The Odd Mind Of Tesla

Par sabri_willow

289 59 59

18 year old Tesla Monroe Everly always had a knack for getting into embarrassing situations despite her outmo... Plus

1.Crappy perspective of the world
2.Dumpling: cause of the 'almost' execution
3.Life of an Oatmeal
4.May the odds be ever in 'my' favor
5.Americano accent
6.That ain't no american accent!
8. Irresistible feelings...
9. An old me with dried up feelings.
10. Forgetting her part-1

7. Flash back 1 : the chemistry

12 4 23
Par sabri_willow

Hey guys! So so so sorry for not updating for a long time.
My sincerest apologies to you all.

Before you get to chapter 7 I just wanted to tell you that as the story progresses on, you will encounter many of Tesla's flashbacks. So in case, if her crushes are mentioned here that  doesn't necessarily mean that  they are the main characters or have an appearance in the chapters....

So lets not keep our fingers crossed  for those characters.

"Mayday! Mayday!...." Someone cried out.

Weeewoooo weeewoooo~! Sirens were going on and off, and the red lights had dominated the room.

People were running back and fort in an alarm inside the headquarters.

"We have a situation Captain." A soldier informs without panicking.

"What is the status, cadet?"

"Well Sir, Tesla has lost connection with her cerebrum"

"What?!!!?" The captain's eyes widen with a slight hint of fear.

"Yes Sir, and also the neurons are decelerating as well"

The Captain's eyes grow dim with concern, "That means we'll lose the 'reflexes'."

Then, another character comes in, he salutes the Captain ,"You called for me Captain?"

"Yes, General. What is the status of the hormone department?"

"Sir, the Adrenaline and the pancreatic hormones are overflowing. There is a massive riot among the other glands as well"

"God! The situation is worse than we thought" He rubs his forehead.

Then he lifts is wrinkly face, "where is Lieutenant?"

"H-Here Sir" A nervous female character comes in holding a bunch of files.

"Have you found the cause of this situation Lieutenant?"

"Y-Yes sir...."

The lady adjusts her spectacles. She looks through her files, flipping the pages and she continues, "....Well sir, According to the reports, a virus named 'Aiden' has infected the central nervous system, which first came through the pons."

The Captain grows in anger, it was evident from his red face...

"How can this happen? What the hell happened to the barriers we set up?!"

"Well....sir....T-Tesla is on the programming Code 15-J7 also known as 'puberty'. And during this phase, these kinds of virus are prone to destroy barriers easily."

The young General takes a step closer to the Lieutenant, "How can this virus 'Aiden'  cause such a havoc without setting off the alarms?"

"Well~...Given the situation of the encounter, it was a surprise attack.....and also...."

She gulps down her saliva,

"....she's on her regular pre-period mood swings."

There was an utter silence among them for a second....then, all of them sighs and spoke at the same in a depressing tone.



"Tesla?, hello?~" Aiden waves his hand infront of my face.

I come back to my senses.

Aiden gives me an amused smile.

He raises his thick brown eyebrow trying to figure me out like I was some science project.

I shook my head, to break myself from staring into his eyes, before he labels me as a creep.

"Um....c-come in." I speak in a nervous tone, looking down at the floor.

Anymore eye contact and I was bound to lose my sanity and forget how to speak English.

I move to the side to give him the way. He enters inside.  I assumed that he'd move directly to the living room , so I slowly closed the door. I let out a sigh, dropping my stiff shoulders, and to calm myself down I started to take deep breaths (like the exercise I once saw in a yoga video) thinking that he had already gone to the dinning room.

But boy was I wrong!

"That ought to calm you."

"Ah!!!" I sprang and hit my back to the door in the process of jumping like a frightened cat.

Aiden was still there.

Apparently my senses could not sense the presence of a stupid, handsome and charming male who did not take anymore steps further after he had entered inside.

I was speechless. Again.

He let out a laugh.

"You're should I say this?...." He was trying to find the least rude word that would suit me.

"Odd." I said it bluntly before he could even say any word worse than that.

He paused for a moment. I bet he's thinking whether to agree with me or add something more.

My ears were aching to what he was about to say.

This is it.

"Oddly amazing..."

Wait what?!

"...- and astounding too."

The aching in my ears were replaced by a sweet numbness.

