Falling for the Unexpected

By Chelsea_Frye

270K 8K 440

Living on the tenth floor of the Plaza, designing shoes for the best company, and dating her high school swee... More

Prologue ✔
Chapter One: A Daily Adult Life ✔️
Chapter Two: The Arrival of the New Boss ✔️
Chapter Three: The Interview ✔️
Chapter Four: Hiding in Black and Bushes ✔️
Chapter Five: The Proposal ✔
Chapter Six: The Ordeal of a Personal Assistant ✔️
Chapter Seven: An Introduction ✔️
Chapter Eight: The Girl in the Pictures
Chapter Nine: The Ultimate Surprise
Chapter Ten: The Closer, The Better
Chapter Eleven: Heart Breaks & Betrayal
Chapter Twelve: The Comfort of Prince Charming
Chapter Thirteen: It's a Working Process
Chapter Fourteen: The Preparation
Chapter Fifteen: The Fashion Show
Chapter Sixteen: Forgive & Forget
Chapter Seventeen: An Existence without You
Chapter Eighteen: Here comes the Bride
Chapter Nineteen: One Last Chance
Chapter Twenty: Truth be Told
Chapter Twenty One: The Departure
Author's Note


13.1K 369 32
By Chelsea_Frye

Two Years Later

Piles of crumpled paper were dumped into the trash can bin. The lighting was very poor and dim. Click, click, click was all you heard echoing across the room. A mug of coffee was needed at a time like this.

Audrey sighed loudly. She removed her glasses and put it down. She wagged her head and rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes. She took a quick sip of her coffee.

After chugging the leftover coffee in her mug, a bell ring from her laptop. Jessica sent a request for a video chat. Audrey accepted the video call.

"Audrey!" greeted Jessica as she placed a baby girl on her lap.

"Jessica! Long time no see!" Audrey squeaked. "Look at baby Ally! She's so cute."

Jessica and Ethan were blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby girl which they named Allyson Marisa, Hughes Hooks.

Baby Allyson held a rattle in her hand as her mother hoisted her up. "Yeah, she's getting a lot heavier than before," Jessica informed.

"At least, she's a healthy baby," Audrey interjected.

"True," Jessica implied. Baby Allyson was getting pretty rough on Jessica's lap as she pressed random buttons on the computer.

"Ally is getting pretty cranky." She yanked on her mother's hair and pulled her ear. "Ow, ow, ow. Ally is getting too rough now."

Audrey laughed as she witness Allyson yanked her mother's hair. "She probably needs a nap."

"Yes, she does," Jessica agreed and called out Ethan. "Ethan, can you put the baby to sleep?"

Jessica handed Allyson to her father who carried a bottle of warm milk for her to sip while she drank milk to sleep. She was set on her crib while Ethan rocked her crib back and forth. Now, Audrey and Jessica had some time alone.

Jessica and Ethan had moved to Australia after a month from Jacob's departure to London. Ethan was offered a higher paying job at Australia and thought life there would be great.

"So how's Australia?" Audrey asked as she put the crumpled papers inside the trash can.

"Pretty good. During the summer, days are actually shorter since days are longer in the northern hemisphere," Jessica replied. "How about there in New York?"

Audrey sighed. "Same old same old."

"Ah, so did you know who showed up in NYC yet?"

Audrey felt some sort of stinging inside her as she thought of Jacob's name. "Oh. Ugh..." Audrey hesitated and looked away from the camera screen.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean too," Jessica apologized.

"No, it's okay. Ever since, I quit my old job, I never heard anything about him. I guess he's happily married with Alexis and has children."

"Awe, Audrey."

"No worries. I'm happy for them. For Jacob."

"Don't worry Audrey. You'll find that special someone. Remember, be patient because he's still writing your love story," Jessica said as she pointed above.

"Thanks Jessica. You like to quote my sayings."

"I learn from the best," Jessica chuckled.

"Jessica!" Ethan called from the other room.

"Yes?" Jessica hollered back.

"It's almost twelve!"

"Well there goes the bell. Audrey, I have to go. It's almost midnight here."

"Awe, I wish time there and here were the same."

"I know."

"Well, go get some sleep now," Audrey suggested. "We'll talk some other time."

"Goodbye Audrey. See you in the next chat."

"Bye! Say goodnight to baby Allyson and Ethan for me. But it's actually morning here but bye!"

Audrey turned her laptop off as soon as Jessica disconnected. She continued to write on her notebook for ideas on a new romance book. As a writer, ideas don't come to your head so fast and easy. You need to take time.


As Audrey took a step out of the building, a blast of ruthless wind brought shivers down her spine even if she wore a thick coat underneath. She decided to take an afternoon stroll to get things off her mind a bit.

