Lost Love

By The_Reader1001

11.4K 281 38

being kicked out of Team Natsu hurt Lucy more then she would like to admit. she had tried not to show it but... More

Thing's only get better
a new home
Three Months in
Harsh Memories
The Three Knights
1 Year - A Day Out
A Day Out pt.2
back home
Don't over work yourself
Guard Bird
An Old Friend
A New Guild
A new member
Task 1
A day in the town
Task 2
First battle
Under the moonlight
Day 3
The seven minuet match
New members
Rouge vs Elfman
Gray vs Jura
Love Rival
The Challenge
The Match

Capture the Base

473 12 0
By The_Reader1001

a week later

Auma's way of waking everyone up at the crack of dawn was to bang on a huge gong until everyone was yelling at her to shut up. but the loud noise had caused me to burry deeper into my bed to tone out the noise. which also causes me to fall back asleep.

"Lucy!" Levy yells and yanks my blankets off of me. shivering as the cool air hits my skin i curl tighter. "get up" shaking my shoulders she yells in my ears. i only grummble in response, stubbourny staying in bed. "Lucyyyy! get up" grabbing my ankles she pulls me off of the bed.

desprelty grabbing at my blankets i hold on for dear life, but it hardly makes a diffrence. "levy!" i whine just as my arms give out and we collapse on the floor in a heap. levy cries out in surprise as i land on top of her and my blnkets fall on top of me.

groaning i crul up on top of her and pull my blankets in further, using her as a pillow. "Lucy!" levy groansa but doesn't make mush of a move to get me off her. in fact she does the opposite and closes her eyes, using the end of my blanket as a pillow.

"girls hurry up or i'm comming in!" Auma calls out and bangs on the door but it's too late because the two are alreay fast asleep. "are you two even awake? i'm coming in"

the door opens and Auma steps in, from behind her the two boys peer over her shoulder at the heap on the floor and snicker. Auma clicks her fingers and her walking stick flys into the room, hoverig above the two sleeping figures.

"it's to early for this" Lucy mumbles and lifts her head to glare at the intruders.

"ah good, so you are awake." Auma smiles and the walking stick returns to her hand. levy says something unelegible and Lucy just grumbles in reply. "Levy darling, are you okay?"

"i would be better if lucy wasn't using me as a pillow right now" wriggling Levy pulls an arm out from under Lucy.

"do i even want to know how this happened?' Rouge questions with a defeted look.

"yeah, i want to know" Sting answers in glee.

"i swear Luce, if i didn't know better i would say that you where not a morning person." pushing the blonf off of her Levy sits up.

"i'm not, atleast not today" rubbing her eyes Lucy stands up and pulls her blakets off of levy. "we'll get changed just give me a minuet"

"yes, well since your all here i suppose its best to tell you now." catching their attention four eyes turn to stare at her. "once you have done your moning routene you have the rest of the day off to do what you like besides train."

"really?" Sting excalims looking like a kid o christmas morning.

"yes, it is imporant to keep your bodys in good condidtion so that means resting. once a week we'll have a rest day where i expect you to rest and not train." fulled with renewed energy the four students pipe up.

"yass" Lucy flops back down onto her bed.

"that is after you've dome your morning routine so hurry up and change or we'll leave with out you" closing the door behind herself Auma leaves the room.

"well this is weird" the four students had finished their morning routine they had retired to the lounge.

"yeah, can't say i quite like this feeling"

"geeze, when the old lady said a day off i was excited but this just sucks." sting sighs and leans back. without any training to do the four where left incrediably board.

"i never thought i would say this but i miss training" Lucy pouts, fiddling with the necklace around her neck.

"there has got to be something to do around here" standing up Levy patts down her top. "what did you guys do at sabertooth when you wernt on missions?" the two boys share a devilous look.


"this is such a bad idea" Levy complains and wacks a leaf out of her way.

"i don't know, this doesn't actually seem like a bad idea." Lucy dodge the leaf as it flies back as her.

"they can literally smell us Luce, i don't see how this is very fair" apparently the boys idea of a game was to play capture the base in the forest. but with their super human senses the two girls where at a bit of a disadvantage. that was proven pretty fast, when the girl kept loosing.

"don't worry, i have a way to mask our sent" pulling on her sleeve to slow her down i crouch down. "Erza and i used to cover ourselves in mud to mask our sent's" picking up a hand full of mud i smere it over my neck and face.

"ewww" she scrunches her face up.

"oh come on, it's actually kinda fun." grabbing another hand full i throw it at her, it lands with a loud splat.

"ah! that was totaly unfair" scooping up more Levy throws it at me. smirking i grab up two handfuls and slap both her checks.

gasping in surprise levy tackles me and we end up rolling around in the mud. oh to hell with it, i think and splatter a much mud as possible on her and she me. my back hits a tree and we both collapse away puffing and mud covered.

"we should probably get moving or their going to find us" levy help herself up, ignoring my hand asking for help. grumbling i push myself up. "here" she hands me half of the white sheet that we where using as our flag. "this way the'll have to catch both of us to win" tying it around my wrist she looks me over.


"just making sure that i'm not forgetting anything. just remember that you also have to be careful of their super hearing." i quickly tie her strand of sheet around her hand and we both step apart.

"okay, their flag is at the training grounds" in order to make it easier for us the boys had decided to tell us where their flag would be. "i'll cause the distraction you get the flag" levy nods and we both split off.

the point of the white flag was that if the other team, the ones who were defending the pole, got a hold of it they would win.

