Not So Shy At All

Oleh AmberJoline

1.8K 38 4

What do you do when your whole existence is based on lies? And someone finds out about it? That's the questio... Lebih Banyak

1. New Partner
2. The Deal

3. School's a Bitch

388 9 2
Oleh AmberJoline

Jennifer's P.O.V

I wake up in the morning, lying on the couch. My back hurts like hell. Apparently, couches aren't the best thing to use as a bed. Why do I have to be so lazy? Actually, I'm not lazy. Last night, I was just too tired to walk to the bedroom, happens all the time.

Wait, what time is it? If I'm late for school, I'm fucked. It's 7.30 AM, well shit. That means I have to hurry and not a little bit either. I jump off the couch, first mistake. My back starts to hurt even more after doing that. Damn, I act like an old lady.  

As fast as I can, I put some baggy clothes on and put my wig on. Yes, I wear a wig to school. At school I'm known as a blonde who wears baggy clothes and huge glasses. It's pretty strange nobody ever notices that those glasses are only made of glass, without any adjustments. 

I don't have much time today, so I quickly make a bun in my hair and pull the wig over it. Usually I make sure everything is good in place and wear a lot of make up to make it look like I have pimples, but I don't have time for that. The glasses should be enough to cover up my face.

The leftovers from yesterdays lunch are my breakfast for today. Call it whatever you want, I guess gross is the best choice, but it's all I have right now. I eat it so fast, I almost choke. My bag lays exactly where I put it, so that's a big relief. I don't have time to search for it and my essay for English is in there.

If I'm going to walk, I'll definitely be late. If I take my old car, it will break down. Easy choice, I'll rather be late than stuck with a car that doesn't work. I grab my bag and start running to school. How charming can a girl be, running like a maniac and dragging a bag with her as well.

This is not one of my best days. It actually can't get worse than this, I'm sure. I'm glad that I'm in great shape and that I'm still not breathing like a dog. The clothes make it harder to run, but I can survive that. I look at my phone and see it's already 8.15 AM. Shit, in five minutes the bell will ring and I'll be late.

With my index finger, I shove my glasses back on my nose. They easily fall off, especially when I'm running. This isn't the first time I've ran to school, what a surprise, don't you think? The not really a nerd runs to school a lot.

Normally I put on regular sportswear and don't wear my wig or glasses, jog to school, shower in the locker room and get changed there. Nobody comes there before first period, no girl loves sport that much at our school. They love make up and perfect hair too much to even try doing their best during P.E. 

Once I'm at school, I'm sweaty and sticky. It's really gross, I'm glad the bell already rang. Alright, I have two choices, go to class covered in sweat or take a shower and be even later. The second one, definitely. I don't like being sweaty.

If I'm correct, there aren't any girls in the locker room right now. If I'm wrong, well then I'm screwed. I walk into the locker room and can't see anyone. Finally something that goes right today. I quickly take off my clothes and take a shower. The water feels like heaven against my skin.

After a while, I wrap a towel around me and walk out off the shower. As fast as I can, I dry myself with the towel and put my clothes on again. The class is almost over, so if I hurry, maybe I can get in without getting detention. Probably not, but it's worth a try.

Without knocking I storm into the classroom, making all heads turn to me. The teacher doesn't look pleased with my late arrival, so I sight and wait for the detention slip. He hands it to me and I walk to the only empty seat left. I let myself drop on the chair and my bag on the floor. 

'Looks like someone's having a bad morning.' I hear someone say on my left.

'Shut up, Finley. Not in the mood.' I mumble.

'Alright, don't get your panties in a twist.'

I roll my eyes at him, he's so annoying. If he even dares talking about the club, I'll do the same thing to him as I did to Chris. I haven't seen him since, but I just know he's still sore. The class is almost over, so I don't grab my books, it's not worth it. 

'You might want to check your wig, I can see some brown hair in your neck.'

His hands travel to my neck and put the hair back under the wig. I'm trying not to move, I'm afraid that if I do, the wig falls off. One of his hands travels to my shoulder and stays there. I shrug it off and sent him an angry look. This time, he shrugs and looks away.

I grab a mirror and look if my wig is still in the good place. It looks normal to me, which surprises me. Of course the wig looks like shit, the hair is thin and straight, but it looks like real hair. My actual hair is thick, brown and a bit curly, so that looks totally different.

The bell rings and I stand up. Without even looking at Finn, I walk away. I go into the first restroom I see, focusing on the mirrors. Small mirrors are handy, but not for fixing a wig. Nobody else is in the restroom, so I lock the door and pull off my wig. 

That thing itches like a bitch, so I hate wearing it. I take some time to do the ponytail again and put the wig on again. I check it a couple times, making sure there isn't any brown hair visible. While I'm here, I can put make up on, but I don't feel like it. The glasses cover my face, I don't need any more than that.

Someone is knocking on the door, which means I need to get out of here. I grab my bag and unlock the door. She shoots me an arrogant look and walks past me, someone isn't so happy that I locked the door. I walk into the canteen and sit down at a table.

