Percy Jackson: The son Of Pri...

By owen2su

28.2K 281 101

Percy and Annabeth have been sent to find a demigod, and bring him to camp but what they got involved with is... More

Giant Metal Robots, and Demigods
Autobots, and Decepticons
Injury and Abandonment
Family Visits
Returning Home
well, you see........


1.9K 17 11
By owen2su

Jack's POV:

I rode on Arcee, silent as we approached my house in the Jasper suburbs. It was a quiet neighborhood and, despite the earthquakes and storms we'd been hearing about only a few hours earlier, was completely peaceful. In fact, it almost seemed as if Jasper suffered almost no damage, and I felt a smile tug on my lips.

Jasper was my home, and even if I didn't like all aspects of it, it was where I was born and raised. Seeing it still standing warmed my, spark, I guess. That's going to take some getting used to. Anyway, we pulled into the drive way, Arcee and I pulling into the garage.

Bulkhead stopped by the curb and opened his door, letting Percy and the others pile out. Percy turned to the Bot and thanked him for the ride before walking up the drive way into the garage. Mom and the others walked up to the garage while I got off Arcee and took my helmet off.

"So this is where you live?" Percy asked, walking up.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I replied, setting the silver grey helmet on the table.

"Just asking. I live in an apartment in New York," he said.

"Never been anywhere outside of Jasper," I admitted. "Unless you count the excursions with the bots," I finished.

"What excursions?" Mom asked, standing at the door way.

Uh oh. "Nothing Mom!" I answered quickly, getting a chuckle out of the other three.

"Right," she said before gesturing for us to come on in. "We'll find a place for you three to sleep," she said as we all walked in.

Now, my house is a very nice house, but I'll be the first to admit it was not designed to hold three demigods and a satyr comfortably. It was a three bedroom house, though the third bedroom was a tiny room with only a bed and a window, with two bathrooms. One was in the hall connecting all three bedrooms together, and the second you could only reach by going through my room.

"I assume Annabeth will take the guest room?" Mom asked.

Percy and Grover nodded. "Good, then you two can sleep on the couch in the living room," she said.

"I've slept in worse places," Percy said. I had a feeling he wasn't exactly lying.

The two made themselves comfortable in our living room while Mom showed Annabeth to the guest room. I leaned against the kitchen counter, thinking over the events that had happened today. Raf had almost died, we found out Greek gods are real, Unicron is responsible for their existence, and I am the son of Primus. All in all, a very weird day, even for me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Annabeth asked as she came back from Mom's little tour.

"Not a lot to talk about," I answered. "You all saw what happened today. Turns out you were right; I am a demigod," I admitted.

"True," Annabeth started, "by the way, I told you so," she said.

I raised a brow at her but decided to ignore the comment. "Point is I'm trying to get used to this," I said, pointing to my optics.

"To be fair, this is shocking for us too. We just found out everything we thought we knew about Earth was a lie," Percy said from the couch.

I nodded ."Yeah, makes sense, but at least you're still human," I pointed out. "I'm only half human." I looked at my hand and willed the change. It was getting easier, but watching my flesh be replaced with metal and wiring... It was unnerving to watch.

The three looked at my servo. "Does it...hurt...when you do that?" Annabeth asked.

"At first it did, but it's already becoming easier," I admitted. "What scares me is that I feel almost more comfortable when I change parts of myself Cybertronian. What if I change fully...and I can't change back?" I asked to no one in particular.

The three looked between themselves, likely trying to come up with some way to comfort me. An impossible task if ever there was one. I sighed and straightened up.

"I'm going to be in my room if you need me," I announced and headed to my room, shifting my hand back to normal. I sighed as I closed the door behind me and made my way to the bathroom. A nice long shower sounded good about now.

I stripped off my clothes and stepped in, letting the water wash away the filth from today. I almost immediately noticed that my optics weren't as sensitive as my old eyes, the water just plinked off them harmlessly, blurring my vision but nothing else. Odd but useful if the situation calls for something like that.

After the shower, I quickly dried off and wrapped a towel around my waist, getting ready to change when I stopped in front of the mirror. I looked at myself and shuddered slightly at the golden optics staring back at me. It was just so...odd to see. I was used to my blue human eyes.

But then, maybe it was only so unnerving because I was in human form. Maybe as a Cybertronian...I closed my eyes and focused. I hadn't assumed the form since it first came on, and I grit my teeth as I changed.

