From the start [Prequel to Th...


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This is where it started with Max, where the relationship with Quinn kicked off. More



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I walk along the hallway, happily listening to my music when someone bumps my shoulder. I turn and look at Dave with a raised eyebrow.
"Your brother ain't here, so I got lucky with another fag."
I gulp and take my headphones off, carefully placing them into my jacket pocket before I take my bag off with the jacket.
"Okay, you wanna pick on my brother, now you wanna pick on me?" I laugh and roll my eyes. "Pathetic."
"The only thing that's pathetic is you and your gay brother."
"Is that the only insult you can come up with?"
I notice the crowd quickly growing, mostly with my glee club behind me.
"No, I could say your mom got a lucky escape because she's got two fags for kids."
I growl slightly and step towards him more.
"Don't ever bring up my mom again!" I snap.
"Or what? You gonna cry, Hummel?"
I shake my head as I grab his shoulders and deliver a harsh head butt to the stupid jock. Dave winces slightly then shoves me, I regain my balance and try to kick him where the sun don't shine, but he manages to grab my foot and push it down. I growl again, punching him quickly on the cheek, this time he actually fights back.

"Sit still." Quinn sighs as I pull back again.
"That hurt!" I yell.
I turn my head quickly as I hear the guys laughing.
"Not funny."
"Actually, That was almost the scene from Beauty and the Beast." Mercedes giggles.
I chuckle and roll my eyes, wincing again when Quinn wipes my lip.
"I can't believe you put up a fight like that!" Puck laughs. "Badass."
"I'd say he was weak, but clearly I took most of the blow."
Quinn gives me a look, one that tells me I'm in trouble. Great.
"Can you guys let us talk alone for a moment please?"
I gulp as the guys leave the room whilst muttering amongst themselves.
"I can't believe you did that." She holds my face gently in her hands.
"I had to, I would have walked away if he didn't bring up my mom."
"I don't blame you, you're stupid but brave."
"But you still love me right?" I grin, trying not to show that it actually hurts like a bitch.
"Of course I do." Quinn giggles, kissing my nose lightly. "Come on, idiot. Let's get you to glee club."

I sit back in the chair, groaning quietly as my back hits the plastic, who knew a jock beating the shit outta you would hurt so much?
"Miss Hummel, I'd like to see you in my office." I look at Figgins and sigh as I follow him with Mr S.

"Suspended?!" I yell and look at my dad.
"Maxine, you attacked David in the hallways."
"Have you seen my daughters face? It's quite clear she took most of the hit."
"I was only standing up for my brother because that meathead bullied him out of the school!" I growl, feeling my anger build.
"I think you're a danger to this school."
Mr Shcue looks at me and sighs heavily.
"If you suspend Max then we don't have enough members for the glee club to go through to sectionals."
I look at the teacher in shock, like is this asshole serious?
"Oh, that's all you care about? In that case, suspend me for as long as you want!"
"Fine, you are suspended for two weeks."
"No buts William. That's my final word."

I get up, let my dad practically carry me to the car while I mumble about how much pain I'm in.
"I put up a hell of a fight." I chuckle.
"You sure did, kid." My dad shakes his head softly whilst helping me into the car.
I sure did put up a fight.

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