After a few minutes, someone sits down next to me. I look up to the face of Finn, who's grinning in a very creepy way. A sigh escapes out of my mouth and I try to ignore him. Maybe he'll go away if I act like I haven't noticed him or maybe he'll get the hint and walk away.

'Aren't you going to thank me? I did save your wig in class,' Finley whispers in my ear.

'Thank you, now go away. People are staring at us,' I say, sounding irritated.

'I'm not going anywhere, I like it here.' 

'Fine,' I mumble.

Without saying another word, I eat all my food at once and stand up. I'm not sitting with Finley, that will only look suspicious. Before I can walk away, he grabs my arm and pulls me next to him. I try to free myself, but his grip is too tight.

'What?' I snap at him.

'Nothing, I just want you to sit next to me, here in the canteen, where everybody can see us.'

'Well, I don't. So let go off me, so I can get my books.'

'That's not the reason you want me to let you go, what are you afraid of? That they're going to find out about your job? Because they won't as long as you are nice to me.'

'Maybe I don't want to be nice. Now let me go!'

'I like it this way, I don't think I'm ever going to let go.'

That's when I lose my self control and punch him in the face. Not a bitch slap, a proper punch with my fist. He immediately lets go off me and I quickly stand up. With large steps I walk away from him, not wanting to draw any attention to myself. Everybody's already looking at me, they've never seen me like that. 

The shy girl has punched the bad boy square in the face, that's not something you see every day. I don't care if I get into trouble for that, he deserves it. Finley is a pain in my ass and this is the only way to make myself clear. At least he'll stay away for a while now.

'Miss Archer,' I hear behind me.

As I turn around, I see principal standing right there. The timing couldn't be any worse, I never get into a fight and this one time I punch someone, the principal witnesses it. Just my damn luck. A sight escapes from my mouth, I could run away, but he already knows I've done it. There's no use in running, I need to go to school here.

'Yes sir?' 

'My office, now.' 

'Yes sir,' I say. 

In the meantime, Finley has walked towards us and is now standing behind the principal. I can hear his chuckle very clearly, but I can't say a word, not now the principal is pissed. If I say one word to Finley, I'll get myself into even bigger trouble and I don't want that to happen.

The principal walks in front of me, while I follow him. This never happens, I usually don't get caught when I do something. This is all Finley's fault. Why does he need to be my new partner? Why from all people in the world him?And why would he sit next to me at lunch? He hates me and I hate him. That's the way it's always been.

I walk into the principal's office and immediately sit down in the chair in front of the desk. The principal slams the door shut and sits in his own chair. The lecture is pretty long, but I don't really listen. I just stare at him, waiting for him to finish.

'Alright, just tell me my punishment. I get it, punching people is bad and I won't do it again,' I say, when the lecture doesn't end within ten minutes. 

'Detention after school, for a whole month.' 

A sight escapes from my mouth, but I don't say another word. If I say something else, the punishment will probably get longer and I can't have that. This is already bad, getting detention twice on one day, I usually go to work right after school. Because of my detention, I can't do that. 

Without saying another word, I stand up and walk out of the door. Great, detention. Just what I need, spending more time at school with an itching wig on my head. I've got used to it, but that don't mean it's not annoying anymore.

Outside of the office, Finley is waiting for me. My nails dig in the palm of my hands, to make sure I don't do anything else. A month is long enough, I don't want to make it three months. I turn around and walk away from him, as fast as I can.

'Wait for me!' He yells after me.

Acting like I don't hear him, I continue walking down the halls. While walking, I push some people aside. They look annoyed at me, but I just ignore them. If pushing people is the only way I can avoid Finn, it's worth it. Most of them don't even know me or choose to ignore me. I'm not sure which one it is, maybe even both.

Finn is still following me, I'm sure of that. As fast as I can, I walk into the library. Hopefully he hasn't seen me walking in here, I want some rest. I hide between two bookshelves, hoping he won't go looking for me in here. 

He doesn't look like the type who goes to the library a lot, so he probably won't know his way around here. If he does, I'm screwed. I quickly look around the corner and see him standing in the middle of the room, looking around him. 

When he's about to walk away, my phone rings. I take it out of my pocket and see Micheal's calling me. Perfect timing, as always. Micheal is the only one who manages to call me at the worst moments, but he's my best friend, so I always forgive him. I pick up and directly hear his voice.

'Jen? Are you there?' He says.

'Yeah, I'm here. You aren't calling at the best moment, so is it alright if I call you back? I'm trying to avoid someone, but you just gave my position away.'

'Really? Sorry about that, I just wanted to talk. We can do it another time, it's no big deal.' 

'Are you sure? If it's urgent, I don't mind getting caught.'

'No, it's alright. I'll talk to you later then.' He says with a disappointing tone in his voice.

'Talk to you later, Mikey.'

Suddenly Finn appears in front of me, making me startle. He just stands there, leaning with one hand against the books. I really hope the books fall out on the other side, so he would fall as well. It's probably not going to happen, but I like to be optimistic.

'What?' I ask, obviously irritated. 

'I just want to know what your punishment is, I like to know if you think punching me is worth the punishment.'

