Elements: Rise of The Destruc...

By Mklng13

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High school. Pretty normal. Homework, classes, some class smarty pants, class clowns and even a skateboarding... More

Author's Note
Same Old, Same Old (Chapter 1)
Plot Twist (Chapter 2)
...Sensei? (Chapter 3)
Targets Identified (Chapter 4)
Magic 101 (Chapter 5)
Coach that burns! (Chapter 6)
Scars Don't Heal (Chapter 7)
Bandages can't stop the pain (Chapter 8)
Behind that smile (Chapter 9)
Love and Care the Orphanage (Chapter 10)
Separated at 4 (Chapter 11)
Orphan and adopted (Chapter 12)
Twins of Fire and Water (Chapter 13)
Super Strength (Chapter 14)
Just a replacement to you?(Chapter 15)
A Hole In My Life (Chapter 16)
Forced Passions (Chapter 17)
Family Scars (Chapter 18)
Teddy Bear (Chapter 19)
Mom? Dad? (Chapter 20)
Skates and Boards (Chapter 21)
Ice and Lightning (Chapter 22)
Not The Orphanage (Chapter 23)
First Battle (Chapter 24)
Staff of Misery (Chapter 25)
Orb of Portals (Chapter 26)
Relic of Reverse (Chapter 27)
Something's Missing, but what? (Chapter 29)
Remember The Good 'Ol Days? (Chapter 30)
What's The Plan? (Chapter 31)
Meeting of Elements and Masters (Chapter 32)
Plans of Both Sides (Chapter 33)
Amy VS Captains and Generals (Chapter 34)
We Trust, You Lie (Chapter 35)
Sibling VS Sibling (Chapter 36)

As If I Haven't Already Raised Enough Kids (Chapter 28)

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By Mklng13

"It's okay...I'm not here to hurt you," the woman rocks the five babies gently. That blond one looks a little too skinny...the woman's face fills with concern.

"They seem like the Elemental Masters...hopefully Sensei Ku or Amy is around," the woman looks around. "I have to warn the Magic Council that someone took the Relic."


After knocking down all the creatures, Amy and Ku run down the hallway and into the room where the Relic is, stepping over the ashes.

"Brenton. Totally him," Amy states. "Change my mind."

"Do not think I can do that...Queen Irene?!" Ku looks surprised, but what made him confused is the five babies in her arms.

"Oh don't tell me they touched the damn thing," Amy facepalms. "Hi Queen Irene."

"Hey Sensei Ku, Amy Burns. Again I told y'all there is no need for the formal Queen Irene," she looks at the corner of her eye. "Irene is fine."

"Well I do not want to offend the Council around you," Ku jokes, the three adults laugh.

"Also Amy, they did touch it and crazy enough they were trying to stop each other from touching it," Irene chuckles.

"Only them," Amy shakes her head with a laugh.

"Well Ku, these cuties are the Elemental Masters right?" Irene guesses, happily rocking the five babies.

"Oh yeah. I'd recognize that face of protection anywhere," Amy points to Brenton, who is glaring at her and Ku.

"Hm...looks like even their memories are reversed," Ku notes.

"Also the blond one is really skinny and ghostly pale...he looks like he's barely living," Irene's face goes back to concern.

"Those idiot adults..." Ku growls to himself.

"Here lemme help you carry them," Amy moves closer to the babies and they cower into Irene's sky blue armor. "Never mind."

"Oh! I caught the babies and then I turn around and the Relic is gone," Irene tells them.

"What?!" Amy and Ku yell. Their faces turning ghostly pale.

"Wait are you telling me that Vada had the other artifacts and the Magic Council said nothing?!" Irene's eyes widen. "I know the Magic Council wants to be sure of something before telling it to the rest of the world but a heads up is ALWAYS nice!"

"Oh, we're doomed," Amy throws her hands up in defeat.

"My sister is going to escape...everything is going downhill," Ku rubs his temples.

"No offense but why did you let these guys get it? You or Amy could've handled those Generals alone," Irene questions.

"I do not doubt them...I just did not want them to think I do not believe in them," Ku sighs as he answers.

"Well good news is that the Relic's effect are going to wear off," Amy lets out a breath of relief.

"Is it because the Relic is out of their range?" Irene asks.

"No it is most likely the lack of strength the Relic had," Ku guesses.

"That makes sense. The Relic wasn't all that bad when I came in here," Irene muses. "Aww, they're asleep," Irene coos.

"We've gotta take them back and hope none of the parents call," Amy takes all five of the babies into her arms.

"Strong as always Amy," Irene compliments.

