Miss Independent...

Oleh DragonGypsy36

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Miss Independent...
Chapter One: You did that on purpose....
Chapter Two: Changes...

Chapter Three: No less Awkward...

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Oleh DragonGypsy36

Chapter three:

                The next morning was no less awkward when I saw him, Spencer. We passed by each other in the halls to the SUVs and we sort of stopped and looked at each other for a second, before both quickly turning away and continuing to walk. Though I did notice Emily looking between the both of us when we did turn away from each other, and she smirked when I turned back and happened to look at her. She probably noticed the heat rise to my face.  I inhaled deeply before gaining my normal game face and walking out of the hall and into the SUVs. Thankfully I didn’t end up in the same car as Spencer, but just as badly I ended up sitting in the passenger seat with Emily driving (JJ was in the back seat).

As we were driving Emily had kept asking questions on what I did last night because I had left the room and she heard people talking outside.

“I told you Emily I was walking around the pool and Spencer decided to tag along. I’m thinking he was just hoping if he was there I wouldn’t get kidnapped or something” I said adding a rolling of the yes and a smile to add to it, hoping it would play off right.

I saw Emily smirk and whispered so only I could hear, “Or to catch you from falling into a pool.”

 I turned and she saw my face flush, which caused her to laugh.

“Are you two concentrating?” JJ said from behind us.

Thank you JJ, my savior!!

“Of course, we have nothing new on the case, no suspects, no evidence, no connection, no sign of remorse, or even a trail.” I said spitefully.

“Hey, we could always find something new today.” Emily said encouragingly.

“Yeah I hope so.” I mumbled.

Just then my phone rang, I answered it once I saw the caller ID and put Garcia on speaker.

“Hey Garcia what do you have for us?” I asked hopeful.

“Okay do you know how well these people tie up their records on mental facilities near here? Like, really well. Anyway, I checked Kenedy and found three hits that match your profile. Their names are Freddy Arnolds, Jonathan Maxwell, and Luis Trevilla.” She said in her usual and fast voice.

“Okay thank you Garcia finally some good news, okay can you check their files and tell us what they’ve been up to lately? Our unsub couldn’t have a job, or if he does, it wouldn’t be unisex, it would something with either all men, or all women.” I said to her.

I heard typing in the background and Garcia mumbling to herself and about stupid passwords being something ‘cookiebear’ or something.

“Okay Mr. Freddy works at a motel for tourist travelers.” Garcia told us finally.

“No, there would be couples there.”  Emily replied for me.

“Okay well Luis Trevilla is currently working in New York as a subway driver so he’s out.” Garcia said impatiently.

“Okay what about Jonathan Maxwell?” I asked sounding hopeful.

“He uh… oh, he lost his job at a tourist store after yelling at a new couple. Lost that job about three weeks ago.” Garcia said sounding climatic.

“Stresser.” I mumbled.

“Yep and after that he’s off the grid, like he just disappeared off the face of the earth.” Garcia replied typing fast on her computer in an attempt for more information.

I could feel my heart rate go up and I quickly said thank you and goodbye to Garcia before calling Hotch.

“Hotchner.” He replied once the call got through.

“Yeah I know your name, look the point is we got a real good suspect from Garcia. He got out of a mental institution recently and lost his job and a store due to yelling at a couple, after that he dropped off the grid. Garcia is sending you the information but his name is Luis Trevilla. Garcia is trying to locate his house, maybe he stops there for food and rest, but the point is we actually have a decent suspect and I’m happy about that so be happy that I’m happy please.” I said in one quick breathe, resembling Garcia.

I heard dad chuckle on the other end.

“You put me on speaker.” I mumbled slightly annoyed.

“Yeah he did princess.” Dad said from the other end, still laughing.

Princess was the nickname he had taken to giving me since we got to know each other and our past. I actually like it, though it defeats the whole ‘independent girl’ thing I’m trying to continue.

“Alright I’m happy, so Garcia sent us his information and it says he lives at 12 Windom Lane and Casio.” Hotch replied giving us the man’s house address.

“Alright we’ll check it out we are hardly a mile away alright?” I said into the phone.

“Fine but be careful, all of you.” Hotch said.

“Be safe princess, and remember, he’s psychotic, he won’t see reason so don’t try and make him.” Dad told me sounding more wise than usual.

“Alright I’ll remember that. Bye.” I said before hanging up the phone.

“What was that?” JJ asked from behind me.

“We got an address and I told them we’d check it out since we just need to make a right turn up her and we’ll be there.” I replied pointing out in front of us so we could turn at the right time.

Emily nodded and we turned and parked in front of his house, it was hardly kept up with and the grass was dry and a crispy brown. Even if I was insane I’d at least try and look normal.

