Steve Rogers Imagines

By TaylorHearted

934K 17.6K 6.4K

List of Steve Rogers imagines. I suck at descriptions, but Enjoy!!! More

Fluffy Surprise.
Fair is Foul
Stop talking about love for a minute and help me with this bullet wound.
No Arguing
No Arguing Part 2
No one else but me
Captain's Little Secret
Cooking Catastrophe
Never Noticed
Make Out or Take Out
Don't Forget
Good for You
Drunk In Love
Late Night
Santa Baby!!!
Jealous Steve would include...
Soft Kisses
15 facts about Me!
Eyes Up Here
A Very Merry Christmas #1
A Very Merry Christmas #2
A Very Merry Christmas #3
Live and Die #1
Dating Steve Rogers would include...
"Sparring" with Chris Evams would include...
Steve getting tinder would include...
It's a date.
Dating Steve Rogers would include...(pt 2)
Steve Rogers adapting to the 21st century would include...
Team Cap Carpool Headcanons
Oops I actually forgot to name this one
Steve's bucket list would include...
The Big One
Valentine's Day
Meme War.
Who's this Wattpad.
Ever Since New York.
Ever Since New York #2
Ever Since New York #3
Steve Rogers learning about periods would include
Author's Note.
Couldn't talk yourself out of it?
The thick one.
New Year's Day
M'just Jealous
Steve's Night Out
M'half your size
Request #1
Why would I ever leave you?

Okay. Go.

6.7K 116 10
By TaylorHearted

For everyone who wanted a proposal imagine (like a sequel to the last one here it is! Also I know we're in the middle of summer but my aesthetic in winter/ holiday season proposals so yeah)

Chris returned home from his morning run only slightly out of breath, kicking off his shoes and dropping his keys in a bowl as he stumbled through the door. He jogged up to the bathroom for a shower, taking the stairs two at a time. Chris stopped in the bedroom first so he could check on the nest of pillows and blankets that lay in a heap on the bed.

A plush mouse rolled off the mattress when Y/N, the occupant of the nest, shifted in her sleep. Chris plucked the stuffed animal off the floor, and tucked it in among the pillows. His beloved’s head was covered by the duvet, but a few stray locks of hair managed to escape. He thought he heard her say something.

“Darling? You up?” Chris crouched by her side. Y/N wriggled, but still she slept.

“That’s not how the Force works,” she murmured.

Chris shook his head, and was about to go but she spoke again.

“Mmmm. I need a pilot… escape now. Hug later. Poe Dameron… you’re, you’re my only hope. Can you fly a TIE fighter? What else can you do? Oh I bet you can…”

Chris sat on the floor next to the bed, waiting to see what she’d mutter next.

“Can I try on your helmet? I usually go for taller guys but you’re so cute, Poe. Lemme touch your hair…”

Something in the tone of her voice made Chris suspicious. He leaned forward and pulled down a corner of blanket. Y/N burst out laughing when their eyes met.

“Mornin’.” She covered her mouth as she yawned.

“Still dreaming about Oscar Isaac, are you?” When Y/N nodded eagerly, Chris laughed. “Should I be worried?”

“Of course not.” She reached out to brush her fingers along his jaw, smiling tenderly at him. “But if, say, Oscar appeared in my stocking on Christmas Eve, I would not be op—”

“Brat!” Chris jumped up, straddling Y/N on the bed. Bouncing on his knees, he made the bed shake while he tickled her around the waist. His cackles were met with squeals of delight.

“No!” Y/N yelped when Chris slid her t-shirt up a few inches then bent down to blow a raspberry onto her stomach. “Hahahahahahahahaha! You’re playing dirty! Stop!”

Chris stopped suddenly, flopping down on top of Y/N so she was trapped. “There. I stopped.”

She pressed her nose into the crook of his neck and inhaled. “Good run?”

“Yeah,” murmured Chris. He sighed in contentment when Y/N ran her fingers through his hair. “I’d forgotten how much I liked to run in this weather. Cool, A little rainy. Perfect.”

“Do you miss Oahu? How was running there?”

Chris shrugged. “I ran at the gym, mostly.”

“Well, that sucks.” Y/N kissed his cheek. “All that sand, and surf, sexy hula girls. A nice rental house practically on the beach. You all tan in a pair of tiny shorts.”

“Oh Y/N…” Chris looked at her sheepishly.

