Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfe...

By vegito1308

97.5K 1.7K 683

Two monsters who were scarred by the world and left to suffer in isolation, but what happens when you put one... More

Dead Inside
Finding a Key
The Queen
Social Struggle
The Silence
Land Ho
Settling for Something
Lead that leads
The suburban fight
More Problems
Super Soldiers
Sight Seeing
Relieving and Relishing
Notice of Contingency
The New Leaf
Battle of Limbs: Lucy
War of the past: Alex
Power Contrast
Tag Cross Blast
Duo Finisher
Not alone, ever again
Nyu is cute
I Remember
Fighting Blackwatch Hordes
End of Mission
Dana Mercer
Missing him
The Unforseeable future
Alex awakens! Our Sweet Home
The End is Just the Beginning


2.1K 36 8
By vegito1308

Alex picked up with the wind and glided down to a place where no human would easily be able to acess the are. In a thud, the prototype knelt down to let Lucy get off his back and start working on a fire as night seemed around the corner.

When he did however she did nothing. Alex thought well maybe she's adjusting something... But after a full minute that was ridiculous. He slowly elbowed her to signal the end of the gliding journey

She snapped out of the trance unknowingly to Alex "oh." Lucy whispered and got off him to sit on the cold ground and dark setting. She layed her arms on the side and nervously grabbed the soil beneath her like she was holding on to something. The night was slowly creeping that showed how the horizon was now only a couple rays of sunlight up above in tje skies.

She bit her lip seeing Alex having problems setting up the fire with the rocks, small sticks, leaves, and dried grass he gather not so long ago "Stupid damped rocks!" Alex said, trying his hardest and fastest way to ignite this thing. He looked back for the fraction of a second and saw Lucy carving deep with her hands to the rough ground, biting her lower lip that was bleeding a thin red line from what he could guess was the fear of the dark.

'ah fuck. I have to hurry up or she gonna flip her shit!' He thought now literally rubbing the stone too hard that crunched them together to pieces.

"Nononono OH COME ON!" He roared and threw the stone to a nearby tree. That action made Lucy squirm in her seating place and shiver in more terror as the darkness was now almost upon them.

"Alex-? Pl-le-ase hur-r-y..." Lucy mumbled having tears in the rim of her eyes. She was so tired of being afraid... But it just striked fear to her very soul. Raising her knees to her chin she hugged them and wished the fire would spontaneously start

'think think THINK! What can I use to-'




'ohmygod' he face palmed

"Why am I so dumb sometimes..." He cursed himself and started to glow. That lit the place up good that calmed Lucy to open her eyes

Uncrunching her eyes still hugging her legs close, she watched Alex walking to find another nearby stick. Luckily he found a dry small log that could be used perfectly, set it down to the ground near the pile of small dried debris patch and summoned his claws to spark a fire on. So far this was way better as he could see little chips of fire jump from the wood. He was glowing like some blood firefly that let out a crimson yellowish and orange neon color out with the red being the dominant. Even if it looked terrifying to a normal human, to her this was a beatiful night light.

Unconsciously she stretched out and began to stand up to get closer to Alex. She walked to safety slowly in a crouch like manner as if going down a small tunnel. Getting close enough, she sat on her knees and looked only into Alex's back as he worked to get the fire started

"Come on-! Just one- ugh- ONE SPARK!" He said, getting a bit mad on the last word. The slight anger was all he needed that let the spark ignite. It lit up and Alex blew on the flame to expand it, while throwing little pieces of leaves and the such to make it last including the whole log just in case. Using some of his inner biology Alex had the great idea to use a strand of his DNA that made people.. Burn... Not just be infected but like an explosive it could make a person theoretically 'explode'

To this day he has not found a proper way to use such thing until today. Maybe.

He extended his claw finger to the fire and let the substance drip from him like a severed vein. Almost instantly it lit up raging to consume the fuel it was burning.

