Fallen Forms

By ringsx

5.9K 175 20

Some mature content but not enough to turn the thing on. Bella-All Powers-Wolf Ovi-All Powers-Wolf Scott-Air+... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
10 Years Later
Book 2
Oh Hey
Oh hey (part 2)

Part 5

271 7 0
By ringsx

-Shelby's P.O.V-

I'm fighting Scott. I don't know how I feel about this, I'm not sure if I can out run him, but I can use light to my advantage. Callum is fighting Lizzie and Joel is fighting Lauren. Scott an I are up first. The whistle blows, we both stand there, we're both strategic so our natural instinct it to wait to be attacked. Not knowing what else to do, I melt into a beam of light and watch him look around confused. He creates a cloud and sends it outside, it blocks the sun that's shining through the windows forcing me to hop out of my beam. I look at him, searching for his weaknesses. I fly into the air, Scott follows me on his cloud, I use a small beam of light my wings emit to hit him off, as he falls, I swoop down and pin him. The whistle blows, I won. I help Scott up and we walk out of the circle. Callum and Lizzie are up next.

-Lizzie's P.O.V-

I know Callum will beat me but I want to go down with a fight. Callum will stick to the ground where he feels most comfortable so I just have to get him in the air. I sent a beam of fire at his feet, he jumps to doge it. He sends a group of rocks at me, I doge them all. He jumps to doge things. I send another beam of fire at his feet, before her lands, I send another one, this forces him to land on his floating platform of land. I forgot he didn't have wings. I send a beam of fire at the platform crumbling it. Think Lizzie, think. Callum attacks with force rather that strategy, if he goes with strategy, Scott came up with it. I set the ground on fire which causes him to create another platform, his platform floats. I create my wings of fire and fly, when I get to the same level as him, I create a small gust of wind with my wings blowing his platform back. I have control. I use the small gusts to rock (ha, get it? ok, i'm done now) his platform back and fourth, eventually he loses his balance and falls off. I quickly extinguish the fire on the ground and pin him down. Whistle, I won.

-Lauren's P.O.V-

I walk into the circle. Joel and I both fight with strength and force. I try to come up with a plan like Shelby does. He'll most likely fight with water and vines. The cloud Scott mad had moved making the circle light again. Make him make a vine. I run around as he sprays water at me, even if it hit me, it wouldn't do much. Eventually, I stand still, he takes the opportunity to send a vine towards me, I doge it last minute and sink into the shadow it created. He keeps his eyes focused on the shadow. I get another shadow from the corner of the room and bring it closer to me, I hop from the shadow I'm in to the next one with out Joel noticing. I pop out of the shadow that's behind him, ready to pin him down when he turns around and pins me down with a vine. The whistle blows as Joel helps me up.
"Shadows like to go the sneaky route." He says, I think about how I tried to sneak up behind him.
"Ok guys, that's enough for today go do whatever the heck you want." Ovi says
"Within reason." Bella adds, I go to my room where my phone is buzzing, I completely forgot about my phone. It's Yammy.

"Yammy!" I say answering it
"Where have you guys been?! You just went missing." Yammy says
"Oh right. Uh, I can't really tell you..." I say
"Why? Were you kidnaped?" She asks
"If I was kidnaped I wouldn't have my phone." I say
"Ok, so what happened?" She asks
"I'm not sure if I can tell you that." I say
"Fine, I'll go call Lizzie." She says hanging up. I go downstairs to grab something to eat.
"Hey." Bella says, "We're getting more guardians."
"What? Who? Why?" I ask
"There's more protectors of England. Some of them have started giving off auras so we need to get them before the phantoms do." Ovi says, "Don't worry, you know them." I was about to ask who when I hear Yammy yelling at someone
"Would you put me down!" She yells aggravated, a magenta orb carried her through the doorway followed by a light blue orb carrying Joey.
"Yammy, Joey!" I say running towards them
"What is this place?" Joey says in awe
"Yammy, Joey, welcome." Bella says warmly
"Who are you?!" Yammy asks
"I'm Bella and this is Ovi." Bella says, "We're the original Forms."
"So what are we?" Joel asks
"You are the new generation of Forms, or some of them anyways." Bella says, "Yammy, the guardian of calm and restoration, and Joey, the guardian of chaos and destruction."
"Here." Ovi says handing them both boxes with their charm inside, "The orbs will show you to your rooms."
"Scott! Callum!" Bella calls
"Yes?" Scott asks coming down the stairs
"What?" Callum asks following Scott
"Can you guys teach Yammy and Joey, you know, get them up to speed with their abilities?" Ovi asks
"Sure, follow us." Scott says leading them outside

-Scott's P.O.V-

After explaining what was happening, Callum and I start to teach them.
"Fist lesson, forming." I say, "Callum with mostly be the one teaching you this since I form differently."
After some failed attempts, Yammy turned into a leopard and Joey became a tiger. I was expecting him to be a wolf but we don't really need anymore wolf people.
"What's your form Scott?" Joel asks
"I have a ton of different ones." I say
"What's your main form?" Yammy asks
"Probably a fox." I say
"So if you form differently, how do you do it?" Joey asks, I hold Yammy's wrist and turn into a leopard.
"I can turn into the form of the person I'm touching." I explain
"Do me!" Joey says eagerly, I become human, than a tiger.
"Ok, next lesson." Callum says, "Summoning your animals."
"This one's easier, you just stick your arm in the air, close your eyes and call for your animals mentally." I say. I close my eyes, stick my hand in the air and call for foxes, Callum does the same. Pretty soon there's a whole group of foxes surrounding us. Both Yammy and Joey do it successfully.
"Good, that's about it, Ovi told us to not teach you how to battle yet." Callum says, we all head inside and just hangout for a little. If there are more guardians, I wonder who'll come next.

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i wrote this back in 2017. pls ignore any mistakes i was young.
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