
By highfairyy

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❝ suddenly i'm drowning in the things i never told you.❞ ✵ A story where a seventeen year old girl moves int... More



33.6K 1K 1.2K
By highfairyy

I. Am. Finally. Done. Exams.

Everyday updates coming soon (;

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Thalia Lively

The main school hallway was as loud and busy as ever, since students seem to enjoy just standing around here during lunch time. I managed to block out all of the chattering as my brain went into its own trance and I was stuck reminiscing about previous events that haven't left my mind since they happened. I have a million thoughts racing in me and now of all times, I had no idea what to do. I stood at my locker, not bothering to take anything out or put anything in, I simply opened it just so the locker door would cover me as I took a few moments to collect my thoughts.

Aidan was alive.

Those words were on repeat all night long, it's almost like it hasn't hit me yet; that he really wasn't dead. I'm so scared to go see him, nerves are attaching themselves onto every part of me and my heart races every time I think about seeing him again. I've spent so much time without seeing his face, hearing his voice and having his presence around me so having the chance to get all of that back— I'm truly grateful.

My mind was overflowing with everything that happened yesterday, including kissing Nathan Reyes. I wish I could just pinpoint my feelings for him but I can't. I don't know what I want exactly and although I'm terrified of how he makes me feel, the one thing I know that I want is him, and him only. I looked around for him but it seems he wasn't here yet.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach just thinking about seeing him— god what have I turned into?

"I'm mad at you." I heard just as someone slammed my locker shut, giving me a minor heart attack in the process. I look over at Riley and a huge smile crosses my face as I jumped on her.

"Be mad at me later, I've missed you Ry," I hugged her tightly and she chuckled, hugging me back. I inhaled her natural fruity scent and sighed in content, I haven't spent as much time as I'd want to with her lately.

"You saw me like a day ago, weirdo." She replied then backed away from the hug, giving me a genuine smile.

"Yeah but we haven't had a full day just to ourselves lately and I need my best friend now more than ever," I said the last part with a quieter tone and her shoulders slumped as a pout etched itself on her face.

"I'm here for you babe, tell me everything that happened." She said, she said sliding down the wall and sitting on the floor in front of my locker. I smiled slightly then sat next to her, throwing my bag beside me as I sighed deeply.

"That bad huh?" She said as she watched me hesitate to start spilling my soul to her.

"I mean, no, it's good for majority of the part I guess? I don't know." I leaned my head against the locker behind me. "And that's what I hate the most, that I don't know what to do or say. I've always had an answer to stuff but now, I really just don't know what to do." She stayed quiet as I took a minute to process what I wanted to say next.

The hallways cleared out a bit more now, thankfully since I want a quieter space to talk to Riley. "My brother, Aidan, he's uh—" I started off by saying but paused to look at her face since I sensed her move as soon as she heard Aidan's name. Her eyes grew big and her mouth was held wide open; I could tell she knew where I was going with this. "H-he's alive, Ry." I said and my eyes started watering but I refused to let tears fall. I was not going to cry in school with having the risk of having anyone see me.

"Wha— I don't understand, h-how? I mean thank god but I just— woah." She stumbled on her words as she spoke, looking quite flabbergasted. I reached into my bag and pulled out the letter that I found in Nonna's room yesterday. I haven't let it out of my sight since I found it, I needed some type of proof to say that this was actually real. I handed it over to her and she looked down at it questioningly as she took it from me.

She started reading the letter and by the end of it, her eyes were watering as well, she however let the tears fall. She reached over to hug me and we stayed like that for a moment.

"This is amazing, Lia. Hey, he's still out there, and I'm keeping him in my prayers from now on. He'll come back to you, okay? Please believe that because in times like this, hope is the only thing that keeps us going." She said in all seriousness, the goofy Riley long gone.

I nodded. "Okay." I answered her and took the letter back, staring at it.