“And your guitar. I bet all the sexy hula girls loved it.” Y/N arched her eyebrow at him.

“Who are these sexy hula girls you keep talking about?!”

“Weren’t they just, I dunno, falling out of coconut trees right into your lap? Getting you lei’d…”

Chris rolled his eyes. “It’s too early in the morning for a pun, dear.”

Y/N giggled. “Admit it, baby.

Chris groaned as he slid his hands up under her shirt again, running his fingers over her breasts. He kissed her, his tongue snaking into her mouth. She arched her hips off the bed, pushing her knickers down as Chris worked off her shirt.

“Call me whatever you want,” she said dreamily. “Just as long as you keep waking me up like this.”
Christmas Eve

“That was lovely, don’t you think?”

Y/N looked at Chris, then squeezed his hand reassuringly. They were sitting in the back of a black taxi, heading home from dinner with Chris’s parents, his sisters, and their families. Despite the late hour, and the fact that they were expected at Y/N's mother’s house early on Christmas morning, Y/N was feeling energized.

Chris nodded slowly. “Of course, Dad had to ask about the business stuff. As if I had anything to do with how much money my movies make.”

“I think he’s just worried. No, that’s not quite right.” Y/N looked down at their hands, which were clasped in her lap, then back up at him. “I think he trusts that you know what you’re doing. He just needed to hear you say it.”

Chris smiled. “Is that what he said to you? When he pulled you aside before the pie?”

Y/N blushed. “Um, not quite.” When he began to frown, she smiled. “No, it was fine. He just wanted to know more about me. More about my childhood, education, work.”

“He wanted you to run down your CV?”

“Not quite. He, ah, wanted to know what my intentions are.” Y/N bit her lip.


“I told him we’re, you know, serious. We’re in love.” She shrugged. “We live together. I work here. But he asked me something.”

Before Chris could ask her what the question was, the cab stopped. They were home.

He paid the fare while Y/N let herself in. She held the door open for Chris, who took her coat once she closed the door behind him. Before heading up to bed, they cozied up on the couch to look at their Christmas tree. The coloured lights that blinked on, then chased around, the tree were the only lights on in the house.

“He asked if you asked me to move to Boston for you.” Chris looked at Y/N, whose head rested on his shoulder. She kept looking at the tree, and did not face him.

And before I could say anything, he said he thought it would be unfair of you to do that to me.”

“Because my work takes me overseas. Away from home. Away from you.” Chris closed his eyes and kissed her on the forehead.

“Chris,” Y/N said tenderly. “It’s just… we were talking about work, mine and then his, and then I was interrogating him about pharmaceutical patents. And this was all before we went through my favourite healthcare start-ups back home. We sort of geeked out on medicine and dental care.” She blushed when Chris chuckled. “Which is just a way of saying, he said it was nice to be able to talk about this stuff with me. And then he said I should come work for him!”

“Ha!” Chris looked pleased. “But how did you get on the topic of my past.”

“I’m getting to that! Y/N kissed him. “He liked that I seemed to be grounded. Serious.”

Chris nodded. “Grounded. I like the sound of that.”

“In fact, he sounded almost like my mother when I told her about you.”

“Am I ever going to meet her?”

“Not if I can help it,” Y/N said fiercely.

“Honestly, Y/N, how bad can she be?” Chris pleaded. “What is the issue?”

“Um, her only daughter moved to a different city on the other side of the country to shack up with a boy while all three dozen of her perfect nieces are married to nice boys and having adorable babies.” She shivered.
“I’m surprised she hasn’t already called for an exorcist, for you are clearly the devil, to come here and take me back to Boston.”

“So why hasn’t she?”

“Simple,” chirped Y/N. “I told her if she tried to pull that shit, the only grandchildren she could count on would be a herd of ill-mannered cats.”

“Of course you did.” When Chris smiled at her, she smiled back. “Ill-mannered cats…”

“I mean it! Look, we’re grown-ups. Public tantrums and idle threats notwithstanding, I am a functional adult. I earn a decent living and support myself. I can change a flat tire, unlike some people…”

“Hey!” Chris protested. “I can change a flat.”

Y/N snorted. “Watching a couple of YouTube videos while you goof around with your bike repair kit doesn’t count.”

Chris pushed his lip out.

“Oh don’t you pout at me. I’m not finished speechifying, sir. Where was I? Oh yes. I can administer first aid, and figure out mass transit in strange cities. I can look after myself. I just happen to be in love with a very kind man whose rather unusual and successful career takes him away from home for long periods of time.”

