Maybe Matt

By todorokisslut

271 8 2


1 month
1 Month (Part 2)
29 Days (Part 2)
28 Days
28 Days (Part 2)
27 Days
27 Days (Part 2)
27 Days (Part 3)
26 days (Matt's Birthday)
26 Days (Matt's Birthday Part 2)

29 Days

24 1 0
By todorokisslut

Jade's POV

I woke up with Koa already staring at her phone.

"Seriously? I just got up and the first thing I see is you on your phone."

"Yup" She said popping the P. 

"What the hell were you trying to tell me last night?" I asked while putting up my hair. 

She then pulled something out from under the pillow. 

"I found this last night, here you should open it." 

i was already opened, but I pulled out the papers inside....

"OH MY GOD. ARIANA GRANDE TICKETS?!?!? FOR A MEET AND GREET AND THE CONCERT?!? OH MY GOD!!!" I started jumping up and down, which is completely out of character for me, but hey, she's famous, I love her songs, and she's really pretty! Heyy bragging rights! I looked at the seating chart for where we sat, hm... Section 8 seats 6 and 7.... "OH MY GOD WE ARE SITTING RIGHT IN THE FRONT OF THE STAGE. OH MY GOD!" I screamed again. 

"What's wrong girls?" My mom said walking into the room. 

"DAD GOT ME AND KOA CONCERT TICKETS TO ARIANA GRANDE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. 

"Oh wow! congrats girls!" My mom said hugging both me and Koa

"Me and your father are going to go out for the next 3 days, just to tour around California, so you two will have the house to yourselves, but remember, this is a new house, so no parties, and if you need to get anywhere you can call a taxi, there is some money at the top of the fridge." My mother said as my dad walked in. 

"Oh i see you girls found my gift." My dad said with a smile on his face. 

"Yeah, Thank you so much dad." I said happily.

"And yea mom, I got it. no parties, call a cab. okay." 

"Well Me and your father are leaving tonight, and your concert is tonight aswell, so, no getting drunk or anything!" My mom said jokingly. 

"Haha, thanks mom, oh and by the way, can me and Koa go out for the day?" I asked while clutching the tickets. 

"Yea sure, but be sure to be safe, and if you are not back by the time me and your father leave we will just assume you went straight to the concert, alright? I love you." She said before kissing my forehead. 

"Love you too mom." I said as she exited the room.  

I turned around to face Koa, "Well, looks like we're gonna have lots of fun for the next 3 days!" I said with a huge grin on my face. 

She took her ticket, and placed it in her wallet, I did the same with mine.  

"I call the bathroom!" I yelled as i grabbed my clothes to change into. 

I changed into my skinny jeans  and a floral crop top. I grabbed my neff beanie and put it on my head, then proceeded to put on my eyeliner and mascara. I have really long eyelashes so I didnt apply too much mascara.  I put on my lipbalm and dabbed some lipgloss on. I put my choker around my neck, and brushed my hair.  

"Done." I said as I walked out of the bathroom and put on my converse. 

Koa was wearing high waisted shorts, a white Tee with a black infinity sign in the middle,  converse, and a white bracelet. 

We walked outside and I grabbed my skateboard. 

"What? I thought we were gonna call a taxi?"  Koa said while grabbing her skateboard. 

"And go where? Not like we know our way around this place." I said while getting on my skateboard and heading to the buisness area. 

"Well how are we gonna get back?" Koa yelled trying to catch up with me.

"We tell them the address of the house stupid." I said back. 

"Oh. Okay." 

So we went to the mall in L.A. and damn was it a lot bigger than the mall in Hawaii.  Better stores too. 

"Wow. L.A. is nice." Koa said walking next to me. 

"I know. I'm kinda excited to move here." 

"Oh hey look at the pacsu-" Thats when someone bumped into me.

"Ow! Watch it Jer-" Matthew Espinosa.... Magcon boy and Vine star, How did i know? When we bumped into eachother i knocked his glasses off. 

"Sorry.." Matt said to me, but then glanced at my skateboard. 

"You skate?" Matt said pointing to my board. 

"Uh.. Yea." I said while blushing. 

"Wow that's pretty cool." He chuckled as he put his shades back on. 

"Hellooo?? I'm still here. Come on Jade lets go." Koa said pulling at my arm.

"Just a second Koa. God damn it." I said back. 

"Stop drooling over this random guy and let's go!" Koa began to walk away. 

"I'm your ride home!" I yelled to her. 

She stopped. "Oh right." She turned around and stood next to me. 

"So... maybe we should hang out some time." Matt said to me. 

"Yea, that would be great... we're going to an Ariana Grande concert tonight if you wanna come." I said to him. 

"Oh yea that would be great, I have a ticket aswell, funny.  Me and my friends were gonna go tonight, but I think going with you will be more fun." He grabbed out a pen. "Mind writing your number on my hand?" 

"Sure." I said taking the pen and writing down my number. "Can you write yours on mine? and I promise I wont give it out, I'm not that type of person." He wrote his number on my hand with his name underneath. 

"Oh right i forgot to put my name underneath." I took the pen and wrote my name. 

"Jade... nice name, don't worry. I promise I wont forget it." He lowered his sunglasses and winked at me as I blushed.  

"Haha. well, see you tonight then." I said while slowly walking away.

"See you tonight." He said back.

"Who the hell was that?" Koa said while hitting me on the shoulder. 

"No one." I said.

"His name is Matthew.  Tell me who it is." She said as she stopped walking.

"You will find out tonight." I said as I continued to walk. 


We decided to go see The Fault In Our Stars for the 5th time and we still had the same reactions. So we watched How To Train Your Dragon 2 right after, mostly because we needed to pass time by until the concert... 

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