"Are you going to go see him?" She asked me, wiping away her tears, and it truly melted my heart that she cared enough about this that it brought her to tears. In times like this, I'm couldn't more grateful that of the time Nonna asked me to give her a ride to school on the first day.

"Um, I don't know. I've thought about it but I don't think I'm ready to see him... like that I guess." I answered her after a short period of silence. I tucked the letter back into my bag and sighed sadly. "I've spent so much time trying so hard not to remember, all because I was too scared to." I scoffed at myself, shaking my
head. "And now here I am, trying everything I can to remember. I just want this void inside of me gone, like there's a piece of me constantly missing." I looked over at Riley who held sympathy in her eyes.

"You won't feel empty forever, I promise. Let go of that fear, your fear to let anyone in. I see it in everything you do or say, you carefully pick out your actions just so no one breaks down your walls. Well it seems, even you didn't see Nathan being the one to tear down your walls. He has you completely oblivious." She smirked slightly and I rolled my eyes. "But I'm serious Thalia, you can't be happy again without letting go of what's making you sad— or rather angry too. I would assume that's not what they would've wanted." She said softly, referring to my parents.

My heart sped up thinking about them. My parents.

"No, they wouldn't have wanted me like this." I agreed with her and we sat in silence for a moment. I felt her grip my shoulder comfortingly and I smiled at her. After our heart to heart, I continued to spill every detail of the events she had missed out on. All from seeing my brother in the picture at the garage, to kissing Nathan and having him drive me home.

"YOU KISSED?" She exclaimed, her eyes wider than ever. "You, kissed, Nathan, Reyes?" She paused between each word and a small smile grew onto my face, nodding at her. "I—" she stumbled on her words, not seeming to take it in yet. "OH MY GOD." She finally bursted out and hugged me excitedly.

I chuckled but then pushed her back, while looking around at the looks people were giving us. "Okay, okay, shh." I shushed her so she wouldn't yell and she shrugged, not caring about the looks. "Riley, I don't even know how to describe it. That feeling that I got that night with him, it was a once in a lifetime feeling." I finally opened up more to Riley, letting her into my thoughts.

"My heart just melted." She said and sunk down to the floor as if she was actually melting. I rolled my eyes while laughing and she followed with a string of laughs.

"I'm so happy for you, Thalia." She said sincerely. "You deserve to be happy, regardless of what you think. You deserve the chance to move on and life a better life. You, Thalia Lively, deserve it all." She said to me and my eyes started watering, resulting in it being me attacking her in a hug this time.

"I love you, Riley." I said as we hugged and she squeezed back.

"I love you too, Thalia." She said then we broke apart, both of us huffing at the rollercoaster of emotions that just happened. Man it feels so good to just spend time with Riley and vent out to her.

"C'mon, lunch is about to end." Riley informed me and stood up from our spot on the floor. I followed her actions and grabbed my bag and phone from the floor.

"Wait," I stopped her and she turned around, waiting for me continue. "You haven't told me anything about Emmett. It's your turn to spill." I smirked and she turned red.

"Well I can't because lunch is about to end and we have different classes." She shrugged.

"Yeah I have gym, and you have Media Arts. You never go to that class anyway, instead you come to what class? Oh yeah, my gym class." I smiled at her. "Spill." I repeated and she sighed.

"To be honest, I don't know what to even say. I mean we talk everyday and night, and we've gotten so close, but it's like he's holding back from me. Whenever we start having a moment, for example, he always pulls away or creates distance." She explained her situation with Emmett and I hummed in understanding.

"Maybe he's scared to get too close to you. I mean we've just recently found out he and the rest of the boys are involved in dangerous shit, maybe he doesn't want to get you hurt." I reasoned with her, trying to look for an alternative reason behind his actions.

"I guess, but him distancing himself from me is hurting me nonetheless." She groaned. "Stupid boys." She continued and I chuckled, agreeing with her silently as I nodded at her statement.