We didn’t find him at his house, and it looked like no one has been in it for at least a month. This means he’s going to kill tonight, and we’ve got to be there when he does. We all went back to the station after we searched the house and found they were having about as much luck as us.

“The house was clear, which means he hasn’t been eating. He’s probably going to have malnutrition and he’s going to kill tonight and probably exhaust himself.” Emily said to Hotch and the others as we entered.

“We should try splitting up based on the geological profile. I mean if he could be anywhere in this general area,” I said pointing at a small store and club area “then we need to be ready if he decides to make a move.” I finished looking at the map and turned to find Hotch was deep in thought.

“Hotch,” dad called, “she’s right, we don’t have very many options left.” Dad supported me.

Hotch looked around the room of us and said, “Fine, me and Prentiess will head to this street.” Hotch said pointing to Columns Groove Dr.

“I want Morgan and JJ to head to Goose Burrow, and Kenedy and Reid will head to Jacobson St. Alright is everyone okay with the arrangements?” he said turning to us.

I went to protest but quickly remembered I’d have no reasoning to and that would involve saying what happened, hell no. so I stayed quiet and Hotch gave a curt nod.

“We’ll continue doing some digging but when the time comes everyone goes back to the hotel and gets dressed up. Girls you know what to wear that would say fun but loving couple, guys… we’ll wing it.” Hotch said with a slight smirk playing on his lips.

Hotch walked out of the room and my gaze followed in mock wonder, “did he… did he just make a joke?” I said sounding shocked.

Everyone chuckled some and we all went back to our work. Spencer and I were put to work the geological profile and trying to shrink it as much as possible. Yay me, after last night we’ve sort of been ignoring each other lately; Emily’s noticed to say the least. We were working hard and shrunk the map profile down by only two blocks around, but that’s still less places to run and look for him.

When the time finally hit seven at night we all headed back to the hotel and got dressed.

I got dressed in this: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=41413132  

Emily and JJ: http://www.polyvore.com/under_cover_pt/set?id=41415702

We all smiled at each other, and walked out of our hotel rooms, through the elevator, and down the stairs outside them to the four waiting men. When we walked down, they all turned around. I noticed Hotch looking at Emily with clear and expressionless eyes, he hid his expression. He can’t like her can he? I mean, I know things aren’t going well with Haley but still, it’s no reason to ignore her. Maybe that’s why he hid his emotions, so he wouldn’t act upon them.

And then there was dad, who was looking at JJ like she was the last thing on earth. But Spencer, well, he was looking at me shocked, with his mouth slightly open. His face flushed a little when he noticed Emily had seen his reaction to me and nudged my arm. I flushed a bit as well and we finally meet the team all together.

“Well, uh, are we all clear on the plan?” Spencer said trying to break all the tension.

We all seemed to realize what Spencer had been trying to do and we all went to a relative ‘normal’.

“Yep.” I replied shrugging some.

“Wait, where are you three supposed to carry your guns?”  dad asked us girls confused.

We all three girls smirked and looked at each other before looking back at the guys.

“We already have our guns, and our badges.” JJ said, sounding mysterious.

JJ winked at my dad and walked off, adding a swinging of the hips as she did, and moved to the car.

“Have I mentioned that you girls scare us?” dad said chuckling still from what JJ had just done.

“Once or twice, maybe not enough.” Emily said before laughing and leaving with Hotch.

After that Gideon followed out and drove JJ and dad to their location. I and Spencer were going to a slightly elegant dancing event, and I had a sneaky feeling Spencer didn’t know how to dance.  But we moved to the SUV parked outside and drove until we reached the elegant building laced with people in formal dancing attire and entering to the dance. As we got out I turned and whispered to Spencer, after all, we would need to act like a couple.

“Remember, we have to act like a couple” I whispered to him lightly as we stepped out into the cool evening air and walked into the building.

We gained a few stares, mostly due to us not being regular attenders to the club, but I didn’t mind. The unsub would notice us more and probably go for us rather than anyone else. We entered the hall and were soon surrounded by a large ballroom dance floor with a small group of people dancing and hundreds of elegant tables with happy couples and group eating and drinking fancy wine. I looked back at Spencer awkwardly, and suddenly felt his arms around my waist. I felt myself blush deeply and let out a loose breathe from being startled. Though I should clarify, happily startled.  We walked along the edge of the dance floor until we found a small table out looking all of the tables and people in the back corner.

We were beside the stage setup which had the performers and the instrument players, along with very oceanic themed decorations. In fact, the entire area was ocean themed. It seemed more romantic that way. And I must admit, it didn’t help that I am totally confused on my feelings for Spencer at the moment. A waiter came by and handed us small menus on their food selection and left to us to discuss, though we knew we could only spend so much tonight. I decided upon the chicken penne with creamy Alfredo and shrimp sauce.