"Well thank you for your help Irene," Ku thanks. They could have been seriously injured and Alex...he is already so thin...Ku thinks.

"Anytime. I'll tell the Magic Council, don't worry and just take care of those adorable babies," Irene smiles and turns on her heel. Her red wing symbol on her chest shines into their eyes as she turns.

"Yeah, tell King Hunter we said hi!" Amy grins.

"Oh! And tell Hunter that he needs to reply to messages," Ku adds.

"I will! Tell your siblings I said hi, like the kids you raised Ku," Irene clarifies.

"We know who you're talking about. No worries," Amy waves as Irene waves back. "But we aren't even able to see them so you tell them hi!"

"Noted!" Irene smiles.

"They are so adorable!" Ku gushes and takes his phone out then starts to take pictures.

"Shouldn't we get out of here Sensei?" Amy laughs, careful to not wake the sleeping babies.

"Yes we should, let us do that," Ku nods as he takes pictures then a selfie. "As you can tell I am very modern."

"Oh yeah. Totally," Amy laughs again and turns to leave the lab, followed by Ku.


"No! Ava!" Amy cries out and runs behind the speedy crawler, who is heading towards the sharp table. Amy quickly scoops up the child and turns around to see Alex messing with the curtains.

"Alex!" Amy gasps and runs over, scooping him up too. "At least you aren't so pale anymore."

Amy turns around again to see Brenton and Urana playing together while Owen curiously tried to play too. Brenton looks skeptically at Owen but let's him play anyway.

Ava and Alex both reach towards opposite places, making Amy set them beside the twins and Owen. "Here, make some friends."

Maybe it was the new environment, or maybe it was just the way babies deal with new people but they all started crying.

"No! SENSEI! Why would you leave me alone with five babies?!" Amy glares as the elderly man walks in with his coffee.

"Amy I raised the five of you, in which the other four are not here but you get my point," Ku sips his cup then sets it aside.

"You only raised me since I was a baby. The rest came in later," Amy counters.

"Still. It counts. It is also why I have Carol and Tyler's numbers," Ku pulls out his phone and dials their number then gives the babies each a toy ball.

"Do you have some clothes that might be more comfortable for the babies?" Amy questions. "They look stressed."

"I actually brought them along with me, could you change them while I ask Brenton's caretakers a question?" Ku asks.

"Uh, sure?" Amy shrugs and takes the rompers from Ku. With a deep breath, Amy gently takes Alex and changes his outfit. They have diapers? When did that happen? Weird phenomenon of the Relic, Amy muses. Alex is now wearing a goldish orange romper. Alex busies himself with the fox ears on his romper.

"Hello, this is Ku Powers, the old man Brenton talks about," Ku introduces himself. "I have one question, how did you get Brenton to warm up to the other children? Urana does perfectly fine but she trusts her brother's judgment more."

Amy watches Ku from the corner of her eye as she changes Ava into a silver romper. Ava's pink bow is laying on the side and the baby reaches towards it. "You want me to put that on you?" Amy questions, Ava nods with a huge grin.

"Bibon!" Ava attempts to say ribbon.

"It's called a bow," Amy corrects her.

"Bo?" Ava looks confused.

"No, bow," Amy picks it up and attaches it onto the one of the rabbit ears coming out of the romper.

"Bow!" Ava claps her hands and grins widely. Ava finds the blue bow on Alex's neck part of the romper and goes to play with it. Alex looks scared for a moment then started to play with the bunny ears.

Amy then takes Brenton and changes him too. "Stop giving me that look! I'm doing you a favor!" Amy cries out as Brenton continues to glare at her.

"Really? Haha that sure sounds like him," Ku laughs.

"Bear!" Brenton tells Urana proudly, touching the bear ears. Urana happily claps her hands.

"Bear! Bren Bear!" Urana exclaims with laughter.

Amy then scoops up Owen from under the table. "Why are you under there?" Amy asks as she changes him. Not expecting an answer, she puts him down.

"Lone," the baby replies. Amy's heart started to throb as Owen became sad. "No Ja."

"Aw you poor thing come here!" Amy scoops him up and holds him close to her. "You're not alone, you've got all these babies here, go make some friends," Amy points to the other babies.

"No. No Ja." Owen shakes his head, tears appearing.

"Your older brother...I know he's not here but you have all these other guys," Amy tries again. Owen shakes his head.

"Quick! Put him near Brenton!" Ku tells Amy.

"Why?" Amy questions.

"Just do it," Ku answers.

"So vague," Amy sighs and sets Owen near Brenton. At his point, Owen's tears are falling as he buries himself deeper into the romper with only the fox ears showing.