"I see the way he looks at you though, like you're he only girl in the world in his eyes. I know he feels something deep for you, and it's the same with you. You two are meant for each other, it'll work out, trust me." I assured her and she smiled at me. Adoration sparkled within her eyes, but I knew it wasn't for me or my words. She was thinking about him, and I don't blame her since a certain someone is also taking over my thoughts.

"Okay now we're really gonna be late," I said as I looked at my phone realizing we had two minutes to get to class, well my class. I pulled her through the halls with me until I reached Gym 1, then I ran into the change room where I found the rest of my class. I rushed to my usual spot and started changing into my gym clothes, which just consisted of some random shirt and shorts. I grabbed my water bottle and turned to walk into the gym but someone doesn't understand the meaning of personal space.

"Megan." I greeted her with no enthusiasm and backed away since she stood practically a centimetre from me. Her minions stood behind her glaring at Riley who wasn't even paying attention as she fumbled around with a soccer bottle that was left here. "Can you move, or?" I asked her since she blocking my way out.

She didn't answer but rather just stood there and waited for everyone to leave, and they did once Megan glared at them for staying. Why are they scared of her? I rolled my eyes at her and decided to be patient and wait for her to make her dramatic scene so this would be over with.  

"I was at Nathan's house this morning, I decided to start strengthening my relationship with him and his family again. Anyways so I get there and Nathan's not home but his mom and sisters were, and the only thing those two little idiots could talk about was how they'd rather want you visiting them." She glared at me and I glared back.

"Don't call them idiots, they're just kids what's wrong with you?" I spat at her, growing angry at the fact that she insulted Maya and Emery.

She rolled her eyes not caring a single bit. "Nathan doesn't want you, get that through your head. That bitch, Rebecca, has a better chance than you do. The both of you had your chance with him but I'm back now so it's better if you just go back to where you came from and leave Nathan alone. I don't know why he wastes his time with you but he's probably just looking for some entertainment." She stated confidently but all of her words went through one ear and out the other.

"Why should I care about what you say again? All you are to me is a nuisance that just won't go away. I get that you have everyone else fearing you— for whatever stupid reason but I don't give a fuck about what you say or do. You're dramatic and annoying, now can you move or do I have to make you move?" I retorted.

"You're new here, so I'll let that slide, but you of all people should be the one fearing me and what I'm capable of. You think I'm just some girl at school that doesn't want you with Nathan, but just like Nathan, I was caught in the same bad crowd as he did. I have people that would do anything I say with a snap of a finger. And not to mention that I have James wrapped around my finger, and there isn't anything he wants more than coming after you— with all the bad intentions of course." She smirked at me and took a step closer to me. "I've been doing you a  favour, I'm the one whose been holding him back from you, not Nathan or his friends. Nathan has other things to worry about, and having to save you all the time is going to become exhausting for him." She shrugged.

"What are you trying to say?" Riley spoke for the first time, and Megan's eyes flickered to her for a moment but then locked back onto mine.

"I'm saying that it's better if your friend backs off, or she's going to get hurt one way or another. Stop trying to come in between Nathan and I, it's that simple." She finished and I clenched my jaw, holding myself back from provoking her even more. "Oh and, I wouldn't tell Nathan or any of his friends about this. Trust me it's for your own good." And with that, I left her in the change room, having enough of her shit.

My class was playing volleyball today, so I joined a group of five on the court and blended in as if I was never late to class. I soon completely forgot about Megan's threat.

About ten minutes passed and I looked around for Riley when I got a point, seeing her standing on the gym bleachers hyping me up from across the room. I smiled and the weight of Megan's encounter lifted off of my shoulders. I wasn't going to let her bother me, especially since I couldn't care less about what she had to say.

I turned my attention back on the volleyball that was coming straight towards me, volleying it up for my teammate to spike it down on the other side.

• • •

I scrambled through my stuff, pulling everything out of my bag until all of my stuff was on the floor. I looked through it all with such a high level of anxiety that I swear I was going to pass out at any moment. I could feel myself already growing emotional— then that emotion quickly turned to rage as soon as my mind blamed Megan immediately.

