Wings of a War

By CatsWillFly551

32K 876 392

Percy Jackson has just finished his second war. He's happy, keeping the nightmares at bay with Annabeth. But... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

School Shooting

1.7K 34 28
By CatsWillFly551

Ok, just listen to me for a minute. I know everyone hates ANs, but this is serious. Just listen, and please consider what I have to say.

There are ten more Angels in Heaven today.....
Let us take a moment to just wish those people who were injured in the Sante Fe school shooting today, and hope that they get better. Let us take a moment to pray, if you do that, for those family's who were affected, just hope and wish that they are ok, and send our support. Just take a moment, and think. .
This is horrible. All of it. The fact that people think they have a right to take a child's life, before they even got to experience life. They will never know true love. They will never marry. They will never start a family with someone. They will never grow old, and die with the ones they love. Their lives were cut too short, all because someone decided to play God. This is not ok. But we also might have caused this. These mentally unstable people might be our fault. Think of that kid who never had friends. That kid who never spoke. That kid, that one kid, all they needed was a friend. And no one gave them one.
So, help prevent these horrible shootings. Be a friend to someone who needs it. Lift each other up, and together, we can put an end to these horrible school shootings. We can do it. But only if we are United.

I hope everyone who was affected by this will be ok, and just know that I an hopefully the entire nation care, and wish you a speedy recovery. For those who haven't heard, another school shooting happened early today, where a 17 year old walked into the Sante Fe Highschool, and shot down 9 students and one teacher. When I last checked 13 were hospitalized. I will pray for everyone, though I don't understand how a higher being could let this happen. But I will pray, and hope for the best. No child family, or any person in general should feel what these families are feeling right now.

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