Chris hugged her tightly. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Y/N took a deep breath. “Listen, the time apart, it isn’t exactly ideal. But we make it work as best we can. We’re figuring it out. Enjoy the time we do get.”

“Is that what you told Dad?”

She nodded. “Something like that. Perhaps a bit more prosaic, so I didn’t sound so romantic. I told him to be concerned all he wanted about you, but he didn’t have to worry about me.”

“Did he accept that?”

“He said he’d think about it.” Y/N gently kissed Chris’s ear. “And then he asked me if I wanted to see pictures of you as a boy.”

Chris looked at her in confusion. “I thought Mum had already shown you those.”

“Oh, sure.” Y/N looked at him slyly. “The baby pictures. You all macho , in short pants, marching around the garden with Baloo tucked under your arm. Adorable. But your dad? He just happened to have a nice batch from your first year at high school.”

“Oh god…” Chris blushed then tried to avoid her gaze. “Don’t look at me like that!”

“Like what? Like a woman who was absolutely slayed by pictures of 14 year old Chris in his school uniform?” Y/N clucked her tongue. “Those tails!”

“Pet, try to sound less like a pervert if you can help it.”

“Hush!” Y/N closed her eyes. “I’m trying to picture 14 year old me…”

“I keep forgetting you’re my age, ya know since you choose to act like a child half the time” Chris mused.

“Put those fantasies away, sporty.” Y/N retorted. “Now back to 14 year old me and 14 year old you.”

Chris grimaced. “Baby fat, spots. My hair was a mess. And let’s not forget the teeth.”

“Glasses, over-plucked eyebrows, this weird wedge of hair from when I tried to cut bangs, legs always bruised from playing field hockey…” Y/N counted on her fingers as she went down the list. She peered down at herself. “And the less said about my fat ass…”

Chris hugged her tightly. “I love your ass.”

“I know you do. And, after so many years, I love it, too.” She snuggled into him.

“Good. Now if you would be so kind as to accompany me upstairs so I can show her how much I love her ass instead of just telling her?”

Y/N kissed the crook of his neck. “Of course. Just as soon as you bust out those tails…”


“And I put on the private school uniform that Mom got from my storage unit in Chicago and sent to me last week.”

Chris leapt up, barely giving Y/N a moment to get to her feet before he grabbed her around the waist and steered her upstairs.

New Year’s Eve

The first time Y/N squealed into her pillow, it was adorable.

The fifth time she did it? Annoying

As for the thirtieth time…

“Soul-crushing.” Chris sat on the sofa, feigning despondence while Y/N sat cross-legged on the floor beneath him. “Must you make that noise every time they’re on screen?”

“It’s not every time!” Putting down the remote, Y/N stood up and placed her hands on her hips. She wore black leggings and Chris’s blue cable-knit sweater, which matched the wool socks she wore on her feet. Exasperated, she narrowed her eyes.

“Come on, dude.” She waved an arm at him. “I’m not going to bicker with you from here.” Without waiting for an answer, Y/N made herself at home in Chris’s lap.

“Excuse me! Using your lovely body to persuade me.” Chris cried. “If we’re going to have a spat, you can stand there in your corner, and I’ll sulk in mine.”

Y/N shook her head, then ran her thumb over his lips. “No, sir. If we’re going to talk about your whining, then I will do it from the comfort of your lap.”

“Not fair.” Chris nuzzled the crook of her neck. “Brat.”

“It wasn’t every time, Chris.” Y/N kissed the top of his head. “Just the times that were, you know, extra athletic.”

“They’re strippers, pet, not footballers,” replied Chris.

“But they’re not strippers! It’s like what Big Dick Richie said when they got to Savannah — they’re ‘male entertainers’”. She gave him the tiniest of smirks. “But not, like, the way that you are a male entertainer.”

“Humph.” Chris clenched his jaw, but his eyes sparkled when he looked at her.

Chris pulled her closer, nibbling at her lips until they parted so he could kiss her deeply. Y/N tried to pull away but he was insistent.

“Baby…” she whispered when they took a breath together. “I’m trying to tell…”

Chris cut her off with another kiss. When he broke it, Y/N pressed her forehead to his and closed her eyes.

“I think I’ll do a movie with lap dancing in it…” Chris chuckled. “I don’t think Channing Tatum could pull that off.”