The letter was gone.

I took it upon myself to just assume it was her since just before lunch ended I put it directly into my bag then didn't touch it until the end of the day which was now.

"Whatcha doing?" Riley said to me as she met me at my locker which is something she always does at the end of school. I looked up at her angrily then stood up to meet her gaze.

"The letter, my letter, it's gone." I said and she furrowed her eyebrows together then started looking through my stuff on the floor too. "I know it was Megan, she must've taken it when we left her in the change room. She didn't even come to class after that." I told Riley my accusation.

"Don't assume it was her, what if it wasn't? You and her already have bad blood, and after today I'm pretty sure any further communication with her would be deadly." I gave her a deadpan expression and she sighed backing off.

"It had to have been her, I put it in the deep pocket and I never go in there so how could it have fallen out?" I groaned and started putting my stuff back into my bag. I slammed my locker shut and put on my jacket, making my way out of the school angrily.

The thought of having her, of all people, have access to something so personal to me is eating away at every amount of rage I have in me. I could hear Riley trying to catch up with my long strides out of school and I stopped so she'd come to my side.

"When I see her tomorrow—" I stopped talking once I saw Riley staring at something in the parking lot. I followed her gaze and even though she tried stopping me, my eyes soon landed on two people leaning against a sleek black car.

James and Megan.

The both saw me too, resulting in me earning a smirk from James and Megan blowing me a kiss. I started power walking towards Megan, completely ignoring Riley's attempts to reason with me.

"No, no, no, no," Riley said while trying to pull me back but I just ended up dragging her with me. She let go of me and I walked further until I stopped right in front of Megan, and disregarding James in the process.

"Give it to me." I demanded and the amusement that sparked up in her eyes told me she knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Give you what?" She scoffed. It was still winter, actually it was dead centre of winter since it's January, and even though she was wearing a jacket, she was still wearing a low cut skirt. She wasn't even shivering, I suppose she really does have a cold heart.

"Don't fucking play games with me. Give it to me." I demanded once again but this time my voice grew louder, clearly catching the attention of James.

"Huh, didn't know you were this feisty. I'm starting to get why Nathan keeps you around so much." James said and I stared at him in disgust, pure disgust of just being in his presence.

"You do know that if you want Nathan so bad, you probably shouldn't be fucking around with James, the person Nathan hates the most." I said to Megan and she rolled her eyes. "I'm going to tell you one more time, give me my letter or I swear to god—"

"Swear to god what? What are you going to do?" She provoked me further and James stood by her side, clearing enjoying the show. James lifted his eyebrow, intrigued at what I was going to do or say next.

"What I'm going to do will involve your precious hair and makeup getting smashed into the floor if you don't give it back to me." Megan looked at me up and down as if I didn't have it in me. "Don't believe me?" I said innocently, while taking off my jacket so I could have more accessibility when I fight for what's mine.

Megan seemed a bit more hesitant now and looked at James for help, but it seems he wasn't going to protect her just yet. He held a smirk on his face almost as if he wants to see me fight her; he's a complete psycho.

"Oh c'mon now, I'm sure Aidan wouldn't want you being this ratchet, good thing he's in a coma and can't see this—" she didn't finish since I made the first move and punched her straight in the jaw.

All I saw was red, and this seemed to be the one opportunity I'd have to finally release the anger in me. Although I wasn't one for violence, my body seems to have a mind of its own at the moment.

"Thalia!" Riley yelled and tried stopping me but it was too late, we were both on the snow covered ground— me on top of her throwing punches wherever I could. She was doing a good job at blocking but she didn't make any moves to hit me back. I felt my fists pump with pain as I hit her but I somehow pushed the pain to the back of my mind.