'None of your fucking business.' I snap at him.

He pushes himself of the bookshelf, so he stands straight again. He puts his hands in the air, while taking a step back. A wide grin stands on his face, making me want to slap him again. Or kick, whatever seems fitted for the situation, probably punch.

'So, who is that dude Mikey you were talking to? Your boyfriend?' He asks, still grinning.

'Don't have one and even if I did, it's still not your business.'

'Then who was it? If it's not your boyfriend. He didn't sound old, so he needs to be around our age.'

'I'm not going to answer, so just give up.'

'It doesn't matter if you tell me or not, I'm going to find out anyway.'

'Good luck with that, if you haven't noticed already, I don't have a lot of friends. Not a single person at this school knows the slightest thing about me, so you're not going to find out.'

'I have my ways.'

'Sure you do.'

I roll my eyes at him and turn around. It's not that hard to just say Micheal is my best friend, but I don't need to explain myself to Finley. It's none of his business, so he needs to keep his nose out of my business. Just because he's my new partner, doesn't mean I'm going to be nice to him. At least not when nobody's around.

It's already a hell for me that I need to be nice to him while I'm working, so I'm not going to act nice at school. Without saying another word, I walk away from him. I don't hear him following me, so I'm hoping he finally gave up. 

The bell rings, that means I need to go to my lesson, so I walk towards the right classroom. I've already missed last period, because of my talk with the principal. Not that I mind missing a class, definitely not if that class is chemistry. The teacher is horrible and I just don't like the course. 

As I walk to my seat, someone sticks their foot out, making me trip over it. I put my hands in front of me, blocking my fall. A groan escapes from my mouth, while I push myself off the ground. My wrist hurts, but I try to ignore that. I sit down at the back of the class and put my bag on the table in front of me. 

The rest of the day goes pretty fast, nothing out of the ordinary. The lessons are boring, the teachers even more and I've almost forgot to hand in my essay for English. There's only one thing I need to do left, sitting a full hour in a classroom doing absolutely nothing.

Detention or how I like to call it, a waste of my valuable time. There's nothing I can do about it, I'm stuck in detention for a whole month. One month is pretty long, for one punch. Some students only get a warning when they punch someone. The principal has favourites and I'm not one of them, that's crystal clear.

As I'm walking through the halls, people look at me, while whispering things. The whispering is too soft to actually hear it, but it's probably about the fact that I punched Finley and got caught doing it. It's not like I'm the only one who wants to punch him, there are enough people who don't like him, but they are just too shy to do it.

According to my reputation, I'm too shy as well, but I've proofed a lot of people wrong today. Not intentionally, but it happened. Something snapped and the next thing I knew, I'd punched him and the principal dragged me to his office.

I try to ignore the whispering and staring, but that doesn't mean it's not annoying. Softly I bite on my lip, while walking towards detention. My favourite teacher is the surveillance teacher, she can't stand me. This is going to be a fun month, I can feel it.

My eye falls on someone, sitting at the back of the class as I walk in. Why the hell is he here? I'm the one who punched him, not the other way around. He looks at me, grinning like a freak. I send him a death glare, if looks could kill, he'd be dead by now.

The teacher motions that I need to come in and sit down. I don't want any trouble, so I do what she wants and sit down in front of the class, as far away from Finn as I can. There are two other people in the classroom, sitting next to each other. They look like freshmen, probably their first time in detention. 

I still remember the first time I've got detention, it was a shocking experience. All the other students were seniors or juniors and I was the only freshman. They all stared at me, like they'd never seen a freshman in detention. It was really awkward, but I survived. Those two will survive as well, they have each other.

'You're all here, because you did something wrong. Therefore I decided you're going to write an essay about your mistakes and what you're going to do the next time, when you're facing the same situation. Maybe you'll learn from your mistakes that way. You can't leave before you hand your essay in.' The teacher says. 

That's an easy assignment, I would do the exact same thing. I don't feel like writing, but if I don't do this, I can never leave. She hasn't said how long the essay needs to be, so I'm going to use that in my advantage. 

I grab a pen and some paper. After a minute of staring at the paper and clicking with my pen, I start writing things down. It's complete bullshit, but that doesn't matter. As long as the teacher thinks I've done the assignment, she lets me go. She never reads them when someone hands them in, she starts reading a few minutes after they leave. 

After explaining the two reasons I've got detention, it's time to say what I'll do different the next time. Well, I'm not planning on coming late again, but it's going to happen anyway, I'm sure of that. Punching Finley is just fun, so I'm definitely going to do that again. 

That's exactly how I've written it down in the essay. After half an hour, I'm finished with my essay and hand it in. I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk out of the classroom. She isn't going to like my essay, but that's a problem for tomorrow, not today. Right now, I'm free. Finally free, I hate school.


Chapter 3 is finished! Sorry that it took so long, but I've been busy...

A regular day at school for Jennifer, with the exception of Finley stalking her and Micheal calling her. I wanted to introduce Micheal a bit, so what do you think of him? And what do you think of Finn's behavior? Let me know!

A picture of Micheal/Jake on the side.

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