The Girl in the Music Shop

Por JaneKiley713

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I felt a hand brush my thigh, pulling me out of my dazed state. I looked at the handsome boy and instantly re... Mais

The Girl in the Music Shop
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Part II)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Bonus Chapter
Recent Events

Chapter 18

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Por JaneKiley713

Ain't No Other Man- Christina Aguilera






I finally got my winter break. After months of non-stop studying, late night trips to the library, and worrying about Emmett, I had a break. The first day of my break I was rudely awoken by Imogen and Emmett fighting in the kitchen. I groaned and rolled out of bed to go yell at them for waking me up. Don't get me wrong, I love those two idiots to death, but when they wake me up at six in the morning, heads will roll.

"Imogen, take it off the burner!" Emmett shouted. "You'll burn the freaking pancakes!"

"I'm trying, you baffoon! Yelling at me will not do anything!" She yelled back.

"Quiet down or you'll wake Ella up. We both know she's not a morning person!" Emmett exclaimed. 

"To late, Emmett. You two woke me up." I mumbled, shuffling into the kitchen. "It's my first day of break, what are you two doing?" I asked, making my way over to Emmett. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"We wanted to make you breakfast." Imogen said, gesturing to the mess on the skillet.

"I told you I was capable of cooking, Im. I'm not inept at this, you know." Emmett mumbled. "We can go out for breakfast, if you want, sweetheart."

"Sure." I mumbled into his chest. I was starting to fall asleep again. He was just so warm and I was cold and I'm just so used to falling asleep on his chest, I just did it immediately. I heard Emmett chuckle as he picked me up and carried me back to bed. "I'm up." I mumbled into his neck.

"Sure you are, Ella." He said softly. "Are you all packed? We have to leave for your parent's house by one if we want to beat traffic."

"Emmett, you packed everything last night." I said, raising my head to look at him. "Calm down, babe. We'll be there on time to get my room before one of my cousins does."

"I know, I know." He said, sitting me on the bed. "What would you like to wear today?"

"Something warm." I mumbled, pulling my knees to my chest. Emmett rummaged through my side of the dresser and pulled out black leggings and a thick grey sweater. He kissed my forehead and left the room so I could change. I came out five minutes later and we left for IHOP. Ever since Emmett came back from bringing his mom home, he's been antsy. He won't tell me why though, which is a little suspicious since he like to tell me a lot of things. That's how good our relationship is going. After eating a hefty breakfast, we went home and said good-bye to Imogen and her boyfriend before taking off to go home.

"Emmett," I said as he entered the pike. "Are you sure you're alright? You've been antsy the past few weeks." Emmett took my hand and raised it to his lips for a chaste kiss.

"Sweetheart, I'm fine. I'm just excited to see little Angel, that's all." He assured me. I nodded even though I didn't believe him. As we drove, I hooked up my phone to the port and hit shuffle. I wanted a song to sing along with. After a few songs played through, Ain't No Other Man came on. I flashed Emmett a wide grin as I turned up the volume so I could sing along.

"(Do your thang honey)

I could feel it from the start
Couldn't stand to be apart
Something bout you caught my eye
Something moved me deep inside

I don't know what you did boy but you had it
And I've been hooked ever since

I told my mother, my brother, my sister and my friends
Told the others, my lovers from past and present tense
That every time I see you everything starts making sense

(Do your thang honey)

Ain't no other man can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man on the planet does what you do
You're the kinda guy a girl finds in a blue moon
You got soul, you got class, you got style with your bad ass..." 

Emmett chuckled and took my hand in his, lacing out fingers together as I sang loudly and off key. On purpose, of course.

"Ain't no other man, it's true

Ain't no other man but you

Never thought I'd be alright, no no no
Til you came and changed my life, yeah yeah yeah
What was cloudy now is clear, yeah yeah
You're the light that I needed

You got what I want boy and I want it
So keep on givin' it up

So tell your mother, your brother, your sister and your friends
And the others, your lovers, better not be present tense
Cause I want everyone to know that you are mine and no one else's

Ain't no other man can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man on the planet does what you do..." 