“So what do you suppose Charlie will be wearing tonight?” I asked Spencer calmly, remembering our deal from earlier.

We were going to try and seem as normal as possible, which meant giving the unsub a code name. We decided on Charlie, that way we could pretend we thought a friend of ours would be coming as well.

“I don’t know,  nothing too flashy I’d expect, you know his type. Besides, he also mentioned visiting other areas tonight, and may not even come.” Spencer said sounding more strong and bold.

His voice was deeper, and it made more blood rush to my cheeks, it’s a good thing I applied a lot of blush before we left, otherwise I’d probably make it obvious. A song suddenly began to play, and I had the urge to go dance. I must have been fidgeting because Spencer noticed and smirked.

“Having fun?” he asked calmly.

He keeps reminding me of those sweet and romantic men from those old movies about the twenties, man do I feel relieved I had the blush on.

“Actually, I was hoping we could dance. Who knows, we might even see Charlie from the floor.” I said cautiously.

Spencer was doing a good job on his undercover Casanova self, but making him feel dependent on something might break that luck streak. My vision was suddenly clouded and I saw me and Spencer dancing, we moved off the stage, slightly out of breathe and moved across the floor to a small staircase area. Suddenly a man, whose voice I remembered from the other vision spoke to us. “You two seem very happy this evening” he said seemingly to grow in annoyed tones. Suddenly he pulled out of gun and me and Spencer corralled him into a small room with thick wooden doors and began speaking to him. But that’s when the vision ended.

I blinked and my normal vision returned, showing a concerned Spencer looking back at me.

“I believe Charlie will reveal himself after a good dance.” I said slightly sternly to Spencer, which showed him I already knew he sort of had to.

We both got up and walked onto the dance floor. We moved together and Spencer paused.

“I seem to forget a lot of things, including how to dance.” Spencer said, trying, and somehow succeeding, to keep his strong  Casanova tone in place.

“Then I will help you remember.” I said quietly, and surprisingly flirtatiously, back.

I moved up to him and whispered, “Place you right arm on my waist, and your left in my hand.”

He did so and I did the same, only I moved us closer together, and no I wasn’t trying to take advantage of the moment, but when you waltz you have to be slightly close together. I could see heat rise to his cheeks, and feel heat on mine.

“Never has silence been so loud.” I said to him, looking into his warm brown eyes.


                With that said the music started playing, and instantly we both started dancing, swirling around and moving in sync. I have a very hard time believing he’s never danced before. As the music sped up more he whirled me around faster and when I slowed again he paused and bowed me away from him just before pulling me closer to him than originally.

                “What am I going to do about you?” he mumbled.

                “What do you mean?” I said, back to him, obviously confused.

                “This is wrong, not only are you so young,” he said whispering so only I could hear, “but also a co-worker, not to mention my best friend’s daughter. And yet…” he paused.

                He swirled me around and pulled me back to him, chest to chest.

                “And yet?” I said near pleadingly and slightly out of breath.

                “I can’t help but just want to be near you.” He said in a surprisingly flirtatious tone.

                It sent shivers down my spine, and I felt all warm inside again.

                “Last night, when we were like that. Not even talking,” he began.

                “It was like a spark down your spine, like something was suddenly different? Like you could bear to look away, afraid it won’t be there again?” I said as we continued swirling around the floor.

                “Yes.” He said, now he himself slightly out of breath.

                I moved my arms around his neck and he moved his around my waist and he bowed my in front of him again, before quickly drawing me to him again and putting his forehead to mine. That’s when I felt a cold shock in my stomach. This is where my memory ended. I sighed and smiled, as did he. I slowly pulled away and grabbed his hand, pulling him along with me outside of the floor and toward the small stair case which I remembered from my vision. We stood there for no more than minute before I heard the voice that sent bad chills down my spine.

                “You two seem to be very happy this evening.” It said sounding just and dark as my vision.

                Suddenly I saw the man take out a gun and usher us to a small room with the thick wooden doors, and everything seemed to go at the speed of light. We were suddenly at gun point by a man on a psychotic break. I was flipping through ideas on what to do.

                “So, you two seem happy right?” the man asked us.

                I wasn’t sure whether he was being rhetorical or not.

“Because I know what’ll happen. You’ll love each other more than your kids.” The man said sounding upset but certain.

“We don’t have any children.” Spencer answered calmly.

“Don’t lie to me!” the man shouted.

I felt Spencer put his arm around my waist protectively. But as he did he was moving his hand along my side, as if looking for something. At one point his hand slid down my thigh and I felt myself go bright red, and my knees ready to buckle from beneath me. Then it hit me, he was looking for my gun. I turned slightly and I felt him reach the gun conveniently hidden at my waist. He pulled it out without the man noticing.

