Church Sex Camp

By ejhopkins

151K 1.7K 31

Not all people of faith believe that sex (even before marriage) is bad. Sex is a form of commitment, pleasure... More

Just a Few Classes Offered
Chapter 1- Required
Chapter 2- Maintenance
Chapter 3- Class
Chapter 4- Dinner
Chapter 5- Teach
Chapter 6- Breakfast
Chapter 7- Pain
Chapter 8- Water
Chapter 9- Sunday
Chapter 10- Surprise
Chapter 11- Healing
Chapter 12- Fear
Chapter 13- Confession
Chapter 14- Stress
Chapter 15- Different
Chapter 16- Rest
Chapter 17- Forward
Chapter 18- New
Chapter 19- Top
Chapter 21- Reception
Chapter 22- Room
Chapter 23- Exes
Chapter 24- Regret
Chapter 25- Home
Chapter 26- Closing
Chapter 27- Change
Chapter 28- Death
Chapter 29- Grief
Chapter 30- Resolve
Chapter 31- Mute
Chapter 32- Free
Chapter 33- Onward

Chapter 20- Wedding

1.7K 36 2
By ejhopkins

My new favorite thing is showering with Eli! He had me up against the tiles, wrapped around his middle, and was pounding into me. I'd already had three orgasms, with another building.

"Oohhhh!!!! Eli!!!!!! Aaahhhhh!"

"Are you ready..... to come again? I'm.... there too.... fuck!!! Uuuuhhhh!!!

We rode out the high together and I swore I heard angels singing! He did things to me that I never thought possible. I was finally enjoying sex, and I could even close my eyes, somewhat. I found that if I closed my eyes in short bursts, it didn't take me back. But if I did start seeing or feeling my past, I forced my eyes open. It was amazing that Eli could just tell that it was what I needed. He knew that by focusing on him, I'd be okay.

We got dressed and packed our overnight bags. Eli told me we'd be dressing for the wedding at the hotel, so I could go more casual for now. Which was a very good thing, as it was still crazy hot out.

I called Meg to make 100% sure everything was going well and my leaving for the weekend wasn't going to create problems. She not only reassured me, so gave me a ten minute lecture on how I 'never did anything for myself and I had better eff off or she'd ground me for another week', which definitely wasn't going to happen. It did make me feel much better though.

Eli took me to a place not too far from the camp. We've technically had a few dates, but nothing he considered official. So, a lunch date it is.

He'd wanted to take me to a Chinese restaurant, but when he looked it up online, it said there was egg in almost everything. So, being the amazing person he is, he took me out for Mexican. I loooove Mexico food!

"What do you want?"

"I usually go for fajitas. I know, I'm boring, but it's how I judge every new place I go. If they can do good fajitas, it's a good Mexican restaurant."

"Fajitas it is. We can get the combo, steak, chicken, and shrimp."

"Yes!!! Perfect!"

After he put the order in, I got out my phone to double check that my mom is on board to meet up and go to the wedding. We talked about it, but I had the feeling she would have rather just come up to the camp, which I understood, but it was just too important. She texted back that, yes, she's going to be at the church a little before 4pm.

While eating our incredible fajitas, Eli and I kept looking at each other. It felt cheesy and sappy, but my heart was racing. He really loved me. It was difficult to imagine. Even after this past week, I had trouble believing that any man could love me. Eli was different though. I could tell that when he found something he was passionate about, he threw himself all in. He had wanted out of the family business, because his passion was being outdoors, among other things. He cared about his workers, he went above and beyond for them. He wasn't doing it to make money, he did it because it was what he loved. And I'm something he loves. It's humbling really.

We left the restaurant extremely full, but with plenty of time before the wedding service. He suggested we stop at a mall close to our hotel. It was perfect. I'd hated the dress I picked to wear, this way I can get a new one (or several). Eli took my hand and walked me to a salon.

