A Jedi's Journey

By thedjgirl

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Contu Wan-Gi is a twelve year old girl from the planet of Alderaan. Her parents have recently arranged for th... More

A Jedi's Journey
Welcome to Tatooine
The Hunt
Authors note
Canva, Kenobi, Baegon, Wan-Gi
Whose side are you on?
A Past Revisited
More trouble
Trial one - Deception
Trial two - Stubborness
Trial three - family
Now what? (Epilogue)


384 19 5
By thedjgirl

Cai picked himself off of the ground and winced as the pain where the girl had kicked him set in. "She's got a nice kick!" Exclaimed a nearby nurse. Cai glared at her and exited via nearby window. He saw the girl and Kenobi taking. He was about to attack when the girl gave back his lightsaber. Better not. I'll bide my time and strike when he's least expecting it. The thought brought a smile to his face. He followed the two as the young girl pulled Kenobi up to a ship. A ship he was all to familiar with. "Laeta! He turned traitor, huh? Well that's something I didn't see coming." He threw a homing device onto the lower wing and made his way back to his starship. "Ami! Engines up!" He shouted to his pilot, yanking her from her sleep.

"Whah? Oh! You came back! Where are we headed?" She hit a bunch of buttons and looked back at him, waiting for an answer.

Cai rolled his eyes at her behavior. "Thalken, you'll be the death of me I swear. We're following another starship."

She mouthed an 'oh' and turned on the engines.

Cai rolled his eyes again and did a mental once over of her. 'Ami Thalken, [Āmē Thäl-kén], Imperial Rogue pilot, age: seventeen, gender: female, hair color: blonde, eye color: cobalt blue. Overal analysis: Pain in the rear end but looks amazingly attractive while being one.

[A/N: The Imperial Rogue unit is a special team that works specifically for Vadar. All of Vadar's seceret apprentices were a part of the Imperial Rogue unit. So when Cai says Ami is a Imperial Rogue pilot, he's saying that she pilots for Vadar without Papatine's knowledge or approval. She thinks she's working for the Empire though. Ok? Just thought I would clarify!]

Now it was time to prepare for Kenobi. He was no longer badly injured so Cai would need to be on his A-game.

PROXY analysis:

Name: Obi-wan Kenobi

Aliases: Obi, Ben

Hair color: Sandy brown

Eye color: Ice blue

Occupation: Jedi Master, Hermit

Other: Supposed Rebel Alliance leader and thought to be the father of children killed by Lord Vader. None of this can be proven though.

Cai let out a exasperated sigh. This guy would be a tough kill. If he could kill him! He just hoped that he didn't have to contact his master before he tried to kill Kenobi. His hoped were soon crushed as his comlink buzzed.

"Yes Master?"

"Have you killed Kenobi yet?"

Cai winced. "No. He recovers much faster than anticipated. Aside the fact that his apprentice is much more skilled that I first believed." He was actually still hurting from the last duel she and he had.

"Apprentice? Tell me more about this... apprentice." Vadar's voice, usually void of emotion, was filled with curiosity.

Cai took a deep breath and began to recall every detail he could. "She's young. With brown hair that reaches her shoulders. She also, has brown eyes to match." He struggled to find words for the young girl he had seen. "She is average height. Perhaps a bit shorter. I never did catch a name. She knew I was a Sith right off the bat and knew her way around a lightsaber. That's the only reason I assumed she was Kenobi's apprentice. That's all I can remember of her, Master."

"It's alright Cai. Obi-wan can be very unpredictable at times. The fact that he took a female apprentice worries me though. He is changing. Making him more unpredictable than ever before. You will need to be on your highest alert and guard. Never let it down for a moment. For that is when he will strike."

Cai gulped as the sound of Vadar's breathing disappeared.

"And that goes there. Right?" She asked Obi-wan as she put the finishing touches on her lightsaber.

"Yes. Now use the Force to seal and finish it." He was quite impressed with how fast she learned.