“I know you are lying to me!” the man yelled cocking the gun.

I and Spencer remained motionless. Suddenly I moved closer to Spencer, getting a very dangerous and risky idea in my head. I moved into him and kissed his chin.

“Stop! Stop that’s not fair! You can’t love each other more than your kids!” the man yelled twitching some and lowering his gun.

“NO! STOP! That’s not fair!” the man yelled getting teary eyed and losing his vision.

Suddenly he blinked furiously and quickly pulled up his gun and went to pull the trigger. A shot rang out in the room and I clung to Spencer, facing his chest. The doors opened and I moved away from Spencer just in time for Emily, Hotch, JJ, and dad to run into the room. Dad immediately ran over to me and hugged me. I was a bit surprised but hugged back.

“What happened?” Hotch asked sounding strict and stern again.

Me and dad broke apart.

“I got him to lower the gun, but only for a second so Spencer could find a gun to shoot him with.” I said, leaving out the part that it was my gun, and Spencer’s hand had at one point migrated down my thigh.

I didn’t know if he planned it that way or not, but either way, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Emily seemed to have noticed that I was flushed and that it was my gun though, because I noticed her hiding a smirk. I gave a death stare at her for a second before she caved in and looked at the others.

“I don’t know how you did it, but I have a pretty good idea and I must say that was risky if it had not of worked.” Hotch said, giving me a stern principal resembling look to me.

Suddenly we were all back at the hotel, however, everyone else was tired after fixing up after what happened at the club me and Spencer were at. We wanted to sleep, but JJ, dad, Hotch, and Emily all were to hungry to sit and wait for morning, so they left for dinner. I didn’t have anything to eat, neither did Spencer, but I was too ecstatic to eat anything. I mean, I kissed his chin, okay not that big of a deal, but for me? That was like one huge step that would normally take tons of tiny steps.

Everyone left for dinner and I and Spencer went back up to our hotel rooms. He walked me to me and the girls’ room.

“So uh, I guess-“ he began saying, but I interrupted.

“Can you do me a favor?” I asked him quietly.

He seemed a bit confused but none the less asked what.

“Kiss me.” I asked quietly.

It was stupid and bold and I didn’t think it’d work but in a matter of seconds I felt his lips quickly pressed to mine, and his hands caressing my face. It felt amazing. I could feel our lips moving in sync with each other, but it felt like a cube of ice set on a burning hot grill. I could feel myself kissing back and moving my hands up to his shoulders and around his neck. We stayed like that, kissing, me and Spencer, kissing. I felt him move closer to me, which left me to be pressed against our hotel room door, but I didn’t care. I felt his hands move slowly to my waist and I couldn’t help but notice a smile playing on his lips as we kissed. But I couldn’t criticize; I had a smile on my lips as well. My lungs began to burn, but I didn’t care. As Spencer’s hands moved down I felt them slowly move to my thigh, just like back at the ballroom. There I held it in, but here I couldn’t help the small moan escaping my mouth as we continued to kiss. Spencer was obviously careful, but he was confident with me. And I could be dependent with him. We felt comfortable near each other, more able to open up to each other.

 And since that day with the horoscope I have been faced with the gripping reality that I, Kenedy Morgan, am falling in love with Spencer Reid; my co-worker, best guy friend, and father’s best friend. He was the one who grew up tormented, but still remained his goofy and amazing nerd-y self, while I was scared and tried to hold it away. But what happened to us in high school didn’t matter here; we were so open with each other we could do these things that our co-workers would think was too bold, when in reality, we were so confident and okay with being this way.

 I felt warm, and I kept feeling these sparks, never smaller than, just not as lengthy as the others. They were shortened, but nowhere near less powerful or draining.

Finally we broke the kiss, both of us quietly panting from the lack of oxygen, but smiling and foreheads touching.

“99% of relationships fail.” Spencer said, only slightly out of breath, and sadly.

“That’s because until you find that special one, no one else could ever be good enough. I know work relationships don’t work, and our situation doesn’t make it any bit easier, but you are right. My head realizes the statistics, but my heart refuses to give a damn.” I told him, my own panting slowing down my moment by a few seconds.

I noticed he ignored my language and he simply smiled, I felt a small tingle in my spine, but with him, this wasn’t the first, nor the last time I would. We heard the elevator move closer to our floor and decided to call it a night for the both of us. He kissed my forehead before saying good night and going back to his hotel room, which was actually right next to ours. I entered me and the girls’ room and as I slowly closed the door, I smiled huge. Tonight. That’s all I could even think. I leaned against the door, head back and looking to the ceiling smiling. Tonight took my breath away. I love Spencer Reid, and I think he loves me too. All I could think was: this is perfect…..

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