Amy then quickly changes Urana, who gladly wears the romper with dog ears.

Brenton notices immediately and crawls over. He pokes the head and starts to push the hood back. He sees Owen crying and gives him a hug.

"No cry! You fox! Fox no cry," Brenton tells him, pointing to the ears. Ku slyly takes pictures and videos of them, gushing over them.

"Ja! No Ja!" Owen pouts.

"Ja no cry! You cry!" Brenton looks at him and hugs Owen again.

"Ja...I miss Ja..." Owen mummers.

"Ja come!" Brenton smiles at Owen with a sweet smile and melts Amy and Ku's heart.

"Oh my gosh please tell me you have pictures and videos of this!" Amy gushes.

"Of course I do! Carol and Tyler were right," Ku smiles, still taking pictures and videos.

"Bren? Who?" Urana pops up behind Brenton and points to Owen.

"Frien, he frien," Brenton grins. "Ura." Brenton tells Owen his sister's name.

"Me Bren," Brenton points to himself.

"I Owen," Owen points to himself.

"This is too cute," Amy claps her hands together and decides to take some pictures of her own.


"Lunch time!" Ku calls out and brings over food for the babies to eat. He and Amy sit on the couch eating. Rather exhausted from chasing five babies around.

"Food good!" Brenton praises the cooking.

"He likes your cooking Sensei," Amy puts a spoonful of yogurt in her mouth.

"Nah, Carol and Tyler told me about this one baby food Brenton really liked. They had one for Urana too but I am not completely sure if she will like it. But I amworried about Alex...he eats whatever scraps he finds on the ground.." Ku looks over at the skinny pale boy.

"Those adults are already dead, I can't even say anything," Amy growls.

"Oh trust me. I would love to kill them if I had the chance but I would rather not have that chance because I do not know if I..." Ku's voice trails off.

"Would be able to stop yourself from doing something insane? Yeah...consider it relatable," Amy sighs.

"Al you take food," Brenton wobbles over to the pale boy and gives him his food.

Alex hides himself into his romper, his body shaking. Brenton sighs, taking Alex's spoon, he picks up some food from his cup and, while dropping some of it, he puts it into Alex's mouth.

"You need food," Brenton then proceeds to feed Alex again, smearing all the food over his face.

"My gosh can these babies get any cuter?" Amy gushes.

"Good thing I am such an expert on pictures and videos," Ku grins as his phone records.

"Than...you," Alex smiles softly.

"Oh my gosh!" Amy feels her heart flutter. "That is such a cute smile!"

"Bren feed me too!" Urana comes over.

"Al need food more," Brenton tells Urana gently and continues to feed Alex, who now opens his mouth to eat the food.

"Bren right," Owen agrees as he wobbles over too.

"Bren, food for Al," Ava gives up her food too. She sets it next to Alex's other food.

"Me too," Owen gives his food too.

"They are all so adorable Sensei!" Amy gushes again.

"I know! We gave them all equal amounts but it is okay. They care for each other and that is just wonderful," Ku smiles again.

"I feed Al too!" Urana looks determined and takes the spoon, gets some of her food, then feeds Alex.

"Than you Ura!" Alex smiles.

"I try," Owen takes the spoon and does the same, Alex's eyes looking brighter with each bite of food.

"Than you Owen!" Alex thanks Owen with a smile.

"Me try too," Ava takes the spoon from Owen and feeds Alex.

"Afa, than you!" Alex smiles with more life.

"Good," Brenton looks satisfied and smiles.

"So cute," Amy gushes again. "I'm going to have a cuteness overload by the end of the day."


Ku plays with the babies, rolling the ball towards them as they roll or throw it back. All of them racing to get the ball. Ku chuckles as they all rush towards the ball.

"How old do you think they are now?" Amy asks.

"I would say five at the very least. They are making full sentences now," Ku answers as Alex brings him the ball.

"I got the ball!" Alex claps his hands together, his eyes glowing.

"Good job Alex!" Ku smiles and ruffles the golden locks.

"Urana, Owen stop pushing!" Brenton scolds the both of them with a wagging finger. "It is not that big a deal."

"But he pushed first! I am faster than he is!" Urana crosses her arms.

"No, you did! I am WAY faster than you are!" Owen crosses his arms too. The two kids looking in the opposite direction.

"You guys are being babies," Brenton rolls his eyes. "Ava tell them I'm right."

"Yeah, Brenton's right! All you do is compete," Ava agrees, nodding her head.

"Because I'm better!" Both Owen and Urana say at the same time.

"So they were always like this. Good to know," Amy nods her head as Ku sighs.

