Church Sex Camp

By ejhopkins

151K 1.7K 31

Not all people of faith believe that sex (even before marriage) is bad. Sex is a form of commitment, pleasure... More

Just a Few Classes Offered
Chapter 1- Required
Chapter 2- Maintenance
Chapter 3- Class
Chapter 4- Dinner
Chapter 5- Teach
Chapter 6- Breakfast
Chapter 7- Pain
Chapter 8- Water
Chapter 9- Sunday
Chapter 10- Surprise
Chapter 11- Healing
Chapter 12- Fear
Chapter 13- Confession
Chapter 14- Stress
Chapter 15- Different
Chapter 16- Rest
Chapter 17- Forward
Chapter 18- New
Chapter 19- Top
Chapter 20- Wedding
Chapter 22- Room
Chapter 23- Exes
Chapter 24- Regret
Chapter 25- Home
Chapter 26- Closing
Chapter 27- Change
Chapter 28- Death
Chapter 29- Grief
Chapter 30- Resolve
Chapter 31- Mute
Chapter 32- Free
Chapter 33- Onward

Chapter 21- Reception

1.5K 38 1
By ejhopkins

Paul was in the fucking wedding party! I was fuming, even though I knew it wasn't anyone's fault, I was mad at Mike for whatever role he played in having him there. It was irrational, I knew that, but dammit that fucker is lucky to be alive.

After the seemingly endless ceremony, I ushered CeCe and her mom out if the room. I didn't stop to talk to anyone. Once we were outside, I turned to the beauty by my side.

"We can go. It'll be too hard to avoid him at the reception."

"No sir! We're going. I plan on meeting your family and you didn't buy me this amazing dress for it to sit in a pew."

"Ugh! Fine. But I swear, if that man touches you..."

She put her hand on my chest and nodded towards her Mom. Shit, I must sound like a serial killer! The look on her face was abject fear.

"So sorry, Yvonne. I just hate that he's here and I hate how he makes CeCe feel. I would never, and I mean never do anything to hurt her."

"I know, dear. It just took me by surprise, that's all."

Her face softened considerably, so I thanked her and headed to the hotel where the reception was about to start.

Once we made it to the hotels ballroom, I was extremely impressed by the understated decor. Knowing my mother, it would have looked like a flower shop exploded. But I'm guessing Sarah had a wedding planner that did everything. The string lights reminded me of CeCe's birthday party. I had the sudden desire to dance with my girl. I took her hand and walked to the dance floor. She gave me a stern look through.

"We can't dance before the bride and groom! Major no-no!"

It took me by surprise, but then I remembered that she's been married before. She'd been through all of this already. I hated the fact that it upset me so much. Was I seriously considering marrying her? I know that she isn't the type to not marry eventually. God, this is throwing me into a shit storm!

"Sorry, hun. I didn't think. I just really want to dance with you again. Let's find our seats. I'd imagine it'll be close to the head table."

I made sure that Yvonne would have a seat by CeCe. Sarah wasn't too happy about it, but it was that or no me. I didn't want her to be left alone while I had to do my obligatory greetings. The table was indeed by the main one, thankfully because I'm related to the bride, our table wasn't near the groomsmen. That stupid table stretched the entire length of the room. I still can't believe how many people were in the wedding party. I'm sure my sister thought that the more people the better. But it just came across as showing off. Like 'look at how many people love me, I'm filthy rich and can afford this massive display of friendship'. I'm pretty sure my eyes were in a constant state of rolling.

Oh, fuck. They were all filing into the ballroom now and I made a point to step in front of CeCe. Paul didn't need to see her. But when he looked at me, his eyes bugged out. Not to mention that I was with Yvonne, who he knows well. I looked at her and the look of disgust on her face was priceless. When I turned my head back to look at Paul, he seemed like he was going to puke. I'm sure at some point he'll see my girl, but for now, he can squirm.