"You psycho bitch, get off!" She yelled but it was just background noise to me. I felt anger rush towards my hands and straight into her face, almost as if by now I didn't control what I was doing. She managed to wiggle out of my grasp and yanked on my hair in the process which caught me off guard, not going to lie. She scooted back and away from me, and I could see blood pouring out of her lips. Her upper lip was torn and it seemed I punched her hard enough to have her skin tear into a cut on her cheekbone. Overall, she looked like a mess. I almost attacked again when she laughed at me, licking off the blood with amusement. Her plan was to get a rise out of me and that's exactly what she got.

Key word being almost attacked, and not because I stopped myself from going after her again but rather because someone else stopped me.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me away from Megan, which resulted in me automatically thinking it was James since he was the only guy here and the arms felt too strong for it to be Riley. I wiggled, trying to get the person off but relaxed when I heard the voice I've been dying to hear all day.

"Hey, it's okay. It's just me." I heard Nathan's voice assure me and I stopped struggling in his arms. He loosened his grip but kept me close to him still, almost like if he fully let me go I'd just attack Megan again. And I so would.

"You should keep her more on a leash." James spoke up and I looked over at him, seeing he didn't move an inch the whole time. "What a show that was. I have to say, you throw some mean punches." He looked at me then examined Megan's face.

"She stole the letter." I said to Nathan, knowing that was all he needed to hear to connect the dots. I knew he understood when he pulled me closer. "I thought you had him wrapped around your finger, Megan. What happened to that? He didn't even defend you or protect you. What's holding him back from getting to me now, huh?" I spat at her. Her eyes flickered to Nathan then back to me but she didn't respond.

"Care to fill me in?" James said, wanting to know what I meant.

"You can't be that stupid, so don't act like it." I said to him, knowing he could easily tell what I meant. "But if you really are that stupid, Megan told me earlier that you're basically her bitch and she's the only one holding you back from getting to me." I continued and I could feel Megan's anger fuel out straight from her ears.

"Ah," He said in response, nodding at the information, but saying anything more. Instead he just eyed me, as if he's trying to figure me out but he didn't have much luck with that since Nathan stood in front of me.

"The letter." Nathan simply said to Megan, resulting in her sighing as she reached into her bag, pulling out the letter and handing it to him. He passed it back to me and I passed it back to Riley who held it very close, almost like her new mission was to guard that letter with her life.

Megan stood up from the floor and tried flattening out her skirt but no matter what she did to try and make herself look presentable, she still looked like a zombie Barbie.

"You'll pay for this," She spat at me and I glared at her.

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do?" I repeated her words from earlier and she stood there speechlessly. She refrained from causing any more conflict with me and after the two boys noticed we were done, James took it upon himself to break the silence.

"Well that was entertaining, thank you for the show." He winked at me then turned his attention to Nathan. "A little birdy told me you and your friends were quiet the handful this morning." He said to Nathan who remained unbothered.

"Next time be a little more wiser before trying to send people to Carter's apartment in the ass crack of dawn as a message. Should've known we all live next to each other," Nathan shrugged. That explained where he and the boys were all day. "Is Kian's arm okay? I remember seeing Carter being a little pissed off of by the rude awakening, having a steel baseball bat right next to his bed really is effective." Nathan continued, still unfazed, unbothered and uninterested in this conversation completely.

"Carter should think again before snooping around places he shouldn't be in." James said back to Nathan, rather aggressively.

"It was dealt with. Now leave." Nathan said, taking the mature route and not starting up a problem at the moment. He moved away from in front of me and stood beside me instead— and reluctantly let go of me. Finally.

"Bye princess, give Aidan my best." James winked at me, again. It took me two seconds to launch myself at him and slam my fist into his cheek. He was clearly taken back by my actions since he couldn't act right away. I took that opportunity to continue getting revenge for that night.

His car was the one that slammed into mine that night. He was the one responsible for Aidan's condition and my parents. It was his fault.

I felt Megan tug on my hair, making me stumble backwards but I twisted in her grasp and grabbed the back of her neck, and slammed it into James', probably very expensive car. I turned to James who seemed very outraged but Nathan again, pulled my away and stuck himself between James and I.

