you can't even save yourself?", said Shadowking.

Shadowking raised his hands into the air. Jack suddenly started floating off the floor.

"Whoa! I'm flying!", said Jack.

"Indeed you are flying........flying to Asmeth," said Shadowking.

Shadowking moved his hands up and down, causing Jack to fly up and down with them. Shadowking was using telekinesis. Jack crashed into the floor over and over again.

Shadowking pushed Jack into a wall. Jack screamed like a baby.

"This is punishment for not amusing me. I wanted thrills, but I'm getting any. I am disappointed, displeased, unamused," said Shadowking.

Jack was overwhelmed! The Sword of Exzar is one of the most powerful weapons ever made, yet it wasn't serving him any use! He was being beaten up with ease!

He had to concentrate on creating a powerful beam of light from his hands. So he did that. The light appeared in his hands. He created a big, luminous ball of light.

He threw it at Shadowking, knocking him back. However, it didn't even leave a scratch. However, it did cause him to lose focus on moving Jack with his mind.
Jack stopped flying in the air.

"There we go, that's it. That's what I expect. Now amuse me. Give me a challenge worth my time," said Shadowking.

"YEAH I DID IT!!!!!", said Jack.

"What?", said Shadowking.


It was true. For that entire fight, Shadowking didn't even move a step from where he was standing.

"Interesting, let us play," said Shadowking.

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