My Chocolate Mate (BoyxBoy)

By RainbowSticks

482K 8.3K 1.5K

*Warning* This a boyxboy and it will have sexual content through out the story. He smiled and brung me to... More

Chapter 1 (Welcome Micheal )
Chapter 2 (Why are you sniffing me?)
Chapter 3 (Welcome New Classmate)
Chapter 4 (The Start of Something New)
Chapter 5 (I Can't Believe It's Only Day One)
Chapter 6 (I Think I'm Falling For Him)
Chapter 8 (Bowling Mate)
Chapter 9 (Kiss The Pain Away)
Chapter 10 (First Date)
Chapter 11 (A Newcomer PART 1)

Chapter 7 (You Look Hot Jealous)

35.3K 664 95
By RainbowSticks

A/N: Sorry for the misspelled grammar and mistakes. Again it is unedited. ENJOY!



Chapter 7

You Look Hot Jealous

D'Angelo's POV (finally!)

Who knew I would be falling for him like this? I want to wait to mend our relationship before I tell him what I am. I want to make sure our love is real before I tell him I'm a werewolf shifter. 

I wish I could just take him already. The heat coming off his body makes my little Angelo, well more like big Angelo, hard. All I do is dream at night of taking him raw and hard from behind. I look down at big Angelo and see he is trying to jump out of my pajama pants. 

I look over at my clock and see that it's seven a.m. I rolled out of bed and started my shower. Once I was out I went to my closet and picked out a white shirt, my black caradign, some baggy jeans, and my black nikes.

 I grabbed my keys and walked to my car. I put the key in the igniton and listened to my   LP640 Roadster Versace  roar to life. I smiled and slipped in my slow jam CD as I drived to Christian's house. I planned on taking him out since he was feeling better. 

I put my car in park and jumped out but not before checking myself in the mirror. I knocked on his door and he opened it after my third knock. I could instantly feel myself hardening when I saw him. He was too adorable. He had on a blue Cookie Monster shirt with bluish grayish skinny jeans, and blue vans. 

"Are you done staring?" he asked annoyed. I smirked but nodded my head as I led him to my car. I watched as his eye grew wide. "Wow! This is your car!?" he said admiring my baby. 

"Yeah this is her. Isn't she a beauty?" I asked proudly. 

"Yeah she is," he said opening the passengar door and sliding in. 

I opened the driver's door and got in also. I turned on the car and drove out of his drive way and on to the quiet streets of his neightbor hood. 

"So where are you taking me?" Christian asked as we were halfway to our destination. 

"Well, first, I'm taking you to iHop you can get some breakfast. Then the rest is a surprise." I said smiling. 

He groaned and laid his head against the window. "I hate surprises but I am hungry." he said yawning and slowing closing his eyes. I watch as he slept silently from the corner of my eye and smiled. My mate was so adorable I can't wait until I tell him what I am and make him mine. 

Christian's POV

I felt someone tickling my neck making me squirm. I slapped the hand away and went back to sleeping. But the hand came back tickling me but with two hands this time. I squirmed and finally opened my eyes seeing D'Angelo grinning at me. I pouted and slapped his hands away. 

"Don't do that I'm very ticklish." I said rubbing my neck as I was still feeling the aftershocks from his tickles. 

He chuckled, "You are too cute. I was just trying to wake you up so we can eat." he said. 

I looked out the window and saw we were parked in the iHop parking lot. "Well come on then." I said jumping out the car. 

I walked to the resturant entrance with Angelo following behind me like the bitch he is. Haha just kidding. 

"Hello, welcome to iHop how many?" the hostes asked. (I forgot what they say when you enter ihop)

"Two," D'Angelo said behind me. He was standing so close I felt his lower region brush against my bum. I slightly moved to the left so he wasn't that close.

We waited for about five mintues until we were seated to our table. I happily skipped behind the hostes as she showed us to our table. I could hear D'Angelo's laughter behind me. 

"I see your happy about being at iHop." he said as we were looking over the menu. 

"Who wouldn't be happy about being at iHop?" I said smiling moving my head side to side to my imaginary music. 

He laughed, "So true," he said. 

"Hello, welcome to iHop my name is James and I'll be your server today. What can I get you to drink?" our waitress a very attractive cute guy asked. He wasn't as cute as Angelo but he was cute. 

"I'll have coffee, black." D'Angelo said. 

"And you sir," James said looking at me lustfully. 

"Um," I said biting my lip "I'll just have orange juice please." I said polietly. 

"Sure thing," he said winking at me and walking away. I stared at his butt as he walked away. Hmm it was a cute booty. 

I heard a low murdouser growl and looked at D'Angelo to see him glaring at me. I flinched back from his stare and his face softened as he saw that. 

"Sorry," he mumbled. 

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"Yeah you were checking out that guy." he snarled. 

I arched an eyebrow, "I wasn't checking him out he just has a nice butt." I said nonchantly. 

He growled, "You shouldn't even be staring at him. Let alone checking out his ass." he snarled angrily. What' his problem. He acts like he owns me or were in a relationship or something. 

"Uhh what's your problem. Your acting like a jealous boyfriend." I said as I looked through the menu. He mumbled something that I couldn't make out and just rolled my eyes at his stupidness. 

Our server James walked back over with our drinks and sat them down in front of us. "Have you decided what you wanted yet?" he asked. I puffed up my cheeks and tapped my index on my chin. That was my thinking face. 

"I'll have the Smokehouse Combo with scrambled eggs." D'Angelo said giving James his menu. He didn't even have the nerve to say it nicely it came out in a 'bored get the hell out of my face' type of tone. 