"you've got this Lucy" i whisper to myself and approach the edge of the trees. Sting and rouge where stationed on either sides on the pole. stepping out i stay close to the edge and walk around, crouching low.

you just have to look suspicious, then make a scene and distract them. easier said then done. okay distraction, bending down i scoop up the largest and heaviest rock i could find.

"heave ho" i mutter and throw it as far away from me as i could muster. it lands with a loud thump and i duck behind a tree, thankfully the mud helps me to blend in. keeping my breathing level i take short quiet breaths.

now what? searching the ground i find a reasonable looking stick and pick it up. glancing over my shoulder to make sure their not paying me any attention, i aim my throwing arm. throwing it as hard as i can i aim it at Rouge, who's the closest.

he turns and catches it before it's even hit him, squeaking in surprise i duck down behind a bush, pressing myself into the ground. now I've definitely gotten his attention. i can hear the crunch of leaves under his shoes as he makes his way towards where i'm hiding.

for some reason my heart speeds up. i need something. if i move now he'll see me, if i stay here he'll see me. out of the corner of my eye i see something fly through the air, so dose Rouge and suddenly his attention is on the other corner of the clearing.

breathing out in relief i pick up another stick and find Sting. glancing over at rouge i make sure he's still distracted before flinging it at the blond, like rouge he catches it before it can hit him and swirls around.

but i'm faster ducking behind a tree to hide. good now i have both of their attention, what next. i i engage in a fight with one of them then the other will still be watch. i have to trap them somehow.

i search my surroundings for something until a vine hanging off one of the trees close by catches my attention.

"bingo" i mutter. crouching low i tip toe between bushes until i'm at the desired tree. gently pulling the green vine down i test it's strength. good, this'll hold one of them. pulling my dagger out of my boot i cut it in half.

tying one end around the three i stretch it out to act as a trip rope and tie it around the next closest tree. now i just have to cover it in leaves and, ta-da! you can hardly notice it.

now time for part two. the trip rope is set right in front of a rather thick tree, so all he has to do is fall into the tree then i can pounce out and tie him up. it all just in the timing. taking two stick off the ground i throw one at Rouge, whoes the closest, to catch his attention.

he looks over at my direction with an annoyed face.

"quit with all the games already" he wines.

"we know your out there!" Sting taunts. Rouge scans the trees and as his eyes pass away from me i chuck the second stick and dart back behind the tree, making sure to rustle the leaves under my feet as a rouse.

listening to his foot steps as he gets closer i calm my nerves. you can do this. i tell myself, tightening my grip on the long vine in my hands.

one step

two steps

on more then he'll be at the trip vine. letting out a breath of air i crunch some leaves under my foot, trying to draw him in. and it works.

one more imbalanced step and Rouge lets out a shout of surprise as he topples forwards. pouncing forwards i work fast, wrapping the vine around the tree and his chest. before he even knows what happening I've finished and am now tying it behind the tree.

"what no!" he shouts in annoyance, wriggling profusely, almost ripping the vine out of my hands.

"sorry not sorry" i whisper and secure the knot.

stepping out into the clearing i hold out my knife a a weapon and face Sting, who had heard the commotion and come over to check it out.

"hum, taking out the competition one by one i see." he laughs. "i bet Levy's hiding in the trees just waiting to pounce" i smile.

"yeah something like that" you have no idea.

"well then i suppose i had better finish you off fast to give her a reason to show herself." smiling with his teeth he jumps forwards with his own dagger held forwards. Auma had started training us to use daggers this week, so we where required to keep one on us.

none of us was good at the attacking part, mostly we where best at the dodging and trying not to get stabbed part. but we where also clumsy, so on more then one occasion we would end up tripping over our own feet.

i just needed to stall, nothing else. ducking under his arm i jump a few steps away. he balances himself and turns back to me with a pout.

"aw come on!" he wines "your not even going to try? where's the fun in that?"

"Sting the pole!" Rouge shouts in alarm. but Sting isn't fast enough, by the time he's turned Levy already half way across the clearing.

"no" he hisses. he steps back and already from that stance i can tell what he's about to do, a super jump that would cause him to catch up with levy in less then a second. i move without much thinking and tackle him to the ground.

we land with a loud thump, me on top of him. looking up i place a hand on his chest to watch as Levy holds up the stick. I can't help the massive grin the makes it's way onto my face and the laugh that freely slips out of my lips.

"yeah!" she yells, wearing the same look on her face as me.

"aw, your getting mud all over me" Sting complains from under me but when i look down i can see a small smile on his face. "get off" the smile vanishes when he sees me looking and roughly i am pushed away.

"humph" glaring at him i have to hold back the urge to poke my tongue out like a child. even though i had been spending every day with the two dragon slayers i had still not talked very much to them. And when we did talk it was arguing and teasing. i was a little nicer with Rouge then Sting, but that was only because he was nicer to me.

"what are you three doing?" Auma's strict voice cuts though the air.

"four" Rouge steps out of the woods, shrugging off the green vines that i had used to tie him up.

"we are playing capture the base." Sting picks himself up off the ground, wiping the mud off that i had splattered onto him.

"yes i can see that, but i thought i told you no exercise." putting her hands on her hips she stares the four of us down as we gravitate towards her.

"you said no training" Rouge points out but shuts up at the look on their masters face.

"i said, no physical exercise. now get yourselves cleaned up at the waterfall and head back inside." groaning the we slump and turn on our heels to face the forest, i wait a moment to for levy as she stick the pole back into the ground.

"oh, and good job girls. it was smart to go with tactics rather than strength." she compliments before turning away. Levy and i share a knowing smile, Auma doesn't compliment us much.

"yeah, it was a good idea." i mutter as Levy and i make our way to the waterfall.

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