Skin was replaced with plating, my body grew and sevos began replacing joints, as I grew several inches taller, and my internal organs fet odd, metal replace fleash and  as I changed. I opened my optics with a gasp as I finished the change. I placed my servos on the counter, panting slightly. Changing race took a lot of energy.

I looked up at the mirror and examined my Cybertronian body in detail for the first time. My upper body was much broader than before, similar to Optimus' upper body. My form grew slimmer as I looked at my waists. I noticed though, that unlike any of the bots, my body was just a shining, and it appears sleaker, licuid like metal covered the joints and other areas, making me look humanoid, the only color coming from my optics. I didn't seem to have any colored armor.

Protoform...The word was just whispered through my mind, and I knew what it was. The protoform was the underbody of a Cybertronian, what they looked like without any armor or vehicle mode. I blushed violently as I realized I had been naked in front of everyone, they just didn't know it.

I shook myself and continued to examine this new body. Most of the plating was smoothly seamed together, barely exposing any of my inner workings. The licuid like metal around my joints seem to bend and morph as i bend my mucels  and my neck had several thicker wires and tubes running into my helm. Likely Energon tubing.

I reached up and ran a servo along one of said tubes, and shivered at the sensitivity I felt. I didn't know the Bots felt so sensitive on their more exposed regions. The feedback I got from that touch was nearly overwhelming.

I examined my face...plate, and saw some similarities to the other bots. Like my upper body, my faceplate was wider at the top, and grew thinner as it trailed down into my chin. I ran my servos over the smooth metal that made up my face and found it was strangely sensitive as well. Unlike Ratchet, Bulkhead, or Bumblebee, though, I didn't have any lines running across my faceplate, it was odd.

"Well, I think it makes you look adorable," a strong, feminine voice suddenly said.

I whirled around, looking for the source of the voice. "Who's there?" I demanded and noticed a metallic accent to my voice, just like the Autobots.

"I did," the voice said, and I looked around, only to freeze as I looked in the mirror. Standing behind me was a Cybertronian femme. She had a strong powerful look to her and a slightly thicker body than Arcee. Her arms in particular appeared almost muscled, for a Cybertronian. Wiring flowed from the back of her head, tied up at the end to keep them from fraying.

Her armor covered her entire body minus her faceplate. It was a deep blue, almost black, with silver highlights. Her optics were a royal blue color, and her lips were beep blue as well. She had a massive hammer resting lightly on her shoulder, larger than Breakdowns. The hammer was intricately designed and colored a bright gold. Either end was colored silver, offsetting the color.

I turned around, and saw that no one was the there. The femme giggled as I turned back to look at her. "How are you..." I started and she interrupted me.

"Apologies, little brother. I am Solus Prime," she said with a gracious bow, "Crafter and Inventor of the Thirteen," she proclaimed.

"Wait, Solus Prime, the one who crafted my sword, gun scythe thing?!" I asked.

She beamed proudly "Ah yes, I remember when our creator asked me to forge that blade, not my most difficult task, but certainly an interesting task," she said.

"You're a girl?" I asked in disbelief. Both her name and job description suggested she'd be a mech.

Solus arched an optic ridge at me and set her hammer down with a thud, placing a servo on her hip. "Of course I'm a femme, you didn't think our creator would fight the chaos-bringer with just a bunch of mechs do you? He needed a femme's touch to get the job done," she said.

"Please forgive Solus, brother. She can be a tad eccentric at times," another male voice said. Another mech appeared behind me in the mirror. He was dressed in what looked like ancient armor, with large shoulder pads, and a thick metal like cape on his back.

"W-who are you?" I asked, starting to freak out.

"Vector Prime, controller of space and time," he said.

I reacted to this revelation with what I think was a pretty good reaction. "Am I going crazy?"

Solus giggled again, "No little brother, you're not going crazy. We are simply taking up the extra space in your mind," she explained.

Vector must have seen the terrified expression on my faceplate and elaborated on the bubbly Prime's explanation. "What our sister means to say is that our creator, Primus, has ordered the remaining Thirteen to guide you through the coming days," he said.

I looked at Vector. "So I'm going to have thirteen voices in my head trying to talk to me?" I asked.

"Silly mech," Solus said, regaining my attention. "We're going to swap out, two at a time, some days you might have Prima and Liege Maximo, and some days you might have Alpha Trion and Micronus Prime," she said. "And if you're lucky, you'll get Vector and me!" she squealed.