"What is wrong here?" Ku crouches down to reach their level, followed by Alex with the ball in hand.

"Owen and Urana are at it again," Brenton sighs with annoyance.

"They pushed each other and now they're arguing," Ava explains further.

"Because it's her fault!"

"Because it's his fault!"

Owen and Urana say at the same time and look away again. Brenton shakes his head as Ava face palms. Alex sighs, as Ku holds back a laugh.

"Well, let us think about this. Does it ever solve any problems when you continue to fight?" Ku asks them.

"No," the kids all say at the same time.

"Then why are you doing it now? Owen, Urana, you two are arguing and now everyone is having a bad time because we have to solve your problem," Ku explains.

"I didn't think of it like that..." Urana's voice trails off.

"I didn't think of that at all," Owen looks down at the ground.

"Sorry!" Both children apologize at the same time.

"It's okay!" Alex, Ava and Brenton say at the same time and they all hug each other with a smile.

Ku nods his head, then goes over to where Amy is sitting as the kids play.

"How do you do it?" Amy huffs. "Were we like that when we were younger?"

"Oh you guys were just as bad. Every child has their problems...I have raised a lot of kids," Ku suddenly realizes.

"Haha you're realizing this now?" Amy laughs.

"To be fair, the Elemental Masters, I am not raising them. Although I guess you could consider it," Ku shrugs.

"You could. Here's the thing: doesn't it feel different when you're raising your own kids? Don't you ever feel as if you're missing out because you've never had a kid of your own?" Amy questions.

"I am sure it does feels different. Amy, you should know that I consider you all my children, even if I am not your birth parent," Ku ruffles Amy's hair.

"Hehe, I know Sensei. I don't know about those idiots," Amy opens one eye to see Ku's reaction.

"Amy! Do not be so mean to them!" Ku reacts, as Amy laughs. "They have been with you all your life!"

"I'm kidding! You know I love 'em," Amy grins as she leans her head on Ku's arm.

"I know," Ku smiles down at Amy.


All the kids are at the wooden table, drawing away on the pieces of paper they have. The crayon marks getting everywhere. Their faces focused and intense.

"Sensei! Look what I drew!" Alex exclaims as he holds up a picture of Ku.

Ku looks up from his book. "Oh Alex that is beautiful!" Ku smiles as Alex gives him the picture.

"I am going to hang it up on the fridge," Ku takes a sun magnet and places it on top of the drawing.

"Yay!" Alex exclaims happily and then goes over to the table again, only to be distracted by Amy throwing a baseball at the wall then catching it.

Ava tugs at Sensei's cloak and Ku looks down at the shy kid. "I made a drawing of you too."

"Aw, Ava it is amazing," Ku smiles again. "Can I hang it up?" Ava nods and runs away as Ku hangs it up with a silver swirl magnet. Ku watches as she goes over to Amy and Alex.

As soon as Ku sits down, Owen comes over with a drawing. "Sensei! Did I do good?" He holds it up for Ku to see, eagerly seeking validation.

"Owen it is awesome!" Ku smiles. "I am going to hang it up," Ku takes the drawing and hangs it up with a mountain magnet.

Urana comes running behind him. "Sensei look at mine!" Urana hold her up with a hopeful look on her face.

"Urana it is pretty!" Ku smiles at Urana. "I will hang yours up as well," Ku takes the drawing and hangs it up with a water droplet magnet.

While glaring at each other, Owen and Urana go to where Amy is. Ku shakes his head and goes back to the couch to read.

From the corner of his eye, he sees Brenton working away on the piece of paper. His face scrunched up in determination.

After a few minutes Ku looks up again and sees Brenton looking more frustrated and angry. Then, Ku gets up, putting the book aside, he goes over to Brenton and sits down next to him.

"What do you have here Brenton?" Ku asks as he looks at the paper of another drawing of him.

"Nothing!" Brenton grumbles and covers up the paper.

"What is wrong with it?" Ku questions.

"It's not that good," Brenton looks in the opposite direction.

"What makes you say that? It certainly can not be 'not that good'," Ku tries again.

"Everyone else's is so much better than mine! I can't draw you as good as they can!" Brenton yells in frustration and anger. He takes the crayons and throws it onto the ground, then takes the paper and crumbles it up.

"Brenton, it does not matter if you can draw better than everyone. This is like a gift right?" Ku collects the crayons.

"Yeah..." Brenton mumbles.

"Then what it looks like does not matter. What matters is if it came from there," Ku places the crayons aside and points to Brenton's heart. "Did it come from there?"

"...yes," Brenton nods as he straightens out his drawing.