“Snob.” Y/N kissed him.

“I’m your snob.” He sighed with contentment when Y/N hugged him. “You give the best hugs.”

“Yeah. But I can’t properly take you in my arms. Either they’re too short, or yours are far too long.”

Chris brought his hands to her waist and tickled her. When she wriggled loose, he took her hands in his.

“Y/N?” He pressed a kiss to the inside of her wrist. “Could you get the snow globe?”

“What?” Y/N frowned. “But we were having such a nice make-outy moment here.” She looked down at her chest.

“Sorry. It just, I thought I saw it leaking the other day, and I was worried it broke. Could you?”

“Oh fine.” Y/N got to her feet. “You look like you’re on the verge of begging, and you know what a sucker I am for that.”

She walked to the bookshelf, stopping to turn on the lights on the Christmas tree. Y/N picked up the snowglobe to get a closer look.

“Chris?” She peered at it closer. “I don’t know what happened, but it looks like something got in there with Baloo and Boh. Okay, now the glitter is settling. It looks like a ri—”

Y/N’s voice caught in her throat when she saw the ring, floating around in what looked to be a bubble.

“Careful you don’t drop it, pet.” Chris spoke in a hush as he came to stand behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, he took the snowglobe and turned it over in his hands. He removed the stopper in the base, kissing the top of Y/N’s head when she reached in to retrieve the clear plastic ball that contained the ring.

Chris gave her a moment to look at it, closing the snowglobe and replacing it on the shelf. Before he could get down on his knees, she grabbed him around the waist and buried her face in his chest. When he brought his hands up to the nape of her neck, she looked up.

“Hello.” Y/N sniffed.

“Why are you crying?” Chris kissed the top of her head.

“I’m allergic to old books.” She laughed when he kissed the tip of her nose.

“Y/N.” When Chris began to lower himself to the floor, she shook her head. “What is it?”

“I just…” She looked around the room, then back at him. “I don’t want you to kneel. I don’t want to look down at you.”

“It’s traditional, you know.” Chris kissed her hand. “And I am just a little old fashioned about some things.”

“If you’re going to get down on one knee, I will too.” Y/N looked at the hardwood floor. “Or I’ll sit in your lap.

They walked slowly back to the couch, hand in hand. Chris took his seat again, shifting as Y/N joined him. It was then that she remembered the ring, still rattling in its protective bubble, in her hand.

She held it up on the flat of her palm, holding her breath as Chris took the bubble and opened it carefully. Y/N didn’t look at the ring, she just looked at him. When Chris slid it onto her left ring finger, they took a deep breath together..


She blinked slowly, then smiled, almost to herself. “Chris.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Y/N kissed him firmly on the lips. “I love you very much.”

“I know.” He laughed when she nipped at his jaw. “I love you very much, too.”

“I want you to know, Chris, that moving here was the best decision I’ve ever made.” She leaned in to kiss him again.

“Thank you, Y/N” whispered Chris. “I wonder, though, if it might actually become the second best decision you’ve ever made.”

“What would be the first best,?” Y/N tried not to sound so shaky, but she couldn’t help it.

“If you would…” Chris began. He took another deep breath, then kissed her. Another hug, and he was ready.

“Y/N.” Another breath, another hug. “I love you.”

She hiccupped. “Sorry. I must be nervous.”

Chris smiled. “You’re nervous?! Why would you be nervous?”

“I… I have no idea.”

“Don’t be nervous. Please.”

Y/N nodded. “Okay.”

“Ready, love?”

She squeezed her eyes shut. “I just… I need a moment.” When she opened her eyes, she had to blink back a few tears. “I just need to think about how good everything is right now.”

“Of course.” Chris kissed her cheek.

Y/N looked around the room, which was illuminated by the lights on the tree and the dim light of the setting sun. Her books were finally unpacked, and on the coffee table was a birds nest she had brought from home. Her keys were nestled in the bowl by the door just next to his. When she felt Chris’s lips on her neck, she turned to look at him.

He had the look on his face. The expression he wore the first time he saw her, wonderment and curiosity and recognition all at once. The stubble on his jaw and chin was fuzzy to the touch, and his bottom lip quivered slightly. His eyes were wide and wet with tears.

She hugged him as tight as she could then drew herself up so she could look at him properly. Nodding, Y/N took Chris’s hand in hers.

“Okay,” she whispered. “Go.”

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