His alpha female mate

By gladersinneverland

155K 4.3K 546

Then her head whipped up. Her angry but beautiful green eyes were glaring over at the bench with the bread t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
A.N and questions
Chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37

Chapter 18

3.8K 117 7
By gladersinneverland

Kyra Pov

"Hey acel!" Saden said sitting down next to him. He glanced at her for a second before looking back down at the book in his hand "How are you?"

"What the hell do you want" he gritted out whilst turning the page of his book

Sighing saden folded her arms "look I feel bad for you because of the way I've been treating you ever since I've met you "

Acel sighed, closing his book. he looked up at saden "coltan and drefan ditched you didn't they? Look if you think that I'm going to forgive you because you feel sorry for yourself then you can go." Then he stood up "I've got enough going on as it is" then he turned around and started to walk off.

A growl erupted then acel was slammed into the wall.

"Kyra are you okay?" Jaimins warm brown eyes brought me back to reality

"Acels in trouble" I breath out whilst standing up. I slowly started walking to the door.

Jaimin jumped in front of me "whoa what? How'd you know that?"

I growled "I'll tell you later. Just move!" I shoved him out of the way and ran out of the room and to the study hall.  When I got there a crowd was in the middle of the room. 'Fight!' Was being chanted.

Jaimin ran up next to me "acel just mindlinked me to help him, it's saden"

"I know" I growled out before marching into the crowd. Pushing my way through. When I got to the front I saw acel on the floor with saden on top of him, repeatedly punching.

I marched into the center and grabbed her hair. She yelped in pain and surprise. Then I slammed her into the wall. My hand around her neck.

"You just won't quit will you?" I seethed out. She started to claw at my hand. I growled at her "why are you doing this?"

She made a whimper. I slammed her against the wall again "why?!"

"B-because o-of ...ahh .... you!" She screamed at the end. I let go of her throat. She immediately brought her hands to her throat. A glare was directed at me "because of you"

"Me?" I questioned, an eyebrow rising in humour of her answer. Out of all of the things she could of said, she had to say me " how is it because of me?"

"Because you abandoned me!" She snapped. I rolled my eyes, here we go again "you and I used to be best friends then you abandoned me for those two bitches!"

I clenched my jaw "what does this have to do with you attacking Acel, not to mention tormenting my mate and his friends for year" she started to stutter for a second "exactly! Me finding new friends has nothing to do with you bullying them. This is all on you"

She started breathing heavily, the glare getting stronger "why do you care so much for these pathetic excuses of werewolves?"

I growled at that "you better leave right now or so help me I'm gonna beat you to a pulp" I seethed out whilst getting in her face. Her face paled at she quickly scampered away.

My eyes were switching between colours meaning my wolf wanted out. As soon as I turned round to everyone they all took a step back. Except for jaimin, no he stepped forward, arms wide open. Without a second thought I leapt into his arms. As soon as the sparks and his scent surrounded me my wolf instantly calmed down.

"What the hell happened in here?" Ameera asked whilst walking into the room with Brendan behind her, looking at the surrounding crowd. Most were awing at jaimin and I. She then gasped when her eyes landed on Acel "who did that?"

She then marched into the center of the crowd "Alright which one of you ugly ass people attacked my friend? It was you wasn't it green eyed bill!" She pointed at a random student. His face paled. Wait a second he doesn't even have green eyes.

"M-my names darren" the boy said in a shaking voice. Great there's another thing wrong.

Ameera snorted "you look more like a bill" then she tilted her head to the side "or a Pete"

"I was thinking more of a Greg" Brendan commented, Ameera clicked her fingers in agreement.

Sighing I released my grip from jaimin "Alright everyone shows over, walk away before I set Ameera on you. I'm looking at you Greg!"

Just like that everyone scattered, Ameera ran over and hugged Acel who winced. She quickly let go and guided him to an empty table, the rest of us following. After Acel was done explaining Ameera growled.

"At least the second best was there to help you" she muttered whilst counting her coins "damn I'm 10p short for coffee!"

Suddenly a silver 10p was placed in front of her "go" her mate said with a smile. She squealed kissing his cheek before running off to the coffee machine. Brendan sighed before looking back to Acel and jaimin "Im gonna ask Ameera to move in with us"

Both boys eyes widened "what?" Jaimin said in a shocked voice "there's no room in our flat we all barely fit in there"

I scrunched up my eyebrows "why didn't you guys just move into the pack house, it doesn't cost anything"

Brendan let out a fake laugh then looked straight at jaimin with a blank look "she's funny" he deadpanned.

Jaimin growled "hey watch it" then he turned to me with a small smile "we didn't want to go to the pack house because of the way that the pack treat us, we get enough abuse at school"

I licked my bottom lip "well things are different now, it wouldn't be permanent and after the events today I wouldn't be surprised if Ameera moved in there, so she could watch your backs. Plus you could save up more money for car repairs or a better car"

Acel shrugged "she has a point"

"Yeah that is a good idea" Jaimin mumbled then he looked up at me with a smirk "what do you mean by it's not permanent?"


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