"Then that is all that matters. I will treasure it regardless," Ku smiles warmly at Brenton.

"I'm sorry Sensei," Brenton sheepishly hands Ku the drawing.

Ku takes the drawing. "Thank you Brenton." He then goes to the fridge and hangs it up with the flame magnet.

A savior, role-model, hero, grandfather, mentor and



"Can I just say that I am haVING A CUTENESS OVERLOAD?!" Amy squeals as she watches the kids squish their cheeks.

"They are so cute!" Ku gushes as he takes pictures. "Let us not interrupt them."

"Yeah I don't wanna ruin my chances of blackmail," Amy then grins.

"Really..?" Ku rolls his eyes.

"Yes, really! Actually there really isn't much," Amy replies.

"They may turn back soon," Ku guesses.

"Then they'll be their usual crazy selves," Amy raises her eyebrows. "I don't know how I feel about that."

"Haha Amy you are something else," Ku laughs. "We can not defend them if they are like this. It will be in everyone's best interest for them to get back to normal."

"But I thought Vada would never kill kids?" Amy looks confused.

"She will not but that does not mean she is not going to kidnap them," Ku reminds Amy.

"True...you and Vada...I don't think I could ever fight my siblings," Amy shrugs.

"I could never...at least that is how I am thinking right now. I feel guilty for sending her to Wysteria....that waste land," Ku shuts his eyes for a moment.

"I'll fight her if you don't want to. Don't force yourself to do something you don't want to do," Amy stares at the kids.

"No! She will kill you!" Ku looks scared. "I forbid you and anyone else from fighting her." Ku turns his attention back to the kids.

"Sensei..." Amy's voice trails off. I know she's strong...I know you're worried...but there's no way you can bring yourself to hurt Vada. She's your sister for goodness's sake! Amy thinks.

"Amy I do not want to see you hurt...or anyone for that matter," Ku replies grimly. "She will escape soon and I know the Elemental Masters are not ready for it."

"Says literally everyone," Amy huffs. "But there is reason behind it...so I guess it's just the way it is."


"Coach! Play with us!" The kids march over. Amy quickly tells the people on the phone bye and ends the call.

"What are we playing?" Amy asks as she sets her phone down.

"Tag!" The kids cheer.

"And if we catch you then we get to dog pile on you and Sensei!" Brenton adds a twist.

"Sensei's playing?" Amy questions.

"Figured I may as well-" Ku then whispers, "that and the fact that there is only a few minutes left till they turn back," Ku explains in a low voice. Amy nods.

"Alright let's do this!" Amy puts her hand into the air. "But you won't catch me!"

"Ha! You wish!" Ava grins.

"We're gonna catch you two no problem!" Alex cheers and jumps up.

"Just you watch!" Owen agrees.

"You're gonna be surprised!" Urana smiles.

"Let's do this then," Amy grins and takes off, jogging around the house. "Sensei, don't go hard on them."

"Says you," Ku looks at her in disbelief as Amy laughs.

"Why don't we play tag in the virtual reality dome?" Amy asks, dodging the kids as they jump towards her.

"Well...we have already started so there is no point in going now," Ku laughs as Brenton tries to grab the cloak but falls onto his face. Making the other kids fall on top of his back.

Laughing, Ku takes a picture before moving a few feet away from them. Amy sits on the couch and puts her hands together.

"What happened to you all catching me?" Amy grins, teasing the kids.

"Grrrrr," Brenton growls as he tries to get up. "Guys! Get off of me!" Brenton whines, trying to pull himself out.

The kids quickly get up, but Owen being the first one up gets pushed down as everyone then falls on top of him.

"So graceful guys!" Amy laughs as Ku takes a picture.

"You meanie!" Brenton grumbles as he gets off, followed by everyone else doing the same and staying away from each other.

"Come and catch us!" Ku laughs as he and Amy start to jog again.

With more determination, the kids chase after them again. Alex dives to catch up to Amy when she lifts up her left foot and Alex goes flying into the jacket lying on the ground.

"I'm so sorry!" Amy cries out. Alex turns around and looks at the huge sleeves and hood. He then grins the flaps the sleeves.

"I'm a Walrus!" Alex cheers with a cute smile. "Ark! Ark! Ark!" Alex continues to flap the sleeves but then the hood covers his face.

"Oof! Hehe," Alex lifts the hood a little and smiles again.

"CUTENESS OVERLORD!" Amy gasps and lays on her stomach.

"Alex you an adorable kid," Ku gushes while the video is taking place. Suddenly, all the kids run towards Amy and dog pile onto her back, Alex leaving the jacket behind.

"Gotcha!" The kids cheer with a smile.


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