Her Mentor [BeyxMani]


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Normani dreams of making it in the entertainment industry and gets the opportunity of a lifetime when her bos... Еще

Author's Note
Her Mentor [Prologue]
Her Mentor Part 1
Her Mentor Part 2
Her Mentor Part 3
Her Mentor Part 4
Her Mentor Part 5
Her Mentor Part 6
Her Mentor Part 7
Her Mentor Part 8
Her Mentor Part 10
Her Mentor Part 11
Her Mentor Part 12
Her Mentor Part 13
Her Mentor Part 14
Her Mentor Part 15
Her Mentor Part 16
Her Mentor Part 16
Her Mentor Part 17
Her Mentor Part 18
Her Mentor Part 19
Her Mentor Part 20
Her Mentor Part 21
Her Mentor Part 22
Her Mentor Part 23
Her Mentor Part 24
Her Mentor Part 25
Her Mentor Part 26
Her Mentor Part 27
Her Mentor Part 28
Her Mentor Part 29
Her Mentor Part 30
Her Mentor Part 31 (A)
Her Mentor Part 31 (B)

Her Mentor Part 9

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The group text thread was so active during Normani's train ride to Parkwood. She, Ally, Dinah Jane, and Lauren all agreed they were long overdue for some girl time. So they made plans to hang out this coming Saturday. Lauren would host a barbecue at her house.

Normani: would it be wrong if I took my boss to a fast food place?

Dinah Jane: LMAO what?!

Ally: Aw Manibear ur taking your boss out?

Normani: yea, I offered to pick the place for lunch but I know she loves Popeyes, sooo

Dinah Jane: you better NOT take your boss to no damn Popeyes lmaoooo, tf

Ally: food is food!

Lauren: I agree w/ Ally. It can't hurt if she loves it. But maybe you should ask her first.

Dinah Jane: i know you on a budget but if you tryna get that promotion take her to a diner or some shit

Ally: what if Mani wants more than a promotion tho? ;)

Normani: LMAO yoooo I'm done with y'all! -.-

Dinah Jane: well popeyes ain't gon make her pop the pussy I can tell you THAT

Lauren: Lmao

Ally: lmaoo

"Oh my God," Normani reacted aloud, looking around the train to see some people looking at her and some paying her no mind. She pocketed her cell phone, feeling both amused and flustered. She collected herself and got off at her stop. Her phone kept going off with notifications from the group chat but she ignored them.

As she walked through the lobby she and Tammy exchanged smiles and good morning's as they did regularly. Then Normani removed her ID pass from the scanner after she heard the beep and proceeded to the side of the elevators that was closest to her floor.

She checked her emails and the Parkwood newsletter, pleased to see that the interview video she did with Keith Powers was trending nicely. The reception was pretty great so far. Normani smiled and watched some of the video again before emailing it to her parents. She knew they would be proud of her.

"Good morning," Princeton's refreshing greeting could be heard.

Normani looked up and saw he was with Tammy and Yara. "Hey, good morning."

"You did such an amazing job with the Keith Powers interview," Yara gushed to Normani. "I have to step my game up."

"Aww, I learned from you," Normani said.

Yara looked at Princeton and Tammy. "She's so sweet, I can't. Why haven't we had lunch yet?"

"We haven't had lunch yet either," said Tammy, referring to herself and Normani.

"We have though," Princeton playfully boasted. "Ain't that right, Normani?"

She laughed. "Yes, but we definitely need to make this happen," she replied, motioning towards Tammy, Yara, and herself.

"Just let me know," Tammy nodded.

"Can we do today?" Yara asked Normani.

Normani made the humming sound that was equivalent to "meh" or "ehh." "I can't today. I'm having lunch Beyoncé."

"Ooooh," they all chorused.

"Oh yeah, you don't want to miss that," Yara said.

"Lunch with boss is always a good thing," Princeton agreed.

"Yes, and I don't even know where I should take her," Normani admitted with a light frown.

