Spacechase 1: Rise of The Cho...

By Richurian

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In the aftermath of the Battle of Washington DC, the governments of the earth had collapsed, making the earth... More

Prologue: The Beginning Of The Multiverse
Chapter One: New Earth
Chapter Two: The Quest Request
Chapter Three: Welcome To Spacechase
Chapter Four: Preparing For The Mission
Chapter Five: Battle Against The Cult
Chapter Six: Back To School
Chapter Seven: Mrs. Zar
Chapter Eight: Dinner Of Sacrifice
Chapter Nine: Mr. Shriek
Chapter Eleven: Grandma Zar
Chapter Twelve: The Richurian Theorem
Chapter Thirteen: Preparing For Gladiatorial Combat
Chapter Fourteen: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter Fifteen: Jack Vs Shawn Vs Waldo
Chapter Sixteen: The Battle Begins
Chapter Seventeen: Shawn Vs Moloch
Chapter Eighteen: Waldo Vs Waldo?!
Chapter Nineteen: The Space-chase For The Book
Chapter Twenty: Allied Forces Assemble!
Chapter Twenty One: The Realm Of The Abyss
Chapter Twenty Two: The Dark Prophecy
Chapter Twenty Three: Shawn's History
Chapter Twenty Four: Waldo's History
Chapter Twenty Five: The Chase Begins
Chapter Twenty Six: No Name
Chapter Twenty Seven: Death And Rebirth
Chapter Twenty Eight: Hybrid Theory
Chapt Twenty Nine: Preparing For Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty: Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire
Chapter Thirty One: Battle Of Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty Two: Chosen One Vs Surtr
Chapter Thirty Three: A Tad Too Late!
Chapter Thirty Four: There And Back Again

Chapter Ten: The Library

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By Richurian

During a day at SAFE Academy, in between the second and third classes, there was Break. Break, as it's name would suggest, was the time when people got to relax and hang out with their friends.

The Agent Kids decided to hang out at the Library. Waldo figured they'd start their search for the Book of the Dead there.

The Library of SAFE was huge! It was about as big as an entire town. There were endless rows of bookshelves.


"Just be glad you're free!", said Jack.

"Yeah Shawn, at least you didn't get your face blown up!", said Waldo.

"We sure have some interesting teachers so far: our mom and a guy who can only yell. This is so cool! I normally hate school, but I can make an exception! It brings me back to the days before the Dark Legion and the Blood Clan ruled the Earth!", said Jack.

"Believe me, I haven't been to school since I was lost in outer space," said Waldo.

"What are we doing at the library?! I wanna go find some kids who might be gambling for something," said Shawn.

"Gambling? I don't know you can gamble," said Waldo.

"No, he can. He gambled a lot at Jumptown High! Not to mention, during our days as slaves of the Blood Clan, Shawn gambled a lot with all of our cellmates," said Jack.

"So, what happened in the aftermath of my final battle against Emperor Deathshadow?", said Waldo.

"Well, all the nations of the Earth had fallen, so there was no government left to maintain order. So as a result, the Blood Clan used this to their advantage. They took over the world, and abducted children all around the world. We were a few of those children. The orphanage we went to, Diego's Orphanage, was turned into a prison. I was amazed that my siblings and I never got split up. We were forced to worship Nousaurong, and at that time, I didn't know who he was. Not to mention, I mispronounced his name too many times to count, all of the guards got angry about that. I lost a few friends of mine. To pass the time away, we often gambled with other people. We waited six months for freedom, and then you showed up. Thank you so much for freeing us. I am so glad you are well and alive," said Jack.

"Don't thank me, I'm kinda the reason why the nations of the Earth fell in the first place. Emperor Deathshadow attacked the Earth as a method of striking fear into my heart. Though it's true I freed you in the end, and stopped Deathshadow, you waited six months to be freed," said Waldo.

"So wait, what's gonna happen to the Earth now. I mean, aren't you worried the Superior's surviving subordinates are gonna try and reclaim the Earth," said Jack.

"They can try! After I defeated the Blood Clan, I sent an army of Galtraxians to help maintain order and rebuild the fallen cities of the Earth. So I highly doubt a leaderless group of terrorists can outsmart an interstellar empire," said Waldo.