"Phew. Gotta name that skill someday. Yo Lucy-! You okay? I got it starting so relax okay? Breath slowly and rest 'kay?" He said confidently, something that did not last as he heard no response.

The diclonius heard him repeat something else but she just could not speak. It felt like she was so scared she went mute from almost... Being in the dark. She never took her eyes from him seeing the night around them, only keeping them staring to the tribal neon design on his jacket while holding in a terror but the fire added even more relief from the enclosed darkness

The prototype set a small pile of dried leaves to the fire and added some more stuff that could keep the fire going till tomorrow. He was almost done and realized he never got an answer from her. The silence was unnerving that even he was afraid to turn to see her. But might as well he wanted to see what was going on

"-well I'm going to-" Alex attempted to say but was cut short by bumping into her body then suddenly hugged tightly by her

"Woah! Hey what's with the strength th-e-re-?" He asked a bit surprised by the action. Without thinking he lifted his hands and tried to remove the hold she on him. Lucy felt him doing so and such action made her look over his shoulder being pushed upwards by his hands

The glimpse of the dark made her almost cry as her imagination was always torturing her of that phobia

He heard sniffles coming from her the instant he tried to pry her arms away in reflex. He immediately stopped and feared to whatever he did wrong

'OH SHIT SHIT SHIT! WHAT DID I DO!?!?' Hysterically he cursed his manners and looked dowm to Lucy's tugged head om his chest "I'm sorry! I just did that by instinct I- dammit Lucy what did I do wrong-!?"

"*sob* Ksphsm- No... You did nothing wrong-g-"

A flashback of that bastard hit her mind that spilled some of the tears she desperately tried to hold back stained his jacket as well did some blood from her lip

He shut up hearing this broken tone. The tone of a broken person lost in misery and sorrow from both physical and mental torture. His eyes soften feeling the hug tighten even more as he could guess she felt weak showing tears, of feeling things that she believed anyone should already had gotten over

"I'- I'm the wrong. You're the one that has this wrong over you and I'm-" she bubbled her cheek wanting to stop this stupid drama. Oh how she hated this feeling nawing on her thoughts day in and day out, so hateful that she was alive rather than... Others who she believed deserve this more than she could ever earn

"I'm sorry I weigh you down... Weigh everyone down and kill everyone just cause-e of this-" she rubbed her face on his shirt "Pain. So much... Pain. It hurts so bad Alex I feel like dying slowly would be so much better than this...feeling."

Her throat hurt all of the sudden remembering the family she lost all cause she was around with them. Everyday she thought of how they would have lived their lives had she not appeared into their lives. He... Did not have to take on this burden 'They deserved to live! It was not their fault to have been stuck with such a worthless monster like me! I DESERVE-'

She breathed into his shirt taking in one deep breath "I'm sorry I was born Alex...!" She said in agony like an apology for crossing into his life.

Lucy's broken voice made him angry. No, beyond that. He felt that all that pain she had in herself by these humans' rejection and torture had made her think this all her life.

Before she continued, he grabbed her by the shoulders and forced Lucy to stare at his angry eyes.

The red iris of his beamed to her own with such an intensity yet dug deep into her true self. It was not anger but something more meaningful and caring

"Don't. Don't ever think or say that. Ever. Why would you say that? Why would you let them make you think that!?" He said through gritted teeth

"You deserve to live like no other Lucy." He told her brushing away some strands of her hair stuck in her tear ridden face "I can never accept an apology of something that actually I'm so grateful for."

He changed his tone and gradually softened the hold he had on her. The moment sparked at the right time when Alex got closer to her. Looking at her features he needed to see the details of such a living art he thought deep in his subconscious was a sight to see to have in his arms. Her eyes sparkled to him a bright reddish pink and the smooth white skin of hers was tempting to touch with more intent... But his mind thought with what intent? What did he want to do exactly?