I looked back at Vector. "Is she always this..." I wasn't sure what word I could use to describe my... half sister I guess. Weird, the thirteen Primes are my siblings. Mom's going to freak.

"Bubbly, yes," Vector said, massaging his temples. "Point is, you'll have different pairs of us helping you when the situation demands it," he said.

"Why?" I asked. "Not that I don't appreciate it, but I can handle things by myself," I said.

"Baby brother," Solus said, her voice still chipper as ever. "You're still a youngling, barely past your sparkling stage. You have a ways to go before you won't need our guidance," she said. I had a weird feeling that if she could, Solus would be pinching my cheeks, something about the way she talked gave me that feeling.

"Great," I said throwing my servos in the air. "Now I have voices in my head, as if this situation wasn't weird enough. Everyone'll think I'm crazy with you two talking to me," I said.

Solus rolled her optics and opened her mouth to speak, when Vector raised his servo. "Sister, our young brother has had enough today. Let him relax. He needs time to recharge," he said.

He then turned to me. "Jackson, you don't need to speak aloud to interact with us, merely think it, and we will be able to hear it," he said.

"I...that actually makes sense," I said.

Solus nodded. "Of course it does. A Prime said it, so it must be true," she said, breaking into another giggling fit.

Vector sighed. "Perhaps it would be best if you assumed your human form and rested, the following days will be difficult," he said.

I nodded and returned to my human form, wincing slightly at the pains of changing back. I was about to change, when a thought occurred to me. "Exactly how much can you guys...see from in there?" I asked via thought.

Solus giggled. "Enough, brother, enough," she said.

I turned bright red, and Solus collapsed into laughter at my embarrassment. Closing my optics I changed as fast as I could before slipping into bed. I shut my optics as I slowly began drifting to sleep.

"Rude," Solus said, causing my optics to snap open. "He didn't even say good night," she pouted.

"Good night," I growled.

"Good night," she responded gleefully. I sighed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day...

The following day...

I groaned as I woke up, opening my optics as I did. It was weird hearing them buzz and click as they adjusted, but I'd get used to it.

"Morning baby brother," Solus said as I woke up.

"Great," I mumbled. "You're still here," I said as I got dressed.

Solus huffed indignantly. "That's no way to talk to your older sister," she said.

I heard a slapping sound in my skull, and Solus yelped. "What was that for?" she demanded.

"Behave yourself sister, our brother is still adapting to the change. You aren't helping," Vector said.

"I am trying the best I can. I like working with machines and gadgets better; they aren't sarcastic," she retorted, and the two got into an argument.

I winced as I left my room, the two verbally sparring with each other. You know, for two ancient Primes with untold wisdom, they sure could act like children.

"Hey, I heard that!" Solus said as I walked into the kitchen. Our three guests were snacking on an unrecognizable substance baked by my mother. From the looks on their faces, it tasted as bad as it looked.

My only response to her remark was a light smack on my head. "Fine, I'll be quiet," she grumbled.

"That'll be the day," Vector snorted.

"Shut it," I warned quietly, trying not to draw attention. Unfortunately, Annabeth heard me.

"Something the matter Jack?" she asked, a worried look on her face.

I sighed. "If you call having two Primes bickering in your head like a bunch of twelve year olds a problem, then yeah something's the matter," I said.

Everyone froze to stare at me like I was crazy when I finished. "I don't think they believe you," Solus pointed out.

I mentally slapped her and refocused my attention on them, ignoring her protests. "I'm not crazy," I said.

"Right," Percy said.

"I'm not!" I protested. "Dad has the Primes talking to me to guide me or something like that, not entirely sure. Point is, I have two of them bickering in my head right now,"

"You're obviously not kidding, so which two?" Annabeth asked.

"Solus and Vector Prime," I said.

"Hello!" Solus said.

"They can't hear us Solus," Vector pointed out.

"Should still say hello," she mumbled.

There was a thud as I slammed my head on the table. "This is going to be a very long day," I mumbled, head still on the table.

Everyone laughed at this, while Solus and Vector continued to bicker in my skull. "I swear if you two don't knock it off this instant," I threatened over thought.

The two stopped bickering, at least temporarily, and I let out a grateful sigh. Mom apparently was worried, and I felt her hand on my shoulder. "You sure you want to head to work today Jack? You can take a sick day to get used to all this," she offered.