While walking through the streets of NYC, she put her hands inside the pockets of her coat. She felt a sharp diamond pendant poked her on the tip of her index finger.

"Ouch," she said as pulled the pendant out of her coat.

She held it by the silver chain and placed the diamond pendant on the center of her palm. Inside the other pocket contained the letter Jacob had write to her before he had left to London.

It stated that this diamond necklace will serve as their love and partnership. Memories began to run around Audrey's mind.

Every kiss they had shared felt brand new. As she closed her eyes, she remembered his soft, pink lips pressing against hers as he ran his fingers through her spine. Then a horrid memory projected in her mind.

She remembered the moment she witness Jacob and Alexis almost devouring each other's mouth. She opened her eyes quickly.

The necklace was held tightly in her clenched fist as she stop the horrid memory from playing in her mind. She looked at the necklace as she rubbed the diamond pendant with her finger. She knew what she had to do. She hurried to catch a cab.

The roads wasn't busy as it was usually. There was no traffic on this windy day.

The cab pulled up to the curb of the bridge. Audrey stepped out, carrying the necklace in her hand and the note inside her pocket.

She took a step closer to the edge of the bridge as she held tightly to the railings. She took the letter out from her pocket and read it one more time.

Dear Audrey,

I hope you got the necklace. Sorry I couldn't return it to you personally but I figure it's better this way. Don't think the necklace isn't yours. I gave to you for a reason. I hope that serves as a reminder of our love and partnership.

I don't know why am writing to you but I just want to tell you that I care about you despite the dilemmas and fights we had along the way . I know I must've astonished you with the overwhelming feelings I come to confess to you. I want you to know that I will always be there for you despite our awkward situation.

I hope we remain friends till the very end. We can still manage to keep in touch even though we're miles apart. And if I only knew before, we could've been together for months or years but everything happens for a reason. I know one day our roads will cross.

I'm letting you go now. I hope you find the right man who will love you more than I could ever have. And if we do get another chance to rekindle the sparks, I promise to hold you in my arms and do my best to keep you happy.

I will always love you.

Till We Meet Again,
Jacob Harris

She folded the letter and put it back in her pockets.

"This necklace will serve as our love and partnership. But mostly our forbidden love," Audrey said as she held the necklace close to her face.

She pretended Jacob was the necklace as she spoke to it. "Jacob, I know our roads will somehow cross but we both know we'll never be." She tighten her grip. "Now, I believe that I have to let you go. Let our love flow free. I held you for so long now and I think it's time to open my heart to someone else for me to start a new beginning."

She smile at the necklace and gave it a quick kiss. "I'll always love you, Jacob," Audrey vowed. "Always."

She let go of the pendant as it slid its way down to the bottom of the chain. "Goodbye, Jacob."

When she said that, she felt as if someone was watching her from behind.

"I wouldn't let that necklace go to waste, if I were you," a voice called from behind Audrey.

Audrey stood there frozen as she held the necklace tightly. She didn't turn around to see who was behind her. She stood there stiff as a statue.

"You know, in London, it rains unexpectedly," the voice said as it got louder and clearer.

Audrey was debating whether to turn around and see who this person was or stay where she was at. She reeled in the necklace and held it tightly in her hand. Then finally, she decided to turn around.


Omg! Love has it's way.

He still looked the same with his thick eyebrows and muscular figure. He stood in the perfect angle as his eyes shimmered with enough light given by the sun considering it was a windy day. The only thing different about him was his hair. It was shorter and was styled into a comb over.

"Audrey," he said as he took a step closer to her.

Audrey was overwhelm with his presence. For so long, she wanted to see him and look into his eyes.

"Jacob," she said as she took a step closer to him.

They were face to face and at least a feet away from each other. A thick, long silence accompanied them.

"Audrey, I'm sorry I didn't have the chance to say goodbye to you the day I left," Jacob said underneath the awkwardness between them.

"I understand. I just wish you and Alexis happiness." Audrey choked. "I-I expect you to be happily married and building your own family by now."

"I never married Alexis," Jacob admitted.

Audrey's chest tighten. "What? Why?"

Why you asking? Aren't you happy?!?

"Because I know she isn't the one for me. I love someone else."

Audrey went silent and was left speechless with Jacob's overwhelming responses.

"I actually met her here in New York. Here, in this bridge and I was hoping she was standing here right now."

"I'm sorry, but how did you meet her?" Audrey asked in a low voice.

"I met her here, one night. She stood on the edge of the bridge, ready to die for some stupid guy. She was yelling," I'm worthless." And I knew I have to save her from making the biggest mistake she will ever make. Jumping off the bridge."

Funny, Audrey thought. She remembered standing on the edge of the bridge, yelling, "I'm worthless!" for some stupid guy.

Stupid guy was Ethan, actually.

"I know she's out there somewhere," Jacob implied.