I was can someone be so charming and  be so sweet at the same time?! This was all too good to be true.

I gave a weird confusing forced smile as a respond. I didn't know how to react to the reply, I was all over the place either I'm being irrationally confused or it's because I'm off my meds. -just kidding!-

"Tesla?~" My mom called out.


We quietly proceeded to the living room. I tried my best not to look at him.

Everyone was having a good time but it was soon replaced with a second of silence when we entered. Aiden gave a hearty smile which bought the crowd. Everyone was smiling again giving  him the 'hi's' and the 'hello's'.

"What took you so long ?" My mom asked with a worry.


"Hello Mrs Everly, it is very nice to meet you." Aiden shakes her hand gently.

"I must say, you have a lovely home" Aiden continued his cheesy but charming lines.

"Oh! Such a gentleman!" My mom instantly forgot what she was asking about.

For my mom, well, she couldn't be more happier with someone who appreciated her house FYI that's her soft spot.

I quietly creeped out from the corner and escaped to the kitchen.

Aunt Isabelle was giving some finishing touches to the food.

I opened the refrigerator that was to her right, took out a bottle of chilled water and started gulping it.

"I saw it"

I choked on the water.

Luckily the water wasn't spilled much on my clothes but my face was totally wet.

"What did you see?"

She stopped whatever she was doing and moved her green eyes slowly towards me.

"Well~" she cleared her throat.

"I saw you with Aiden Baskerville a.k.a the 'Stranger!~'  from stakeout incident"

I gulped my saliva out of fear.


I could see that she was controlling her laughter, it was evident from the tremble in her shoulders.

"You guys were so into each other's eyes that you didn't even notice me coming down from the stairs and passing you guys."

"We were not-! ugh, why do I even trying to reason with you."

Saying that I kept the bottle back in the fridge.

"Your legs were wobbly and shaking! HAH!!!" She continues to tease me along with her terrifying laughter.

I lift my hands in the air as a sign of defeat and started walking out of the kitchen. While I was walking out I turned my head to give her my death stare, but it didn't work, she was still laughing her kidneys out.

Since my "death stare" didn't work I turned my head back again and continued to walk.

But instead I bump into something....
It was some sort of a wall, a fragrant wall, a soft but firm wall, a cotton fabric wall, a gray wall, a human wall, a British human wall who is smirking at me, an Aiden wall!!!!!!!!

Oh my goodness what have I done....

My face was even more wet than I thought, it was evident from the wet patches on his shirt.

I looked up at him in shock, I took a step back with without removing eye contact, for a minute he too looks at me but with a calm look. Then he looks down to his shirt. He pulls his shirt with his thump and index finger scanning the wet patches.

Before he could anything, I apologize immediately.

"I am so sorry"

"Nah- it's oka-"

"I'm so so sorry, I didn't see you...."

I grab a couple of tissues from the counter and started rubbing his shirt. Then I continued my apology.

"....not that I didn't see you, you're really tall, really modelly actually. I'm a klutz, not every time but yeah sometimes."

Aiden lets out a slight laugh.

"It's okay Tesla-"

"No it's not. I didn't notice you, not that I'm implying that you're unattractive....I mean who wouldn't notice you even I-!"

What in God's name I was about to say!!!!!

Aiden gives me a flirtatious eye," 'even you ...' were what?"

" I was"

"Is she always like this?" Aiden asks Isabelle pointing his index finger above my head at me.

"Nope.....but sometimes yeah!, when she sees her favorite kpop idol in concerts."

"I gotta go!" I ran out of the kitchen carrying  the tissues in my hands.

I wanted to go straight to my bedroom but mom had prohibited anyone to go to their room and stay there as it would have been considered rude to the guests or so she thinks.

So instead I went to the living room where everyone was. I pretended like nothing ever happened. I sat on the sofa where my sister was sitting and tried to blend in.

A few mins later, aunt Isabelle called us for the dinner.

The rectangular table was arranged in the classiest manner as possible with modern designed plates and glasses to go with our casual clothes.

I sat between Eric's mom and Milo. Isabelle hurriedly took her seat next to Eric (as expected). Mom and Dad sat on the extreme sides of the table. Asha sat in front and Aiden sat next to her.

We said our grace and started to eat. While everyone was busy eating and talking, sharing their anecdotes. I was busy in own world and gulping the roasted quill happily.