Somehow Lucy felt weird seeing him so close but did not do anything to stop was happening. She too looked to his eyes to see the brown pupils focusing on her in a way she found cute. Curiosity wanted her to know what he was thinking

The two unknowingly moved closer by the milimeters, a secret attraction brought them nearer to each other that they could smell the scent of each other. It was strange what was driving them, to almost have a...

That's when she noticed a look in Alex's eyes that turned on an alarm on her instincts

Her cheeks burned all of the sudden now being so close that his breath tickled her nose. Embarrassement made her shrink a bit back that snapped Alex back to the real world

"..." He mumbled something shortly and looked at Lucy still grabbed by his hold

"What are-y-you doing?" She asked surprised by both her zooming in to him and Alex's weird look on her. It felt very familiar like... It was right but... Not...

The prototype got a bit ashamed sensing that what he felt for a moment was not appropriate for now

"Uh-eh-I... Was... Doing... Something... I don't know" Alex answered, some of his instinct waning for a bit seeing her shook from the action. Whatever his intent was... He should not act so fast on it

The intention however did not go unnoticed by Lucy who began to slowly recall what that action was...

Or what it meant...

That's when the diclonius felt the same feeling and this time the true emotion settling down on her. Her stomach began to feel light and jittery like it was excited to do something

She gasped quickly feeling it grow and made her jump in her sitting position by a short (rather cute) spasm getting once more to Alex's line of sight. She wanted to stop feeling that but her spasm made her bounce her bossom and gained back the courage to continue that which was interrupted. Alex took notice of it at first with surprise and let her go to allow Lucy to move freely, an action that she did not expect as she was now holding him by his forearms to set them down on his thighs and her face forward to his

Briefly seeing her suddenly to his eye level and having seen the flick of her cup size, he allowed her to grab him even thought he was pretty sure even she did not realize it yet

"Uhm. Alex...?" She asked a bit scratchy from a nervous tone, letting her hands drop to her sides. Why was she feeling... 'what is this thing in my stomach!?' Her inner self asked herself feeling embarrassed

Unknown to her, Alex too had the same struggle seeing the slight blush in her cheeks and nose. Right now how she stood he thought it was so... Sexy. His stomach had the same reaction that threatened to burst out of him.

In his case, he knew what it was but it felt so alien he was not grasping the concept well as of now. His brain told him to look at her lips that were slightly red for some reason, attempt to grab her and then kiss her before she could object

'but... WHY THE FUCK AM I FROZEN!?!?' He hollered to his weak ass that seemed to crash just by looking at her. He couldn't even answer her question dammit!

The diclonius saw him paralyzed and decided to take charge... Having this thing bubble inside her and now had an itch she wanted to relief so bad.

"-can- can I try something? I don't...
Remember w-w-what it i-is called but c-can I try it with you-?" She asked in stutters, looking to the side to evade his reaction.

Alex thankful was freed from his frozen state and looked at her shy demeanor. He did not even hesistate "O-ok- I MEAN- Yeah!" He answered her in a mild blush. Damn, he really was acting dumb by wanting to feel what she was planning in this moment he thought for a second there

She nodded quickly and prepared herself. She moved her hands to be on top of his to support herself and motioned forward.

Alex remained seated and avoided to move forward to let her be in charge. Out of his subconscious and grace of some lucky star he remember how to do the thing they both did not plan but desired to.

Her blush grew now closing her eyes watching his gaze turn a bit foggy. She too gained a lust filled stare and picking up a courage within her temptation she slowly pecked his lips. She trembled a little and held in a gasp feeling him push back with his own lips.

The sensation hit them both at the same time and even the fire sparked beside them due to Alex's dumbass that put a bit too much of the chemical substance he was lighting the fire with

He reacted on impulse and grabbed her body while she raised her arms to embrace his neck

Their blushes disappeared and they focused on this sensation like the world depended on it. They low-key needed it, yearn for it, and gladly savored on it as the kiss was beginning to grow

One funny thing made one heck of a thing happen just like that as they remained kissing without a care of the world or problems ahead of them. Right now it was them and this... Great thing

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