I leaned over and kissed his cheek lightly, smiling against his skin. This song was practically made for us, and I loved singing it. Emmett turned his head quickly to smile at me before returning his attention to the road.

"You're the kinda guy a girl finds in a blue moon

You got soul, you got class, you got style with your bad ass

Ain't no other man, it's true
Ain't no other man but you

(Break it down now)

Ain't no other, ain't, ain't no other other
Ain't no other, ain't, ain't no other lover
Ain't no other, I-I-I need no other
Ain't no other man but you

You are there when I'm a mess
Talk me down from every ledge
Give me strength, boy you're the best
You're the only one who's ever passed every test

Ain't no other man can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man on the planet does what you do
You're the kinda guy a girl finds in a blue moon
You got soul, you got class, you got style with your bad ass

Ain't no other man, it's true
Ain't no other man but you
And now I'm telling you
Said ain't no other man but you!

Ain't no other man can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man on the planet does what you do
You're the kinda guy a girl finds in a blue moon
You got soul, you got class, you got style with your bad ass

Ain't no other man, it's true
Ain't no other man but you..." 

For the rest of the ride Emmett and I talked and laughed and joked and switched drivers half way through. I was so lucky to have him. When we reached home, it was around two in the afternoon. Mom and Dad were probably finding all her siblings a place to stay. When I say all her siblings, I mean the ones that are biological and the ones my babushka and ded adopted from the dancing company. So there was about twelve or thirteen in all plus children. So on Mom and Dad's side we were looking at about sixty-four people, not including Mom, Dad, Isaac and Wyatt. On Papa and Baba's side, there was Natalie and Dustin and their five kids and my dad's little sister Sarah and her husband, Cooper. So on Papa's side, there would be about nine people, not including Papa, Baba, Shawn, Chris, Ebony and Angel. So in total, there would be seventy three people, maybe, plus my four parents, ten siblings, Emmett and his mom, and me. So... about ninety people.

This will probably shock Emmett, but normally for Thanksgiving, we do get that many people. This year I think my mother's oldest sister and brother will be in Europe with a few of the people from the company and Babushka for thanks giving so there will be about thirty nine people there without those peole, plus my step-grandmother won't be there, most likely, so there will be thirty-eight people. Oh, and this year Imogen, her boyfriend Mark, and her dads will be their, so forty-two people this year. Not a bad turnout.

"So, how many people will there be at Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow?" Emmett asked from the passenger seat.

"About forty-two people. That includes you, me, Im, Mark, and her dads and your mom." I said.

"Your entire family will be in town?" He gulped.

"No, silly!" I said with a smile. "There will be roughly fifty people missing, if there wasn't fifty people missing there'd be about.... ninety-five or so people this year." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Emmett gulp. Was he nervous? He shouldn't be, my family will love him.

"Wow, forty-two people... that's a lot." He whispered. I turned into Mom and Dad's driveway and stopped the car. I turned towards my boyfriend and kissed his lips lightly.

"Emmett, you have nothing to worry about. My family will love you because I love you." I said as I pulled back. Emmett smiled at me and leaned into kiss me as my door was flung open and my Dad threw his arms around my middle.

"Ella," Dad said, kissing my face. I laughed and hugged him tight, kissing his cheek lightly.

"Hi, Daddy." I said as I was pulled from the car. Emmett followed suit and met the first part of my family. After dad let me go, my mother and brothers hugged me. Then Grandpa Rodger, Dad's dad, hugged me, then the rest of my mom's biological siblings and their children hugged me, then Ethan and Hunter (A.K.A. Imogen's dad's) practically killed me with their bearhugs. I introduced everyone to Emmett, and like I predicted, they loved him immediately. I couldn't wait until tomorrow.




After a long night of catching up, Emmett and I collapsed on my bed for a long sleep. Tomorrow was going to be crazy. Mom would be on the phone pretty much all day with Baba trying to coordinate who has to make what and when we should all go to the dance studio. Yes, our Thanksgiving meal was always done at the dance studio my mom and dad own. It could actually fit us all comfortably. Emmett and I spent half the day in bed, cuddling and kissing and taking care of Angel. Shawn had come over quickly to drop of Angel and Chris after he dropped Ebony off at Alana's house. The less people in Papa's house was the better because Mom and Baba would literally have people driving as fast as they could to steal whatever was sitting on the front stoop for what they had to make.