"Eli? What's going on?"

"Paul saw me and your Mom, but I kept him from seeing you. Take a peak, he's looking down."

"Holy Mackerel! He looks scared shitless!!! Oh, sorry Mom."

"No need to apologise, he should get the shit beat out of him, again. I'd like to do it myself!"

We all started laughing loudly. Heads turned to us, but by that time, we really didn't care. CeCe was already loosening up, she had been so tense during the ceremony. I'd worried about her health, it was less than a week since she was in the hospital. Oh! The food!

"Hey sweetie. I'm gonna go talk to the caterer and make sure you can eat everything. Be right back."

She smiled and I gave her a quick kiss, then as I was leaving I heard her Mom talking about how helpful I was. It made me feel hopeful for the future. I liked Yvonne, she'll make a good mother-in-law. Based on everything CeCe told me, she wasn't always so supportive. Especially when it came to their church and her problems with Paul. But she'd always been there for her and raised her alone. No grandparents or father. No aunts, uncles, or cousins. Where as I have family coming out of my fucking ass! I knew that a lot of it had to do with our uber-catholic background, but damn! Just looking around the room I knew I was related to half the people there.

I talked to the wedding planner, she was easy to spot, walking around with an ear piece and giving instructions to just about everyone. She was at the DJ booth and then I heard the announcement that Sarah and Mike were here. I'm guessing it took them much longer for pictures. But now that they're here, food is going to be served.

"Excuse me. I know you're extremely busy, but this is important. I need to speak to the caterer, my girlfriend has food allergies and I want to make sure she can eat everything."

"And you are?"

"Eli, bother of the bride."

"Of course! I should have seen that right away! You are very handsome."

"Right. My girlfriend..."

"Oh, yes! Follow me."

Was she seriously trying to flirt with me when I obviously pointed out that I was here with someone?! Maybe if I had never met CeCe, I would have done a wedding hook-up or two... or more. But definitely not anymore.

We got to the person in charge of the food, they assured me that none of the dishes served had egg. But the cake did, so no cake for us. I wasn't going to eat it if she couldn't.

"Is there an alternative to the cake? I won't have any either, wouldn't want to get her sick by contact."

The wedding planner looked shocked. I couldn't tell if she was disappointed that I would be kissing my girlfriend, or that I was being considerate. Either way, she really needed to back the fuck off me. She was still being flirty and touching my arm. I backed up and asked again if we could have something other than the cake. The caterer stepped up and said he would work on it. There was time before dessert anyway. So, I walked away from the little flirt and went back to my table. The food had already been brought out and CeCe was waiting for me before eating. I reassured her it was all good.

"I figured, based on what's on my plate, but I didn't want to eat without you."

My heart flipped. I leaned over and kissed her. I moved to her neck, then up to her ear and I whispered.

"I love you so much. I would much rather be eating something else right now. But I guess this 5 star meal will work... for now."

The blush on her face was incredible. She took a drink of water and I could see her squeeze her legs together. I wondered how wet she was, I guessed pretty fucking wet.

I put my hand on her thigh and did my best to eat, acting like nothing was going on. But CeCe wasn't so calm, her breathing was picking up with every inch I got closer to her core.

"CeCe, dear. Are you okay? You look flushed. Is it Paul?"

"No! I'm fine. It is definitely not because of him! I'm good, great even. Thanks."

I almost spit out my wine when she said her behavior had nothing to do with her ex. Hell no it didn't! It was all me, and she loved every second of it.

I started rubbing her inner thigh, massaging it all the way up. I wished we had found a dress with a slit, I could have made her come right there. Eventually I took my hand away, which made her look at me with a pout. All I could think to do was take that pouty lip and suck on it. I didn't even care that her mother was sitting next to her. I needed CeCe's lips, I needed her taste.

We came up for air and noticed everyone at the table staring. I hadn't even introduced her to my siblings yet. My other sister and the twins were in the wedding party, but Peter was there with us.

