A Heart In Hell (Dean X Reade...

By deanwinchesterloml

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Dean had had the mark of cain for almost a year now. It was so difficult for you to see your boyfriend in suc... More

Chapter 1: Secrets and Sacrifices
Chapter 2: The Mark
Chapter 3: Horror Stories From The Past
Chapter 4: Losing Control
Chapter 5: Breaking Point
Chapter 6: Deceiving Dean
Chapter 7: The "Research" Session
Chapter 8: Demon Deal
Chapter 9: Demon Or Not
Chapter 10: Hell's Prisoners
Chapter 11: A Cure and A Confrontation
Chapter 12: False Fantasies
Chapter 13: Here Comes The Cavalry
Chapter 14: Advances
Chapter 15: Sam's Inner Demons
Chapter 16: Trapped In A Blue Haze
Chapter 17: Damian Won't Let Go
Chapter 19: She's Never Coming Back
Chapter 20: You Took Everything From Me
Chapter 21: I Missed You

Chapter 18: Gone

882 29 1
By deanwinchesterloml

Word Count: 1.2K

Dean's Point of View

Castiel was sitting next to the bed where Dean was laying. He had been watching over him for a couple days now. His anticipation grew more and more as the time passed.

Cas began to talk to Dean's body. "Wake up, Dean. Please. You have to snap out of it. I can't lose you. I can't lose Y/N or Sam either. They should be back by now. I hope you you're yourself again when you wake up."


A few hours had now passed and the room had been quiet.

The room was quiet until Dean broke the silence. He suddenly woke up and gasped for air.

"Dean." Cas said.

Dean looked down at himself and saw his legs and arms tied down. There were cuts running up and down his body.

"What happened, Cas?"

"So... You're okay? You're not gonna hurt yourself?" Castiel clarified.

"Why would I hurt myself?" Dean looked really confused.

"Okay, good." Cas said as he started untying Dean's limbs from the bed posts. "Y/N and Sam must've gotten to Damian."

Dean sat up and rubbed his wrists where the rope had stripped them raw. "Damian? Cas, what the fuck is going on?"

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember Y/N running over to help you, while I was exorcising Damian from Sam... Then there was this, like, flash of blue, or something." Dean said.

"While you were exorcising Damian from your brother. He trapped you."

"What do you mean he trapped me?"

"He used a spell, that he had created, to control you. You let him out of the trap and told you to 'Cut every inch of your body until you bleed out.'" Cas explained.

"That explains the cuts, but how'd you stop me? Where's Y/N?!?"

"We couldn't. That was the problem. We tried everything but it wouldn't let you go. Damian's spell had its hooks in you, deep. We couldn't break it. I've been sedating you for the past few days."

"Okay, but where's Y/N?!" Dean said with a determined glare. "And why's the spell gone now? What changed?"

"Y/N and Sam went to Hell." Cas said.


"Yes. They went down there to threaten Damian so he would free you from his spell."

"He's a demon, he's not scared of threats. There's always a price." Dean said.

"He's afraid of the First Blade."

"The First Blade? Of course she would be using the fucking First Blade. How could you let her do this?" Dean demanded.

"You know that Y/N would do anything for you. When that girl gets determined, there's no stopping her... Especially when the life at stake is yours."

Dean grabbed his flannel and put his gun in the back of his pants and walked out the door.

"Where're you going?" Cas asked.

"Where the fuck do you think? Hell."

Cas followed after him. "Dean, you can't go to Hell!"

He dropped his bag and moved up to Cas, violently, pushing him against the wall. "WHY THE HELL NOT?!?!"

"DEAN!" He turned his head to see Sam standing at the entrance of the bunker. He was holding himself up on the railing.

"SAM!" Dean rushed to get to him.

He put Sam's arm around his shoulder so he could carry him down the stairs.

When they got to the table, Sam sat in a chair.

"Cas, can you uh...?" Dean said motioning his finger to Sam.

Cas placed his hand on Sam's forehead, healing his wounds.

"We have a problem." Sam said.

"What happened?" Dean asked, his face riddled with concern.


"She's with Damian?!? How?! Why?!"

"Dean, calm down. You getting angry isn't going to solve our problems any faster right now." Sam said.

"Just tell us what happened." Cas interjected before Dean could burst on Sam again.

"When we got down there we were surrounded by demons. There were too many for us to take on by ourselves. They took us to, what looked like a throne room. Y/N and I were tied to separate poles across the room from each other. Damian was with there with Crowley. They had taken the First Blade off me while I was knocked out."

Dean rudely interrupted him. "What about Y/N?!"

"I'm getting there, if you would just let me talk." Sam said, before continuing on. "Damian took the First Blade and was gonna hurt her, so I threatened him. He sent pain throughout my entire body. It felt like my limbs were being torn off and my organs being ripped to shreds. He stopped only for a second before doing it again. Only this time, the pain was so sharp and piercing... It sent my body into shock, leaving me unconscious. I don't know what happened while I was out. But when I came to I saw Y/N was on the floor. It looked like Damian had sliced her across her entire chest with the First Blade. She was losing a lot of blood. Damian was knelt down next to her. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying, but what I did hear was... "'You would let Dean go?' 'Yes, that is what I said.' 'Fine. I'll do it.'"

"What'd she do?!"

"I don't know exactly. I saw Damian give her the First Blade. She was breathing really intensely, and she looked as though she was fighting something inside of her. Damian healed her and helped her up. I don't know what he did to her, but she wasn't Y/N anymore."

"Did she turn into a demon again?" Cas asked.

"No, this was different. It was Y/N, but it wasn't Y/N at the same time." Sam finished.

"I know what she did." Dean said. He was staring down at the table. His eyes absent of all emotion, until he looked up at Sam and Cas. "She let it in."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"The Mark."

"But you gave into the Mark." Cas stated.

"Kind of... It's difficult to explain what it is, the feeling of it. When I had the Mark, sometimes it was like this voice in the back of my head. It wanted me. It wanted to become me. It wanted me to fall into complete submission. But I didn't give myself over wholly to it. If Y/N gave herself over completely to it and she has the First Blade, we need to get to her before..." Dean's voice trailed off. He didn't want to say it. He didn't want to think about could possibly become of her.

"Before what?" Sam said.

"Before- Before-" He stuttered.

"Before what?" Cas reiterated.

Dean looked away and said "Before it changes her permanently. Before it takes away everything about Y/N that makes her Y/N." His voice faded as he rested his forehead in his hand, and quietly said "Before the girl, that you love, is gone forever."

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