"Emmett, once we're married, I want four babies just like Angel." I said, stroking the dark tuftets on her head. Emmett chuckled and kissed my lips gently.

"Once you're out of college, we'll focus on little Larkens." Emmett promised me.

"You promised." I said, and I intend on holding him to it. Emmett smiled as he placed the three month old on his chest. She squaked and moved her heavy head onto her brother-in-law's chest and let it stay there as she fell asleep. I grabbed Emmett's hand and laced our fingers together.


"Yes, sweetheart?" Emmett asked, turning his head towards me.

"You know that I love you, right?" I asked. "And I do want to get married to you some day. I really do--" Emmett pressed a finger to my lips to silence me.

"I do know, sweetheart. I will propose to you everyday until you say yes, okay?" He asked. I nodded. "I do it because I love you." He told me, making me smile.

"I love you." I echoed.

"Ella, Emmett, get ready to go!" Dad hollered from the bottom of the stairs. I groaned and got up. We were dressed, but I still had to get Angel ready and do my hair and minimal make-up Mom was making me put on.

"Can you get the baby ready while I'm getting ready?" I asked, moving towards the door to the bathroom my brothers and I share.

"Yeah, go get ready, Ella." He said, placing Angel on the bed and grabbing her a new diaper and her little dress. Once everyone in the house was ready, we filed into as many cars as we could and made our way to the dance studio. Amelia and my Papa's family were already waiting for us as my Mom's huge family pulled into the parking lot. Angel had fallen asleep again in Emmett arms as we entered the already set up studio. My parents set up the food on the tables that were set up along the mirrors.

Everyone eventually got their food and sat down. We started laughing and talking and catching up on old times. I introduced my Aunt Sarah to my boyfriend and she immediately took to harassing him, which I loved. Emmett didn't seemed overwhelmed at the size of my family, which is a good thing if things between us keep going good. Dad came over as people started getting up for desert and mumbled something to Emmett. He nodded in response and took my hand to lead me to the front of the room. My mom smiled at me as she tapped her glass and everyone turned their attention to us.

"Emmett," I hissed. "What's going on?" He just smiled at me and took both my hands in his as he quickly kissed my forehead.

"Eleanor Paige Beal-Stevens, I love you so very much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He started. I sucked in a deep breath as he got down on one knee, keeping eye contact with me the entire time. Oh. My. God. He's really doing this.

"I know I've asked you this a lot since I first asked you, and I've meant every single proposal. But this proposal will be different, sweetheart. I have one condition to this proposal, it's actually very simple. First, you have to look past all my flaws, my stupidity, my regretable past--"

"I already do that Emmett." I whispered, my fingers gripping his. Emmett smiled at me and kissed my fingers lightly.

"Will you let me finish, Ella?" He teased. "You have to look passt my regratable past and do this one thing for me at the end of this engagement. You have to drop your two part last name and take my very simple name." Emmett flashed me a smile as he released one hand and fished in his trousers for a black velvet box.

"Will you please be my Mrs. Eleanor Paige Larken?" He asked, opening the lid of the box to reveal a very simple, but beautiful, ring. I dropped to my knees and threw my arms around his neck, muttering that I loved him over and over again. I felt Emmett chuckle as he slipped his arms around my waist and held me tight. I pulled back slightly as Emmett took my left arm from around his neck and slipped the ring onto my finger. I giggled as he pressed his lips against mine and the entire room roared with hoots and hollars and applauses.






Hello lovelies!

ELLETT IS ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay ;) So there will be about two more chapters and an epilogue. I really am going to miss these two, and Chaarlotte and Daniel. But when it's time to end a story, you gotta end it. :'(

So, how are you people doing?? Good, I hope. So, this is what I want you lovely people of mine to do. I would like you to please check out my friend, KnockingYouDown's book, Pregnant For Mr. Billionaire. It's only got six or so chapters, but it's still really good so far. She has another book coming soon, so check that out too. It's rated R, just as a heads up.

Lots of Love,


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