His Possession✔

By snow_mountain

623K 16.1K 3.3K

[ COMPLETED ] *under construction as I am editing * ⚜⚜⚜ A ruthless yet sexy bastard took her as his possess... More

H.P- Part 1.
H.P- Part 2.
H.P Part 3.
H.P- Part 4.
H.P- Part 5.
H.P- Part 6.
H.P- Part 7.
H.P- Part 8.
H.P- Part 9.
H.P- Part 10
H.P- Part 11.
H.P- Part 12.
H.P- Part 13.
H.P- Part 14.
H.P- Part 15.
H.P- Part 16.
H.P- Part 17.
H.P- Part 18.
H.P- Part 19
H.P- Part 21.
H.P- Part 22.
H.P- Part 23.
H.P- Part 24.
H.P- Part 25.
H.P- Part 26.
H.P- Part 27.
H.P- Part 28.
H.P- Part 29.
H.P- Part 30.
H.P- Part 31.
H.P- Part 32.
H.P- Part 33.
H.P- Part 34.
H.P- Part 35.
H.P- Part 36.
H.P- part 37.
H.P- Part 38.
H.P- Part 39.
H.P- Part 40. ( END )
Call Me Sir Is Out !

H.P- Part 20

8.6K 260 9
By snow_mountain

Thomas Marcano.

"Find her!" I roared across the entire house as the bodies from my guards tensed.

"WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME?! GO. FUCKING. FIND HER!" I yelled again, my nostrils flaring and my eyebrows ceased. I was sweating and tensed. My eyes squinting as my anger increased. It's been 2 weeks! Two fucking weeks!

And she goes missing the day after I ask her to marry me!

This wasn't fair.

I already lost her once, and I refuse to lose her again...

I picked up my phone and dialed the number I was hoping that i wasn't going to use in a long time.

"Hello?" The person on the other end asked.

"Yes. It's Thomas. Thomas Marcano." I said in a deep, serious tone.

"Ahhh, if it isn't my old friend... how are you, Thomas? Get any new recruits lately?" He asked. I could already hear and see the smirk plastered across his ugly features.

"I need your help."

"Oh really? And whys that?"

"She got kidnapped."

"By who?" He asked, with a sour tone as if he were mocking me.

"Look, you owe me at least this. I've done many favours for you before, even saved your scrauny ass life! Just do me this one favour!" I yelled into the phone. I felt like throwing against the wall at this point.

"Okay. What do you need?" He asked in all seriousness.

I smirked, knowing it was gonna come to this, "Guns, men and you."

"Anytime, old friend..."

And with that, I put the phone off and dialed Marcus, knowing ide need him too, because whoever took my baby, had to know their stuff. It was almost impossible to break into my house with all my security and cameras, but he hacked the computers and the cameras didn't pick up anything. He killed my men and took my fiancè.


Mikayla Johnson.

"You," *punch* "Took me," *punch* "away from," *punch* "my fiancè," *punch* "hurt me," *punch* "and you expect me to smile?!" I yelled while hurting Alex In every possible way.

"And I'm not sorry," he smirked as blood trickled down his face and blue encircled his eyes.

Moments later, about 12 or 14 men rushed through the door, two of them grabbing me and shoving me against the wall, kicking and punching me multiple times, and the other intying Alex, making sure his okay.

My groans and grunts didn't help because all they did was cause me more pain. A certain hit to the head, made my vision blurry and my inside began to turn. My head throbbed and burned as i screamed in agony and pain.

"Shut up wrench!" One of the men yelled as he kicked me in my stomach one more time as my eyelids felt heavy. I felt myself being dragged into a black ebuss, as darkness overflooded my vision.

"Look what you did! You killed the girl!" I heard Alex scream at the men before hoisting me up wildly and carrying me somewhere. "Don't die on me Micky," was the last thing i heard before i passed out completely.


Thomas Marcano.

"Let's go," I gave my last order as my men silently creeped into his house. Into the place where my fiancè was held captive. 

I had found out where they were keeping her, and i was not happy with the end results. I also found out that it was her recent ex that took her from me. This was all so clichè, where the ex's get jealous and plot revenge, but i wasn't gonna let anything happen to her.

