Moosecraft X Reader(The one f...

By MidKnight_13_

35.2K 1K 1.4K

You have just meet up with your old friend Nathan(Unspeakable) from high school and you are living together... More

First Story
The Move
Author's Note
Unexpected Guest
Valentine's Day
Together or Not?
First Date
The Man
I Will Always Hate You!
New Friends?
The Hang Over
The Dance
~Author's Note~
The House
Author's Note
Another Author's Note
The Date
Who is that!?!
The Explanation
The Makeup
I am...WHAT!
What is it?
The Gender
The Trip
The Flight
His Parents
Oh God! I am Such An Idiot!
The Wedding Day
The Party
It's Time
The Mall
The Next Day
Which one?
One More
Visiting Nathan
The One!
The Question
The Argument
The Test
The Doctor
Sorry Guys
Not Ready
The Party
Doctor Alice
The Gender
✨Not Goodbye✨
Moose's Birthday
A Birthday Surprise
First Day Home
Who is Erick?
Happily Ever After

Mother's Day

357 11 30
By MidKnight_13_

Y/n's pov

I woke up in the bed, with Moose by my side. What happened? I got up, and I realized something. I HAD NO CLOTHES ON!! I looked back at Moose and he also didn't have any clothes on! I started to giggle. Why am I acting like this? He is my husband, and we love each other. I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and I walk out to see Moose still asleep. Good, now I can scare him. I quietly went in downstairs, and into my office.
'Where is it?' I thought. I looked around for the air horn, and I found it. It was under my desk. I picked it up and walked back upstairs. I opened the door, and he was still asleep. I counted down in my head, I then ran in and started smashing the button. He jumped up, and fell out of bed. I started laughing. He did as well. He then walked up to me, and got close to my ear.
"You might wanna start running." I was a little confused. He then picked me up and threw me on the bed. He got on top of me and started tickling me. I was laughing so hard. I was pretty sure I was blood red. He then stopped and looked at me.
"I love you!" He said. And he kissed me. I felt him start getting closer to my body, then all of a sudden I felt something on my chest. I felt what it was and it was a hand. Moose's hand. I blushed so badly. We then pulled away to get air. He laid down beside me, and held my hand.
"You okay, honey?" I asked him. He nodded.
"I am just thinking of how life would have turned out without you. And to tell you the truth, I hate it. I am glad you are my wife." He said while kissing my hand. I rolled over on top of him, and laid on him. My face on his chest, my body on his. And not to lie, it was comfortable. I felt arms go around me, and I knew who it was. It was Moose. I fell asleep, and so did he.

~A few minutes later~

I was woke up by my phone going off. I was getting a call from Nathan. I rolled off of Moose, and answered it.
Y- Y/n, N-Nathan

Y- Hey Nathan. What's up?
N- Did you forget?
Y- Forget what?
N- Today's Mother's Day!
Y- REALLY!?!?!
N- Yea!
Y- Thanks Nathan! I'll call you later.
N- No problem, cya.
Y- Bye.

I hung up, and put my shoes on. I walked to the door, and heard something. I turn and see Moose sitting up.
"Where you going, honey?" He asked.
"I'm going to the store. I'll be back." He got up and walked over to me. He pulled me closer and hugged me.
"Be careful, okay." He said. I nodded and hugged him back. We let go and we walked downstairs. He walked outside with me. He didn't have a shirt on, but he didn't care. He hugged me again, and kissed my forehead. I pulled away and got in my car. I waved goodbye and headed off to Wally-World (Wal-mart).

Moose's pov

After Y/n left, I just stood outside for a bit longer. It felt nice outside. The sun felt warm on my chest, and the breeze felt nice on my legs. 'I should be going also.' I walked inside and grabbed a pull-over jacket, and got into my car. I remembered it was Mother's Day. So I am gonna get something for Y/n. I started the car and drove to the store.

Y/n's pov

I just arrived at Wally-World and I was looking for things for my mother. I walked inside and walked around for a little. I found her favorite things. White roses, a necklace she always wanted, a card, and some extra things. I was walking to the check out, and I thought I saw someone who looked familiar. I stopped to look at them, but it was to late. They were gone. All well, I just need to get home. So I checked out and went to my car.

