Angel of Darkness (Young Just...

By angelofadarksoul3340

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Do you think you know everything about the Young Justice League? What about the story of Angel? Angel wasn't... More

Chapter One: How it Started
Chapter Two: New Test
Chapter Three: Telepathic
Chapter Four: Superboy
Chapter Five: Time to Escape
Chapter Six: Who is That?
Chapter Seven: Carol Johnson
Chapter Nine: The Joker and The Riddler
Chapter Ten: Stepping Out of The Shadows
Chapter Eleven: The Trap
Chapter Twelve: Remember
Chapter Thirteen: Robin
Chapter Fourteen: Fragile
Chapter Fifteen: Waking Up
Chapter Sixteen: Worst School Day Ever
Chapter Seventeen: Beginning of a Family
Chapter Eighteen: Interrupted
Chapter Nineteen: Family Fight
Chapter Twenty: Weakness
Chapter Twenty-one: Deep Inside
Chapter Twenty-Two: First Day
Chapter Twenty-Three: Mr. Sevens All Over Again
Chapter Twenty-Four: For Your Protection
Chapter Twenty-Five: Despise the Darkness Within
Chapter Twenty-Six: Hello Father
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Disappear
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Broken

Chapter Eight: Angel Of Darkness

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By angelofadarksoul3340

(Angel’s P.O.V)

        The young girl that I saw in my dreams was standing in front of me. She was afraid but largely underestimated me. “Who are you and what,” asked the girl.

        “I am no one important and I only wanted a place to sleep,” I told her.

    “Oh, okay,” she paused, “but what is your name?”

        I sighed and said simply, “I used to have a name but that was taken from me along with everything I ever cared about.” Her face softened and she moved toward me.

     “My name is Faith, but what was your name,” she asked gently.

        “My name once was Carol Johnson,” I answered. Her eyes widened in disbelief and she ran up and hugged me.

         “I knew you were alive, I knew it,” she yelled, “I have been searching for you and trying to follow leads, but I always hit dead ends!” She let go of me and started up the stairs saying as she went, “Come on I want to show all that I had!” I sighed and jumped to the top of the stairs right in front of her. She yelped and almost fell down the stair, but I caught her. “How did you do that,” she stammered.

        “I was made into a living weapon, the scientist of Cadmus made me be able to do just about anything,” I replied automatically. Her eyes widened and she stood there shocked. I placed my hands behind my back and waited for her to calm down. (Author’s side note; Carol aka Angel doesn’t really understand emotions because how she was treated at Cadmus. P.S I tend to get sidetracked sooo, oh look a banana!) She went to brace herself against a wall and fell through it instead.

        “Ugh I hate these stupid powers that I have,” she yelled from the other room. (Another author’s side note; you thought of bananas didn’t you. Oh, snap I am distracting you and me. No wonder it took me this long to update)

                I ended up telling her everything and she ended up on telling me everything. It was the most that I had ever told anyone and it seemed the same with her. “Okay, but you have to go by a name,” Faith said, “since you can no longer go by Carol, hmm how about Sophie,” she asked me. I shook my head. “Okay then since you’re so innocent,” I rolled my eyes, “then how about Angel?” I stood up and paced the room.

         “That sounds fine if I can say I am the Angel of Darkness,” I said.

        She moaned, “Angel you are not evil. Just because they tried to make you evil.” I glared at the door.

        “I was made to destroy the very hope of this planet. Of course, I am so not evil,” I said.

         “Look they tried their hardest to make you the destroyer of hope,” she said as I glared at her, “but they fail horribly. They didn’t know how to make an Angel into a demon.”

         I sighed, "I am not an Angel that belongs in the light. I am an Angel Of Darkness."


(Bruce’s P.O.V)

                I looked out the window of my office in Wayne Enterprise. This girl Carol was transformed into a living weapon and she had escaped. She was made to destroy the Justice League but instead she fought to protect it. She had only put two pictures on the drive that she gave Richard. One of them was a picture of her when she was younger with long brown hair and an innocent smile with gentle spark of hope in her eyes. The other one was a recent photograph of what looked like a completely different girl. Her hair was short and black, and she no longer wore a smile. Her blue eyes were filled with pain and it looked as though the hope had died in her. I gritted my teeth, they had destroyed that innocent little girl. The Justice League had been and was debating on what to do. Black Canary said that we should track down the girl and see if she was dangerous before assuming she was evil. Superman, on the other hand, saw as a threat that need to be taken down. They had been arguing in my ear for over an hour. “How can you not see that she is just an innocent little girl,” Black Canary argued.

         “That’s what they want us to believe so she can destroy us. She even hand delivered it to us,” Superman practically yelled.

         “Enough,” I said roughly, “we are not to act as though she is a threat until she comes forth as one. Until then, we will act as though she is a missing child, which she is.”

        Superman replied almost as soon as I finished. “Look Batman, she is a living weapon that was made to destroy us all!”

         I sighed and strode to the window, “Superman she doesn’t view the world like a weapon. She views it like a lost child trying to protect the only hope that she has, us.” I paused and walked back over to my chair and looked at the picture of her younger self. “She’s been through hell and back just to protect us from herself. She must view herself as a monster out to destroy the world.”

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