Spacechase 1: Rise of The Cho...

By Richurian

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In the aftermath of the Battle of Washington DC, the governments of the earth had collapsed, making the earth... More

Prologue: The Beginning Of The Multiverse
Chapter Two: The Quest Request
Chapter Three: Welcome To Spacechase
Chapter Four: Preparing For The Mission
Chapter Five: Battle Against The Cult
Chapter Six: Back To School
Chapter Seven: Mrs. Zar
Chapter Eight: Dinner Of Sacrifice
Chapter Nine: Mr. Shriek
Chapter Ten: The Library
Chapter Eleven: Grandma Zar
Chapter Twelve: The Richurian Theorem
Chapter Thirteen: Preparing For Gladiatorial Combat
Chapter Fourteen: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter Fifteen: Jack Vs Shawn Vs Waldo
Chapter Sixteen: The Battle Begins
Chapter Seventeen: Shawn Vs Moloch
Chapter Eighteen: Waldo Vs Waldo?!
Chapter Nineteen: The Space-chase For The Book
Chapter Twenty: Allied Forces Assemble!
Chapter Twenty One: The Realm Of The Abyss
Chapter Twenty Two: The Dark Prophecy
Chapter Twenty Three: Shawn's History
Chapter Twenty Four: Waldo's History
Chapter Twenty Five: The Chase Begins
Chapter Twenty Six: No Name
Chapter Twenty Seven: Death And Rebirth
Chapter Twenty Eight: Hybrid Theory
Chapt Twenty Nine: Preparing For Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty: Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire
Chapter Thirty One: Battle Of Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty Two: Chosen One Vs Surtr
Chapter Thirty Three: A Tad Too Late!
Chapter Thirty Four: There And Back Again

Chapter One: New Earth

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By Richurian

Six weeks after the end of Space War II.......,

The Dark Legion changed everything about life on the planet Earth. The reason they came here was unknown, but there was one thing everyone knew for certain...........the Dark Legion were the ones responsible for the collapse of every government in the world, leaving it in disarray. It's been six weeks after the Dark Legion fell, but despite that, nothing has changed! The governments haven't been rebuilt, cities laid in ruins, and people were fighting for food. The Dark Legion hit society hard in the back.

After the Dark Legion dissolved, the world had been invaded by the Blood Clan, the infamous terrorist organization that was founded during WWII. Children from all over the world were abducted and forced to worship the so-called God of Darkness, Nousaurong. Among those who were abducted was Jackson Zar, son of John and Jenna Zar, and brother of Waldo Zar.

Jack was 13 years old, and was among the youngest of his six siblings (used to be seven before Waldo was presumed dead). Alongside being the youngest were Jack's two twin brothers, Curly and Billy. Then there was Josh, the second oldest brother of the Zar family. Josh was 15 years old. The oldest of the Zar family were Shawn and his twin sister Melissa, who were 17 years old. Waldo Zar formerly held the title of being the youngest of the brothers, however, he was presumed dead at the age of 9.

Jack was the wuss. Curly was the big fat goofball. Billy was the nerd. Josh was the athlete. Melissa was the emo. Shawn was the angsty teen.

Jack had a strange birthmark on his forehead, a birthmark that looked like symbol of some sorts.

Jack and his siblings were in a cell, tired from the hard labors that the Superior forced them to do. The Superior was the current leader of the Blood Clan.

"Tch! This sucks! I hate being in a stupid cell! I wanna fight our dumb superiors!", said Shawn.

"Sh! Stop talking, or else our superiors will hear us! They like things to be quiet and dark for Nopebesong, their God," said Jack.

"Actually, it's pronounced Nousaurong!", said Shawn.

"Whatever! Life is pointless to begin with! Can those aliens that killed the president come back and actually kill our race for good! Hashtag I wanna die," moaned Melissa.

"From an alien invasion to a dystopian story. I wanna play more basketball," said Josh.

"Anyways, let's stop talking," said Jack.

"Tch! Whatever! I'll talk as loud as I want! Let's tick off our superiors, that'll be fun! HEY SUPERIOR, YOU GUYS SUCK BUTTS!!!!!!!", yelled Shawn.

"Stop being so reckless! The Blood Clan will kill us!", said Jack.

"Blah blah blah!", laughed Shawn.

"You just like getting on my nerves, don't you?!", said Jack.

"Hey, it's not my fault you're a wimp, build up your muscles, then maybe we can settle our sibling rivalry! That'll be fun," said Shawn.