Moose's pov

I saw Y/n, and I am pretty sure she saw me. I ran and hid before she could see my face. I saw her leave and I felt relieved. I continued to shop for her. I got everything she wants. I hope she likes it. I checked out and headed to my car. I looked around once more, and drove off. I got home and Y/n wasn't home yet. I went inside and started to put the gift together.

Y/n's pov

I was putting the gift together in the car. Once I arrived Nathan's car was in her driveway. I pulled up and I saw people running to me. I rolled down the window to see Isabel and Tyrell. I parked the car, and jumped out to hug them.
"Hey!" I said.
"Hi! Why did you tell us mom was alive!?!" Isabel said.
"I did. I text you yesterday." She looked at her phone.
"Oh. Ops." She said laughing. We all walked inside and hung out with our mom. Nathan was their because my mom always thought of Nathan as a son to her. We all made her dinner, and she opened our gifts. Nathan got her pink roses, a card, and a diamond bracelet. It was beautiful. Isabel and Tyrell gave her some new clothes and new shoes. She opened mine and she loved it. I had given her a card, white roses and a necklace. On the necklace it had the words, 'Welcome home Mom! We missed you!' She started to cry, and gave all of us a hug. She put on the necklace and the bracelet. It was about 7:50pm and it was time for us to go home. We kissed and hugged her goodbye and we left. Nathan text me that he will bring Clary, Nala, and Luna home tomorrow. I said that's okay and we stopped texting after that. I started the car and headed home. I wonder if Moose is asleep.

Moose's pov

I heard a car door close. I looked outside and it was Y/n. I ran and hid. The door opened, and I walked out with the gift. I had a big teddy bear in one hand, her favorite roses, and a bag with somethings in it. She smiled and hugged me. We pulled apart and we sat down on the couch. I handed her the stuff and she opened it.

Y/n's pov

I opened the door and all I see is Moose, holding a teddy bear, my favorite roses and a bag. I hugged him and we sat down on the couch.
"Happy Mother's Day, Y/n." He said and kissed me.
"Thank you." I said. I sat the teddy bear down along with the roses and looked in the bag. Inside was a card, candy, and two boxes. I opened the card and it said...

'Happy Mother's Day, Y/n! Even tho we just became parent's, I already know you will be the best mother ever. You are everything Clary could ever wanted in a mom, and you are everything I ever wanted in a wife. Have an amazing Mother's Day, and I love you.

Your husband, Moose.'

I turned and looked at him. I was starting to cry, he pulled me closer and held me in his arms. He petted my hair and kissed my forehead. I felt better, and looked at the other things. The first box was an IPhone X box. I always wanted this phone. (Is it me or dose anyone else like the way there boxes feel? Anyways back to the story.) The other box was a picture frame with me and Moose. It was the first picture we took when we started dating. Dang! Have time passed. I loved it, there was another one. This one had me, Moose, and Clary. We were a happy family. I got up, and sat on his lap. I kissed him.
"Thank you so much. I love you." I said breaking the kiss.
"You are welcome." He said pulling me into another kiss. This time, I deepened the kiss. He started to move. I kinda looked, and he was taking his shirt off. I blushed, and I helped him. I threw it, and we continued kissing. I broke it so we can breath.
"You wanna go upstairs?" He said. I laughed.
"You gotta catch me first." I jumped up and started running. He also started to run after me. I was faster tho. I slowed down, because he was tired. Then all of a sudden, he got me down. He had me pinned on the floor, and he was on top of me. I started laughing. He did also. He kissed me, and kept me pinned down.
"Now can we go upstairs?" He asked. I nodded and he let me up. After that, we headed upstairs and did things😏.

~Hey guys! It's me, and sorry I didn't update yesterday. I just really wanted to spend sometime with my mom for Mother's Day. I hope you guys did something nice for your mom, or dad, or anyone. I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter, and I'll see you guys in the next one. Byeeeeeeeeee!!!!~ 

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