Albus Potter X Reader X Scorp...

By reveursourire

276K 9.6K 6.4K

[ COMPLETED ] "How could a jock fall for a me?" "Trust me Y/N, a Slytherin like me CAN fall for a girl like... More

The Spot -1-
Compromise -2-
Forbidden Item-4-
Clues -6-
Being a Potter-10-
Back Again-11-
Go Slytherin-12-
Borrowing -15-
Christmast Card-19-
The Green Present-20-
Back to Hogwarts-21-
Not Fear-23-
A Helping Hand -27-
The Dance-28
The Mystery -29-
The Boy -30- Last chapter

Letter -22-

6K 244 181
By reveursourire

Scorpius, Albus, and Y/N often spends their time together nowadays. Like today, they watched the Quidditch match together, and it's not the first time the boys heard Y/N cursed. Y/N doesn't seem pretty pleased that her house lost.

They were walking down the corridors that saturday, right after the match ended, that they were forced to stop by Professor Longbottom.

Professor Longbottom was holding a long piece of a parchment. Y/N noticed that he looked tired, his red eyes isn't hard to spot.

"Miss Y/N" he said slowly, trying not to yawn. Scorpius kept glancing over his robes, noticing that it's shabbier than usual. "The professors seems to be sending a few items back to it's family, since neither the Ministry of Magic or Hogwarts needed all of them. Fortunately, your family's mirror is one of them."

"So i can get the mirror back?" said Y/N excitedly, all memories of the match were gone instantly.

"Not exactly." said Professor Longbottom, with furrowed eyebrows,

"Oh, Come on, Professor! It's not dangerous! It's just a mirror." said Albus, followed by a nod from Scorpius,

"I would like to give it to you, but you have to know It's not a pleasant thing to have. It shows a rather disturbing stuff"

"Fears." Scorpius mumbled under his breath,

"What was that, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Nothing" he said again with a much louder voice, thankful that Professor Longbottom didn't hear what he just said.

Y/N groans, "So i can't get it back then?"

"Well, i could if you have a written letter from your parents, giving you permission to take it. Otherwise, I will send it straight to them next week."

"Oh, i certainly will Professor." said Y/N as she started to think what she was about to write on her letter. Maybe start of with a sweet compliment first, and then a bit of story about what happen this week, and then finally ask about the mirror!

Professor Longbottom strode away, leaving the three student talking on the corridor.

Y/N doesn't have an owl, due to her mother giving her a cat (without telling her) when she got her Hogwarts letter.

"I can't borrow the school's owl! They're too old. Too slow." Y/N whines, "What if it died on it's way, and my parents never got the letter?"

"No bloody way that's happening! you always send your letters with those, and it never died on their journey. Not once!" Albus laughed, "You're just in a bad mood because your house lost the game half an hour ago"

"Stop reminding me" she hits his right arm,

"Look, you can borrow my owl if you want. She's pretty fast. And i can assure you she won't die on her journey" said Scorpius as he was adjusting his scarf.

Y/N beamed at Scorpius and they started to walk with Y/N still rambling about how her house' Quidditch team is actually good, and very much underrated.


It was Sunday morning, and while Albus is still sleeping peacefully in his four-poster bed, 'Scorpius is already dressed. He's going to the owlrey with Y/N.

The sun was already up, and yet there isn't that much students around.

Y/N and Scorpius headed to the owlrey, blowing off the cold from their hands.

"So how're you and Rose?" asked Y/N along the way,

Scorpius' stomach clenched. He was hoping she wouldn't mention her name."I don't know, really. Sometimes she's in the mood to talk, sometimes she's not. Sometimes i can't even find her. complicated, to be exact." said Scorpius, as he was kicking rocks,

It's been kind of weird to talk about Rose when he saw her with Dric on the mirror that day. Not to mention he too saw Y/N and Al.

Just as the thought crossed his mind, Scorpius saw Jyn walking towards them. And he noticed that Y/N was looking uncomfortably at her shoes, trying not to look ahead.

"Hey..." said Jyn as they were now face to face "Y/N?"

"Oh, Jyn!" said Y/N sounding a bit surprised, and Scorpius knew that she wasn't, he knows that she was hoping Jyn would just past by them just by the look on her face. "What are you doing here?" She continued,

"I was sending an owl to my family," said Jyn, pointing at the owlrey.

For a moment, none of them said anything. Jyn's eyes were looking at Y/N neck, and a smile crossed his face.

"I see you got my present." said Jyn, pointing at Y/N's necklace (that's not really visible, since Y/N puts it under her shirt. But Jyn still manage to spot it right away)

Scorpius did noticed Y/N's necklace a few days ago, but he wasn't going to ask her about it, thinking that it was unnecessary. Now he knew where she got it from.

Y/N looked confused. She thought it was from Scorpius.

She glance at Scorpius with a furrowed eyebrow, hoping he would say 'no, you nutter! that was from me.'. But he said nothing. That explains why he never bothered to say anything about the damn thing.

It took a few seconds before Y/N snapped back into reality, "I-er- Yes- uhm- Thanks" Y/N smiled weakly at him,

Jyn smiled, in a brotherly kind of way, then he pat Y/N's head softly. "I thought you would like it. Not gonna lie, i struggled to find a present for you this year, considering you forgot to hint what you want."

"But you--you didn't give any cards, did you?"

"I.. thought i did.." said Jyn as his voice trailed off,

"No you didn't!" said Y/N firmly. "There was no cards at all. Not a scratch on the box either."

Neither of then notice that Scorpius was standing rather uncomfortably, listening to them. Trying not to make a single noise, even sometimes, holding his breath.

"Well, sorry" said Jyn as he gave a weak chuckle, "At least you got your present, right?"

Y/N sigh heavily as her eyes glance over Scorpius one more time, "Yeah. Again, thanks" she mumbled.

"I'll be in the library later, if you need me" said Jyn before he walked away, leaving a very odd looking Scorpius and a sad looking Y/N behind.

"Sorry i didn't give any present" said Scorpius suddenly, "I promise it's not like me. It's just this thing between me and my father.. and buying presents outside means going with him and-"

"It's okay..." said Y/N, "I understand" she smiled sincerely.

It's very weird to think, that she, Y/N, was not disappointed at all. Her old self would probably be gutted by this situation, bu right now, she completely understands.

"To make you feel better, I didn't give Albus anything either. He sounds angry in his letters, but after explaining it to him, he gave me an extra present instead." Scorpius continued as they now climbing the stairs to the owlrey. "I enjoy your chocolate, by the way."

"Of course you do. Who wouldn't?" Y/N chuckled.

"I promise I'd buy you and Al whatever you both want in the next Hogsmeade trip." said Scorpius, putting his hands on his pocket.

"Are you serious?" said Y/N sounding excited "Oh! you will regret telling me that!"

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