Love story ( demi lovato, les...

By lovaticfan_17

132K 3.1K 198

Savannah doesn't know whether to kill herself or live and she hates demi lovato but can demi save her after a... More

Love story ( demi lovato fanfiction lesbian)
Bout to meet demi
Meeting demi
Figuring out feelings
being able to call demi mine
before demi leaves
the day demi leaves
demi leaves for tour
jaz and wilmer
Authors note
Author note
Missing dems
contemplating demi
situations with semi
the unexpected
Authors note
chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Dont wanna lose her
Important A/n
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Forgiveness takes time
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Authors note
The big Question
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Forty four
Chapter 45
Forty six: lost and confused
Authors note
Forty-seven : love lost
Forty eight - heartache
Forty nine- finding the truth But hiding it
Chapter Fifty - ashamed !!!
Fifty one
Fifty two- afraid
authors note

Chapter 43

1.4K 55 7
By lovaticfan_17

" I can't mar, sorry " I said

" why not you don't deserve demi, your way more worth than demi can't you see that, she is bringing you down sav" her voice getting louder

" I love her mar believe it or not I wouldn't choose you over her anyway I love demi and were getting married, I think it's best if we don't talk to each other" I said winding my window up before hearing what she had to say I drove off a few tears fell down my cheeks

I do love demi, but I can't stop thinking about how my life would be without demi, I wouldn't be getting this fame or attention from anyone and especially not from mar she only wants me because demi has me

The game doesn't bother me I don't let it get to my head, it does hurt my head with all the flashing lights but nothing I can't handle

I pull up in front of our house, and Demi's car is gone it's 9 o'clock at night where would she have disappeared to

I walk Inside and make my way up to out bedroom I slip into my pjs and curl up into a ball on my side of the bed I miss demi, but I can't stop thinking about the wedding it's too soon but I can't say no she will leave me I love her to much for her to leave, I look at my phone looking at Mums number wondering if I should talk to her and tell her everything before I realise I what I'm doing the phone ringing she answers on the second ring

" hello" mum said

" mum it's me sav " I said

" hey what's up " mum said

" I thought I let you know I'm getting married and do you want to hang with me tomorrow" I say a bit rushed

" wow really I never thought you would get married, and sure it's been forever since I last saw you" mum said

" right come anytime love you " I said before hanging up

" who the hell was that and why did you say you loved them" demi said

I turned around to see demi standing there looking over me I can smell booze on her

" that's my mum" I said defensive

" mmh right I love you sav and can't wait to marry you " dems slurred

I can't believe she is drunk, after everything that has happened she decides to take up drinking again, seriously what the hell is happening

" why are drinking again " I said didn't mean to come out harsh

" because I can sav, do you have problem " demi slurred once again

" yea I do demi you know how I feel about drinking, why did you even drink again" I said

" because in aloud and I don't care what you think about drinking it's my body I'll do what ever I fucken like, your not my mother"

" no I may not be your mother but I'm your fiancé okay and don't speak to me like that, why are you being so rude" I said

" your annoying me leave me alone go to bed " dems said pushing me to the stairs

I can't believe she pushed me little line why is drinking again I can't be bothered arguing with her so I walked to bed chucking a pillow and a blanket on the floor she can sleep there I thought to myself

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