I smelt her faint perfume as i neared one of the doors. It was like i was in some creepy old house with ghosts running around.

"I'm coming for you baby," i whispered before I broke down the door, only to find 'Alex' sitting down on an old bed, with his face into his hands.

"You," I spat,"Where is she?!"

He looked up at me and a small smirk played on his lips.

He was taunting me.

"Finally. You decide to come when your fiancè dies, right?" He states proudly as he folds his arms across his chest mockingly.

"DON'T TALK BULLSHIT TO ME!" I yelled as i stalked toward him and picked him up by his collar, making his feet dangle.

"You have time for games, huh?" I laughed as i threw him down onto the ground and threw merciless punches at his dirty face.

"Well, I'll show you how its played..." I smiled as I took his neck into both my hands and with one powerful twist, his body collapsed and he fell limp to the ground. I pulled out my gun and fired 11 shots to his face.

"Fuck you, BITCH," i spat, literally and walked out.

'Sir, we found her, hurry!' My men said on the walky talky thing.

"About time," I whispered. All i saw was red. Blood. I was out for murder. I had killed the man who did this to her, but i knew deep down that this wasn't over. That this, was far from over. And i was far from ending it, but no matter what the cost, I'll do anything, ANYTHING, to get my baby safe and sound into my arms, where she belongs.

I ran over to where my men said they had found her, Marcus on my tail. I kicked down the door and saw my men standing around Stan, the man I had spoken to on the phone and also the man who found out who did this, why, when and where is she hiding. I stood frozen in place as Stan walked toward me, with a tiny little figure in his arms, passed out and lifeless. Her pale skin was turning to mere blue and her eyes where closed shut. I didn't say anything. I COULDN'T say anything. My body felt limp, and it felt as though my heart had stopped beating. My breaths coming out fast and vulgar as i saw my fiancè, deathly beaten, swollen and bleeding in the arms of another man. But they soon tired down. My eyes closing on their own accord, as i tried to hold myself together.

"Thomas... I-i don't think she made i-"

"SHUT UP! SHES OKAY! SHES STRONG AND SHE'LL MAKE IT! DON'T YOU TELL ME OTHERWISE!" I yelled as i pulled out my gun, aiming it at Stan the minute those words left his lips.

He sighed dramatically, kneeling down so that he could gently place her onto the ground. Her chest still, her eyes closed and lifeless. Despite what was going on, she had still managed to look beautiful, even at the worst moments. I loved her dearly, she couldn't leave. She, she couldn't leave me. And she won't leave me! Not when I needed her most, i fell to my knees, letting my gun drop out of my weak hand. My body falling against her own, cradling her petite frame against my much larger one, rocking back and forth, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

"Please baby, don't l-leave me..." I pleaded, a single tear leaving my eyes, falling down to my chin and then my neck, and then onto her face. I sniffed and cried, I couldn't lose her, I couldn't. I was a beast and she was my beauty, I was the dark and she was my light, I was the devil and she was the angel. And the beautiful angel lightens up most when in the dark provoked by a beastly devil. Without her, I was nothing. She made me see light again, after many years of sorrow and grief, years filled with pain and void. But she changed everything. Her beauty bringing life back to my dull world.

She was my everything. My heart solely beat for her. I needed her, I needed her to tell me how much she loved me, I needed to hear her sweet laugh fill my ears. I needed to see her face as i stole candy from her, the anger yet adoration swiveling in her orbs. But now, all I saw, was nothing. Her eyes closed, no laugh, no speech, no light. She, she couldn't be gone. I loved her. So, so much.

"Please," I begged and sobbed, "I need you. Please.."

But her body remained lifeless. She couldn't be dead. She couldn't. I placed my head onto her chest sideways, wanting to hear her heartbeat again.

And i did.

It was faint, but it was there, and that was all I needed. Even the faintest sound, I needed to hear it.

"PREPARE THE CAR. WE'RE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL!" I growled out, making everyone around me flinch back at my tone.

"Yes sir"


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