Empty Bones • Wolfstar

By kissmyremass

122K 4.1K 2.7K

Modern AU in which Lily and Remus are roommates greeting 3 best friends who move in across the hall. More

Cast and intro
Sorry pt.2


4.5K 179 61
By kissmyremass

Bloodstream - Stateless

It's been a couple of days since Remus stormed out of Sirius' room. He tried to go over but Sirius was never home. He's been avoiding Remus completely.

Remus missed him. He missed the vanilla scent and his bright smile and contagious laugh and his eyes. Those gorgeous silver eyes.

He was walking around campus enjoying the different colored trees as autumn rolled around. He spotted a familiar dark haired boy.

His hair was flying everywhere making it look more messy than usual.

"James!" Remus called out waving at him. They walked closer to each other and hugged. "What's up?"

"Not much. I was on my way to meet Lily and Peter for lunch, do you wanna come with?" Remus nodded and they walked towards the restaurant.

"Have you seen Sirius?" James shook his head.

"Haven't seen him since last night. Said he was gonna stay with a friend. I didn't know he had other friends but whatever." James mumbled the last part.

"Oh. Did he say when he was coming back?" James shook his head again. They reached the restaurant and James walked in. "You know what, I'm not that hungry. I'm gonna head home." He was gone by the time James could turn around to stop him.

How could he just leave? Without even listening to what I have to say.

Remus pulled out his phone and messaged him.

I don't know where you've been or who you're with
But I'd like to see you
There's some things I'd like to say in person
Read 1:35pm

Sirius why are you ignoring me?
Read 1:36pm

Read 1:37pm


Remus unlocked his door but stopped to turn around. He stared hopelessly at the door in front of him, searching for any sign that someone would be inside. Specifically Sirius.

He sighed and walking into his quiet home. He assumed Lily was still out with Peter and James.

He stepped into his room, closing the door gently behind him. The lanky boy flopped onto his bed and let out a long sigh.

Why do I have to be so stupid.

The phone in his pocket buzzed and he rushed to pull it out. It was only Lily.

Hey love, I'm going to the movies with James. I told Peter to drop off some food for you. I'll be home around 5:00pm

Okay. See you then.

Are you alright remmy?


Okay...I love you
We'll talk when I get home

Love you too.

A knock game from the front door and Remus got up slowly to answer it.

Peter was standing there smiling brightly.

"Special delivery for Remus Lupin!" Peter shoved the food into Remus' open arms. Remus couldn't help but smile slightly.


"Is everything okay? You didn't come to lunch with us." Remus nodded. "Alright well, I'll be home if you need anything."

Peter gave Remus a warm smile before closing the door for him and leaving to his own home.

He set the box of food down on the dining table. The box revealed Remus' favorite pasta. He smiled at the thought that Lily knew him so well.

The smell made Remus feel a little sick but he knew he had to eat something. After the first bite, he began eating fiercely.

(This might be a slight trigger. If you're sensitive with eating disorders please don't read. I'll place another note when it is finished.)

He had finished quicker than he originally intended. He stood up abruptly and made his way to the refrigerator. Lily had done groceries a couple weeks ago so there was plenty of food. He pulled out anything easily accessible and set it on the table. He went through each item one by one, ignoring the sick feeling building up inside him.

He hadn't done this since he was released from that dreadful institute. Bulimia was his best friend for quite some time until he became too sick to walk. He knew all of the dangers of binge eating but when he got too stressed he just couldn't handle it. Remus had been doing so well.

Remus snapped out of his trance and took in his surroundings. His hands began shaking. soon , his whole body was shaking. He gagged and rushed to the bathroom. The contents of his stomach refused to come out.

"Fine,I'll do it myself." Remus stuck two fingers down his throat and gagged once more. Still nothing. He pushed deeper, finally releasing the mistake he had made.

(trigger is over)

His vision started to get blurry, white spots being seen. He wasn't sure how long he had been hunched over the toilet, but it didn't matter. Remus slipped into unconsciousness, falling to his side. His head slamming into the wall beside him.


"That was a great movie. Thank you for tonight, it was wonderful." Lily stood on her tip toes to give James a small kiss on the cheek. He smiled down at her and pecked her forehead. "Do you wanna come inside for some tea? Or hot chocolate?"

"I'd love to." James said foundly. Lily unlocked her door and opened it, revealing a disgusting sight. "What the...it looks like a tornado flew around your kitchen." Lily walked in carefully, avoiding stepping on any of the left over food. She stopped suddenly, her face going pale. "Lily, are you alright?" James asked.

"Remus..." Lily said solemnly. She walked quickly to the bathroom to find Remus on the floor bleeding. She fell to her knees and shook the boy lightly. "Remus wake up." no response. "Remmy please!" James stood in the doorway shocked. "Don't just stand there! Call an ambulance, NOW!"

Remus was getting even more pale by the minute, slowly slipping into nothingness.

Wow things are getting dramatic™️ This chapter feels kind of short I'm sorry

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