I shook my head as I lifted it up. "No, it's fine. I can handle it as long as those two behave," I said, directing the last bit to Solus.

"What did I do?" she asked defensively.

"What you always do," Vector Prime mumbled.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" she demanded.

I mentally sighed as the two started bickering. "And I thought you and Annabeth were bad," I mumbled.

"Hey!" they both shouted in unison. I laughed at the two's defensiveness and made my way out of the house. I snatched a pair of sunglasses and put them over my optics and slammed my hands into my pockets. The glasses hopefully would keep others from noticing my golden optics.

"So exactly where are we going?" Solus asked curiously.

I sighed. "Work," I said.

"Oh, not that horrid establishment that Primus told us about," Vector said.

"Yes that place, I need the money," I said.

Solus let out a groan, and Vector reprimanded her. "Be patient Solus. We cannot interfere. Besides, I think that its quiet impressive that one as young as our brother has the courage to work at such a place," he said.

"Thanks... I think," I said as I made my way into the K.O. burger restaurant. It really was going to be a long day, wasn't it?


Kill. Me.

If I thought work was bad when I was alone in my head, with those two it was horrifying. Solus was worse, always complaining about something. Vector tried to keep her quiet, but she always found a way to get under my skin. Didn't help that she was so cheerful in how she said it.

I sighed as the most recent order drove off, worried about what exactly was happening at base with the others, or with Optimus, who was at the mercy of Megatron. "Do not worry, brother," Vector said, trying to comfort me. "Even as Orion Pax, Optimus was not so easily harmed," he said.

"Thanks..." I said when I saw a familiar figure standing across from the drive thru window.

"Hey, Jack," she said, smiling.

"Sierra!" I said, honestly surprised. I heard Solus giggle at my surprise and ignored her

"How come I never see you around?" she asked.

"W-what are you talking about?" Jack asked. "W-we have Chemistry together."

I inwardly cursed my stuttering when it came to important matters. Or talking to girls. She looked at me and shrugged...and I realized what I just said.

"Class!" Jack corrected, hurriedly. "Chemistry class," I said, and Solus collapsed into fits of laughter. I could have sworn I heard Vector chuckling too.

"I mean...outside of school," she hinted. "I never see you at any parties...or the mall..."

"Well..." I started, leaning on the windowsill. "Mostly I'm here...wearing the hat."

I rolled my eyes at the cheap thing, earning a smile from her.

" can't study enough for those old SATs you know," I continued, "And...there's some other stuff."

She gave me questioning look, and at that exact moment I heard a buzz in the background.

"Just. My. Luck," I thought.

"No, you were doing so well," Solus said with a laugh.

"Don't go anywhere," I said, turning to the intercom, sighing, and repeating the same old greeting. "Welcome to KO drive in. May I take your o..."

"5pm, Jack," Arcee's voice said through the intercom. "Your shift is over; let's go."

I looked up at the clock and nearly cheered.

"Oh..." Sierra said. "That kind of stuff," she awkwardly turned to leave.

I mentally groaned. This was not how I wanted this conversation to go!

"Sierra, wait!" I cried, trying to think fast over the two Primes laughing at me. "...She's my mother."

Only after the words came out of my mouth did I realize how dumb that sounded. Solus was hysterical at this point, and Vector gave up trying not to laugh. And, of course, to make the situation worse, Arcee just happened to drive up at that moment when Sierra turned around.

"Your m=Mom looks good in leather," Sierra said awkwardly. "On your bike,"

And she walked off, leaving me there awkwardly. Both Primes were now roaring with laughter.

"T-t-that i-is the f-funniest t-thing I've s-seen in years!" Solus squealed as she laughed.

"O-oh my c-cooling s-system," Vector said as I heard him try to catch his breath.

I glared at the guilty bike in front of me. "Didn't mean to decimate your social life," Arcee whispered.

"Not the first time," I sighed. "Any sign of Optimus?"

There was a brief silence from her,"...Not today," she said sadly. I inwardly cursed as the two stopped.

"She needs comforting," Vector pointed out.

"I'm aware of that!" I hissed mentally. "But how do I comfort her over this?" I asked. Wait. Was I asking one of the Thirteen how to comfort a girl? Could this day get any weirder?

