Remnant's Black Knight

By Jerzeyboy95

41.1K 371 539

Why was it always me? Why was I born? Who and where is my mother? Alive and well with her own family or is sh... More

About Yourself and Your Spirit Weapons.(edited)
People are a lot like dirt.(Rewrite/unfinished.)
What you can't love anymore?(unfinished cut)
You cannot make me readers!
You want to be my friend? What for?(unfinished)

Everyone's got there story.(Edited)

8.9K 97 46
By Jerzeyboy95

I will never forgive DW for taking OG Dragon mommy from all of us mobile players and dropped her on Arcade.

Story Start

Location: ???

??? POV
I've been carrying my newborn son in my arms for some time now, it's been two days after I had just given birth to him and I'm on my way to his fathers' home in Patch as I felt myself grow weaker little by little as the hours ticked by.

"I just...Huff. I Just need... Huff... to get there-Ahh?!-OOF!"

I landed on my side as I felt and heard my muscles and bones snap and tear to avoid landing on top of my son as I tripped on a damn tree root. He had woke up thanks to my sudden stop and he began to cry in my arms. I rolled over on my back and sat up to start calming him down and to view the damage and well. My leg ain't what it's suppose to be. I then looked at my son still cradled in my arms as he cried loudly.

"Shush... Shush!... It's okay it's okay, mommy just tripped over herself, there there."

???: Master, Are you and deartháir okay?!

I heard my spirit weapon call out in concern as she materialized in front of me.

"Yes, we're okay Gàe Bulg. Just le'me sit here and calm (F/N) down for a moment."

Gàe Bulg: O-Okay then, I'll keep guard for any hollows or Grimm. The now named white armored spear wielding spirit stood up and kept a look out for any Hollow or Grimm for her master.

Scathach sat on the ground with her back against a tree as she cradled her infant son in her arms. She uncovered her right breast and began to breastfeed him as she let out a sigh annoyed by her current predicament. Her body was racked by dull pain throughout, but she had to keep going.

???: Scathach...

"Sigh... Here we go again. Scathach thought to herself as she still tended to her child. What is it now? Can't you see I'm trying to calm (F/N) down?

Scathach still had her full focus on her cradled in her arms as he was suckling. Not giving any form of acknowledgement to the deathly pale woman standing close by.

: Scathach, I truly am sorry as I said countless times over. I know you wish to not hear it anymore. But please, your body can't take anymore you shattered your whole right leg on just falling and you're unable to regenerate. Especially not after you had used the last of your own mana in keeping that curse from infecting him.

Scathach: Leave my son out of your mouth you selfish bitch!

'Grail' had visibly jumped at what the purple haired woman just called her.

Scathach: Even after you attempted to upset the balance between life and death! Even after everyone was erased from existence and EVEN then, you still couldn't even accept Oz's fate and try to force me to open the Gates of Sky so you could have your blind crush back! As far as I'm concerned I lost my first and only genuine friend even before you stole the Grail for yourself. And as I told you, that plan would and it did backfire! And look what it-Cough!Cough!

Scathachs' rant was cut off by a coughing fit. She had coughed into her hand and after the coughs subsided she removed her hand from over her mouth to reveal black liquid and blood on her hand as she dropped her hand and wiped it among the ground looking down in

Scathach: Why couldn't you have just moved on? Why didn't you just accept you can't have everything in life and yet, you still had acted in selfishness?...

Grail: If I could, I would ask myself that same question as well. Father, unfortunately didn't allow me any room to think or to see the reality of the world you were so fortunate to experience and live in Scathach. The being spoke as she sat down next to

Grail: You know, after I woke up and found myself trapped inside this damn cup and you, over the numbers of millennia I've had time to reflect on things I came to realize that if I had just swallowed that truth and not be as I was then, then none of this shit would be happening and I still would have my... "Old" body and we still would've been a somewhat normal family.

Scathach looks down at her infant son, him now staring at her with the same bright red orbs she once had looking into her almost dim ones as she gently rocks him as she cast a simple sleep spell for him to fall and stay asleep as she sat there memorizing his features before her end.

Scathach: So what now? Avalon can't heal my wounds or injuries anymore. It's only keeping me alive, at this point I'm just shy of being a zombie at this point. Scathach said, defeat carried in her tone.

I want to get (F/N) to Tai so he can at least have a somewhat normal life. Do I have to start dragging myself there?

Grail: No, I don't think that's a wise option. Although, I had found and came up with a solution if you wish to hear it, Sister?

Scathach looked up at the pale skinned woman expectent and curious of what the other had in mind.

Grail: Well Scathach, while you were in your first three months of pregnancy I was constantly converting the natural mana and reshi in the world to a fuel source per say. Although sadly from what I made it couldn't be used for your body as it was too tainted. So I flowed it into (Y/N) as a way to stem off and mitigate the corruption and "It" from entering his body and soul while I charged Avalon like a battery simultaneously for if something of a scenario like this were to occur.

Scathach, do you want to be with (Y/N)?

Scathach: If I wasn't on this ground right now, I'd make you feel my palm against your face. Of course I want to be with him, but I won't be able unfortunately...