"That's the thing about this area, there are so many options," Yara said. "But I get it, you want to pick the right place."

"Beyoncé is pretty down to earth about these things, so I wouldn't worry. Plus, you're obviously an intern so she's not expecting you to choose something like Mr. Chow."

Princeton was nodding but he had his own opinion. "It's sweet how considerate you are about all of this when Beyoncé is obviously the one who's paying." He laughed while Yara and Tammy spoke amongst themselves in agreement.

"Okay, well, it was nice chatting, see you guys later and have fun at the lunch," Tammy excused herself, going about her way.

"Yeah, I better get to my desk, too," Yara said before waving at Princeton and Normani. "Remember to keep me posted about lunch. No rush."

"I definitely will, see you later," Normani said, watching Yara walk away. She then looked at Princeton who was looking at her expectantly. "I was thinking Popeyes," she admitted in a quieter tone.

Princeton laughed jovially. "Go for it."


"Of course. It's a power move." He laughed again, seeing the hesitance in the intern. But Normani still trusted his judgement. "If you're that worried, check in with her. But I would keep it a surprise."

Normani sighed and smiled. "Okay." She knew the ball was in her court.


Beyoncé looked at the famous warm orange, red, and white colors that designed the Popeyes restaurant and laughed.

Fortunately for Normani, it wasn't an offensive you-can't-be-serious kind of laugh. It was one of those you-are-adorable laughs.

The 23-year-old watched the light-caramel complexioned woman smile brightly.

"Aw, Mani, you did good, you did good," she said in approval.

Normani inwardly exhaled. But on the outside she grinned. "Didn't I tell you?" She held the door open for her idol and then walked in behind her. They both looked at the menu even though both already knew what they wanted.

People eyeballed them but they were used to it, especially Beyoncé who was the famous of the two.

Normani watched Beyoncé graciously take pictures with people but the manager soon stepped in so she could enjoy her stay there as a normal human being.

Then they were led to a nicely furnished table on the upper floor. Normani took in how beautiful Beyoncé looked. She had on this bohemian styled dress, her skin was glowing, and her lips were painted a dark red.

"You look beautiful," Beyoncé commented.

It was as if she was reading Normani's mind. "Wow, thank you."

"Why do you say it like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you're shocked..."

Normani let out a girlish laugh. "'Cause I am! You said it as I was thinking it about you."

"Oh," Beyoncé laughed now too. "I was about to say...you should never be shocked about that." She ate a French Frye. "And thank you for your compliment." She smiled with light modesty.

Normani mentally gave herself props for wearing this black dress with white and gray thin stripes. She always made a point to look good. She knew the way you dressed and presented yourself was like an advertisement. As messed up as it was, people did judge you based on these things.

"You know you always look good," Normani smirked, playing it off with an eye roll. She took a careful bite of her chicken leg. "So, how am I doing so far? In the internship?" she eyed her curiously.

"You're doing a great job. You come early, you don't rush out the door to leave, you make your assignments before deadline, and you continue to demonstrate an interest and curiosity in what we're doing."

Normani kept a straight face even though she was glad to hear all of this. "I like that I feel like I am being challenged but also getting a chance to use my skills while creating new ones."

Beyoncé looked her seriously. "Right, that's important." A smile quickly overtook her seriousness. "I'm glad to hear you say that. Oh, and there are going to be a lot of events coming up. It will be great for you to go."

"Oh, I'm there," Normani reassured with a definitive nod.

Beyoncé nodded and smiled. "Remember the lingerie line I mentioned to you yesterday?"

"For your friend?" Normani asked, trying not to think too much of Sloane Rodriguez.

"Yeah, we start shooting the campaign this Saturday, in the morning. I remember you expressed interest in it, so you're welcome to come."

"Oh wow..." Normani smiled. "Thank you."

"I figured it'd be good exposure for you..." she started eating again.

"I would love to go, the only thing is I made some plans with my friends for Saturday."

"Oh okay," Beyoncé nodded in understanding as she dabbed the corners of her lips with a napkin. "I understand. What time?"