"Leave, I won't tell you again." Nathan demanded this time with a stronger tone and although James was fuming, he listened and got into his car. Megan followed his actions and went into the passenger seat, not daring to look at either of us.

"That." Carter's voice broke the silence, making all the three of us turn around.

"Was." Austin.

"So fucking." Emmett.

"BADASS." And lastly, Ethan, of course.

"You just beat up Megan and James." Riley said in shock. "I love you." Was all she said afterwards.

"The way you shoved her face into his stupid car, that was priceless." Austin said, holding up his hand for a high five. I high-fived him then turned to Nathan who took ahold of my hand.

"I'm going to drop her at home, I'll catch up with you guys later." Nathan said while dragging me to my car that wasn't far from where Megan and James stood.

"You better invite her to tomorrow night!" Ethan yelled and I turned around to look at him suspiciously.

"What's tomorrow night?" I asked Nathan but he brushed it off.

"Yeah, Yeah." He said to Ethan.

"I'm being serious! If you don't invite her, I will." Ethan said back and winked at me which made me smile. I didn't realize how much I missed having him around, I feel like other than Riley and Nathan I've also gotten the most close to him. I stopped Nathan from walking ahead and rushed back to hug Ethan.

"I love you, E. I haven't told you that lately." I said to him and he squeezed me in the hug.

"I love you too best friend." He said back.

"She's my best friend, but okay." Riley said, rolling her eyes but I could see she was just joking.

"What the fuck, what about me?" Austin said pouting. I rushed off to him next and gave him a big hug then gave Emmett a side hug because that's Riley's man. I then stood in front of Carter who had his arms cross and was staring down at me.

I put up my hand for a high five rather than a hug and he rolled his eyes, high-fiving me and just as I was about to walk away he grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug.

"Can't hug those losers and not me," He said and I chuckled.

"Okay that's enough," Nathan interjected and pulled me away from Carter and started walking me back to my car.

"Bye Thalia!" Riley yelled at me as Nathan somehow took my keys from my bag and pushed me into the passenger seat.

"Bye Riley!" I yelled back before the passenger door was closed. Nathan hopped into the drivers seat and started up my car.

"Hey, it's my car why can't I drive?" I asked Nathan and he looked at my hands then back at me.

"Because you decided to attack two people today, without realizing you fucked up your hands." He said making me look down at my hands then wincing, finally allowing my mind to focus on the pain— which was a bad idea.

"Oh shit," I said, shocked at how bad they looked. "I forgot what this felt like, after not boxing for so long, the pain seems a lot worse than I remember it. But then again my memory sucks so," I said, causing him to chuckle slightly.

"You really are something else." He started off by saying, not looking at me as he drove off to my house. "Not going to lie, seeing you beating the shit out of Megan was pretty hot. Especially when you went after James right after." He smirked at me and I looked away, trying to hide my blush. "If I wasn't there however, James wouldn't have left and you would've had way more injuries than just your hands. That son of a bitch doesn't care if he hits girls, so next time be a little more strategic with your actions." He looked over at me and I felt like I was being scolded. "For your safety." He added and I nodded, understanding.

"I allowed my emotions to get the best of me, I wasn't thinking clearly." I said, shrugging.

"It happens. Been there, done that." He jokes and I loosened up.

"So what's tomorrow?" I asked him and he sighed just as he stopped in my driveway.

"Nothing special." He replied but I gave him a look that said 'tell me'. "My birthday, January 16th." He told me and my eyes widened.

"That's pretty special if you ask me. What do you plan on doing?" I asked him, genuinely interested on how he's going to spend his 18th birthday.

"I was planning on staying home but Ethan took it upon himself to make a plan to go to this new club that opened just outside of town. Like he said, you are invited if you want to come but you don't have to if you don't want to." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and I smiled at him.

