Maybe Matt

By todorokisslut

271 8 2


1 Month (Part 2)
29 Days
29 Days (Part 2)
28 Days
28 Days (Part 2)
27 Days
27 Days (Part 2)
27 Days (Part 3)
26 days (Matt's Birthday)
26 Days (Matt's Birthday Part 2)

1 month

21 0 0
By todorokisslut

Jade's P.O.V. 


"GOD DAMN IT YOU'RE STAYING FOR A WEEK NOT A GOD DAMN YEAR." I said while lugging her bags to the living room and approached the stairs.

"What you're just gonna leave them there?" She said to me while tying her hair.


She took her bags upstairs to my room and I trailed behind her and shut the door as we entered.  

"What are we gonna do?" she asked me while sitting on my bed.

"I don't know what we're even eating for dinner tonight never the less what we're gonna do for the nex-" she interrupted before i could finish my sentence. 

"no no, I mean about us both moving, about Kevin, about everything." 

"Well, I guess we could-" Interrupted again, but this time by a knock on the door.  "what mom?"

"Well... I have some news..." she said while walking in with some papers in her hands.. "We found the house we wanna move into in L.A." she showed me a picture of a decent sized house, brown paint, nice roof, obviously newly built.  "Your father wants you to see it."


"Oh  we're leaving tonight." She said while handing me a plane ticket. 

"What about Koa mom? She's here for the next week." 

"Oh yea I got her a ticket too, dont worry." She handed Koa a plane ticket and walked out of the room. 

I glanced over at Koa and she had a smile that was so big I thought her face was gonna freeze and I would have to keep her as a sculpture. 

"Why are you so smiley?" 

"Are you kidding?! You don't know?!" She said as she grabbed a pillow and hit my head.

"Obviously not... and Oww..."

"Magcon is there! The magcon boys!" 

"Yea so?" I sighed.

"They're hot!" 

"yea, okay. whatever. I gotta start packing." 

I grabbed my wallet, laptop, my IPhone, and a blanket to put in my carry on bag, then walked over to my suitcase to pack some clothes.  I grabbed my favorite shirts, shorts, jeans, shoes, everything that I loved because I like walking around in nice clothes, especially in somewhere like L.A. I tried on my favorite dress, and walked out of the bathroom. 

"Does it look okay?" I asked Koa who was sitting on my bed scrolling through instgram. 

She turned her head to look at me.

"it looks great." 

"you know you should get off your phone because we are leaving in 10 minutes."  I told her while grabbing my suitcase and my carry on to put at the front door. 

"Wait for me." She said while grabbing her suitcase and carry on. 

"Okay girls.. you ready?" My mom said at the front door. 

"yep." we both said in usion. 

"alright! lets go see our new house!" we all put our stuff in the trunk and got in the car. 

Once we got to the airport, we all walked through the security area with no problem. 

"Gate 13..." I said quietly while looking for the gate. 

We walked to the gate and sat there, waiting for out plane to start boarding passengers.  

"3 hour flight... not bad." I said while grabbing out my phone. 

"how much longer until the plane starts boarding?" Koa asked staring out the window. 

"about 5 minutes. They're still cleaning the plane, god Koa stop being so impatient." I laughed 

"Attention Passengers. Gate 13, Flight to Los Angeles California Is now boarding." The lady over the loud speaker said. 

"that's us." Mom said while getting up. 

We boarded the plane and took our seats. We watched the lame "safety video" that's required before every flight, and eventually, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

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