"You lost Waldo Zar, so you make me your new rival, I get it! You just gotta hate someone!", said Jack.

"I don't give a crap about Waldo!", said Shawn.

"Even after he died, you're still mad at Waldo for pressuring you to walk across a frozen lake during Christmas five years ago!", laughed Jack.

"Hey! That deceased twerp didn't pressure me! I chose to do it!", said Shawn.

"Yeah, you refused! He insisted, and he made the entire school pressure you! I am actually jealous!", said Jack.

"Jealous?! Jealous of getting humiliated in front of the entire school?! I had to be rushed to the HOSPITAL!", said Shawn.

"You got to ride in a chopper, that's pretty cool!", said Jack.

"Shut up! Whatever grandpa!", mocked Shawn.

Shawn pushed Jack to the floor.

"Okay, it's on now!", said Jack.

"Guys, let's be logical! The Superior's troops are walking in the building!", said Billy.

Suddenly, a military soldier wearing all black came into the building. He wore a Nazi badge and a different badge with a strange symbol on it.

"The Superior requires your presence, Jackson Zar!", said the man.

"Look who's in trouble now?!", laughed Shawn.

"Shut up, hothead!", snapped Jack.

The soldier grabbed Jack and held his arms behind his back like a police officer. Jack was pushed across down the building.

"MOVE IT!!!!", yelled the soldier.

They got out of the building, Jack caught another glimpse of the ruins of Space War II. A chopper was right in front of them. Out came a man wearing a hockey mask stained with red paint, it was the Superior.

"Jackson Zar, son of John Zar of Oridia and Jenna Zar of Mars, brother of Godslayer Waldo! You thought your secret could be kept, did you?! However, you're wrong! I know who you are, Chosen One! You are the one destined to destroy our God, Lord Nousaurong!", said the Superior.

"What?! I don't know what you're talking about! And what did you call my brother and parents?!", said Jack.

"You bear the Mark of Exzar! Your brother, Waldo Zar, is the Godslayer. Your dad is from Oridia, and your mom is from Mars! It only masks sense!", said the Superior.

"My brother is no Godslayer! He's been dead for three years!", said Jack.

"It turns out he was actually abducted by aliens! Ronald McDumper lied to you all! He's alive, and you should be shocked, knowing that he was the one who killed Dark Cranky!", said the Superior.

"Really?! You're saying my deceased brother is alive, and was the one who killed the alien invaders that came here?! You think you can get answers from me on where he is?! You're wrong! Even if I believed you and knew, I would never tell you!", said Jack.

"Godslayer Waldo isn't our target!", said the Superior.

"Who is?!', said Jack.

"You are, Chosen One! TIME TO DIE!!!!!!", yelled the Superior.

The Superior grabbed a powerful laser gun.


"I found it at an abandoned Locrithian ship! I modified it with parts I found at abandoned DAA facilities!", said the Superior.


The Superior turned around. There was a twelve year old boy with an awesome blond haircut, a robotic arm, a white robe, and he carried an awesome sword. Jack had a strange feeling he recognized this boy from somewhere. Although he looked like he came from outer space.

"You lay a finger on Jack, it'll be the last thing you ever do! You may worship an all-powerful god, but have ever slain a god before?!", said the boy.

"SOLDIERS!!!!! HE'S HERE!!!!! ATTACK THAT KID WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT!!!!!!!", yelled the Superior.


"Oh-ho, they can try! I've beaten enemies much stronger than the Blood Clan!", said the boy.

A ton of helicopters flew towards the boy, each of them carrying powerful machine guns.

"I was originally gonna invite my friends to join the party, but then I realized I could beat you all on my own!", said the boy.

"A kid versus an entire army?! What would a god say when we kill the great Godslayer!", said the Superior.

The helicopters began firing bullets at the boy, however, the boy was dodging all of them. The he flew in the air and created a snowstorm that froze a helicopter in midair, causing it to crash on the ground. He the froze the other helicopters and they all fell down.

"ALL SQUADRONS KILL THAT KID!!!!!!", yelled the Superior.

An even bigger army of terrorists came towards the boy. Tanks, trucks, planes, and helicopters approached the boy.

"Kid?! I am no kid! I AM AN AGENT KID!!!!!", laughed the boy.

The army charged towards the boy. The boy threw his sword at the army, but instead of falling on the ground, the sword flew in midair, killing many soldiers. Meanwhile the boy created a powerful snowstorm, freezing tons of terrorists.

The boy was taking down the Blood Clan as if it were nothing. Half of the army was already gone.