"I'll be there," I said, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "Oh and um—"

"You're going to ask about Megan, aren't you?" He asked me and I nodded, getting a tad bit angry again. "We had a fling a while back, she was there for me back then and I considered her a close friend since our dad's are also friends. She was always around but that's over now, not only because of how she's been acting towards you but also since she's probably fucking James right now." His face scrunched up in disgust and I chuckled, liking the fact that he didn't feel the same about her. He smiled at my laugh then looked at my hands again. "Do you have an aid kit in the house? I'll help—" he started off by saying but I stopped him.

"Yes I do, don't worry I'll be fine." He nodded and I realized that he would have to walk home. "You should've just let me drive home alone since now you have to walk home, and I would invite you in but today's cleaning day and Nonna takes it very seriously." I said to him and he pushed off the fact that he'd have to walk. We both got out of the car and I walked over to his side.

"I need the walk to be honest, plus I came in Austin's car. I wanted to talk to you too since I haven't seen you all day." He said and I couldn't reply since he changed the topic so fast. "Oh, and are you still into boxing? Because there's this training gym I used to work at on the side but I haven't had time to go there often. I could bring you to it some day." He suggested and I nodded eagerly.

"Yes, please. I'm so down, but let's let my hands heal a bit." I said nervously as I looked at my bloodied hands that are already bruising. "Alright you should probably go since Nonna's waiting for me." I said sadly that I won't have his company anymore but I need to help Nonna with the house. "Oh and we need to work on our project!" I exclaimed, suddenly remembering our English project.

He chuckled. "I already handed it in a while ago, we needed some pictures so I used the ones of you in the car and wrote a quick essay on both of our behalves." He said assuringly and I grew happy knowing I didn't have to do work tonight.

"Aw but you did all of the work." I pouted, feeling  bad that I didn't help.

"It was easy, plus you were our model." He winked and I sighed, agreeing I guess. "Okay I should go, I'll see you tomorrow." I rushed into his chest and squeezed him into a hug, melting in his arms in the process.

"Thanks for today," I said recalling his actions to defend to me earlier.

"Anytime," he replied. I pulled back from the hug but we stayed a close distance from each other. "I'm allowed to kiss you whenever now right?" He asked me and I shook my head smiling.

"Technically we're just friends and friends don't go around kissing each other." I shrugged and created more distance between us— and he didn't like that.

He groaned and pulled me back into him. He did the puppy dog face and caved in, having a weak spot for the puppy eyes.

I was the one who leaned in this time, and he didn't move away. I sunk into his arms and our lips started moving in sync, neither of us pulling away. Butterflies erupted— for the hundredth time that he's been around me and it's a feeling I'll never get used to.

"Thalia!" Nonna yelled from the doorway making me pull away annoyed.

"Have fun explaining why you were kissing a boy rather than helping her clean." Nathan winked at me and greeted Nonna before he left.

"Really, Nonna?" I said turning around to face her, then made my way up the driveway and to the door.

"I knew it was going to be Nathan, Jenna owes me a twenty." Nonna said, being proud of her victory.

"You bet on my love life?" I questioned her and she shrugged, silently going straight back to vacuuming.


[ not edited, you know what it is ]

Hi, hello, I'm finished exams and it's summer which means MORE FREQUENT UPDATES.

Did you like it? What was your fav part?

Can you guys please comment some good movies because I'm tryna have a movie marathon asap— any genre just help ya girl out skksksksk

Thank you so much for 660K, I actually love each and every one of you. It means the world to me for real. ❤️

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!

I wanna be as stress free as this dog ^

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"I saw that you were perfect and I loved you, then I saw you were not perfect and I loved you even more. " I said to him crying. He said "I hate you...
4.6K 95 29
COMPLETED✅ Two high school teenagers finding themselves, analyzing this ever changing world, and building love. This is the type of love you wish you...
4.5M 101K 49
Dakota is just like every other 17 year old high school senior. Or that's what everyone thinks. Everyone sees Dakota as this funny, sarcastic, and...