Contu smiled. "Ok." The peices of the light sword, that had been laid out, now lifted in the air and moved towards eachother. Interlocking and connecting, creating a working machine. A machine that would serve as a weapon and symbol that stated she was a Jedi. The small braid in her hair stated she was an apprentice/padawan learner. The thought pleased her. Contu smiled as the final peice of the lightsaber clicked into place. Taking the cylindrical device into her hand, she ignited the green blade for the first time. "I did it!"

"Yes you did. But don't be too pleased with yourself. You still don't know how to use it yet." Obi-wan smiled at the girl who was excelling at her training faster than anyone he had ever seen. If only Yoda could meet her. Perhaps he can but just not now.

Contu jumped up and down eagerly. "Can you start teaching me now Master Obi? Please?"

"It's Obi-wan! We shall start in the morning. Do not be overly eager my young padawan." He chuckled as he grabbed his things and headed off towards a bedroom.

Contu smiled and walked out into the cockpit. Laeta was dozing off in the pilot's chair with his mouth wide open. She was about to walk out when something caught her eye...... a lightsaber? Only Jedi and Sith carried them! She brought it to her through the Force and ignited it. Oh thank goodness. She let out a breath. The blade was blue.

"What are you doing?" Laeta had woken up.

She held out the blade. "I could ask you the same thing. Why do you have a lightsaber?"

The blade flew from her hand and landed in his. "It belonged to my father. But before you ask, yes I am a Force user. My father trained me in the Jedi arts before he was captured." He put the lightsaber back in it's place. "So technically I'm a Jedi Master now. I've never actually completed my training but there is no one to help me complete it." He turned a few dials and pushed a few buttons. "All of the Jedi are now dead. The remaining ones already have apprentices or are refusing to take others."

Contu felt bad for him. "You know, you should talk to Obi-wan. He may know of someone who is still taking apprentices."

"Who may know of someone who is still taking apprentices?" Obi-wan came into the room and sat in the nearest chair.

"You Obi. Do you know of any Jedi still taking apprentices? Laeta needs someone who can help him finish his training." Contu smiled at her Master and sat down next to him.

"Well..." He didn't look overly optimistic. "I know of one and one only. Her name is Jedi Master Lima Kashaak. She is a really good 'friend' of mine."

Laeta had a grim that spread from ear to ear. "Great! Where do we find her?"

"That's the other thing..." Obi looked up at Laeta from his seat. He didn't want to disappoint the kid but he knew his limitations. "I haven't spoken to master Kashaak since the purge. So I really don't know where she is."

"You're lying." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. But Contu knew it was true. She could see right through his lie like it were a transparent film in front of his face.

Obi-wan chuckled. He couldn't help it! This girl suprised him every time he turned around! "The truth is, I have to protect her. If I take you to her, then I will inadvertadly have led the Empire to her."He tried to explain. "The Empire and more specifically, Vadar, is trying to find me. So, they are tracing my steps and some have even tried to follow me. So if I take you to Master Kashaak, then Vadar will find her. But I refuse to let that happen. Does that make sense?"

The two kids shook their head in agreement.

"But I'm still no better off than I was before." Laeta groaned as he swiveled his chair back towards the control panel.

Contu felt sorry for him. She couldn't imagine being that close to finishing her training and have her master being taken from her. That would be awful.

"I understand how you feel, Laeta." Obi? Understand? How? "When I was a padawan learner, I had my Master taken from me. Jedi Master Qui-gon Jinn. He was my best friend. We were protecting the current queen of Naboo at that time, when a Sith Lord attacked us and killed Qui-gon." A single tear rolled down his face as he thought of his lost friend. "The Jedi council agreed to grant me the title of Jedi Master at that point. But to me, I felt as if I hadn't earned it. Because Qui-gon wasn't able to fully complete my training, I worked my hardest to learn and become a Jedi that would make him proud. To this day I am still working to make him proud. Qui-gon was like a father to me and I miss him greatly. So I understand how you feel. Really I do."

Contu looked up and saw tears rolling down Laeta's face. The tears were on Obi's as well. In her opinion, the two of them had just forged a bond that lightning couldn't break. A similar experience can make or break a friendship. That much she knew for sure.

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