"Around noon. You said the shoot starts in the morning, though?"

"Yeah, at 10, but we'd get there around 9:30."

By now the CEO kept her focus straight on Normani, her meal fading into the background.

"Oh okay, that works. I'll be there," Normani insisted. "I'll totally be there."

"It's your call," Beyoncé slowly shrugged.

"No, I want to go—trust me! This would be a great opportunity."

Beyoncé slowly smiled. "Okay, I'll have a car come get you."

There was a long but not uncomfortable silence.

"By the way, I'm sorry for how Sloane acted yesterday," the former singer said, leaning forward.

"That's okay. No worries," Normani said, brushing it off.

"I told her she would be seeing more of you."

Normani felt herself blush. "Oh, yeah?" She grinned softly.

The mentor slowly nodded, keeping eye contact. "Definitely. I've always wanted someone who I could take under my wing. And I think you...you're that person."

See, that's all this is. She just believes in me, Normani told herself.

"Well I can't think of a better mentor, so," Normani replied and chuckled some.

Beyoncé chuckled as well, in her throat, as she sipped her sweet tea. "So, who are your friends you're gonna be seeing Saturday? I just realized I don't know about them or your family." She smiled.

Normani explained how she was an only child and her mother was an adjust professor while her father was the owner of a barbershop. The both of them financially supported her city apartment.

"They approve of my dream to be in entertainment," Normani said. "Not all parents do, so I feel lucky."

"Yeah, that doesn't happen often. You and I got lucky. Thankfully my parents believed in me enough, even when times were hard and it seemed like my dream was getting further and further away from me."

"That rejection is real," Normani sighed, to which the other nodded in agreement. "There've been times I wanted to give up."

Beyoncé frowned. "No, rejection is part of the game, the journey."

"You're right, you're right."

"If I caved into the rejection I wouldn't have been in the most successful girl group of all time...so Normani, keep going. You're already doing great."

Normani smiled softly. "Thank you. That means so much coming from you."

Beyoncé's smile was also soft and warm. "Well, I mean it." She paused. "So, about Saturday...is Zendaya gonna be there?" she tried to ask as casually as possible.

Aw shit, here we go, Normani thought, amazed. The younger woman tried to hide the fact that she was off guard.

"No, it's just me and my friends," Normani replied, keeping her smile to a minimum. Beyoncé was really, deadass jealous? It was shocking and flattering. Sexy even.

"Oh okay."

"Zendaya and I are just friends. That's it."

"So is there someone else then?"

Normani let out a small laugh. "Why?" she raised a brow, still smiling.

Beyoncé just looked at her and then away. "I don't mean to be creepy."

"It's not creepy, I just didn't think you'd care," Normani said, putting her hand on Beyoncé's side of the table.

Beyoncé continued to avert her eyes.

"Is Shawn gonna be there Saturday?" Normani questioned. Now that got Beyoncé to look at her again. She looked a bit taken aback by the inquiry.

"Maybe. Why?"

"You asked me, right?" Normani replied, softly.

Her mentor gazed at her for a moment. Her brows slowly joined before her expression turned a bit gentle. "Normani, maybe you are getting the wrong idea..." she expressed, carefully.

Normani's eyes slowly narrowed.

"When I'm asking you about your love life or Zendaya, it's not....it's because I want you to stay focused. I know young people sometimes get distracted when they're seeing someone. And I don't want that for you. Because I see your potential. Not because of anything else."

Normani nodded with a wan smile.

"Am I clear?" the mentor asked.



Normani didn't want to stay quiet for long or else Beyoncé would think she was upset. "I'm actually not looking for a relationship. I am focused on my career and I take it seriously and honestly? I'm not the type to get distracted. So, I don't need you to be worried." She then opened her wallet and handed Beyoncé back change for her meal."

"No," Beyoncé scowled in disapproval.

"Please, take it. I insist."


Normani sighed.

"Thank you anyway," Beyoncé smiled softly.

"Should we head back?" Normani said.

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