"Hello, do you have any openings? We need to get my beautiful girlfriend ready for my sister's wedding."

I stared at him. What was he doing?

"Eli. I don't need this."

"I know you don't NEED it, but I want you as relaxed as possible. My family is not only large, they're stressful."

"Sir? Ma'am? I have a stylist available, we can get you right in."

"Great! Get done whatever you want done. Text me. Love you."

I shook my head to determine if this was actually happening. Yep, it was.

I looked good! Like really good. She did my hair, makeup, and nails. I was totally pampered. I texted Eli that I was all set, then went up to pay.

"The bill has been taken care of miss."

"What? But... Eli. Ok, well can I do a tip separately?"

"He did that as well. You're all set."

Oh! I wasn't sure if I should be upset with him or happy that he'd been so generous. I had to make sure he knew that I did have my own money. I've been extremely independent for a long time. Having someone pay for anything for me is very new.

"You look stunning!"

I looked up to see Eli staring at me.

"We're going to have to have a talk about you spending money on me."

"Well, not today. It's getting late and you need a dress."

"Wait! How did you know I was going to get a new dress?"

"No, I'm getting you a new dress."

I was pretty sure I growled at him, based on the surprised look he had on his face. It didn't last long though, as he grabbed my hand and took me to a high end boutique. The dresses there each cost more than all my clothes combined! There was no way I was going to let him spend this kind of money on me.

"Nope. Waaay too expensive!"

"Sweetness, I'm buying. And we're going to be late if we shop around. So, I like this one. What about you?"

I didn't answer. I grabbed the dress he held up (in my size) and checked a few more out. A very pretty sales associate came up to us and looked between us. I could tell she was checking out Eli. The look on her face made me want to rip her eyes out. What had gotten into me?

"What can I help you find today?"

"Yes, my girlfriend needs a dress. Something extra special and super expensive."

"Eli! No, we'd like to keep the cost to a minimum. But I do need an extra long dress, I do have long legs after all."

I wasn't trying to brag, but that bitch was staring at my man the whole time I told her what I needed. He didn't need a dress! I did. Bitch.

"Of course. I think I have a few I could pull for you. Any color preference?"

I shook my head no and went to hug Eli. Then I kissed him, hard. It was like I felt the need to mark him as mine. She seemed to catch on, and began gathering some beautiful dresses.

"What do you think?"

I had on a stunning olive green, floor length dress that was actually long enough to wear with heels. It didn't happen often. Plus the green was fantastic. I loved fall colors.

"I'm... Um... Yeah... Shit... CeCe. It's perfect!" Do you have shoes? Take that off and we'll look. That took less time than I thought it would."

Picture of the Dress Below

"I have shoes, but they're all short heels, which I usually need. So, I wouldn't mind grabbing some."

I went back into the fitting room and carefully took off the dress. Thankfully the underclothes I wore worked well with it, otherwise we'd be late. Eli tapped on the door and asked for the dress. I was reluctant, knowing he was just going to buy it. They didn't have shoes here, but there was a shoe store was right next door. I got dressed and saw Eli waiting for me, dress in hand.

After getting some drool-worthy shoes,  they were fantastic silver 4 inch heels, we went back to the hotel. It didn't take too long to get ready, since my hair and makeup were already done. Eli looked incredibly handsome in a suit!

Picture of the Shoes Below

"Wow! CeCe, just wow!"

"You look pretty amazing yourself."

He stalked up to me and kissed me. It was the most passionate kiss we'd ever shared. He backed me up to the wall and pushed his hips to mine. I could feel his excitement, it made me desperate for him. But we only had a short time to get to the church. It was next door, but if we didn't stop, we wouldn't get there at all.

"We need... to go... it's getting late."

"Fuck. I know. I want you so bad right now. I can't describe it. Do you know what you do to me?"

"I believe I can feel it, so yeah. You kind of do the same thing to me."