"Shit, Pete, sorry! I kind of have a one track mind right now. CeCe this is my youngest brother, Peter. Pete, this is my girlfriend, CeCe."

"Nice to meet you, CeCe. How the fuck did you end up with this asshole?"

He said it as a joke, but by the look of shock on both the Stratton women, they took it as bad.

"Shut up, douche. They don't know how we talk to each other yet! CeCe, Yvonne, my brother and I mess with each other a lot. It's all good, promise. Wait until you meet the twins! They'll probably try to wrestle me to the ground. I always win, but they try."

"Shit, Eli! You remember that time they snuck up on you and tied you up?! That was fucking hilarious! Eli here got out of the ropes and kicked the shit of them! It put the fucking fear of God in me to never mess with him... well physically. We just call each other every dirty name available."

I loved my brother! He was still young enough that he can choose what he wanted to do, and he'd learned by example, to make his own decisions. He won't just dive into the corporate shit hole that is Montgomery Inc. He'd do what he wanted, not what they wanted. All my other siblings have been corrupted by the money and greed the company represents. I was just glad I followed my own path. Especially since it had brought me CeCe.

"Pete? Have you made any plans for after you graduate?"

"Fuck, no. Dad wants me to go to Northwestern, so I can intern at his office. But that sounds like hell on Earth. Pretty sure it is actually. Did you notice that it's only the two of us not in that fucking huge wedding party? Guess why. It's because Mike is all about pleasing Dad. He's the biggest ass kisser I've ever met. Fuck, all his groomsmen, besides our brothers, are in the company! It's like he has no friends. Fuck em all!"

"Okay, several things I need to say here. First of all, do what you want, Dad has more than enough of us working for him. Second, I want you to come work for me when school lets out. Holidays, summer, whatever. Are you on break now?"

"Fuck yeah I am! I'm so in!"

"Sweet! Okay, next question. The groomsman over there with the fucked up face, do you know who he is?"

"Yeah, that's Paul. He's an accountant. Works for Dad and apparently gets along with Mike, so there he is. Not sure what happened to him though. He looks like shit!"

"Ha! I did that to him!"

"Are you fucking serious?! Why?"

"He's CeCe's ex-husband, and he's a piece of shit. He tried to touch my girl and insulted her in front of me. That shit is not cool and he needed to be taught a lesson. He'd be a whole lot worse off if CeCe hadn't stopped me."

I looked at her and saw a combination of feelings. She looked genuinely proud of what I did to him. But she also looked sad, or even ashamed.

"Hey, sweetheart. He got what he deserved. You know that right?"

"I know, I just wish... I don't even know. I can't go back in time and not marry him. I would if I could! I just want that chapter in my life closed permanently. But if he works for your Dad... I..."

"I'll be right back."

I went to look for my father. His table was next to ours, but he wasn't there. I finally saw him talking to the wedding planner, and fucking flirting with her. Of all the shitty things to do! Uugghhh! I swear this just keeps getting worse by the minute. I grabbed his elbow and turned him around.

"Son!!! I was so glad to see you made it!"

He brought me in for an awkward hug, but I just patted his back, hoping he gets the idea that I need to talk.

"It's gonna be a minute. We're about to do the first dance, then I get the father daughter dance right after."

"Well, I guess that means you have a few minutes to talk."

Just then the DJ called the bride and groom to the dance floor and started up some new pop song that sounded fucking awful. Oh well, not my dance.

"Dad, I need to talk about your accountant Paul."

"What the hell do you want to talk about regarding one of my accountants? I'm not letting you steal him from me for your fucking camp."

I'm breathing, I'm breathing... I'm gonna go ballistic if he doesn't listen to me.

"Dad, Paul is my girlfriends ex-husband and he fucking raped and hurt her for three years! The man is a leech and the worse possible person to employ. I just needed you to know. Also, I'm the one that put him in the hospital. He's lucky he got out alive."