"Where do you think she is right now?" Audrey asked as she broke their locked gaze and stared into the sky. She was afraid of what he might say.

Jacob reached for Audrey's hand and held it tight. Before he spoke, he made sure to keep eye contact with Audrey and when he did , he stared deeply into her eyes. "She's standing right in front of me."

Audrey was left speechless and tears began to roll down from her eyes. "Me?"

"Yes, you." Jacob pulled a red, small box from his coat. "Audrey, I don't see myself with any other woman but you. I know you're the one. My one and true love. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

He opened the box and a beautiful diamond ring with a silver band sat inside the red cushions. He kneeled down and held the ring with his thumb and pointer finger. "Audrey Lorraine, Ward, will you marry me?"

Audrey was vanquish with the words coming out from Jacob's mouth. She couldn't believe it. "Am I dreaming?"

"Umm... No," Jacob chuckled.

"Pinch me then," she instructed.

"Oh, okay," Jacob said and slightly pinched Audrey on the arm.

Audrey realized that this wasn't a dream she was going to awaken from and feel disappointed in the end. This was real. This was happening right now. "This is real!" Audrey exclaimed.

"Yes, Audrey. This is real," Jacob chortled. He was still on his knees as he awaited for her answer. "Now, Audrey will you marry me?"

Audrey broadly smiled, not saying a single word. She grabbed Jacob's face and cupped his cheeks. She crouched low, eye leveled with Jacob. She smiled and kissed Jacob passionately on the lips.

"Is that a yes?" Jacob asked as they broke apart.

Audrey nodded and shouted, "Yes, I will marry you, Jacob Harris!"

Jacob placed the ring on Audrey's left ring finger and hoisted Audrey into the air. "I love you, Audrey," he whispered into her ear.

"I love you, Audrey!" he shouted as he hoisted her up again.

"I love you too," Audrey whispered into his ear.

Jacob put her down as they leaned against each other, nose to nose. Audrey closed her eyes and cupped Jacob's cheeks. "I love you today, tomorrow and forever."

He leaned closer to her, brushing against her lips. Jacob held tightly to her waist as he gently pressed his lips against hers.

Their mesmerized lips parted time after time, gasping for air. The gentle breeze blew against the flame as Jacob intensified the kiss.

Little droplets of rain began to pour down on them. They broke apart for air, letting the rain extinguish the heat.

"Audrey, love is like the rain, it comes unexpectedly," Jacob quoted as he stroked a strand of her hair to the side.

Audrey broadly smiled. "Come here, Mr. Harris. I believe we're not finish yet." She pulled him in for another intense kiss as the rain began to pour harder. They were soaking wet.

It must've been sunlit when they broke apart. Audrey and Jacob desired one another for the longest time.

Years Later

Living in a household with three children wasn't easy. Audrey and Jacob were blessed with three wonderful children. Two boys and one girl who was constantly irritated by her elder brothers.

They lived happily together as a family with a father, mother and children. Together they overcome anything as a family.

For so long, Audrey waited for her one and only. She believed that a person is specially made for you and that was Jacob. They went through various obstacle until their roads were mean't to cross again and realized that they were mean't to be.

Their foundation was built with love and hope. Now, they lived happily ever after as a family. And Audrey had finally completed her first romance novel based on her and Jacob's love story. It was titled 'An Unexpected Love.'

The End.

Soundtrack / Theme Song

After All ~ Peter Cetera feat. Cher

Well, here we are again
I guess it must be fate
We've tried it on our own
But deep inside we've known
We'd be back to set things straight

I still remember when
Your kiss was so brand new
Every memory repeats
Every step I take retreats
Every journey always brings me back to you

After all the stops and starts
We keep coming back to these two hearts
Two angels who've been rescued from the fall
And after all that we've been through
It all comes down to me and you
I guess it's meant to be
Forever you and me
After all

When love is truly right (this time it's truly right)
It lives from year to year
It changes as it goes
Oh, and on the way it grows
But it never disappears

After all the stops and starts
We keep coming back to these two hearts
Two angels who've been rescued from the fall
And after all that we've been through
It all comes down to me and you
I guess it's meant to be
Forever you and me
After all

Always just beyond my touch
You know I needed you so much
After all, what else is livin' for?

After all the stops and starts
We keep coming back to these two hearts
Two angels who've been rescued from the fall
And after all that we've been through
It all comes down to me and you
I guess it's meant to be
Forever you and me
After all.


A/N 📑

Awe, I finished writing FFTU! I will actually miss writing about Audrey and Jacob's love story. I thank you very, very much for supporting AUL. Thank you for your time and effort.

I picked an old song because this explains their love story so much. I love this song even tho. it's old. And I have a CAST!

& I F Ü L I K E 👇👇👇

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With Love,

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