He kissed me quickly and I fixed my lipstick before we went out. My mom had just arrived as we walked up to the beautiful church, and we hugged for a while. It'd been far too long.

"Mom, I'd like you to meet Eli Montgomery. Eli, this is my Mom, Yvonne."

Mom walked up to him and pulled him into an embrace. I was stunned! Even though my Mom was always affectionate with me, she never really was a big hugger.

"Eli, I am so glad to meet you. I watched you two walking up here, and I see more love in my daughter's eyes for you than she ever had for Paul. Sorry, I shouldn't even say his name, should I?"

"It's okay Mom, Eli knows all about him. Everything."

"Good. Now, let's see your... is it your sister? Get married."

"Yes, my sister Sarah. Maybe we'll be late enough that we won't have to talk to anyone."

He smiled wide and we both laughed. We were really cutting it close though. The ceremony was going to start in five minutes. We went in and were ushered to the second row, apparently right behind Eli's Mom. She turned in her seat and saw her son. She jumped up and hugged him. It was so sweet.

"Baby! I'm so glad you made it! Are you going to introduce me?"

CeCe, meet Izabele, my mother. Ma, this..."

He started to, but the processional music began and they both had to sit. It was fine by me, more time to prepare to meet his family was a good thing.

I had never before seen so many bridesmaids! Pretty sure I counted 12. While they walked in, the groom and groomsmen came in from what looked like behind the back. Probably the rectory. I watched the groom, he looked like he'd just won the lottery. Well, he was marrying a Montgomery, so she must be special. Then I saw him.

"Oh shit!

I whispered it, but Eli's mother turned and gave me a look of shock and anger. I very rarely curse, and never in a church, but seeing him here... and a groomsmen! I felt ill.

"What's wrong? You look like a ghost."

As much as I wanted to smack him for saying that, I couldn't peel my eyes away from the bruised face of my ex.

"Eli, look."

"Oh, fuck no!"

His Mom turned around and gave her son a scolding, but he wasn't paying attention to her. I felt him tense up and he looked like he was about to run over and kill him. I put my hand on his thigh and my head on his shoulder.

"It's ok, CeCe. I have no idea what his connection to Mike is, that's the groom. But I'll find out. Do you want to go? Honestly, I'll get up and walk out right now if you want."

I started crying, my emotions were on overload. I reached for my Mom's hand  and held on like I was worried I'd fall.

"No, I'll be okay. This is your sister. She's..."

Just then the seemingly endless line of bridesmaids were at the front and the bridal March started playing. Everyone stood, but Eli had to practically pick me up. I felt glued to the pew. He held me tight and kissed my forehead.

When I saw his father, I knew where he got his looks. His tan coloring and dark hair came from his mother, but his facial features were almost identical. His sister had their fathers red hair, and was gorgeous. It was surreal. I realized that his other siblings would be sitting around us, or in the wedding. So I took a second and looked around. I was surrounded by insanely beautiful people. I felt out of place. Not that I had low self-esteem, but I didn't even compare to the Montgomerys. I wrapped my arms around Eli and watched his sister reach the alter. We all sat and settled in for the ceremony.

I tried to keep my focus on the bride and groom, but I couldn't help but to look at Paul. I prayed he wouldn't see me, but the odds of avoiding him completely were slim. I held Eli's hand, but turned to my Mom and rested my head on her shoulder. She put her arm around me and held me close.

I felt selfish. This was not a day to worry about me. This was Sarah's wedding, period. I had to suck it up and deal with it. I looked at Eli and he was staring at me, not his sister. I mouthed 'I love you' and that put a huge smile on his face. He did the same and I felt my Mom stiffen. She squeezed me and whispered softly in my ear.

"He really does love you, doesn't he?"

"Yes. And I love him."

"Oh sweetheart, I'm really very happy."

I just smiled at her and laid my head back on her shoulder.

Picture of Yvonne, CeCe's Mom

Picture of Eli's Mom

Picture of Eli's Dad

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