"I've been wondering, if mom is a Martian, and dad is an Oridian, does that mean we aren't humans of Earth?", said Jack.

"Precisely," said Waldo.

"When you were in outer space, and fighting against the Dark Legion, did you ever encounter any Martians?", said Jack.

"No, I have never once seen the Martian Empire. Although, according to Zoldan, it was technologically advanced 10 thousand years ago," said Waldo.

"Zoldan, that small ten year old? So wait, she's thousands of years old?", said Jack.

"Well, her race has a very slow aging process. A Zalkanian year would equal a thousand human years," said Waldo.

"But according to mom, Mars was invaded by the Cult for some time?", said Jack.

"You should ask mom these questions! Mars wasn't even involved in Space War II, heck the Galtraxians didn't even know where Earth and Mars where at the time!", said Waldo.

Billy skimmed across the bookshelves. He pulled out a random book.

"Oooooooooo! This looks interesting!", said Billy.

"What book is that?", said Jack.


It was written by the same person who wrote the potions book. Billy opened it.

"Is it the book we're looking for?", said Jack.

"No, it's a guide. This book talks about all of the various universes within the Multiverse! Look at all these universes!", said Billy.

Jack looked through the pages. There was his universe, Space. There was Spacechase. There were the all the weird universes that Jack saw when the Zar Voyager traveled faster than light. And then there was the Underworld (Hell), Heaven, Tartarus, and Asmeth. Then a very peculiar universe, a universe that looked like it was in 5 dimensions, named Ardor. There was a mark next to the page. On the mark, it said: ENDED

"Witchdoctor, this universe is marked up! Why is this universe, Ardor, labeled ENDED?!", said Jack.

"Why do you think, it's because it was ended in an apocalyptic event! Some universes die out long before Armageddon occurs! These universes are known as the Ended!", said Witchdoctor.

"What happened to Ardor?", said Jack.

"I don't know, I wasn't there! Listen, no one has ever been to a parallel universe in over 900 trillion years! Not since the God Wars! The guy who wrote the Guides, Richie Sellke, is the only one who ever visited infinite universes!", said Witchdoctor.

"But what happened?", said Jack.

"Read the book, and it'll tell you!", said Witchdoctor.

Jack read the page. It was a universe that was known for its unending conflict and chaos that has ever so waged since the end of the God Wars. Due to the unending chaos and conflict, Ardor was plunged into eternal darkness and consumed by Nousaurong 6 years ago.

"It says that it was ended by Nousaurong! But how can that be?! Nousaurong is dead and trapped in Asmeth, right?! So how did he end Ardor?!", said Jack.

"Listen, Nousaurong is the embodiment of all things dark and evil! Where unending war and hate thrive, he thrives there as well! It seems that this universe was Ended because there was too much hate and war, so much to the point where Ardor practically joined Nousaurong in Asmeth. So I guess the lesson is that only love can stop Nousaurong," said Witchdoctor.

"Did anyone survive? If so, are any of them here?", said Jack.

"Only one survived, and his name is Resizaboy. He's Ardor's Resizagirl and me," said Witchdoctor.

"I take it he's the male Resizagirl?", said Jack.

"Yeah, he's also traumatically stressed because he's the only one out of an entire universe to survive an apocalyptic extinction level event," said Witchdoctor.

"So he's also the pessimistic me?", said Resizagirl.

"Yes," said Witchdoctor.

"I always look on the bright side," said Resizagirl.

"So wait, if a universe is full of hate, then Nousaurong can destroy it?!", said Jack, who was terrified.

"Yes, but it takes lots of blood and hate for that to occur. Ardor was plunged into darkness because nearly half of that universe was wiped out before then. There was little love then. Only one person had heart, and that was Resizaboy. Everyone else only knew hate. Ardor didn't know what emotions where, It's no wonder Nousaurong holds the title of Cosmic Conquerer and Destroyer of Worlds," said Witchdoctor.

Shawn noticed a few people playing cards in the library. It was a gamble.