"Tell her, there's always a chance to find a light," Vector said. "The future is as yet unshaped. It is we that shape it."

I sighed but repeated it. "Ok," Arcee said. "I know you didn't come up with that on your own. Out with it, where'd you hear that?" she demanded.

Solus apparently found this funny and started giggling again. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," I mumbled.

Arcee raised her bikes mirror, but said nothing, simply driving to the front of the store, waiting for me "Thanks for the advice," I whispered sarcastically.

"Anytime," Vector replied.

"Brother, that was sarcasm," Solus said.

".....I knew that," The Prime responded.

I chuckled at the Prime as I got onto Arcee and we drove off to base in relative silence. As we drove, I sensed that Arcee was feeling tense and opened my mouth to ask her what the problem was, when she spoke first.

"So who told you that line?" she asked as they drove.

"What line?" I asked innocently.

"Smooth brother," Solus said.

"Smooth Jack," Arcee said. "You know what I'm talking about," she said.

I sighed. "Okay, fine, the Thirteen are talking to me," I admitted.

Arcee went dead silent for several seconds. "Jack..." she started.

"I'm not kidding!" I said. "Solus and Vector Prime are talking to me, even as we speak!" I said.

"She won't believe you, brother," Vector said.

"So how do I get her to?" I demanded angrily. For providing guidance they were being pretty lousy at their jobs.

"Shift your hand to your Cybertronian form and place it over her spark." Vector said. "It will allow us to communicate with her directly," he explained.

"Jack, I'm waiting for a real answer," Arcee warned.

I sighed and looked at my right hand as we drove. It slowly shifted to its Cybertronian form, and I placed it on Arcee's gas tank. I suddenly felt a connection with her...with her mind!

"What the!" the femme shouted and slid to a stop on the side of the road. Apparently, she felt my presence too.

"Jack what is..." she started.

"Calm yourself Arcee," Vector ordered. "I am Vector Prime, and Jackson is using one of his abilities to communicate our presence to you," he explained.

"V-vector P-prime?" she stuttered.

"What am I? Cesium salami?" Solus demanded angrily.

"W-who?" she asked.

"Solus Prime, at your service," she said and I could imagine that she was bowing once again.

"So you really are in Jacks head," the femme said. "But why?" she asked.

"To provide guidance, per Primus's orders," he explained.

"And to annoy the ever loving scrap out of him," Solus said with glee.

"I...this," she said.

"Yes, it is indeed a wow moment," Solus said.

"Solus," I growled.

"Fine, fine, I'll behave," she said. "Besides our time with our baby brother is almost up,"

"Oh thank Primus," I muttered, only to receive a mental slap from Solus.

"Ow!" I yelped. "how did you even do that?"

"Language," Solus said with a giggle. "Don't use our creator's name in vain," she said.

I sighed. "Whatever," I said dismissively and removed my hand from Arcee's gas tank, turning it back to human form.

"Believe me now?" I asked.

"Kind of hard not to, given how I just spoke with some of the biggest legends in Cybertronian history," Arcee said as we drove back to base...


"You weren't able to determine the Decepticon's location?" Ratchet hissed after a failed scouting/search and rescue mission. "Or if Optimus was even aboard ship?!"

"I...couldn't confirm," Arcee answered back. The Cons had attacked a military base of some sorts, and Arcee had given chase in motorcycle form, getting aboard the ship. Unfortunately, Soundwave had managed to bridge her back to Earth before she could get any real information.

"Humph, serves the femme right for charging in blindly," a voice rasped in my ear. A new voice, one that was far more unnerving than Vector or Solus.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The voice chuckled. "Liege Maximo, brother" he hissed.

"Great more voices," I mumbled. His response was a searing pain in my skull, causing me to grunt quietly in pain.

"Do not toy with me boy. I am not as forgiving or gentle as our other siblings," he hissed.

"No, but you're a heck of a lot more annoying," I retorted, earning another wave of pain.

"I am only here to watch you; I have no other reason," he hissed.

"Stop torturing the boy, brother," another voice said, this one was strong and wise, like a mix between Optimus, and my father's voice.

"Prima," he hissed. "You think I care about the condition of our youngling brother?" he demanded.

"No, and that is why Father sent me with you, to make sure you wouldn't hurt young Jackson," Prima said and addressed me directly. "I apologize, brother; Liege is the incarnate of evil. He has no remorse for his actions,"

"Yet dad thought it was a good idea for him to be in my head!?" I asked angrily.