"STAND DOWN!!!!", yelled the Superior.

"I'm not finished yet! I started this problem, I am going to end it and restore order! I am Waldo Zar of Galtraxia, and I am the leader of the Agent Kids! As an Agent Kid, I will never give up until I save the day!", said the boy.

When Jack heard that, he was dumbfounded! Waldo was alive, and he powered up like crazy! Three years ago, he couldn't even face a bully and prevail. Now he was taking down an entire army as if it were mowing a lawn! Where did he get a magic sword, and where did he learn to harness the power of snow.

Most of the army was defeated. Waldo fought through the lines of soldiers. Jack could see the Superior terrified out of his wits.

The army was eliminated! The Superior was the only one left standing.

"You leave me no choice! Time to bring in the Ultimate Weapon!", yelled the Superior.

Out from the sky came a battle mech. It was huge and was made out of alien tech. It had blasters everywhere. The Superior got into the mech.

The mech started charging up. Then it produced a powerful doom beam that destroyed tons of buildings. BOOM!!!!!

"You're gonna have to do better than that!", laughed Waldo.

The Ultimate Weapon charged up again. Then it fired another powerful doom beam directly at Waldo. With nothing else to do, Waldo held out his mechanical arm in front of the beam. KABOOM!!!!! There was a powerful explosion.
"WALDO!!!!!!!", screamed Jack.

However, through the smoke, a figure emerged. Waldo was still alive, and he seemed to be carrying a bright light in his mechanical arm.

"Right back at you!", laughed Waldo.

Waldo threw the bright light at the Ultimate Weapon. The same doom beam produced from the mech emerged from the bright light. It destroyed the Ultimate Weapon. KABOOM!!!! The mech exploded.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!", screamed the Superior.

Shortly before the mech exploded, the Superior ejected his seat from the mech, leaving him safe from the explosion.

"ANOTHER DAY, GODSLAYER, ANOTHER DAY!!!!", yelled the Superior.

However, Waldo flew high in the air and caught the Superior's flying chair. He threw the Superior towards the floor. The Superior laid in the rubble.

Waldo approached the Superior and held his sword at the man's throat. The Superior laughed.

"You think you can get answers from me, you'll have to kill me!", laughed the Superior.

"Tell me everything you know about the Cult of Nousaurong!", yelled Waldo.

"I thought your enemy was Deathshadow, the god you destroyed!", said the Superior.

"Tell me everything you know about the Cult of Nousaurong!", said Waldo.

"Here's one thing, the Cult of Nousaurong is vast, even bigger than the Dark Legion! It consists of both interstellar empires, and criminal organizations! You'll never stop them! Our group is only a sub-cult of the Cult of Nousaurong!", laughed the Superior.

"And?!", said Waldo.

"That's all I know!", said the Superior.

"You're lying! If you're a 'sub-cult', then where's the apex cult?! Where is the brain cult?!", said Waldo.

"There's actually two 'brain cults'. One exists in the realm of the living, one exists only in the Underworld!", said the Superior.

"Where can I find it?!", said Waldo.

"You'll have to go to Spacechase to find the brain cult that exists in the realm of the living! The other cult can only be found in the Underworld! You're just like your parents, John and Jenna Zar! I remember the day they were taken by the Cult of Nousaurong, to Spacechase!", laughed the Superior.

"TAKEN?!!!!! They're still alive?!", said Waldo.

"It was 12 years ago when they were taken, I was there!", said the Superior.

"Where are they now?!", said Waldo.

"I'm telling you where they were 12 years ago.........I didn't say anything about where they are now! They could be dead! Pretty sure the Underworld Queen has had all her fun with the Oridian Prince and the Martian Princess!", laughed the Superior.

Waldo stomped on the Superior's chest.

"What do ya want?! I already told you everything I know! My masters don't tell me everything!", said the Superior.

"I didn't just come here for answers, I came here to bargain! You will hereby disband the Blood Clan, you will release all of the children you captured, and all of your men will be sent to a prison on Galtraxia! After all, Galtraxia owes me one for fighting their war for them! Do that, and I'll let you live! You have my word!", said Waldo.

"Very well then, Godslayer Waldo!", said the Superior.

So with those words, the Blood Clan's reign of terror came to an end, and the Earth could rebuild itself. When Jack told everyone Waldo was still alive, they were mind blown. Everyone was happy to see Waldo, except for Shawn, who was jealous that his little brother was now overpowered. Shawn liked it when Waldo was the weak one.

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