~"ah..this quill surely calms me down after a tiring day" I thought to myself.

I was smiling on my own with my eyes closed and my shoulders dropped. This calming sensation was pretty good.

But then when I opened my eyes to take another bite. I looked at Aiden. I realized that he was looking at me with amused eyes.

I turned red.

I was speechless.

I lost all my manners.

I didn't overreact, instead I diverted my eyes towards the other direction and tried to join the other conversation.

"So how did you two meet Mr and Mrs. Everly?" Eric asked.

"Well...-" My mom got all excited.

Here we go again....

I heard their love story a 100 times but I tried to pay attention this time. I never got to the ending of their story.

"...-we met when we were in high school..*blaahh blah yadda yadda* *skipping to the end* .....and that's how we fell in love"

"That is just so sweet." Mrs. Watson loved their story.

"....I remember when Eric's father proposed me, it was on Valentine's day when we were in high school."

"Really Mrs. Watson?" Asha was surprised they married so young.

"Yes sweetie."

"Hey Eric?" Milo out of the blue called out Eric.

"Yes, big guy?"

"What did the unicorn say when she saw a corn on the road?"

"Um....I don't know. What did the unicorn say Milo?"

"That's a unique-corn. Hah!" Milo burst out laughing on his own.

His cute laughter made everyone laugh as well.

"Woah, talk about changing a topic." Said Asha.

Great... from 'love' to puns....what an odd combination.

Then, I don't know how but I started to walk down in my own memory lane related with high school, valentine's day and puns (like I said a weird combinations).

I started to recollect my high school days back in India.

3years ago....
Valentines was coming near and with all the hormones stirring, the excitement in them was through the roof.
One person asked a girl out with a pun. Soon, everyone started using cheesy pick up lines and puns for proposing.

Everywhere I looked I wanted to vomit. No doubt I wanted to be with someone too but hearing things like

"hey, are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only ten I see."

"I might as well call you Google cause You have everything I was searching for."

"I'm not a photographer, but I can picture us together."

All the puns and cheesy lines were a new obsession now.

But my only obsession was Alex Faiz. The guy that I have been crushing on for 5 months now. We sat next to each other in the examination hall last month. We had chemistry test together and I couldn't help but stare at him the whole time.

I wanted to approach to him even the very least as a friend but word got out that I like him. The rumors spread like wild fire that I "love" him and was head over heels for him (which was not true up to some extent).

I tried to lay low ever since because I'm pretty sure he heard it too.

I was proceeding the halls with books in my hand. A guy came running towards me and bump into me dropping all my books.

We both kneeled down to pick up the books.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking. You see Valentine's day is approaching and girls are you know, "chasing me" *air quoting to me* "


"Hey you look familiar, do I know you ?"

"Uh...yeah remember we had chemistry together."

"Excuse me?" He gave me a weirded out look.

Then my common sense catches up with me.
Shit! He thinks I meant it in a romatic way.

I tried to explain.

"I don't mean as "chemistry" like we have a connection. But in more of a-... you know in a literal meaning."

I'm sure he didn't get what I was trying to say as his expression had still not changed.

There was an awkward silence.

I tried to break the ice once again.

"Anyways, I just wanted to ask you that would you be my-''

"I'm gonna cut you right there."

"Excuse me?"

"You must be that odd girl who has a crush on me..."

He sounded too cocky.

"....well your not my type Darling. Girls like you are like a tiny dust particles that remains unnoticed. And as for me I'm more a you know center of everything. So, anyways I gotta go. bye."

I was just gonna ask him whether he'd like to my lab partner this week...

But I realized that not everything that is shiny is pretty from the inside too. And Alex was a perfect example, bright from the outside but a charcoal from the inside.


"Yo Tes....Tesla~...." Milo calls me out waving his spoon in front of my face.

"Huh?" I snap back to reality.

"What's with you and your daydreaming?" Aunt Isabelle asked.

I didn't say anything, instead I maintained my composure sat up straight and gave a smile to avoid anymore digging of my bad habits in front of guests.

thanks a lot for reading, do vote and comment if you liked it....
Feel free to give me any suggestions (no trolling please) or any romantic scenes and if I liked it I'll try to put it in my book.

Sabri willow Over and out..
(●´∀`●) (☆^ー^☆)ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)

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