Fallen Forms

By ringsx

5.9K 175 20

Some mature content but not enough to turn the thing on. Bella-All Powers-Wolf Ovi-All Powers-Wolf Scott-Air+... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
10 Years Later
Book 2
Oh Hey
Oh hey (part 2)

Part 9

232 7 0
By ringsx

-Bella's P.O.V-

I wake up in darkness. My wrist and head feel like they're on fire. Ovi's sad, I want to run to her and comfort her but I can't move. My eyes against to the dark, I look around me. I was in a small cell, the ceiling was so low I couldn't sit up straight. I curl up into a ball and start shaking. I turn into a wolf, this gives me some more room.
"Oh good, you're awake." An evil sounding voice says, I snarl at the voice, "Save your breath sweetie."
"Who are you?" I ask
"Oh, you don't know who I am?" She says, "Well that's a shame."
"Who are you?" I repeat
"I am Beatrix." The voice says, it comes out of the shadows. I'm looking at another version of me, her eyes are blood red, her hair is a mess and she looks insane, "I am you."
"You are nothing like me." I say
"That's right, you are weak while I am strong. You are a small helpless little girl while I have grown. You share your spotlight while I have it all to myself." She says
"I am not weak, I know how to love. I am not helpless, I help my friends. I share my spotlight and I am happier that you'll ever be because of it." I say, I fire a beam of fire at her though the bars, it rebounds and hits me in the arm.
"You are a stupid little girl." She says leaving
"You'll get used to it down here." A voice says
"Who are you?" I ask
"I'm Oli." The voice says, "I'm here with my friend Meghan."
"You guys are guardians." I say
"We're what?" A voice I assumed is Meghan's asks
"Guardians, you have powers you protect England." I say
"Cool." Another voice says
"Oh yeah, that Liam, he's with Will." Meghan says
"Hey." I british voice says
"Hey." I say, "We have to get out of here."
"We can't." Liam says, "We get burnt when we touch the bars."
"I think I have an idea." I say, I phase through the bars.
"How'd you do that?" Liam asks
"I'll explain later." I say getting them all out, I make us all invisible, "Are we underground?"
"No, we're in a tower." Oli says, I grab them all and phase through the wall. We drop to the ground and run.

-Liam's P.O.V-

We run far away from the castle.
"Where are we going?" I ask
"Where heading back to my friends." Bella tells me, we slow down.
"You ok?" Will asks, she shakes her head and faints
"That's not good." Meghan says, we continue to walk in the same direction, we walk slower since Bella is in my arms. She's unusually light.
After walking for what seemed like forever, we see a big house. We all look at each other hoping that's the house we're trying to get to. We go up a knock on the door.
"Hello?" I voice asks from the inside
"Lizzie?" Oli asks in shock
"Oli?" She says opening the door, she looks at us, then looks at Bella.
"Can I put her down?" I ask "She's not very heavy but my arms hurt." The pink haired girl motions for us to come inside.
"Wait right here." Lizzie tells us, she heads upstairs.

-Lizzie's P.O.V-

I race down the hallway telling all my friends to get up. We all walk down the stairs to see Bella, unconscious, on the couch.
"Bella!" Ovi says, her eyes light up, she runs over to her and surveys all her cuts and bruises. She waves her hand over her and they all disappear.
"Ovi!" Bella says waking up, they both hug each other and started to tear up.
"So I hate to rain on this parade," One of the strangers says, "but can someone tell me what's happening?"
"Oh, you're a guardian, you have powers, and my name is Lizzie." I say, Ovi pulls out four more boxes and hands one to each of them.
"The four of you are all nature." Ovi says
"What?" Liam asks confused, Ovi thinks for a second
"You know Pokémon?" Ovi asks, "You four are grass type Pokémon who's strength relies on the other three." They all understand
"So what can we do?" The girl asks
"Wait, before we do anything, that's Meghan." Ovi says pointing to the girl
"Hi, you can call me Meg." She says (mostly because the author is lazy)
"That's Oli." She says pointing to Oli, "That's Liam."
"You can call me H." He says
"And that's Will." Ovi says
"Call me Will." He says
"That's Lizzie, Scott, Joel, Callum, Lauren, Yammy, Shelby and Joey." Bella says, "And Ovi."

-Scott's P.O.V-

I walk out onto the balcony behind Callum.
"What's wrong with your arm?" I ask
"What? Nothing." He says
"You're a terrible liar." I say, "What's wrong?"
"Remember when that Phantom hit my arm?" He asks, I nod, "I think it did something to it."
"Like what?" I ask
"Every once in a while it starts to hurt and I can't move it." He says, "Also, this." He rolls us his sleeve revealing the part that got hit. I was swollen and purple.
"I don't thinks that's good." I say
"No, it's probably not." He says
"You should go see Ovi." I tell him
"Fine but you have to come with me." He says
"I was gonna anyways." I say we walk down the hall and knock on Ovi's door.
"Come in!" She calls, we open the door and walk in, "Hey guys, what's up?"
"Uh, something happened." Callum says rolling up his sleeve
"Oh my god, what happened?" She asks
"Phantom." Callum says
"Does it hurt when you bend it?" She asks
"Uh, that's another thing." Callum says, "I can't move it."
"That is not good." Ovi says, "Come."
We follow her down the hallway to the hospital station.
"Sit." She tells Callum, she grabs a bandage and some other supplies, "This is gonna hurt, a lot." She starts to clean the place that got hit. Callum squeezes my hand instead of pulling his other arm away. After Ovi is finish cleaning it, she looks at the mark it left. She puts on gloves and touches it slowly, Callum inhales sharply.
"Sorry." She says, she puts his arm under a scanner and turns the machine on. The results show up on the computer. She puts some ointment on it cause him to jerk his arm away before it falls limply again. She wraps a bandage around it.
"Just be careful of that arm." She tells Callum, "Scott, make sure he's careful."
"I will." I say, we leave the station and head to my room.

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