"What about you sir?" he asked smiling at me and I smiled back. I heard a low warning growl and ignored it. 

"I'll have the Breakfast Sampler with my eggs sunny side up please." I said nicely handing him the menu. He took the menu while also touching my hand and smiled walking away. 

 I looked at D'Angelo and him shaking badly with anger. "What was that!?" he snarled lowly making me flinch. His voice was so frightening it could make the worlds tuffest man flinch. 

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. In all honestly I was really confused I didn't know what was going on or what was wrong with him. 

"You were flirting and touching that guy." he said still shaking and clawing the table. For some reason my instinct told me to get up and sit next to him. So I did and grabbed his hand feeling the eletric tingles run up my arm. 

"Please calm down D'Angelo." I said softly nuzzling my face in to his neck.

I felt him loosening up and sighed. When he was completely calmed down and I went back to my side of the table. 

"So what was that all about?" I asked taking a sip of my orange juice. 

"Nothing," he mumbled looking down at the table. 

Then it finally dawned on me,  "You were jealous," I said. I can't believe he was jealous! I laughed loudly at the thought of him being jealous. "Wow! I can't belive you were jealous!" I said wiping away an imaginary tear. "That's kind of hot." I said then paused when I heard what I said. 

He snapped his head up and stared at me with wide eyes. I looked away blushing and embarrased. Luckily, James came back and sat our food down in front of us. He even tried to flirt with me but D'Angleo scared him away. Of course he would.

"Tell me more about yourself Christian?" D'Angleo asked as I took a bit out of my hashbrown. 

"Well, what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Anything, like what's your favorite color? What scares you? What makes you happy? I don't know I just want to get to know you more." D'Angelo said seriously. He really did want to get to know me. 

"Well, my favorite color is gold and brown. Yours?" I asked.

"Gold and aqua." he said. Hmm, now that was a weird combo. 

"Why are those your favorite color?" 

"Because gold is the color of my mother's eyes and aqua because I love to look in to the ocean." he said. Somehow I felt he was lying about the ocean thing but I kept quiet. 

"Why is gold and brown your favorites?" he asked sipping on his coffee. 

"Well to be honest I don't know. I would always have dreams about this wolf who has brownish blackish fur and the rarest gold eyes I've seen. I just fell in love with those colors." I said. I watched D'Angelo face appear with shock and . . .  happiness. That's weird. 

"So wolves are your favorite animals?" he asked. 

"Well, I guess you can say that. What is your favorite animal?" I asked. 

"Wolves also," he said smiling and I couldn't smiling back.

"I have a question. Are you gay or something?" I asked. I honestly wanted to know because he didn't look gay at ALL!.

"No I'm not gay Christian but I do like a boy." he said staring at me lustfully. I blushed and continued eating my food.

All through breakfast we laughed, talked, and got to know each more. I was felt happy being in his presence. He made me very happy just to be near him. 

When we left iHop we were on the rode once again. "So where are we going now?" I asked. 

"It's a surprise now sit back and relax." he said. I huffed and leaned back as I watched the world zoom by. Thirty mintues later I saw a carnival come in to the clearing and he pulled in to the parking lot. 

"Are we going to the carnival?" I asked bouncing up and down in my seat. I LOVED carnivals. 

D'Angelo stared at me and smiled, "Yes Chris we're going to the carnival." he said. I jumped out the car and waited impatiently for Angelo to get out too. He was being a slow poke. 

"Come on grandpa I'm ready to play some games." I said grabbing his hand and pushing through people to get through the entrance. We walked around and I spotted my favorite game. 

 "Can we play the horse game first?" I asked. 

"Sure go ahead Christian." D'Angelo said. I raced towards the booth like a five year old and gave him my ticket. I focused seriously as I shot water into the hole making the horse shot up. I watched as my blue horse won and I clapped excitedly. 

"What prize do you want young man?" the guy behind the booth asks. 

"I want that big brown dog," I said pointing to it. 

He gave me the dog as I walked back over to D'Angelo who was watching me with amuesment in his eyes. We walked around and Angelo won me a bunch of prizes. I looked at my watch and saw that it was three o'clock. Time flys by so fast when your enjoying yourself. Angelo and I gathered all of my prizes and loaded them in his car and headed home. To be honest that was the most fun I have ever had. I don't want it to end. 

I grabbed all my prizes witht the help of Angelo and placed them in my house. I sighed as I layed down on my sofa. 

"I hope you had fun today." D'Angleo said. 

"I really did thank you so much D'Angelo." I said flinging my arms around him and wrapping my arms around his neck. At first he was surprised and didn't hug back but he soon got over it and wrapped his arms around my waist. I slowly pulled back and looked in to his eyes. I noticed his eyes were starting get a gold rim around it. I slowly leaned my body closer to his just wanting to taste his lips. He moved in closer also moving his hands down to my bottom. As soon as our lips were about to touch I heard the front door open. 

I quickly jumped back and landed on the other side of the counch as my mother walked in to the living room. "Hey guys what you do today?" my mom asked sitting her purse down. 

"It was fun mom. How was your day?" I asked nervously walking over to her and kissing her cheek. 

"It was good sweety I'll be upstairs if you need me." she said walking upstairs. 

"Um, I think I should be helding home." D'Angelo said. 

"Oh well okay I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I said disappointed. 

He smiled slightly and left. I groaned and threw myself face first on to the sofa. Damnit Angelo look what you're doing to me! 


Sorry for the long wait my Raindrops. I deeply apologize. I hope you enjoy this chapter. 


-RainbowSticks OUT ♥

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