By danger_line

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Melissa is an independent 16 years old werewolf, who is dreading her 17th birthday. Wonder why? That's the ti... More

CHAPTER 1- The alpha is back
CHAPTER 2- Worst birthday ever
CHAPTER 3- What will I do???
CHAPTER 4- Possessive
CHAPTER 5- The escape plan
CHAPTER 6- One step near freedom
CHAPTER 7- The alpha apologized
CHAPTER 8- Unknown number
CHAPTER 9- The accident
CHAPTER 10- He said i love you
CHAPTER 11- Attacked
CHAPTER 12- The war
CHAPTER 13- Secrets
CHAPTER 14- What happened between them?
CHAPTER 16- The talk
CHAPTER 17- What is happening?
CHAPTER 18- The heat!
CHAPTER 19- Nathan
CHAPTER 20- Part of the pack.
CHAPTER 21- Will try my best
CHAPTER 22- The fire
CHAPTER 22- Broken
CHAPTER 23- What actually happened...
CHAPTER 24- Rejecting
CHAPTER 25- Promise
CHAPTER 26- Moving on
CHAPTER 27-Good night babygirl
CHAPTER 28- Going Crazy
CHAPTER 29- This feeling is so wrong yet so right.
CHAPTER 30- Soon
CHAPTER 31- This is so embarrassing
CHAPTER 32- Rogue?The dungeons?
CHAPTER 33- The Deal
CHAPTER 34- Rocked
CHAPTER 36- The End (part 2)

CHAPTER 15- Saved and marked

13.5K 244 7
By danger_line


I opened the door and found Melissa in Craig's arms with a knife on her neck. I couldn't speak for a moment. There was my Melissa in my brothers arm with a knife on her neck. 

"Craig throw the knife away. You don't have to do this. This is between you and me. Don't pull Melissa into this." Craig laughed. "I can't not pull her.  I need a mate because i don't have one remember? Remember how you killed my Jessica with dad? And just because she was a rogue? You're pathetic Mason. We used to be like best friends. Now look at us. Look what you did to me. Now you'll regret doing these to me." He pressed the knife a little harder on Mel's neck. i saw a drop of blood running down her neck. She had tears in her eyes.

I couldn't think straight. I didn't know what to do. "What do you want me to do? It was my fault that Jessica died. Please leave Mel out of this." i saw as another drop of blood ran down her neck. Craig chuckled. "I know that dad and you hated rogues . But was that a reason to kill your own brother's mate?" I was speechless. I know it was wrong of me. "I'm sorry. I know i shouldn't have done that. But please leave Melissa." Craig looked att me with hatred. "A 'sorry' won't bring my Jessica back. She died because of you. You son of a bitch" He was about to cut Melissa when suddenly Sam pushed Craig and the knife fell on the floor. I ran towards Melissa as fast as i could. I picked her up from the floor an checked if her cut was big. Thank god it wasn't i helped her up before pounding on Craig and punching the shit out of him (sorry.... my description sucks)

I didn't even give him a chance to fight back. i punched him hard in the nose which caused him to black out. 'I need someone to take Craig to the pack prison now' I mind linked some of my warriors. I looked at Sam. "Thank you for saving her Sam. I'm sorry for everything. Come back home" i say hugging her. Samantha left with Craig when i exiled him, because she thought that it was wrong of me to kill someone's mate. Now that i have a mate, i think she was right. I shouldn't have done that, but it wasn't my fault either.

I pick Melissa up and start walking out of the house, with Sam behind us. Craig was being carried by some warriors. "I'm so sorry babe. It was my responsibility to keep you safe, but i couldn't." I tell Mel with sadness in my voice. "You can't keep everyone safe from everything Mason. Its okay and don't feel sad about it okay?"


Mason walked all the way to our house with me in his hands and Samantha following. Dad and Brandon  and the warriors with Craig and the other prisoners  were walking ahead of us. I talked to dad and Brandon a while ago. They were really worried about me. I told Mason that i was okay and that i could walk, but he won't let me because he was afraid that i would hurt my stupid broken leg. so here i am. In my mate's arm, going home after a crazy crazy day.