"Screw this book hunt, I'm gonna go play some poker!", said Shawn.
"What is poker?", said Witchdoctor.

"A gambling game," said Waldo.

Shawn slicked his hair back and put on some broken glasses. He walked towards the gamblers.

There were two gamblers, both were about Shawn's age (which was seventeen). One was a Light Elf, another was a Dwarf.

"Whatup bros? You guys seem to be playing some poker? Mind if I join ya?", said Shawn.

"Poker? I don't know what a poker is," said one of the gamblers.

"What is it, then?", said Shawn.

"Card Wars, a gambling game! My buddy and I are playing for a magical deck of cards known as the Infinity Deck," said the other gambler.

"Infinity Deck? Hmmmmmmmmm, that sounds interesting! I am quite a good gambler myself!", said Shawn.

"Here take this deck!", said the Light Elf.

"So how does this work?", said Shawn.

"We place a random, unknown card. Then the placed cards will battle each other. Whoever's card prevails gets to claim the other cards. The player with the most cards wins!", said the Dwarf.

"Battle each other?!", said Shawn.

"Yeah, the cards are magic, of course!", said the Light Elf.

The Light Elf shuffled the cards and gave the three gamblers three different decks.

"Alright, place your card!", said the Light Elf.

The three grabbed a card from their deck. Three holographic figures emerged from the cards. Shawn's card created a big fire demon. The Dwarf's card created a goblin. The Light Elf's card created a gnome.

Shawn's monster defeated all of the other monsters.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!", laughed Shawn.

The three placed cards were taken by Shawn. Shawn felt very confident about this.

"It's just like Slapjack, but better!", said Shawn.

So they continuously placed cards. Each time, Shawn was prevailing. Eventually, Shawn won the game.

"GEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!! I RULE THIS GAME SUCKERS!!!!!!!", laughed Shawn.

"Dude, who the heck are you?! No one has beaten me at gambling! You must be very lucky to beat me at Card Wars! Well, bye bye Infinity Deck! Treat it with your life! That deck costed me 900 million Units!", said the Light Elf.

The Light Elf grabbed a peculiar deck of cards. All of them were contained in a leather box. On the leather box were the words: INFINITY DECK

"No way, you were betting a deck of cards?! I was hoping for an awesome sword!", said Shawn.

"Shawn, that's an Infinity Deck right there! Those things are impossible to come by, and if used correctly, they can be an efficient summoning weapon! Each of the cards in that deck contains a monster or spell of some sorts, and when you throw a card into the air, whatever is in that card will come out of it and assist you in war! In simple terms, it's a magic deck that can summon monsters! But beware, you can only use a certain amount of cards every day. Summoning too many monsters will drain you of all your energy. But seriously, you can't ask for anything better," said Witchdoctor.

"So wait, Dwarf guy, did you bet anything?", said Shawn.

"I betted 900 thousand Units for Fingolfin's Infinity Deck! Take my coins, lucky guy from another universe!", said the Dwarf.

The Dwarf gave Shawn a big treasure chest full of gold.

"Treat it with your life!", said the Dwarf.

"OH YEAH!!!!! I AM RICH, I AM FABULOUSLY WEALTHY!!!!!! YAHOO!!!!", said Shawn.

"Yeah, I have way more money than that!", said Waldo.

"Oh really, Godslayer Waldo?! You can't possibly have more money than me! I now have, I guess, 900 thousand dollars!", said Shawn.

"Not dollars, Units! People call money Units outside of Earth! But yes, I DO have more money than that! I saved tons of planets from a genocidal maniac last year! I have 900 trillion Units! Not to mention, I have a lot of Adamantium, which is worth a lot of Units! So technically I have even more than that! And I slew a god!", said Waldo.

"Stop being so boastful, Mr. Moneybags, I have an Infinity Deck!", said Shawn.

"Fine! You win this round, Angsty Teen," sighed Waldo, with a very straight face.

"Now you know how I feel," said Jack.

Suddenly, a loud bell rang across SAFE. It was time to go back to class. Next stop, Elementor Class. There, Jack and his siblings would learn about their special, and unnatural abilities! They would also learn another clue about their mysterious parentage.

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