"It was so that you would learn from all sides of the spectrum," Prima said. "One cannot defeat an enemy without first knowing their enemy, and who better to prepare you for the Decepticons than the ultimate evil," Prima explained. From his tone, he was as happy about this as I was.

"For the time though, I would recommend you pay attention to the scene unfolding," he warned. "I will deal with Liege Maximo," he stated, and the two began bickering...Trade one pair for another I guess.

But I listened to his advice, right as Bulkhead gave a growl and smashed his servo onto one of Ratchet's tools.

"Bulkhead...!" Ratchet started.

"What?" Bulkhead hissed. "You needed that? The only thing I need is our head honcho back!"

"It's not your fault," I said to his Arcee, whose faceplate twisted angrily.

"If any of us needed rescuing, Optimus would have found a way," she spat, bitterly. "I didn't. Simple as that."

"Ratchet!" Fowler cried over the video screen. "What happened out there? Reports indicate at least a dozen wounded! The heat's on me to provide some explanation! You 'Bots better get your act together or the Pentagon will make me shut down your base!"

And he cut out with an air of finality.

I heard Liege growl. "If I was in charge of this group, we wouldn't take orders from the fleshlings," he said.

"You realize that technically one of said fleshlings is your mother, since she is married to our father," I pointed out. Liege simply growled to himself as we refocused on the conversation

"But...where would you go?" Raf asked.

"Who knows!" Ratchet growled "Maybe they'll ship us out to some island...or fire us out into space! Wouldn't that be a welcome relief!"

"I don't blame Fowler," Arcee said. "Optimus would have evacuated all humans in the area before engaging the Cons!"

The yellow scout whirred angrily.

"We don't know what Optimus would have done..." Bulkhead snarled, "Because he's not HERE!"

An idea suddenly hit my mind "Guys?" I started.

"You're pretty good at stating the obvious, Bulk. Anything else you'd like to mention that we already know?" Arcee snapped, getting up into the Wrecker's face. I sighed. They were ignoring me.

"Guys..." I repeated.

"Nothing I can say in front of the children," he hissed.

"GUYS!" I yelled.

They still bickered.

Suddenly, several lights shattered, and the television exploded into sparks. There was a low groan as the entire base shook before everything became quiet. All the Bots looked at me in shock, and I looked to see that I had assumed my Cybertronian form on accident. I ignored it for now and addressed the bots.

"Hey!" I shouted. "Aren't we overlooking the one positive? Nobody's talking about what the 'Cons just got their claws on!"

Ratchet snorted. "Yes, we managed to allow them to finally acquire a power source for their space bridge!" he shouted.

"And how exactly would that be a positive?" Arcee asked.

"We let them finish building their space bridge," I continued, a plan slowly forming in my processor.

"Why? So they can bring back more zombies from Cybertron?" Bulkhead snapped.

"No," I said, a huge smile lighting up my faceplate, "so we can commandeer it...And use it to send me to Cybertron,"

"Whoa!" Miko said, looking at me with an impressed look. "That's a pretty good idea!"

Arcee laughed. "Oh, well if Miko thinks it's a good idea..." she started, earning her a glare from Bulkhead.

"Nobody's saying it will be easy," I said, calmly. "But you've seized a space bridge before..."

"We blew one up!" Bulkhead protested. "That's a whole lot different than three of us seizing and holding one!"

Bumblebee gave a few chirps.

"'Bee's right," Arcee said."We'd have to find that thing first,"

"Uh, hello! If it's a space bridge isn't it..." Miko pointed upwards.

"The term space refers to its transport range, not its physical location!" Ratchet sighed. "And we've been monitoring Earth's orbit since the last one...we'd know if it were there!"

"So the bridge could be somewhere here on Earth," I suggested.

"Like trying to find a servo in a scrap yard," Bulkhead muttered.

"Then maybe we'd better start looking," Arcee said, calming down.

"But the fact remains..." Ratchet started. "We do not know what the Decepticons have in store for Optimus...Or if he's truly safe from harm,"

The base fell into morbid silence...

A/N: So, how many people knew that Jack would start talking with the thirteen? Show of hands. Hey you guys who I told, keep your hands down, you don't count. Ok, this chapter was SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Anyway, review with critique and PM me for plot ideas and questions. Bye!

The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Your review has been posted. 

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