We reached home. "i missed this place" i hear Sam say. I smile at her. "You'll be living with us so you don't have to miss it any more" i tell her. She smiles at me and says a 'thank you'. "you can select whatever room you want Sammy" Mason says looking at her. She looks excited and starts running upstairs. Mason carries me to our room upstairs and places me gently on the bed. I wanted to ask Mason about what happened in the past, but decided not to as there was already too much on his plate.

"Do you need anything babe? You alright right? Does your leg hurt? Are you sure that you don't want to go to the doctor? Are you..." I cut Mason off by kissing him. He didn't respond for a second, but kissed back. The kiss soon got heated and turned out to be a hot make out session. Mason was now on top of me but not being careful. I pull away gasping for air. "Mark me" i said in a whisper, barely audible. But i knew that he heard me as he pulled his head up to look me in the eyes. "You sure Mel. I mean i you don't have to if you don't want to." He said with concern. "Aagghh...Mark me already" i say moving my hair away from the area where my mark will be and pulling Mason's face near the area.

Mason started licking my neck. My hormones were going crazy. I was so turned on that i could feel the wetness downstairs. "You smell so good." Mason whispered in the sexiest voice i've ever heard. My wolf was purring with pleasure. "This might hurt a little babe" he said. I just nodded in response and grabbed his biceps getting ready for the pain. I feel an excruciating pain in the area where m neck and shoulder met. I screamed a little. The pain started to fade away as Mason started to lick it. I moaned in pleasure and wrapped my hands around Mason's neck, pulling him closure to me. "Hey guys. i found my room...whoa" we see a red Samantha on the door, covering her eyes with her hands. Mason starts chuckling while i hide my face in his shoulder wih embarrassment. 

"Sam get out. She still has to mark me" Mason says laughing between the words. Samantha quickly turned around and ran out of the room. "You guys should lock the door you know?" We hear her shout. We start laughing. "uummm.. Where were we?" i say as i flip us over with Mason lying on the bed aand me straddling his waist. We start kissing again. I lick Mason's bottom lip and hear him moan. I decide to tease him and pull away with a smirk,  just before our tongues could connect. Mason groans. I again get close to him and pull away just before our lips connect. "Stop teasing me." Mason groans and pulls me towards him connecting our lips. I trail my tongue over the area where Mason's mark will be. I feel him shiver under my touch and know that he's totally turned on because of Mason jr poking my leg. I start nibbling his neck lightly, then bit his neck. I lick the blood off of his neck and kiss the mark. It looked like a white wolf howling at the moon.

I pull off of Mason. "wow that was........ hot" i say blushing. I get  off the bed and limp towards the bathroom and look at my mark in the mirror. It was a black wolf howling at the moon. It looked just like Mason's wolf. I see Mason standing behind me and wrapping his strong arms around my waist. I feel tingles running up my spine. I just wanted to pull Mason to bed and ride him. Aghh these hormones. 

"Baby girl do you really want to ride me?" Mason asked from behind me. What the hell? How did he know? "Its because of the mark. Now i can hear your thoughts." he said again reading my thoughts. He came closure to my ear and whispered, "Even the dirty ones." Agghhhh. I try reading his thoughts but can't. "But why can't i hear your thought?" i ask him annoyed about not being able to hear his thoughts. Mason chuckles and pulls me closure. "its a secret and i'm sure it will be fun to hear your thoughts." He said before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bedroom. "But that's not fair." i exclaim. Mason laughs and hugs my waist. aggh. what is he doing to me? "I'm just driving you crazy" Mason whispers before picking me up bridal style. We go downstairs and find Samantha watching TV with all sorts of sweets around her. i guess she's opening up a little. "SWEETS" I shout and jump off Mason's arms, hurting my leg a little. I limp towards Sam and plop down the sofa and grab a hand-full of skittles. "Baby are you okay? Does your leg hurt?" Mason asked checking my leg. "Baby i'm okaaaayyyyy. Come here and cuddle with me" I say grabbing Mason's hand and pulling him down on the sofa. we were watching X-Men: Days of  Future Past.

We spent the whole night watching movies and cuddling. Samantha and I are sure to get diabetes because of all the candies we ate. We were like a small family, having fun after a long day. 

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