Gáe Bulg: Master please accept. I was against this idea at first but (F/N) will need all the strength he can gain to go against Angra Minyu and in the future.

Scathach: (F/N), be sure you drink lots of milk and eat your vegetables. You got to grow strong so whoever tries to bully you will think twice when they want to pick on you. Also, when you find that special girl and marry her, I want no less than a dozen or more grandchildren. Just live your life okay, (F/N) Sniff! Don't ever give up and hold your friends and love ones close to you... I'm so sorry that I won't be in your life like you and I would want. Scathach said openly crying as she knew it would be a long time before they would ever talk again.

I-I'm sorry to keep you waiting Gàe Bulg a-and ...

Gàe Bulg: It's okay Master. We both can feel your emotions, we both sympathize. She said in a somber mood as she had tears in her eyes knowing and feeling her masters emotions and thoughts all to well.

Grail on the subject couldn't find any words to describe what she felt as tears ran down her cheeks.

Scathach: Alright then... I'm ready.

Grail: Hold that thought, Let me summon Abyss first. The construct said as she formed a magic circle on the ground.

The circle glows crimson as black sash-like tendrils rose from it.

The tendril construct stands awaiting for its masters order.

Grail?: Abyss, please take (F/N) here to his father's home after the transfer and sealing, don't let anything stand in your way. You know where it is with the information I gave you. I will bind you to be his Guardian and watch over him as well.

The familiar bows in silence at it's masters orders.

Scathach: Well that's new. Thank you, Aífe...

Grail/Aífe: Hmph, I haven't heard that name in a long time. Well, here we go Scathach.

Aífe had then summoned the Grail from herself as she then began the incantations in extracting Avalon from Scathach as the warrior queen groans in pain as Avalon was removed from her.

After Avalon was extracted from Scathach her hair changed from its once dark violet color to a now bleach white. Her skin grew even more pale as she begun feeling numb all through her body.

Aífe: Sister, after I implanted Avalon inside him, I'll draw your soul along with Gàe Bulg into (F/N). But it can only happen at the moment before death. It's the only way.

Scathach nods at her as she looked over

Scathach: Guess I'll still get to be with you then my (F/N). She mused to herself as her eyes got heavier. "Even as just a weapon..."

Scene change

The black tendrils that are Abyss floated through the moonlit night among the woodlands on the Island of Patch. In it's protection was Scathach's week old son, (Y/N) sleeping soundly inside of it.

Abyss came to a clearing with a house in the middle of it. This is the home of Taiyang Xiao Long and

Abyss approached the front door of the mid-sized house it raises it's tendril and knocked hard against the door.


It waited for moment and it sensed someone wake and readied to knock again for good measure.


It sensed movement and so it opened itself up to reveal it's living cargo in a baby carrier. Abyss set the baby boy down on the doorstep gently while it slipped into his shadow.


Master Bedroom
A six month pregnant Summer Rose laid in bed with her husband Taiyang. Summer's ears twitch at a sound as woke up catching the sound of knocking against the door.

Summer: Tai? Tai!... Wake up, I think I just heard knocking at the front door.

Tai: Er-hmm? What's wrong?


Both heard the banging of the front door downstairs.

Tai: Stay here, Summer I'll go check it. Tai instructed as he got out of bed and made his

Tai, I'm sorry to inform you but I had moved on from this world. The baby boy all wrapped up before you is your son, I named him (F/N) Xiao Long.

Please understand Tai. I had nowhere else to turn. I know you have Summer Rose and Raven Branwen, but please accept him and love him as your own into your family, Please.


Tai stared at the note shocked but at the sametime he felt awkward. Shocked at how that Scathach and him hooked up for a couple of months and with that conceived after she said he deserves better then her. And at how he hopes Summer doesn't blow a gasket about this when he explains the circumstances.

Tai: Hey there (F/N), glad to finally meet you. He said cradling his second child in his arms as he let him grip his finger.

Summer: Tai?... Was anyone-oh my gosh, why is there a baby in your arms?!

Tai looked at Summer very hesitant but decided it would be best to give her an honest answer.

Tai: Uhm...Summer you remember when Rave broke up with me and I took it hard like a year and some change back?

Summer: Yes?...What does that have to with-

Summer stopped mid thought as she then remembered and understood what her husband was implying.

Summer: Oh, I see now... Can I?

Tai: Uh sure. Tai said as he passed over the sleeping baby to Summer.

Summer: Well he sure has her eye's but I see your hair and cheeks made the genetic cut. I think he'll be a fine edition to the family!
The forest was dead quiet. Everything was still
Even the winds dared not to disturb the Soulless corpse lying amongst the forest floor.

???: After all this time your body has finally succumbed to the curse placed upon you all those millennia ago. So this is where you choose to met your end, huh?

The legendary "Gatekeeper", "God Killer", "Queen of Shadows" It's pretty fitting and actually kinda beautiful in a way. All these filthy creatures come from clay, then return to clay... as goes the saying.

But the body of a God or Goddess? Well, decomposition is sort of not our way of going out. Well, seeing as how your body is in such remarkable condition. I'll just take it back for my master to use.

Origins Arc Ch 1.

I know it's the same. I'm taking it easy and not overloading myself with so much.

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