I could tell he was contemplating what I said. But the DJ came back on and announced the father daughter dance. I could tell he was warring with himself. He knew I was right. He put up his finger to say it would be just a minute. The DJ decided to go with the groom and his Mom first. It gave us a little more time.

Sarah marched over and started to go bridezilla on us. But Dad just walked away. I looked to see where he was going and about shit a brick! Paul was at our table and CeCe was crying. Peter was already trying to push him away.

Dad got there and actually punched Paul! It was by far the best part of the wedding so far.

"Paul, get your fucking hands off her! You're fired! Come in Monday to clean out your desk. If you ever go near her again, I will personally make sure you never work anywhere!"

Holy Shit!!! That was amazing! I've never been more proud to be his son. I knew he had a soft spot for women in abusive relationships, his Dad would beat the shit out of my grandma. Do, it's a sore subject for him. Yeah, kind of hypocritical, seeing as how he beat the shit out of me for years. But he never hurt Ma. He justified hitting us kids because it was what the 'bible' said.

CeCe was still crying, so I leaned down and hugged her tight. I pulled back just to wipe the tears from her cheeks. I noticed the Yvonne was up and thanking my Dad for what he did. For a split second I saw Dad touch her arm and my heart sunk. Yvonne was a beautiful woman, she'd have to be to have CeCe. But he was still married! To my mother, dammit! I glared at him, hoping he would get the hint to back off. It seemed as if he did.

Then I realized just how quiet the ballroom was. They were waiting on Dad to dance with Sarah and noticed the drama unfold. By that time Mom had made her way over.

"Do you mind telling me what is going on?! Everyone is staring and Sarah is a wreck! Gerald, you had better get your backside on that dance floor and dance with your daughter!"

Dad looked more annoyed than submissive, it wasn't like him to take orders. He'd always been the alpha type, the one to administer punishment for indiscretions. It wasn't abuse, according to him, it was what the Bible commanded. The mentality that if you spare the rod you spared the child. Well, he never spared his kids. Especially me, since I was the oldest, I had to be the example. My 'spankings' were more like floggings, and always in front of the whole family. I can't say it worked for me. If anything it made me hate him. I love him though too. He was still my father, just violent.

CeCe was calming down and it was just announced that anyone who wants to dance is welcome. So, I stood up and offered my hand. She smiled and stood, then followed me to the dance floor. I put my hands on her hips and rubbed up her back, then down to her ass. She jumped at that and we both laughed. I needed her to relax. Her confrontation with Paul was unacceptable. If I had been there, and not run off to tell on him to my Dad... Fuck that. At least he's out of our lives for good now.

"Are you okay? What the hell did he say to you?"

"I'm fine. He... well... I don't know if I should tell you, honestly. It'll just make you more upset and I'd rather enjoy our dance. You know?"

"Okay, I see your point. But we will discuss it, I need to know. Okay?"

She just nodded then put her head on my shoulder. With her high heels, she was almost my height, it was fucking hot. I'd always gone for shorter women, often blonds. Actually, Megan was technically more my type. But the second I saw CeCe, all that faded away.

I put a finger under her chin and got her looking at me. I crashed my lips to hers and we instantly dueled our tongues. It was passion, fire, and need all in one searing kiss. I grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. My dick was so hard, I felt like my pants were going to rip. She began grinding against me and I was gone.

I took her hand and we walked over to her Mom.

"Yvonne, we'll be back in a little bit. If my family ask for me, tell them, please. We just need to talk about what happened, that's all."

Yvonne looked at me like she knew exactly what we were going to be doing, and talking wasn't the goal. I just winked at her and pulled CeCe to the elevators. Thankfully we were the only ones in there and our make-out session continued. When we got to the room I struggled not to rip the dress off of her, we still had to go back.

It would be quick, but so worth it!

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